Ssmi-Weekiy Herald, BURNS malaria Governor Campbeli’i»Opening. In his speech at Tidney, Govern- to beltoTot to be <-auw<l by poi«o «o-» nilwra. artaiox from low, marshy land or ftuin deca.« lux orCampbell has gratified his friends r eget able matter, ami which, breathed ' »1« W Eb N EMÖA Y SEPTE Al BER SO. 1SMJ. and disappointed his enemies, He lungs, enter and poison the blood. H a lieaio.y condition of the blood is it aintalned by taking has made a strong opening for the Hood'« Sarsaparilla, one is much leas liable to w. «;. tn itb. Editor. Democratic campaign in Ohio, and malaria, and Hood'aSareaparilla ha« cured many «evere casea ot thia distressing ull't-clion. by following it out strongly he can I' iie ,vacation season being about A Wonderful Medicine. carry the state. lie must remem over toe administration has returned ••For malaria I think Hood s Sar«ai>aril!n has ber that everything now depends on no equal. it has kept uiv children well right I to Washington to continue its hard him because it is on him that the through tlie summer, and we live iu one of the ivi rk in behalf of the nomination places for malar.a in Marysville. I take party must unite. He has an ag worst Hood's Sarsaparilla ¡or that ull gone feeling, tiinl election of Mr. Benjamin Har gressive platform behind him, and with great benefit,'5 Mas. B. F. Pavia, Marya- rison tor a second term. Thev are nniking his campaign as aggressive, vllle, Cal. Break-Bone l'cver. ali at work except Mr Blaine and ! us the platform he can carry the “My daughter Pearl wa« taken with dengue lie is expeeted 'mon, and Secretary | state,¡is he «*ould not pttssibly carry tor break bone) fever 2 years ire. and my friends Proctor who is taking his last op I would lose her. I ba I almost given it otherwise. If he makes his tight tliov.rbt •ip b«i% uutll she began to take Hood's sarsa jiortmiity of a pleasure jaunt at the I as strong as his platform he can paillla. she took four bottles In four month«, VXp« lire ot the iM'ople l.y going on gained 15 pounds. I thank Hood's Sarsa [carry not only the Denmeratic vote «nd tmrilla for giving her bach- to me restored to an “«lop eiion tour” of the Western of Ohio, but the votes of manv who health and strength.” J ulia A. K ino , Sher- Military posts, but lie has spent so have not heretofore acted with the uan, Texas. little time in Washington since he Hood’s Sarsaparilla Lemi'cratic party. There will le became a member of the cabinet si me loss, of course. Mr. Uamp-i •old by druggists. $1; 3ix f< ; $■’>. Prepared only that liis al sence doesn’t count. »I. H'XlDdtCO.. AlHithei arles. Ixswell, Maaa I'cll has imide enemies among men [ IOO ’■»oses Hollar who call themselves Democrats; I I ill- Rus-ian bear nvins to be en but Trueman made the Name elic BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. gnued in toning up his appetite pre, and so did Pendleton, it is punitory «o devouring Turkey, with PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. useless to waste time on them, The I «>r w ii hi'lit t il<- consent of t he test of T. A. McKINNON. appeal must i e made, i.ot to them ’ I Eiiiop)-. Upon si-ieni’ occasions bill, tothe people of the stale. It's not W. L. MARSDEN. L. D. in t In- past when the conditioiis were nearly somuch a matterof educating ! * I lunch as thev are now the British I them as it is of leading them. Give i Physician srd Sumen, bon Ims stepped leiween the tear J them lemlership, and they will over- J mill his proposed victiin just in tiIII«“. Oregon. throw John Sh< rmaii and McKin- Burns . . .. M ill he dii so again? is now th«“ J <ey together. Il is easier to beat qm-stion ot <|iiesti<>ns with those Olin e at (¡race’s Ding Store. I