Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1891)
A Conscript’s Christmas, well, I tell you what, he’s the bull er the woods, Danny Lemmons is; irj'.hin’ more ner less. He ain’t BY JOKL CHANDLER HARRIS. bigger ’n mv two fiats, an’ he’s ’diet ed. an’ he’s all erippled up in the Prom The Century: Sitting thun, Chadwick felt to, ! hack, whar he had it broke when he thinking; thinking, he fell into a was a baby, an’ yit he’s in-about dose. He caught himself nodding the [s-artest man on the mountain, more than once, and upbraided an’ he’s the toughest an’ sooplest. himself bitterly. Still he nodded ¡An’ more ’n that he’s gol them — he, a soldier on duty at his post. j things up here,” Spurlock went on, How long he slept he could not tell i tupping his head significantly. but. he sm/denlv »rwok’e to find him Cbftdwick understood this to mean Combines the juice of the B.ue Figs of self dragged backward from the log that Leni.nons, whatever might be California, so laxativ-- and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of P1*1’15 by strong hands. He would have his afflictions, had brain’s enough known to be most benehcul ‘he I and to spare human system, forming the OM ' PLK- made some resistence, for he was I There was a pause in the conver-| FECT REMEDY to act gently yet a fearless man at heart and a tough promptly on the nation, and then Chadwick, looking One to handle in a knock-down and KIDNEY3, LIVER AM BOWELS dragout tussell; but resistence was at bound wrists, which were be- -AND T giitning ’ to chafe and swell, spoke j useless. He had been taken at a Cleansethe Effectually, disadvantage, and befori he could up. — SO THAT - me? ” he make a serious effort in his own be i "Wliat’s your will wi’ PURE BLOOD, REFRcb’rHNC- SL. EP, half lie was lying flat of his back I asked. “Well.” said Spurlock, rising to | HEALTH and STRENGTH with his hands tied and as helpless Naturally follow. Every one is using it his feet. “ I ’ m a gwine to empty «s an infant He looked up ami and all are delighted v.ilh it. Ask youl druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu discovered that his captor was Israel vour gun, an' tote vour pistoi for you, ¡in’ invite you down to Uncle j factured only by the Spurlock. ’t worry,” I CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. “Well, blame my scaly hide," Billy’« Oli, you needn . . i F kancisco , C al . , observing Chad ’s I Vot ( ’isv’f r ”, S\N he went on U N ew ’ Y ork , N exclaimed Chadwick, making an disturbed expression; “they ’ wick re ex- ’ involuntary effort to free his hands. i pectin' of you. i’ollv’s lol’ ’em i For sale at Jord ¡in & Harton’s ‘‘You’re the identical man I’m a you'd likelv conn- buck.” Drug St'»rr. huntin’.” |Tv» be L’uii i lied.| PENSION, POSTAL. LAND and “An’ now you’re sorrv you went Off g*k B »1 , he earned at om ’’’ line of work, an’ finin’ me, I reckon,” INDIAN DEPREDATION L in; iiL.v and In in-roLl , by those of ffwTl I I JVj ¿»Mi u hi r i jM, «nd In tin ii "Well, I ain’t as glad as I ’lowed | ¿Nil Uli I II on n . • m to «,w In r. 'u they live Any CLAIMS. IllWlltl l] one < do i||.- n < tk. lusy to lc«rn. furnish «’ery thing. We start you. No risk. 1 • it can dev»» o I’d be,” said Chadwick, "Yit We y.»vr s|Mtrw uioiMMMta, or all your time to the work. 'I hi» *• «n new lead,and brings w ouderful sm < ess i.. «-very winker nuther am I so mighty sorry, One i entirely B< Tinners are earning from d-o to f JO p< r v ■ < k »nil uj n LAW OFFICES OF ami more a tier a litt 1« experience. We can furnish you the rm nloynn-nt and teach y«u • ' No »puce to explain here. Full way or ’nother I knowed in reason Uiviiualiou FiiK-i. *i’Z'"’ I’.