PUT YOUR rrgon ADVEKTISEM 1 \ 1 IN THE HERA .11 VOL. IV. WHY? BECAUSE IT GOES BEFORE THE PUB- TWICE A WEEK BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 26, Semi-Weekly Herald, NEEDED LEGISLATION. Section 2 —The sale or offer for sale of the substance mentioned in PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. the foregoing section in packages The recent newspaper discussion J not stamped, marked, branded or W. C. BYRD a SON. of the dangerous qualities of am-i labelled as therein required, shall P ublishers and P roprietors . : monia comes from the alarming in- be prima-facie evidence of know­ | crease of its use in baking powders. ledge of the character of said sub­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: People who absorb it in small quan stance, on the part of the person so One » ear ................. 13.00 Six Months. 1.50 tides from dav to dav suffer from | selling or offering for sale and his Three Months .75 One Year (in advance) 2.60 slow ammonia poisoning. Taken employer. HERALD CLUB LIST internally in sufficient quantities it • Section 3.—This Act shall be in Herald and Harper'? Magazine................5.00 force on and after its passage. Herald and Harper’s Weekly . 5.20 eats away the coatings of the stom-1 Herald and Harper’s Bazar 5.20 N ote .—An incident occurd in the Herald and Harper's Young People 3.75 aeh and intestines and causes death Herald and Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia, .2.90 j Slow ammonia poisoning produces house when the senate bill came up Each additional volume after Vol. I, 55 cents: 10 cents extra iter volume, postage. various forms of stomach trouble. for passage, inrefrenceto an amend­ Copies of all the above works can bv ex Not one women in ten thousand ment propose!» bv Mr. Diment, This »mined at leisure in the Reading Room would use an ammonia baking pow­ was opposed by several members, Publisher« of periodicals are solicited Such powders Mr, Feu said that if the bill as it to «ena clubbing ratea, a copy of their work for der if she knew it. yur Free Readin« Room—We file, and bind the not onley udermine the health, but came from the senate was all right latter at close of every half-volume, end , copiea bv advertisement. I Amonia imparts a fallow and then the amendment was all wrong. The amendment compelling the blotched complexion. ADVERTISING RATES: Following is the bill recently printing of the word “Ammonia” on SPACE ■ 1 wk 2 wk I 1 mo j 3 mo j 6 mo j ! yr the label only affected the Royal ‘M) fill 00 '»15.00 passed by the Minnesota senate. »1.50 »2.50 l’»5 00 3 00 4 00 G .50 12u3i 1X00 25. CO Baking Powder, and no wonder ! 3.50 5.00 X00 15.00 1 24.00 40 00 It’s the danger signal which the law 1 4.50 6 00 10.00 20 00 ! 32.00 50.00 they felt, the senate bill was a blow throws out for the protection of the 6.00 9.00 15.00 28.00 1 4X 00 54.00 1 12.90 16 00 2X00 4X00 1 XO.OO 120 00 at them. 1 20 00 30.00 40.00 «e oo I no oo 140.00 people: A Bill for an Act to Herniate The Traffic in Baking Powder JOB WORK Section 1.—Any person wbo sbail I Of every description executed with neatness Hong Fat, the boss of the borax knowingly sell or procure the sale, and despatch, at reasonable rates. Posters, Pamphlets marsh came in town the other day Circulars, or offer for sale of any package or Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Note Heads, Cards, TicKets, to get the wt-a her clerk to stop the Statements, can of Baking Powder, containing Invitations, Dodgers. Etc. Memoranda rain. The under water, any Ammonia in it, not distinctly, T he H erald is kept regularly on file for re Hong sav n man heap ferenee, in ilie Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad legibly and durably branded.stamp­ ertiaing Bureau. 