iht'in ialiti together than it would <b.,ep'v ititi restiti ill European af to «iefeat them singly. The Deiuo- fairs. i'latie p'aiform will t>eiit them noih .t it is toiiglit out in the cam Finn Doiighiis having lost llis DENTIST................. B urns O regon . paign Alni it is quite evineiit that »flit v hi ihc’iiv lJrugSturu Prepared to all ollice. and seeing no chance to get uf tleniHl w«,rk noth must lie beaten or neither. kind Teeth ext rut ten with« ut pain by aid of gaea. another one. announces his with By tying biniseli to Sherman now «Iniwal from politic« just as his T. V . EMBREE, M. D. McKinley has gieatly weakened ir hi t e I ' rot hers I in ve done 11 uder si iu • Orfìceai hi» re« • r< t e o.« .'De cubi idü <>t bil hilus« It. tor in the past he has con- vi vu Itiver. !•.. iiet i/vi«»w i iiri.R. iair circumstniiees. Who savs the i di-mned Sherman’s fraudulaiil ti- negro is not advancing? M H. Biggs, ' nance as clearly by his vote m th«' - administration believes in ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, shouting for civil service reform last Congress Sherman condemned the lolly of the McKinley bill. The NOTARY PUBLIC, w hile it winks at the open violation Democratic platform mak«s a teli- AM> ot the law in behalf of ils friends by lag a'tiick on l«th McKina-y ami REAL ESTATE At ¡ENT. Federal officials '•hermiiii, ami if ih« Ohio Demo ( Illiev at Sheriff' t Illiev, M any years practice has given «■rats cam.ot succeed on that piai BURNS. ------ Oregon C A Snow A» Co solicitors of put torni they ca:iiu>t succeed at all. GEO. S. SIZEMORE. < ><id i '.‘i t s’ <'oncLkl ruts tit Washington D unsur ATTORNEY. pilSH«“«l success ill ol.ta ifiitig p-itelits I I h * coi .da V o ■ I I ho I;i»]oj> ndcrit B urns . ........................... OHEGON. I. iiik I Ini-ine s. mui Real for nil clnsses of inventions. Thev 0r«l«T of (»ini ¡'eil«> vs of Americ. Kstiitv uhi tv: ro.oidh a .tended to. milk»“ n specialty of rejet ted cnses. was imiug rated the 21st ¡list., it Iiml have secured allowance of St. Lew's, ''o . will) one of the most T3WRT PARLOR, many patents that have been pre striking str<it parades th it eitv ha- The <».l«l !•'• lb ws Everything in their line guaranteed viotislv r«“je«-ti<| Th«“ir nd vertise cv r known. <■ practical!' took poss«-s»ion of th. i __ ♦" !•«> done satisfactorily. in«“iit in another column w ill be o I city. iiik I the arrivals so far exceisl ; fMF* I’he onlv place in Burns you interest to inventors. patentees, can g?t baths. •ed al) exp. etations that fully 25, ' manufacturéis and all who have to (M“i() vi'itors were present to t:ik< UL> -N«i»» v.. do with patents part in the «lemonstrations, of which BROWN, i.OOO parti<“ipat«*d in th«- pa".“i«|c. ! -V-. irge So thoroughly imbued were the del- ; I taly Illis once more declined to GENT«“s with th«- spirit of the occa R E A y L \ X E i ■ s S " i T A >w T X E I’lt A i PERT V take any official par in the World’s sion that th«“y se«“me<| loth to lose [ RE A I nr EST'TE 'X THE «¿HNTRY II \X'i>I.FIi '•X >' iM'ftssioX' Fair. This time in a t«-r ton com any t me whatever in reaching the) < ’ IRRE-P' iy'111'Vi F stilli ITFI» mittee of Anierieaiiiz.ed Italians seei.e of operations, ami broke from | OFFICE AT N.BROWN’S S TORE, ..................... Oregon’ which ha<l tried its pi rsausive |»>.v the trains in a wild rush for the I Burns, street cars lik«» sh«“ep. Cantons .•««• ' ers in a resolution of invitation to companied by barn’s of music be W. w .