Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1891)
PUT YOUR w HY? ADVERTISEMENT ,T «<>F8 TFFfYRK THE PT»' I.IC I W 1« E A "«EEK IN THE HERALD. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, ÓREGOÑ. OCTOBER 3. <•’ «515 » ___________ ' * mc _____ ». ’• - - - — - - - vblj.'ir* _ _________ _ w-o w b 'u r'.v “mrxntTHE »^r? ^.u,^KU -J’ », *-... . and SATuRtFAdf.' • -1 t • ^.-.‘A,. ’ r.'-p f in wew of what t 4fie Afie ANb- IiimwETORs. a ., - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: : ~i . • • ‘ -f . -,2..' ... . I; -A ymopig. jir)di”n;uiTI7' eom^le(r .( totti ¡ iHej^^s^'•■«■ is *Alû»n.J «V T ho V u ’3'»!«,- W a St Mg,,. Yours Respectf.illv, kei.ll ^■ •Lofliti«.! jeepoilX^Al“!- ¡¿(«se ulálU^fug P- wdvr a ,., • l “ ' •sa'-• i.. ---------- • v • lk L ¡ffeíiW r Áx Je _ ;•_. A. ROBBINS . mi a. . A JJJ H (Climax Baking Powder ••.»A HER^i/D-CLUIi LIST , ' F I *-A’HimQM(ijmd aljj b 1 hej)«^- ¡raid and Harfmf’s-AIiigaziae .-I iraUl and J " ... Hariær ’ ’s Weekly . , '. , eoiumpn adult i*d in® ________ ■rajil and __________ HtWpW*S Buanr iXiami facture 4» D.VW dérat l *- U.J2. .'.'. ¡raid arid fchtnWs Young People .. j 3.75 . O. Ct. ■ HK&s'thAt » ( TF. , nê’lGffvërhme x ralti and Alden ’s Manifold Cyclopedia. Cyclopedia, ‘ raid AJden'a •>£»>rt. ;artf'’*ddltiotta) volume after Vol. I,‘5fpifeBiB: ? r / JfUXTINOTON, ... , : 'tiH ‘ Imktjtç a large per«»» ................ OREGQN. Follori ’ ing-is tlK ? fl$$ifcipi. 0 3 cents extra ver Moluinç. yiolDutj?. l>,«ta^e. p.^ta^e. ^,‘iph’ltet ~ ■ , ; ■ J ”---------------- , jMiwders "•*■ . •'x’fiàiatn ___ ALUM BAKINGII»OWirikRft.‘ - ■ fl^^Copieaof works can be gx lue«/ at 'le.suré al).tAe/tl*jve in ,i¡ tlm Ot^er. of both these ! .iifed at le.sure' in .the Reading Room ( Coni piled-fröm Otticia Í 'Rt’’'fP»Tts <ltu«& i • >. ’ PoWdérs htaslK^a*if|i^fWj^iXV n.i pernmiohs. drujÿf. g-^~ Publishers of periodicals ar«.«.dieited ma.u^W ’iñiltl usejm *7uhi‘-' '•Úo> Iocste<1111 the New; Brick Block, with plenty of room. maw* w<Hild \Yyr Ainu UK laicp. n.pi of IhvD . livjA work wsma i for »/ i t»> have a gcncr<livtjv, ji8SittT¿ ■eV Send clubbing rate«, u a v,.pv i,\ tjr ahrtii bikfrig how , «1er if F Free keiwtlUB leufiUH T‘ We file, dnd bind, the mentioned iii. ill fangt two ufjhJ QOMilwiai three fi<wra..Bridench.floor 'J ß- ! , »9 ’ p<l h. ft ‘ ojf e ■very half-volume.' r»dv«y’-v1 ter at al. iA x « * ¡T T TO ,f J, * ' S',t" * knéw it?' Mkr|t powders mil! Wiltmaintain oür'former rukvs-^^^Q Dsalin^ ¿118 PliCO- i»ies br- __ ir<ty««i ports. ■’ * ■ - .