Semi-Weekly Herald, SATURDAY, OCTOBER », 1MH. W. C. Bl'K’l M r . Harrison has once more biitnblv Lowed down to the will of Ex-Governor A. P. Morehouse of Maryville Mo., committed suicide Sept.. 23 by cutting his jugular vein with a pocket knife. He was thought to be partially insane from sunstroke. I Woman Form an Alliauee. I BURNS malaria ADVERTISEMENTS. la ballaveff to be criukh I by pot»'»«»’” mlaen» artnubj from low, niarahy laud or Iron» decaym« »egetable matter, and which, breathed t.ilo .ha lungs, enter and polaon the blood. H * b«a»»BJ couditioD of the blood ia-maintained by takfnx Hood’a Sarsaparilla, one ia milch l«a* Hable to malaria, and Uood'a Sarsaparilla has cured many ••vere ea»ea of thia iiutrei»iug affection. a."- A Wonderful Medicine. T opeka , Kas , Sept. 24.—A char “For malaria I think Hood, Sar*»I«rilla has a State boss, ami what made it all ter for the National Woman’s Al no equal, ft has kept my chtldrffn'weU right the more humiliating was that he liance was filed with the Secretary through the summer, and up live Id one worst places for malaria in Marysville. I take bail virtually snubbed the same of State this morning. Among the Hood's Sarsaparilla ior tl at all gone ieeliug. boss in the early days of his admin incorporators are:. Mrs. Peffer. Mrs. J with great IxuefiL'’ M bs . B. F. I>«'is, Marys i • • • • ■ • »........... H ahnsy (Jo, Otis, Mrs. Gathiini French., wife of; ville. Cal. B urns ............................................ .................. istration. Itv ignoring all ofhissug Break-Bone Fever. O regon Sei retarv Frenchofthe State Farm-1 gestioiiH in the making of imfiort- i rs Alliance, and Mrs. Emma-D/ “My daughter I'earl wa« taken with dengue : Î nnt apiMiintments, hut that was be- Pack, editress of thi Topeka Farm- | for break bone) fever 2 years a -o. and my friend» tliov.glit I would lose her. I lul l almost given for«- Mr. I lnrrison was attacked with ers’ Wife. The object of the asso ip hope until she began to take itood’s Sarsa th»- second term night mare, which ciation is to establish a bureau for pai I Ila. She took tyjir bottles in four im.atha the better education of women in sud gained J& pound?- I tlianji |lo»si's ^arsa has made h<th'truckle to men. such t-<-»nioiiiic:il. social and political parilia for giving her back to me restored to as Senator Quay, for whom he must i questions, and to make and to de Health and strength.” JuiU A. K1XO, Sher- man, Texas. naiiirallv f»-< 1 the utmost contempt velop«* a better state mentally, mor Hood’s Sarsaparilla Tim boss >vr.o has won the latest . allv ami financially, with full ami I told by druggists. SI: six for prepared only victorv i- Mr M H. 'JeYoung, of f unconditional use of the ballot — »C. 1. HOOD A CO., Ajiothecaries, U>w»ll,MaM J Republic. California whii demanded a pl.n-e i •OO Doses i 'V- s - Onlfar The excitement caused by the in the Cabinet for his friend. Mr.! ............. Prairie City, Oregon. PORTER BROS. Proprietors, BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS M. M. Fstee. as the priceof the Cali ! rush for homes, at Guthrie Ok.. ha<l greatly subsided Sept. 23. fornia d»-legati»m to the republican PRACTICAL SURVEYOR Fully 500 people were gathered in Natimijil convention next year. Hie trout of the La ml Office when T. A. Mi-KINNON. demand was granted ami Mr. Estee opened on the above date. A number <»f Iowa Indians made ) was promised a placein the Cabinet W. L. MARSDEN. L. D. ------------ J a great deal of money the ■ 22d, by when the gram! shake up. which is TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, PUTTY, &c. showing boomers desirable loca I ,“T to put Set r»-tary Proctor ill the Sen tions. One Imlianboy 13yearsold BURNS, OREGON XV. E GRACE P roprietor , ate ami Attorney General Mille- on maile !