10 Spruce at.. New York. t giant pow- ed or marked in a conspicuous place foole. All der in b'k ■ more lain, with the words in the English lan­ OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Chinaman e borax—no guage “This Baking Powder con- maker no licee.. no glub. What’s I tains Ammonia” in letters of great NATION Al,: a malla — wha for? ” — Candelaria Benjamin liar rlso : pica, or anv letters equivalent there President ....... Levi P. Morton Vice-President. James G. Blaine ! to in let gth, shall be guilty of a Belt. Secretary of State Charles Foster. Secretary of Treasury John W. Noble 1 misdemeanor, and punished bv a The detonation of a new heavy ecretary of Interior Red held Proctor Secretary of War Benjamin F. Tracey I fine not less than #20 nor more than caliber gun at Ingolstadt recently Secretary of Navy Jeremiah M. R'isk Secretary of Agriculture. Wm. H. Miller $50; shall be confined in the Coun­ smashed all the windows of a rail­ Attorney General John Wanamaker Postmaster General ty Jail not less than ten nor more way train that was passing the ar­ «TATE—OREGON: „ ( J. N. Dolph i than twenty days or by both fine tillery range ¡it the time. Fortun­ I «Senators.. K -| J. H Mitchau R. Binger Hermeun and imprisonment at the discretion ately none of the passengers were Congressman 1>.Sylvester Pennoyer Geo. W. McBride of the court. injured. secretary of State Bakina Powder Bill Paaaed by the Minnesota Senate.. I Phil. Metschan. J. B. McElroy Frank Bakei > K. S. Bean. ' Wm. P. Lord Supreme Judges ) W. W. Thayer Rheubiu S. Strahm SIXTH JUDICIAL district : M. D. C lifford District Judge C has . F. H yde District Attorney D. S. D ustin Joint-Representative .(D) H enry B lackman Joint-Senator GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES I ^•1 QUOTE YOTT-^j Drv Granulated Sugar, $ 9.75 per 100!b I have just received a full and a Salt, ......................... 2.10 u complete Stock of Dry Goods, Nails,........................... 7.50 u keg. G-oceries, Hardware, Tinware Flour,........................... 6.00 a barrel Notions, etc., which I will sell Omaha Bacon........... 13.50 u lOOtt, at BEDROCK PRICES FOR Coal Oil (Pearl)......... 300 u can CASH ONLY H. E. T hompson , Yours Respectfully, Manager. A. ROBBINS WHOLESALE ! o. HUNTINGTON, c ............. RETAIL ! CO. .............. OREGON, G eneral M erchandise , We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room, occupying three floors, and each floor loaded With gOODS. Will maintain our former rules: Square Dealing« (JIie Price' We bnv rlour, Meats, fetock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Sall. Canned Goods, and Coal Oil in CAR LOADS. Our Prices are LOW. SEND FOR QUOTATIONS 1 ! CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Prprietors Huntington Warehouse. Yours Respecfully, J. IL AITKIN, Manager. Portland Boot & Shoe Store LUNABURG & FRY, P roprietors , B urns , O regon . StockBoots umi Shoe», of the very best juat duality received Cheapest Place in Town for Cash. O^^Alio, Cu»tom work *us, Wednesdays. Fridays, «pis. '■eaves Tuesdays. Tuesdays A Saturdays « am. Chemists are employed to I Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder is re­ ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, or any other adulterant In fact, the purity of this ideal powder has never been ques­ tioned. TRANSPORTATION Companv C. C. McCoy, General Manager, -------- O-:-O-------- Stages leave Burns, Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, Beulah Westfall anil Vale, where Close Connection is Made with the railroad. Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehicles, RATES OF FARE FROM BURNS TO ONTARIO AND INTEKVKNINd POINTS Burns to Vale Burns, to Ontario »10 on | •• •• West Fall •• •• Grove city * .50 « •• •• Drewao* •• •• Beulah « 00 ' • •• Harney •• • Pine Creek IM I Baggage, 30fhs to each Passenger. Frieght and Passengers Passenger fan- paid in ad vance. •>e way-billed. ~ N eri A cki . es , J M.V aughn , H arry F loyd , Division Agent. Burns Agent Gen. Sup’t. 4