„.Ifwwanu.x. ... v if " ' •zltlantic &. I’actfi * 'Fa- .ojjj v uuderhii nbAfie Ipeaifh^ Lw f"ii nr -D<ve4’’ Ari^li + a. ’ • >-•-> ■ ’ • ’ *' ° ----------- -2 ¡ Vorité. ÇFyfital,,. , ^àlïv. monia giVes to the «•ompjetjjon it ADV^RTKHNG RATES . ■• We. «bpy ■ r'Jour, Altaite,- Stoe.k. Su]tK Barb Wire Wire', -, Liverpool Sall, A ams U t.Geid; .sail««»; or l.hitchüidMiflpf'Hiíúmi, . Th* g Wk.| n>yo 1-mo i I I. i 1 rf yr *Oipvisy<«$.. »OtfVlS • iQ. K,./4>Fy K , 'bif«t..;iw i hi1?! Í ». ; ai i K> oo I »h ■» i »11.Oo »16 presbnw ‘ if ammonia or a In tri 'm. h oo , Globe. * v KéhtrMi. ¿PuAtkJJOj Cipr^d Goods, and I'niil Mil io CAll J A),\ 1 >S. our' PriiVs ate- LOW, -, „i Globe. *vKehtrMi. '■P«y^Agj^”Ri»rfitQ . Inch i »160 * tiony ' ~ - -• - xb.lO 8 00 4.00 ó 60 I 12 oil JS OC IWrless: l-ttrity?i*Tt«.yHj: Scioto t bakfhg Dmv<VJ’« however; «-aiVeiisih ó.OOl ’ SiiX) I 1-LOO 24.00 40 00 I s ao I tie «lfa«N;teff. , •• ■ , .. '„ < 'ail? J I 4 .60. ■ >. <*H 10. 10.00 I 20.00 2 «2.40 ^0 00 Silver Spoipn; *<Slio F 54.00 I 6 00 ■J .00 16.00 ; 28.00 48.00 ‘ " ’ To I KTJftT A ’ M íioma — Míj one 481»<| -80 .00 1Ï0 00 drift, Soycreigh; S^afj^tii/ei£tand 00'1? >«)-.j0 12 «0 lti.00 28.00 I 4* ‘ •„ correspondence , solicited : «•Hnp4>4eP|f"of't.Ájtiil!g y>r»w ’ * • iH«» ” ■ t 4* , *ù « ,t -0 00 80-0b- 4U 00 I 60 00 1 110.00. 14J.'00 I afd; Sunflower, WAJlri n . di«;a|ring t< ----------- —. 1 n rr ------ I H I v I u D ’ J '. 2 1 sP ‘ > 1 1 f 111 . o £ water. « Prprietors Huntipglpn WarelWHise Yours îlespectutlv, sor. and Zrj>|/8 .Gjy % i epp: i oil Jhor,>uuhiy ft>r “i I J. H. AITKIN, SlMiager. JOB WORK .CT ’hjl/f'l Theresaie, in additiorrtMW'forr- a<L.......... .............. ... ? ‘V '■■i • ■■ "■ ■'. i-. going list,fr<t)ii'rhe Seiup^;Am^ the Sfiontihe A tuer "Tw n,1>’1’ b t-ts. Mr to.itr«iA*m huwt- . '• .i ■ ____ LL. f everv description exc<uted with neatness ■■/.»- • ■ ■■■• . i^an.. a .ntimli'er tit ;‘siuth‘^ippwde|rs'! '! H!ig,¿x;«V'i <f aÍH«o”itía i* presvni vj>ii Jjr - .' ■ ' . ■■ ' id despat« h, at reasonable rnuyi »< 1 < Platers, pifhfH-m'eH HI'O’dl YN- "tfr »H in Die lit«* I lisina tsinn .SíeaSH .alea*« irilllHIB •* « sk **« ■ Pamphlets Pamn’.Udii ’• sold tA irhe-il'VWpT)i 4hat-,twytre.« ji>tt ■ Crfltl bill Ilesas. - lieber Heads. ¡nveJt.pva, 1 )f. fihu e :< .,! J;-f ’j’ Hr .»* *4,1 1 J<-„ *** ‘ 'tUriftecUjl Vote Ilea, s, (PW». T-i« acts. fbutid in the "eastern sto»fWfip; q ; hiieineii a, Invitaii.'.HBi Dodgers,, Etc. . ItunuiHiK.a. . I;V4rA^VR<ri5*»FRY, P kopriktqrb , B urns , O regon . ,Foll6wingVlKe, r- pmctler T»5|»A|‘ ineCVear ix Mouths.......................... ’hree Months me-Year (in advAucel •JI •»i WK "uiJ ~ r• *? — ■* • w. • '*. «• -W and j?oinp!t4v Stock .of.Groceries and SuppIieF IlaniJhftjf^ijliiig totiurehnse ihrii^B.ijpplies will do well feó^ytíll at«i sep . • i¿í£' • ' ’ >*• I** f ■- t j ' x.