Semi-Weekly Herald, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, ll»l. L as LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY newspaper in this county . Official County Paper. Local News. —James Sweitzer is still very lick. —We had a social dance last Wednesday night. —Harney county has $1,474,880 korth of taxable property. —W. Y. King returned last Wed pesday from Corvallis. —Mrs. Young and daughter have tented Mrs. James Copshall’s house. —Notice the card of Dr. W. L. Marsden on second page of this ssue. —Harry Thompson, and family, parted this morning for Drewsey, d visit friends. i —Chas. Frye arrived, last Thurs lay, wit h a six horse load of freight Dr the A. Robbins store. i —It seems as though the vonng Dlks of Burns are not “in it” when t comes to dancing of late. — A fine select stock of excellent tone jars, received at Cal Geer’s lardware Store. For sale cheap. —Go to the meat shop of Martin Jyerlev for your vegetables, pota oes, cabbage, squashes, onions etc. —Chas. Anderson desires all par les owing him hotel bills to settle he same immediately and save [ost. A-29 —The Sheriff says this is the nst time he will notify delinquent »ax-payers See notice in another lolumn. —The A. Ribbins store received tn iron door for their cellar. They yill now soon have a fine fire-proot jellar. —Lee Caldwell, who expected to Itart to Portland in a few davs. is Sonbned to his bed of typhoid lever. — Ben Brown received a lot of Box Elder seed, from the Payette Nursery, to be sown on his timber culture. —New Stock of Glass, Putty, faints, Oils, Brushes, etc., at Geer’s. No charge for cutting glass if von buv of me — F or S ai . e —Forty-five or fifty head of good stock horses, cheap for cash. Inquire of M. R. Biggs for particulars. b-16 — All parties indebted to the butcher shop now owned by Byerley (t Stublefield are requested to call and settle up to this date. —R C. Ceer, accompanied by the d—1 of this office, went duck hunt- ingone evening of this week. Ducks me very plentiful, we should judge.. from the number they brought in —The Red Front livery stable under the management of Bill Woods is getting a big run of cus tom Bill knows a horse conse quentlv understands how to care for I hem. —We called on our neighbor the other evening who was hard at work fixing a parasol over his water buck­ et. He said, although he had but a short distance to pack his water, pvery time he got home it would oe wet. —We have been informed, by go‘»d authority, that among the small stock men of this vicinity, there will lie l»etween 400 or 500 head of beef cattle gathered and put in pastures, in about 10 days or two weeks, ready for the buyer. Seemingly, persons wanting to buv heef come here thinking that no one else has cattle to sell but the large stock men of this country, pou are much mstaken gentleman; there are small stock dealers here, County. all delinquent taxes remaining un ­ Geo W Ila.wBu ing them a happy wedded life. ------- —- ------------------------------------------------- 3 vb . / Suintnot». paid at »lie expiration of thirty davs CITATION. Cornelius Howard? —Stockmen can now g-t honest from the date hereof will be collect­ To Cornelius Howard, defendant. To all heir r reditora and others interested in weights bv shipping or «elling stock ed by levy and sale as the law di­ In the name of the Stale of Oregon ihv I»mI Will ami Tea anient of M . p (.«lea govern yourselves ac­ appearand answer the complaint filed against Take noli« v that the Exe< utor N (). Gates hna you in theatiove entitle«! action at the above Ihisda* filed his Fii al Aceount in th«* mailer ing just completed one of Fairbanks cordingly.” entitled court, upon the first day of the next of btivli l-R'HfeHi)d b* » rder of same <1* e the Stock Scales, and arranged a large regular term, after the expiration of the period H«>n. ('«»nut* < otirt of the state ot Oregon fof Dated this September 22nd 1891. allowed n of tills Notice, to- Harnev Count* Ins app. it led ll <* ;d < ay of corral for the purpose. Certified A. A C owing , wlt :on tlie 2» th t.ay of o< tobvr, IX! i. No*einber ixQ| nt a regular term of said < < url will take Notice that if v.»n fail so to do, t<> be h«»lden iu and for Haruv* (’• uui* afoie* weights given. 4-24. Sheriff of Harney County Ore. the You pluintitf'w ill, for want thereof, take judg­ said, hr the time and p’a< e of hearing riiiiiv . ment a »¿a it Bt you for the ruiii of |.oo. with the —There will he a meeting of the therefore »nd on siiid dn\ fi e «d>jec- ChildIsujoy further ruiiib ot JLO inten a , accruing interest tioi *ppear r if an* exist uhy thepra er of the Exv« ut- Democratic Central Committee men The pleasant flavor, gentle action and cor b to be taxed. or l»v not gra itvd the ivpoii approved, the I fl­ BiiinmouB I b published by order of the tale <•’» Red, the pr.'pert * dl»> ribu'ed no« ordiu“ held during circuit court at Burns. and soothing eflects of Svrup of H Thia uii . James A. fee, one of the judges of tlie to the M Hl. t he »amv be on.