1891. STENGER A Con^criiot’s Christmas BY JoEI. CllAN'DLEIt HARRIS part of this quiet group of men to b - clameront« or bouaftul. There was a certain ehynetui in their at titude, in of men willing to r.polo- c - ...1..., .,,i„|,r ^Pt.|n fo he un- Haater’s **aerazine IL L Ü 8T Horses bi un ileil rated ILLUSTRATED. Either The impo.tant nerl-s or |-aI>er, - . America, by Theodore b:l<l. will he<vw3 in Helper's Magazine daring the gres'n of the year 1«H. "he articles on Soother« I? if.irnia. bv Charles Dudley Warner, will 2 be continued Among other Hole Wurth, • tracli.it s will lie a novel by Charles gJ; iraddo. k: a collection of original ilrawlZ? W. M. Thu< kerai. now published for the time: a novel written and illnstrat-d *>« du Maurier: a novellette bv Willi..,, p* llowells: and a .Serb sot papers of ps«,»* London bv Waller I esant. * In the number and variety of illluatriM, pern and articles on other subjects of tinsl.? terest. as well as in the irnrraelled charsriej i a abort atorii s, mien.8, etc , H akcek '. m , c zine will continue to maintain lhat .„.JJ excellence for which it has fieec s< l0B.‘o tii.guished * 2 From The Century: tange—Harnev p o—Burns- » “ Ni r me nutlier.” Hiiid the hunch- back, io the eheerfuleat manner. ••\n’ then thar's Spurlock—Lord }•••*; I han’t axt him about it, but I it a boss lie don't like to be dog- «... / ...... !..._ ’> «.nii a tv. Oregon. '. . ." ...miltv. Oregon- -71' 2 C a TTLK Let branded ileicircle- Range—Harney and Hrant county Oregon l<tt ,M_ turns. Harimv countyC/r.---------- we’re a gwine to —AND 1 — SO THAT *. raw ” r 1 To be c Mil Ì uid.l - HARPE It’S MAC. AZINE HARBER'S WEEKLY 2 II AR PER'S BAZAR HARPER’S YOUNO PEOPLE S I’odage Free to all Stil>«rilier.i ¡nd I'tiited Suites. Camilla.or Mexico. | The volumes of '.tie Magazine begin rill the Numbers for June anil DecemberJ cue li vcar. When no ime o U'eeiiied.J -criplioiis will begin with the Number ¡J rem at time of receipt of order. Round volume- of Harper's Msgazin. three years I mick , in near cloth binding. nJ be'eiit by mail, post-paid,un recei|itoijj ¡.er volume. Clo.h Cases, lor biiidinz.il cents each—by mail, po<t-pnid. Index to Harper's Magazine. Alpini^ cal. Analytical, and Cla‘-itied, for V'lluJ 1 io 70, inelu-ive, from .lune. IH50 to Jun,* lss.5, one vol. 8 VO. Clo.h. $1.00 Remittances should be made hv fY-ba, Money Order, or Hrafi, toavoiil chanced | loss. Andress HARPER A BROTHERS,S« I York. - Cleanse tteòpeh' rjfi — p nt.oz HARPER’S PERK).‘[CS Per Year: | ; patent LSl’OND- <• out singing «I ncjiro ditiv ¿»iWWIQÖ A'«c CO-O^iG . »» or mere n UHIOU SQUARE, n ‘cmCAio. ill B oston . mass . atlai T* r <- V.. * - cailas -TU1“ .«asti h vi Oi., .... s' I ui.Cl>CO part meut. A CÌ C.^Cs’K-a ' CT L.’. In ^" acknowledged the best for Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroads PRICES I . .DUCED. fodby (lonk r: - F.¿«.¡GUT PAID flcMILIEVS tOl LTIlY ISETTiNG. N-. w Hii:u No p'-. -inu’ No bagginp* -a licavr Selvnee. Vhe McMullen Woven Wirt Fence Co., Chicago, I1L LARGEST AN{ S tory P aper ILLUSTRATED FAMILY WEEKLY IN THE UNITED STATES ONLY $2.00 PER rHE YEA? All vther Story Papers $3.00 per Year U t ¡1 » I PROCESSION AND WRITE FOR S/inFLB' SAMPLE THE CHICAGO LEDGER. F'- W. D. BOYCE. Publisher, CHICAGO, ILL. R: If your Newsdealer or Newsboy |L does not handle the Ledger, HARPER'S RAZAK HARPER'S HARPER ’S MAGAZINE WEEKLY *! IHUPUPS YOl’NG PEOPl.c. J 1’. stage Free to all subscribers in the Unites S a:« s, i anada, or Mexico. j The volumes of the bazar begin wilh lhefi* J lumber for January of eai h »ear. *11*"” is lime is nun:ioiied, autscrip'io* »I'1 •"*. with he Number current at thetimeof ret«r of Itotiud order. volumes of Harper's I’szar Mt 'car in neat cloih binding. will besenW«"' I" s ave paid' or by express, free of ex|*‘; 1 provided the freight does not exceed «0« ™ lai iloih per Volume) or $7 volume. . for . ,o i uses to'em h a volume, suitable b" Ing will be seirtbv mat! p. spaidon receipt ♦I Remittances ea< h. should be made by M1 I Moi.ev order or Draft, to avoid < haacei'l Adress HARPER A ItR'lTHE* **K- Newspapers are not to copy any " al' of the above adver'isenien's ' express order of HARPER A BROTH»® ' ask him to write to no, and we will send them to him on sale. hvit li" n 'I* not l'SMer n 1 Speak to your Newsdealer about it. IJWH 925-000 U.IU4H » THE SATURDAY I ' M (WiÄ W ■ t • rn 10 A’MS r - ■ - » * CE»T I** Tilt- ONLY « COT TO S7..L P.m ■’•rf — ' -“.ILL ft • COPIES wee ». BLADE HAS THE UFSe<T rmy r. r-r , • s s ' - ' , ! ' £?; i'aK TOfi Tmde-Msrks ohtsined. and««* ent business conducted for HHodira'« I *»*■ ®*C» '» OnposHe U. lees S. P^t" 1 «nd we rin secure pateat in timetha» “"" remot- fmm Washington. _ .— bena nrndel. drawing or photo., with***} tion. U e advise, if parectable nr ■*»<- fee not due till patent is A P -How to Obtain - name* .»factual client« in your State, cow town, sent free. AdcfreM. C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Patent OSes. Wssiwngtea, A *•