«• e ..4 w-. yd! M'yivTna «lo for ytiti Wfore vSiii'g elsewhere. at BED HQ('j<.fp^I.Ch;S; hv a 1 1 ■ Ä. WifttM^Wftake UpttHJ'jiirbifiçt wf frtOli+cHlNA ‘”tíi¡J(>USE - íijat. P«a u»<t^L (N*yM< iwwi. ---------- 7 " 'of biiKing' ûowdeçs ,containing aïii^W*,5,‘J1?- • .... ..... _ ’ GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES I FIDELITY ¡ SOLAR -C.>-tlWt *. jn M* W. I, 0. BYUp& SON; : " . .. . - t P ublishers ' N’<\. <>6... , ---------- - ... ^- ' ■’-.¿y Semi-Weekiy HerUS,' ■ PUBLISHER 1X91 t.20” »3.1 ~ HOLESALE! RETAIL ! OO- GKbT-:H.Al,. MHiniANDUE,. ■ Ç Av - loaded With ^0008. I... *9 ,... . Be&V Quality. SEND FOR QUOTATIONS Ll. < > « i t Portland Boot & Shoe Store. ’ — ST— <\hun 11 ’B*.'. ’*‘e ___ _. ’MET • . T he II kkal P. íb kúpl reguláriy’bn F’wfor re CALl ereme, in the Leo. P/RoM'eH Newspaper Ad 4 ^t -whiuict Pakirff Powderrt’9.\t'hi< ’»fQy..<dr hi »»I rtieing burean, lo Sonic«?at.'.Htew Y uk ; F orest city : <- ' Ai)rn'mi4Ui;A'l.vpi. ** (V.HHvie Brvb,-t;ie\f ’and f). , . I •• ■ . \ e »» i v s'l v^r*. v,»a- v pair. € H w ago fFAUU T'f^A st 5* </’ A m ii&i)i:v ” Win ’n V OFFICIAL - directory . . . ,. . c (Chapman (Chapinft” A & SvutÄ.n-gviye^, sm i < ^,■) |‘Bof Wv’ylÄ«*’’’'} - Byif^^'a^; —- •- Afk'T'- liifld/s J > .. : j u « y£i i f i i ¿ti» H é y»fcTh < j tír; I < 41*,' A‘ J*^**f. i> ,’f ■ r^«fai -rjA^J W< k/' i, < Í j y'(. uy in/rg'^ttr «:«-itÍp(;‘ iitifí^HU-The »¡niwdér ’in 'ir wiíTo^vlJi 'ú,> ¿ÍT«” v<is 'AmUjO'llu ’ *.41l ’ U»f j. ” »'MCe, 'lull is I . national : L ho T el , Contains i«''iA^» Hvtijumin liar riso ■] | -; . (J (j c. c. GraA'^jV^gF«wdgXifo0»i« Gra.d >_ — t:.k> - I»’ •’<’•• '■.•L'ltMHjt fMM-.|kiV «resident wXe rswwkkMPP- ft, e Pr«‘Sidcnt. Srr.jtbii r.jurt.' jfyrt’m^. ; ; - w Ja..i‘VS Ci. .J le, re'.ary ofouaie ' ' Foster, h. (Npraguei^ WKlTiTiX'^igÄorirc. ^f’CW» * tJ . cbaric* F , 1er re. ary oßTre«Bury • jjFnW’ r é¿! 1 too I.. m*b*s iWevwpy iiNEAI’Ook XA iXtrJT 8 ÄriHiioniit Al • Kobie H retàrv Of M«1 er.¥ . " 4'. > ÍTÍ^.I'.’ "•■'Ht’p Bw-u’/ ,'-7 stockB.>.ilS„ en.r Shoes, of ' the ¡very best raaU'v just received ’ Cheapest” Place? in Town for Cash. dring neatly done. M^AJs,!. Custom ; js4>- . i g--'r - ‘ . ' WHITS ^F’nioKr'r -¡..S'T j A » ■ k '■ —■'• ■ livery leeret ary of-War .-*• le< reiarv ,4 Saisi ■• - o Benjamin F. Traiey .< JerenHab M. Rvfek ' . A- leereiary of Agri, ulture .,*?■ •■ Wai. H. Mihvr ' BATLEY A.^ALlnniLL, Utoruev General . . Proprietors. John Wanamaker -SHAW’S SNliW », »¡master General ii"mfewuh pl f *■1 ■ th’k t hi'-folh>^ing i y » * (Mer< ha^yta* . »T.XTE—OREGON-. J, kt^(K ryij.ti- j.i.ti>*i’'ÇU;' • ,i . Í „ ( J. N. DdlpB j f l'núiv.