«*rv«1 and th«* Rai.. Ï.1 above entiled Court,of datethe 7tn day of Sep­ Executor «Its« harmed from the duties ..I hit The day and hour has not y< t been Figs, when in need of a hxative, tember, 1X91. rust and his boto sinen re.caved from Inrthfr determined but it is expected that and if the father or mother be cos­ liaoilit* in t lie pnoniscR. T ho IMT on W illiams ,/ Afton c ? b Done niif mo livre for their drinks a specialty. A billiard ta­ by local applications, as they can­ out of the Circuit Court of thv Slate of Oregon, over children **bile teetlilng. with perfect sue«-vsa not reach the diseased portion of the for Harney (’«.iinty, on the ’.Hth dav of .Ini* A. Il R »«ithcs the < hild, softenB inv umi «. m II m B ble for the amusement of guests. 1*J1, upon a decree rendered in said court a 'I pelii, i tire» wind colic, anti in the beat rein­ ear. Th?re is only one way to cure D. entered of recor<1 on the kfttn da* of Ma» A ed* for Diarrhetra. la pleasant 1.» »he taste, —It now anpears as though ex­ deafness, and that is by constitu­ and 1) 1X91, in a cause therein pending wherein, sold by Drungis a in every part of thv World. E. If King la plaintiff and John M President Balmaceda.of Chili, failed tional remedies. Deafness caused SwortB T went) five « viiir it Dot Hr. Its va ’tie is ini al< ii- and Glen W. Miller, partner» as Nworts lahlr Be sure and nek for Mre Winslow*» A Miller, and J. L. Sitz. Defendants Said tie Southing to effect an escape from that coun­ by an inflamed condition of the cree Syrup, and take no other kind. being in favor «»I »aid Plaintiff and agaii at try. as has been reported, ami fear­ mucous lining of the Eustachian said Defendant» for thv Bum of fl-.«- hundred and forty four arid 71-1(0 dollar» '|>|| 71 100| Noi !<•«•. ing that he would lx? detected and Tut >e. When this tube gets in­ and Inteieat thereon at x per «enr per annum from thekfith day of Mav A. D 1X91. and for tlie put to death he become insane and flamed you have a rumbling sound forech of a Mechanl« a Den of date the »(th The H erai . d knows of two bay shot himself through the temple in or imperfect hearing, and when it dav of Bure pereini»er A. D. IX9u and duly filed f.»r on the said k4th dav »»f December A. D. his room at the Argentine Legation is entirely closed.Deafness is the re­ record 1x90. with the Count* Clerk of Harney county work horses one branded on left >reg«»n,the said lien being in favor of E. U. in Santiago Sept., 19 sult. and unless the inflammation < Klug They made their the aia»ve narne two and one half Btorv wooden dwelling house. R R., break the long-distance re­ destroyed forever; nine cases out of n«»w upon the Southeast quarter of the Nor] In Townahlp cord, making 436 miles in 440 min­ ten are caused bv catarrh, which is t**ent»-eight of (*2M) Houth «»f Range thirt* fi*v(<-»j ters on. Any one having lust horse» nothing but an inflamed condition E bbi W M . b Dig and being In Harney roiintv about that time can reci ive a full utes, including stopi. The first two Oregon, and directing me to ael) nan I dwelling Iteing 3| minutes each, the last 7 of the mucous surfaces. and lands f<» Mliaf* aa description and particulars bv writ­ Now, the ref »re. I will offer and »ell said land We will give One Hundred Doi and minutes. Deducting the time thus dwelling h >UBc to-wit: That certain large ing or calling at this office and pay­ one half atorv w«»»»dvn dwelling b*,uae, ing for this notice. lost, the actual running lime was lars for any caseof Deafness (caused tw«»and situated upon the Souihraat quarter of the by catarrh) that we cannot cure by NorthetiRt quarter of Mectlon tweni* (.01 in 426 minutes. twenty-eight H«»nth of Range taking Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send Township C«»n«umplioa Cured thirty>five E. W. M ronialnlng forty acres —A gentleman from the Malheur fi r circulars, free. lying and iteing in Harney r.,unty Oregon, t«v A old ph e slci an, retired from prsrike ha> y leather with all and aingular the tenements, Ina had plated in his hands bi hi » Esst ,h«dt> selling water mellons gave us a call E J. C heney A Co., Toledo, () and appunenancea, thereunto Misst.mar* ihe formula of s simple t cge»ablt yesterday, and brought a mellon in fW*Eor sale at the City Drug hvreditamcniB belonging or in anv manner app^r alnlug and remedy f«»r the speed* and permanent 14*). h»r «ash to the high­ wonderful curative powers in th. usaur'a <#* est b‘4«ler at public auction at th«* front l«a»r of cases, has felt It hiB duty t*> make It known rçj edy for this, and that is for some A