Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1891)
Ssmi-Weekly Herald, Blame in Muteaiwhufcein». malaria burns advertisements . !■ believed to be caused by polso.ion nilaren arising from low, marshy laud or from decaying vegetable matter, and which, breathed LHo ;b. lungs, enter and poison the blood. If a heaohy condition of the blood Is maintained by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, one is much less liable to malaria, and Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured man; severe eases of thia distressing affection. Boston. Mass., Sept. 16—The Globe to-day made a canvass of the dele gates to the Republican State Con W. C. HVKIl Editor vention as to their choice for Presi -- -- - dent in 1892 with the following re I t ip difficult to see what Secre sult: Blaine 372. Harrison 47. Alger A Wonderful Medicine. tary Foster can gain by putting off, ’ 4, McKinley 2, scattering 4. "For malaria I think Hood's Sarsaparilla has no equal. It has kept my children well right •jrxler any and all sorts of excuses, through the summer, and we live in one of the tlie payment of the various appro- i A Harney county mule was struck worst places for malaria lu Marysville. I take Dealer in General Merchandise, firiations made by the billion dol by lightning, recently, and so badly Hood's Sarsaparilla ior that all gone feeling, great benefit.” Mas. B. F. Davis, Marys H arnet lar Congress. The revenues of the | injured that tt became necessary to with B urns ... ville, Cal. O regon . government are not increasing suf i kill him. Aside from James G. Break-Bone Fever. ficientlv rapid for him to even hope Blaine this is the only mule ever “My daughter Pearl was taken with dengue break-bone) fever 2 years a.-o. and my friends that the economy of the next Con-1 struck by lightning. But this is an (or thought I would lose her. I had almost given gross will allow the Treasury to I era of surprises It is hard to tell up hope until she began to take Hood’s Sarsa parilla. She took four bottles in four months, Catch up with the extravagances of I what may happen next year.—Sun and gained 15 pounds. I thank Hood’s Sarsa Parilla for giviug her back to me restored to the last. The aim of the adminis day Welcome. health and strength.” J ulia A. K ino , Sher FOR YOUR FLOUR, GO TO THE tration i" doubtless to so manipu-j man, Texas. late and juggle with the finances of, When you’re languid and dull in Hood’s Sarsaparilla the country as to stave off theactual the spring of the year, ■told by druggists. 11: six for F Prepared only deficit in theTreasury, which would When stomach and liver all out of HyC. I. HOOD4CO., Apothecaries, lx>well,MaM now be of large dimernsionp if nil • OO Doses Ono Dollar gear, Prairie City, Oregon. PORTER BROS. Proprietors the payments legally provided for When you’re stupid at morn and BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS were made, by ' hanging uo” appro feverish at night, limitions until after the Presidential And nothing gives relish and noth PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. Election, then if their party is de- ing goes right, t . a . M c K innon , featid, and defeat for (hem appears Don’t try any nostrum, elixer, or W. L. MARSDEN, L. D. at this time to be as certain as any pill,— future political event can be they "Golden Medical Discovery” just will proceed to make the deficit as Physician and Sureeon, W. E GRACE P roprietor , fills the bill. large as possible in order to embar Tile surest and best of all reme- Oregon. Burns rass the incoming democratic ad dies for all disorders of the liver, A Large Assortment of ministration. stomach and blood, is Dr. Pierce’s Office at Grace’s Drugstore. •we ■ FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS. Etc. W. B. T asçott the alleged ( tolden Medical discovery. Has just been Received. Chicago muroerer has been found of •lohn Moore by Taking DR. H.M. HORTON again This time he was a tramp PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUND!» “Hough on Hat#.” DENTIST............. B urns O regon . in South Carolina and was arrested office Ht the City Drug Store Prepared to all fJF Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best quality John Moore, a shoe fitter, died kind of dental work. upon information furnished by Teeth extracted without pain by aid of gun«. PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE. another tramp who claimed tube a tn San Francisco a few days ago. frem the effect of a dose of "rough T. V. . EMBREE, M. I). detective. The two tramps will on rats, ” taken with suicidal intent. Office ut his rc«i<’e» < e o.. ihe e«bt ide oi Sil probably be well fed until the vies River, te: irilet below burns. Chicago officers have visited them ‘ Moore was 30 years of age and a M. R. Biggs, a id pronounced them frauds, then native of Wales. He was found tnc matter will quiet down until dead in bed at his horns nt 33 Al- Managers. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, MESDAMES MORRELL & ALLEN, another Taseott is found. There is varado street. NOTARY PUBLIC, He was the son of Robert Moore. un average of about three months AND These ladies spare no pains to please their guests time between the findings, and no of the firm of Mattern A Moore, REAL ESTATE AGENT. section of the country has been' leather merchants of 25 New Mont ATTENTIVE AND GOOD TABLE SERVICE Office at Sheriffs Office, gomery street. Several days ago slighted. he returned to that city from Santa BURNS, ------- Oregon AND TABLES WELL SUPPLIED. Wil.I.IK Waldorf Astor, of New Cruz, where he had been for several GEO. S. SIZEMORE, York, who since his failuie to bnv months. He hail been drinking ATTORNEY, * I heavily for some time and for this a seat in the Home of Renresentativs B urns , ................. ......... O regon . Collection*, Land biuinesM. and Real has spent the greater part of his had often been reprimanded by his Estait* matter iromptlv aiten<le<l tu. time regretting thut he was born in brother, On a table near his bed- TONSORIAL PARLOR, America, ami not in some country side was found the following note: JOHN ROBINSON P rop . Burns-Canyon Stage Line, where his immense wealth would Dear Father: Forgive me for Everything in their line guaranteed enable him to purchase a place in I what I have done, and kiss my I. J ewitt , P roprietor . to be done satisfactorily. Leaven Burnt on Momiaia, WedneBilaj«, and Friday«, tt6i. m the ranks of the nobility, has, in an mother and sister for me. fH^*The onlv place in Burns you i^-ConnecUi with the Ontario, Prineville, and Lakeview «tage«, at Burn«. Good *c co»»« effort to remedy that defect, re tiom for paateugert. J ohn . can get baths. nounced America as a residence The Coroner was notified of the and gone to Europe to live. Amer suicide ami the remains were re N. BROWN, ica can stand it if Europe can. moved to the Morgue, The parents of the deceased are at Santa Cruz R E A L E s ’ t a T E A GENT M any years practice has given AN|> SEI I.TOWN PROPERTY. ami a younger brother went there REAl. BUY FBTATKIN TllKCHfNTRY HANDLED C. A. Snow A Co., solicitors of pat ON COMMISSION I E. McKINNEY, - - - - _ P roprietor | to break the sad news CORREsi ONDEM E SOLICITED i ents at Washington D C.. unsur Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors — Wk.skies, Brandi* OFFICE AT N.BROWN’S S LORE, passed success in obtaining patents \ BiiriiMlr \ broad. W ines, F ancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when Burns, ................................. Oregon. for all classes of inventions. They you call on ‘Mack.’ at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. z\ copy of the Sunday Morning make a s|s*cialtv of rejec ted cases, W- N. Jorgensen and have secured allowance of News, published at Youngstown many patents that have been pre- Ohio, under date of Sept. 13th. con í viouslv rejected. Their advertise tains the following interesting item meut in another column will be of concerning M Sworts. of the firtr. interest to inventors, patentees, of Sworts A Millerf the sheep own manufacturers and all who have to ers of this county: Proprietor. LEN HARLOW, "Wally" Riley, the notorious, as do with patents. sumed another roll last evening but Watches: A lthough the recent New York one that is in line with his previous Horse shoeing, repairing machinery, wood and wagon work etc. record, that of highway robber. republican convention was con and anything in his line done in a neat and workman-like manner. Mv reputation as a good watch While M. Sworts. of Baker City trolled bv Boss Platt it did not en maker and jeweler is well known, tirely neglect ex-Senator Miller. Gre , who is in the city engaged in and I refer to all mv customers. Shop near the M. E. Church Platt’s one time rival, as it put a selling horses was passing down Work always readv when promised. plank in its platform endorsing Ins North Hasel street early last even Prices as low as consistent with Nicaragua canal scheme although ing he was the object of "Wally's" good workmanship and according to Bums I^hotogranh Grallerv, it is a difficult matter to understand attempted robbery. "Wally" tried the amount of work done. Call and see ms. Always at my the connection between the Nicara to kt.ock Sworts out and then ritle He picked on the post, next door to restaurant. gua canal scheme ami New York his pockets P roprietor W H CANADAY, Sworts who is a wrong man. politics brawny westerner, hit the would-be for rataAdtlrraa. Hon Dan tel F. Beat T he favorite game in Roumania assaulter and sent hint dying into tjr. Washing!«»», Maw Jerwy O- O' and the street. He was picked up is freeiing out King Kings, especi "S PIANOS^ ally if there be three or four of them arrested and locked up, and will are difficult to frwie out in this probably spend several in ore Nothing but first clam pictures leaves this Gallery. DupLc» tor rataloaur t __ Kx " Mavar tiaaiel F Boatt» months in the workhouse. country. Waahlacton. Na« Jrraay furnished at reduced rates. ^W“Give me a call SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 18SL PRAIP1E CITY ROLLER MILL. BURNS RESTAURANT, BEÂTÏÏ’SORGANS â