^rgrensen th«“ Italian government asking that came separated from each other! it co operate with th«» committee in and pro “ceded to their several heart seeing that Italy was properly rep quarters by different routes.preerv ing as much military precision as resented at the Fair tHSsible under th«» circumstances. ! amlin many instances the cantons [ I t is probable that all the mem- arrived at their destination some 1 era of the W orld’s Fair booming time before th«“ music that should committee, which has just returned hav«- pr«H'«“ed,'<l them The blare of trumpets and the from a jaunt through the dining rooms of Europe will have to take a fitting uniform of th«“ Patriarchs Millita«it. cnntril>ut<»<l to make th«* course of treatment f>r indigestion s«-«“ii«‘ an impressive one So grvat I My reputation as a good watch before returning to plain every day was th«“ excitemelit that th«“ Recep- maker and jeweler is well known, tiou Commiitee was finally com- and ! refer to all mv customers. American fare ll«“«l to forego all attempts at dis- Work always ready when promised. |H>sing of th«' delegates offer the Prices as low as consistent with D emocrats in Washington regard plan abopted. and resignedly al good work manship and according to F asseti as an easy man to defeat lowed to follow their own impulses. the amount of work done. for the governorship of New York The stre« Is leading from the depot , Call ami s«-e me. Always at nay It will l»e sufficient for the |HM«pl«- were alive with delegates from the J post. next door to restaurant. to know that he is Tom Platt’s time of the first train, ami soon th«“, striking uniforms of the Patriarchs! man Millitnnt ami the emblems of the order worn by the «“ivic delegates r.-rramlow A<i<tnraa. Hoo. Daniel È Beat I t is estimated fl at at least ffiO, wrer«“ to be s«“en upon every thor «y. W aahininon. New Jeraey. pOO.UOOrrf the governments paper oughfare downtown, thote who had money supposed to le in circulation already arrived increasing the num- ls-r until it seeiiM^ thnt the streets for <-«tal<wue I » _______ ’ Mayer Daniel F Peate has I*en lost or d< strayed. could hold no more. WtabiHflun. N.w Jerery DR. H.M. HORTON AL ions' tioinysoN ADVERTISEMENTS. Dealer in General Merchandise, B urns ............................................... O regon . • . H absm • •4 FOR YOUR FLOUR, GO TO THE PRAIB1E CITY ROLLER MILL. Prairie City, Oregon PORTER BROS. Proprietors DRUGS. MEDICINES, > PAINTS, BRUS ___ - TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, PUTTY, àc. BURNS, ORE( W. E GRACE P roprietor , A Large Assortment of FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS. Etc. Has just been Received. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUND 'gf Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best quality PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE. BURNS RESTAURANT, Managers, MESDAMES MORRELL à ALLEN, These ladies spare no pairs to please their guests ATTENTIVE AND GOOD TABLE SERVII AND TABLES WELL SUPPLIED, Burns-Canyon Stage Line, 1. J ewitt , P roprietor . Leaves Burns on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 6 a. m. £W*<-’onnects with the Ontario, PriueviHe, and Lakeview stages, at Burns. Good sc tluiiB for ptthseiigers. N. Watches BEAÏÏY'SORGANSâ BF.ATTÏS PIANOS® T he D rewsey S aloon I E. McKINNEY, - - . _ _ P roprif « Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Wk.skies, Brandi* Wines. Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when you call on “Mack.” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. BURNS BLACKS1TH SHOP. LEN HARLOW, Proprietor Horse shoeing, repairing machinery, wood and wagon work etc. and anything in his line done in a neat and workman-like nianotf fWShop near the M. E. Church Burns IPhotograuh CSrallerv, w H CANADAY, P roprietor O- -O- Nothing but first class pictures leaves this Gallery. furnished at reduced rates. Dvplic»* gMTC.ive me * call.