••Ti.iî't t .-írrfn.H Hifi) I ot l»ak L.s.SeuaXiwa K ( J. it Mit, han J&A3Sl*‘jB^RSt -l.iiiir.liÄ', Yl ' R. Binger Hermenn jsHEPAUl*1,« ?on«rvBBniair ¿w'Ami|im D.Svlvesier Pennoyer ;p '■** *ki i. .vj. t »uw« hiiU’.jP'untl inivernor ' v* tWiu. H, .^hehKftrd, tft. (ailÄpH*--'• ‘¿? i ’ - ; in. . Jlev. W. »e< ret ary of Slate ! diiltj vhorJtwiHiy ¡»I»- ««*•««r'lTstrnwg- — RAI n X A hut I r l ’ hil. Metschan, R frenanrer . J. B. McElrot (Me) tl’i’wHe l^g; jfijjj«■;., i bupi. i’ui/Hc I lift ruction ,R “ s n»l ii if . ,i’ , , 1'l- fed ■ Frank bakei monarch ’ ■V “ ;• Ajiim’iiti.i tvmmi. i-lóo <-^r&Yr$,u< r <’'t;irHlé(* i< giaie Printer w • ,r • . . •. "■ >». Beati. xfr'i HtoA^W : l'jjjr: iligMíijrfU tiííAMMÍ««’ mass ls • Win. I’, l.ord iupreme Judges ■ ,4> ! ) W. W. Thg,er • i snow ba #/¿r rm, 1 '*»•- ” » "M-i. • - ;-^r kf-s. .•■• ’ -is* ’ iWkLnStL' n .-. ji.-(.iitul <>r (*;i' r, , ’is]>i,>i<iitul ot «au-i 'vatet Rhetiliin S. Strahm | , (ItsArtbul KTT^w»» A bpiíe ,Mn’/4^**v>' -V I. J , The Proprietors of the White Front Liverv Stable as (BenRgl-iíñík*^ , o^ silver NIXTICr Jl’’ir»ieiA-LJ bIHTH’lot . .. X-- ■ ;...- Att+Hf «*’•»' |«|< - • v.> - - ... - '4?. ’ GTÄKT sures th«*> pttblie they nre prepared to acqnnimodate *M.'lt-C uiiohu Aym^"é”'ti iPSfryt *,.11.11.■< i?r <^t< District Judge J? 4'.’ > • ■' ■ ii/b T’1 ? ,'ii'' , in every wnyjn their line of business -'CHAS. E. Hrnt M'' ’i w Ä S «PADV ru t .Attorney .D A< At.|'«H> ;«♦•<• ’!««■ silver '«pl U.S. Dt’kTIN Join l-Kepieseni stive ,.Jb); anti jgrifin- eoiistnntlv on hands, and careftil handa. -y.A^til'^nj«. pWl P i^;^ .(D) ItENKY liLA, KHAS echo , «• ' W ‘ )'L,-í1x4W r;Uí T; Joint-seuatur ■ ‘ ' -TT- , ■ ■■ * . - » *. I rTD..yc’l»ie-'iysJ.a^- fi rig'ht : i I an | Bassètigers taken to.all parts <>f the vountrv. Job Wagon'it, eonnectioM COINTY— : W ■ -• - HARNEY , KABFELtX.FU’KlTY \r-VyWW?-5’ i ■ . ... i ......... ■ - ’ . tDL W m . MUCRE $ ... . .. w VI bac U - . County - idge ( m e. _.. w : E. g ba «.« [■ Clerk ••.¿i(m JI. R obekts rising SfN .„ - ;’*i ” rtnli” ‘ .’.k ’’t*»/ . T. A. **•» TreuHiirer .’jB (Phe.inix tjiertn al M-•r«r.*J4<■ : ■• 1 .N"" 5’„w I" IHW (D> T. Al A McKlMNON I bun vi or ir'J'/JI* ' <P) _.;A.A. couimj Bhenii BVERLEY A STtlKBI.EflKI.n ----- I'roori.t.., lid :u«4h sltP-l'l^^ ^^L^^^PJtll Almifor ¿ ihas .N e .'ELL I i <G)«de C. See A- spi< e Nil* » _ Al ■-*“ «i«-..Lrw<?ttÚ¿; .IDK W h .A ltno * ' (Th.s t.^-’:,...