|05 is this way. Oregon. Burns the bench, takes place. It is he- The negro coloni <ts were not verv A Large Assortment of A few of Jievi-d that Mr. DeYoung also in successful! in the rush. Office at (irace ’ s Ding Store. them got good claims, but in the sisti d upon naming the suecessoi majority of cases a whit»- num will _____________________________ to tin- late Mr. Swift, who was an- Has just been Received. c'liitest the claim. Thiee or four poiuted minister to Japan against negroes would si-ttl»- on a claim tin- w ishes ot Mr Estee and of boss ami will prove up on forty ai r» s j DENTIST....................Bi k . x >O regon PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED Erepared to all b»-Young, Imt it is not certain that each, but the white men want 16U | office at lhet'hv Hrugstor»» kind of demal work. Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best quality. ai'res. he sticeei »led. Teeth extracted wiih. ui pain by aid of gass A courier from Tecumseh, the PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE. 'e V. . EMBREE, M. D. M r . W iiiia'*i.-ik< r has summoned town site of the lower county seat, T. stated that the site was proclaimed offbeat hliro-i'cteu. m»‘i'«U hie ut sii the District Superintendents of the open to settlement at noon the 23d li»'« Rher. t«-i r. le» bvl-tw . uri ». Railway Mail Service to meet in ov Governor Steele. Two thousand I \\ asiilHgton some lime abolii til! pi-ople rushed in ami claimed loti. M. R. Biggb. J first ot this month in order th it There bail been po disturbance ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Governor ---- Managers. MESDAMES MORRELL & ALLEN, - they mav hive n chance to answer when the courier left. NOTARY PUBLIC, Steel»- immediately proceeded to the iiuiuerouH complaints which I Chandler, the county seat of the AND? These ladies spare no pairs to please their guests have i een made agama tin* servici iqiper county, and arrived there the real state agent limi to ilevise so ue wav of lietter- same oav That town site was to Office at Sheriffs Ol'ice, Troops ing tile same, ami he will not forget be opened the next ilav. ft. were guarding the site to prevent BURNS. - - — - - - Oregon to give each of them confidi ntiiil intrusion instriivtimis I fibre they leave fol GEO. S. SIZEMORE. A Modern amunii- their stiiiions concerning the part ATTORNEY. O regon . John Whitman, the man who B urns ,............................. that the clerks m the Railway Mail ColleeCions. Land bu-ine-s. “lid lieu' lifts (ilH) pounds in his teeth, pushed j Service me expevletl to lake iuelect»' uni ter • rouiDtlv it .ended to. I a freight car weighing <’>0,000 lbs . iirg or helping to elect Harrison ! along a switch on North street, near ' delega I ch Io I h<' nominating co .ven I Madison, on the morning of Sept • JOHN ROBINSON P rop . lion. I 23d. in the presence of about 300 i Everything in their line guaranteed ■ I people. He got between the car be 1 to l>t‘ done satisfactorily. J ewitt , P roprietor . , I he Blaine lepiiiiliciiuHare, manv I intended to push ami another, the [ 4. Leaves Burns on Mondar». Wedneeda»«. and Fridays, at 6 a. m The onlv plaee in Burns you of tilt III, beginning tn suspect that ' oraki'S of which were down. Seat £JP*Connect8 with vhe Ontario, Prineville, and Lakeview atagi8, at Burns. Good ac comodi can g.-t baths. tione for pussenger». t,»ey lire being duped in the inter ' ing himself up- n the second car, In i placet! his feet against the forward . est nt Mr Harrison, and that then 1 »-nr. and, after taking a tb-ep breath, i if Bonn tiui > hi the rumor that as gave it one mighty push with them. ,, soon as Mr. Harrison is certain that Tin- cur quivered anti th»- went for ({KA L E S T A T E A G E N T HU Y KX|><F' I T >WX l*R IPFRTY. In- inis secured a sufficient DtimlH-r ward several feet. He did this REAL KSTATEIN TIIFUMUNTRY II \NDI.ED «IX »MvftSSIoX <>f votes to make Ins defeat bv any several times, bu owitur to the ear 1 i e c inney proprietor CORKEsI* >X1>EX< E sol It ITEp i being on a grade he could not move »{be outside of Mr Blaine impossi OFFICE ATN BROWN ’ SS 1 ’ ORE. Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Wk,skies, Brandi«*» it very far. A ear weighing 2<3.(>(Hi. M»-. M-. Blaine will make a fiftmal pounds he moved with east- ..................... Oregon. Mr. , Burns, Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when statement prohibiting th»- use of Ins, I hitin. the yarilmaster. said the ear.- I you call on “Mack.” at. Drewsey, Harney county, Or. own mum- ami declaring in Mr moved would take the efforts of at ■ Harrison’s favor. If he docs there least eight ordinary men. In the afternoon Whitman gave wilt I m *a big row in th»- party. an »‘xhiliition of his sln-ugth at the gymnaaiiiin nt the Central Police M any V' ars practice has given Station. II«- handle»! a hundred I *» ■ A. Snow A- Co , solicitors of pat pound dumb-bell as if it weight-1 lints nt Washington D C. unsur five ( hiiiik I s Captain Farnan anti Proprietor. LEN HARLOW, passed succès« in obtaining patents one of his ottieers then got on Whit Sir nil classes of inventions, They ! man’s hack, who stooped over, and with his teeth picked uptwod'imh- make a specialty of rcjri t»-d cases. ' bella ti«-d together, weighing 100 Horse shoeing, repairing machinery, wood and wagon work etc. mid have seen reti a I low ama* of (MiundK and at the same time lifted ; Mv reputation as a goal watch and anything in his line done in a neat and workmari-like manner. iiiiihv patents that bave lieen pre n hundred (mund bell iiieacli hnnti. maker and jeweler is well known, violisi y rejected Their advertise 'Die liell anti men ou hi« back in all and ! refer to all mv customers. ment in another column w ill la* of weighed (>00 (aiuuds. Whitman Work always ready when promised. • also lifted "¿U0 ( hiuih I h bv his ti-elh Prices as low as consistent with1 interest to inventors, patentees. Laving out Hat on the Hour, he! manufacturer« and all who have to straj’jsd a fifty-pound bell to his good work mansliip and according to the amount i'f work done. do with patents toot, and tlieii rais«*d it up -«lowly, ; Call and*sea me. Always at my stopping at intervals, One of th«-i , T he plum* art- said to lx- dmpp most remarkable feats he «lid was post, next d»xvr to- r»'Staurant. to tv«' a twenty pound la'll on tlie W 11 CANADAY. mg mighty slow I v from the White P roprie ™* emt of a strap, the other end of Voil«e tr<f. and the impatience which he held in his teeth He #tuong those standing with unlifted then swung th«* bell around, ami forratal««ur Ad«irr«a. Hnn tjr, H aahhitfon. New Jertey. O----- O fmvs mid' open mouths is getting when lie got it high in air h«- jerketl worse him ! *»irw, and those of them it back with his terth. Whitman jrho have no vote to offer in ex the wonder, was st on«* time on the Nothing but first class pictures leaves this Gallery. Duplic*““ change are I egmnii g to fee that New York police force—Baltimore---------------- _ . • I for cat alugur I Et ____ Mayo» Daniel F. Beatty -thev are not “in it ” American. Waahlrglua, New Jerwy Dealer in Cenerai Merchandise, FOR YOUR FLOUR, GO TO THE P raipie C ity R oller M ill DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINTS, BRUSHES Phys:ran aud Surnom FINE CUTLERY, NOTIONS, Etc. DR.H.NI. HORTON BURNS RESTAURANT/ E . ATTENTIVE AND GOOD TABLE SERVICE AND TABLES WELL SUPPLIED, TONSORIAL PARLOR. Burns-Canyon Stage Line I. N. BROWN, . M K T he , D - rewsey S aloon W N Jorgensen BORNS BLACKSMITH SHOP. Watches: »“Shop nea the M. E. Church Burns T^hotogmh, CS-allerv, BEATTY’S PIAN0SÜ furnished at reduced rates. fW“Give me a call-