-r«.i t,,p,i2ito^ li.AiiXL’O- d.’lrcl (Th, a W...d*<M W«s «I a <w .Phln.evh1 . - „ í t- f & & URNS BUTCHER SHOP Comm irai*wer« ----- u . V. HARNhi V V . Register Kv< eiver -r - ■ ,'U> t Lytle Howard:* a FORJCW (8’ PEA H I. (ÍL E. 1 ;------ r2-' *• .AndfykS a c,» , M * i ÿ - .j*» s. t . a Hl«h«kri«rit!' 1 ’ ' . J. B.'H untington j /j , _ /..H arrison KsccEir^ ,»■ i "Z> «I» '* « •*- *'rf ...u. si . . r CHURCH -iS** •*> DIH^CTp.RY. • i .--r “7! . f< URNS METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH^ M.D. WILSON Pastor, , There will be preaching by the pastor in each month ss follows,until further notne' « ist Sabbath—Kurt s^-'at 11 a in, and 4:80 p m , 2d Sabbath—is ano bi hool House— at 11 a m | ’’ —Harney—at 7:30 p m. : 2d Sabbath—burns—«J JI a in, and 4:30 p m, , 4th rabbaih-e.Hari.e»-^aiIla.U). and.7:;.0p m, — . .... ... ■ » ‘- i-.i &afc 4- ■» '. > « ckmi & v WAFFvéí? ' ’/* ' ' i i ; ÚL* c 'P ot PIES,, .. wbpi*- , r pjyc > din £ s . ¡ADJ .*• úkeLj,'«-, * . '■ ¿kKpSf r - fa ■< ntb. at odd FNfass* UaU< AU «letnrSdes lit goodsl Sliding invited.» • . „ • cK. F •• « v ———?---- T. - : l*he Incorporated NORTHWESIfflN «All. Í' ?’>. x '»"A 9"!?«, ... TRANSPORTATION Company. C. C. McCoy, General Manaqu. 4- r i»SBk'«>ikri?powdert. aQ ,D t .-P tm ®* 8tages leave Burns. Oreenn, daily for Harney, Drewm-y. B« ulak ’■ ’ W^lfall And Vale, where ' •ve dauBe Connection is Made 1 retaiíthttrmoi«.! 4*Tjd Ane ¿^.fey Viti T-* 4 <»u„d «.„y «d TC ,-pUéd;n*«A«r*. 0( L«i>« "»»d« ' «Am ami»iiï^ftt;P»^der pncs'SjÇlsrfl B?i^f F— A • vbxiu - vaui ;. . ...___ ' . . Arr|Ttf and departs daily^feuiulaj i eicvpted. . * •. • —u : ’ J BpBM^taiiVow M Bifs-ittaiiTOwriTT; rinr; ■ ■*,. y, îrrLvet_ Monday, M<]în«ft^‘ WeÄieMtt» WpQne«»taj>, Frid^fakpi FridasSjipm. » fMvet l'a*<*rT»*ada)s. Tuesdaj » • am n 1 7” Full weight givem . u>n» b«r"? of the block. ’ Mutton, pork. • -venison and gnd«e. when on the market. -e, V .r • ■ I ’ a. r- *1*«/ z . .^5__________________ »- T V ... < .•* » * ' *■ . 4 , «.. 1 >■ ......................................................... CORN BFtíÉ^d U. 8. MAIL«. -tv.7 . r .'MU^FtNg-- ' £ HARN^V LODGE, Nt». J7, I. V, V( F J ~Meet« at Odd Fellow• Hail, every Saturday j T Mpm, H, M H omtom , N.tK J Ben Frown. Tress «-... ._ . . . . r Y V b • í ¿1 SOCIETIES. ** •' w.*- feewr«»C’«2. :.,-P**PL V I *4 ■ (Qf Pure food**u" ; i» with the raiirotid* GfXM^frpaKJporae*, paxrfni drivers, now v« hi<’l« a. --------- -------------------- loungj i ONTARIO AND ”lM»kV»IM RATES OF PAROME HURNS Bumsyèn*tariê «• "fllJlAlW« *■' ■'Tf” os M i I Barna to Vale - Wes' Fall •• “ lirrsse, •• •• Harney . ? «.«• 1 A tagét 30t>n tv.FRCh Passenger. Frieght «tld Pnwengèri must Ffllipenger fare paid in advance.- ’ ♦••»'tei way-bilTed NERi A< Ki.Es, >? M.V aiohn , Divieion Agent. Burna Agent Gen. ßwp’t. Pta»« ta«»»—e,•» .......... ï 6« I ,-. •*