< <>.. A G.tiiA. MAlbt I’d run up on you.” ■ I IV i /Vi I » "You’re just right,” responded Tfo ¿clobratod French Eure. Israel not ill-naturedlv. Yon fell •v-- \PHnOD3TINE” ST in my arms same as a gal in a hon I j c : a Pw«w* » • • ■— eymoon. Leinnie lift you up, ns UNDER THE DIRECTION OF C’.AHAr.TZ: the muh* said when he kicked the W. R. HEARST. (Editor and Pro torero any fc-n cincrvo’.ialsc«,. j prietor Sun Francisco Examiner.) nigger over the fence. Maybe you • run / caAori.cruf tha c ’nvaUvac.- JOHN WEDDEliBURN, Manager. will look purtier when you swap v. hi’er ur.. In GIS F. Street, Northwest Washing ecus.’’ Thereupon Israel helped fr j *cxcc t .»c ton. D. • . u L...nul«iJw , AFTER Chadwick to his feet. .’ob vcco or Opid..i, , . ert oi.; >i)o :l..lul in., «ere- ’l prnítifc in the Supreme Court cf the lon,ov r!r n .ulmncy.á.- ‘ .ojenes Lccf Brain I n Wi ie<l es. the <*ourt o. t laims, the severa __________ "\oit ketched me that time, eer ’jwer, WaL 'Incsj.I.- r down lain. In i lie i (’• ur h «*f i he I is*ri» i «.f (’.»JumMa. before Com- m : .• k, se::i or. I Weakucr s .Uy.ñc: 1 'a. Nervous Pr'S- inith s «»fu.oigrvss. auü 'he Executive Bep’s. tain shore,” said the latter, looking .ration, N turial * L .! * * 'r;.i,|c corrluva. blz- ': no-'.!. 1 < f I'nivcraml Impo- We n! 1 .tin P< ntdonn anil Patents. ’v, '.'cíele. :1 pron ain-o at Spurlock and laughing; “tiny ’4 npy. ,r*o ?.:• I fu«-.z':--.r-' y ( Dab .6boxee Indian Depredation Claims and all ‘ cf r-!cc’ ain’t no two wavs about that. I or A M V, >0. "! ? ;.’l znr .< i r -’ .; V -.1'»: ¡J given for ehissess of Land Claims, Mining. /.•v< ' was a-aettin’ on the log thar a-nod . rerr-'. . -’"rr**’■''.V'-1.1 >r"'--n l f .cinoncy If Preemlion and Homestead cases nont c-n li t’ C'e-*. if. We hà’ O a ’ icf h'«tlmo-.Ji’.i ; ic’d n- I yot'.nr. Prosecuted I t-fore the General land din’ an’ a-drennin’ ’bo«.t Christmas r :ou bo- 11 «, ivhomiv»» imr-i |w.-- -am-ntly cnn I / l.'icu: ■ i . Aplir.nuUuii. i m iilarirve. Addir11 otliee. Deimrtinent of the Interior ’Tain’t m inv days off, I reckon.” and the Supreme Court. ’C-'RO "Oh. yes!" exclaimed Spurlock A TH'* ■'■1 ..del». Bax£7. rou7LA..w. G a. sarenstically; “a mighty purtv For Siile ut W. E. Gruee’n Drug ■a ■ ■ ■W^a“*N4«FNIS”frivcfHrwtnnt H g I ■ H ■ IrvlH'f m.d i< mi infallitao dh-ain. I bet a boss. You was fix- Store RJ» È! 9 l'uro l’or 1’11»«. l'm-ejl. Hy • » /a • W I I Ilriiggietsor mini. Sniimles in up tor to cram me in Lovejoy’s 3 IH H ■ Wfn‘».A<ldrrss“A5 IKLSIS,” | 3 Ma K3 Wy Box WUt, New York Uiy. stockin’. A mighty nice present (I! I <1 a been toohy shore. Stidili r bangin’ up his stockin’, Lovejoy was r • • • « «>1 a aimin’ for to hang me up Oh, « HtCl'f/i «•tub’.y rvH.i yes! Christmas dreams is so mighty su e W< tii i me« t tv ir wh . nice an’ tine, I'm a great mind to W g <1 /or It ¡»air \ ularitiei, K ver kt.o set right down here an’ have one er XjL u» tail. x* Sent by mail ao* mv own-A-one of them kin' er •yv) for 99. Address dreams what sgot o froked tail an' \ The Apbro Medicine tire works mixed up on it ” COMPANY, K ’THl.-piMEST: ■ Wentern B unch, "\V ell," said Chnewick, with som Doi 2T» Portland* < repm. seriousness, “whose stia kin’ is you - ún ( w twseuxiïTwœ- H UHIOM SQUABC H. < •M'BVKU» For Sale at the Drug Store a-gwine to cram me in?" BTLW.U» roR SALX QY "In whose else's but Danny Lem NEW HOME SEWING MA moiis's? An’ won’t he holler ini' CHINE CO.'72.> Market St., take on? Why, 1 wouldn't miss San Francisco. Cal ►ecin' Danny Lemmons take on for l’aictic Department. a hat toll of aliinplaatere, Dang mv buttons ef I would!" Chadwick looked at his captor with aome c irioaitv. There was no laingU»» k» testify that 1 ti».,i Paster Kov nfg's Nerve Tonic >»tb Uw best «nort hs t< trace of ill feeling or bad humor in sleeplessness, and believe bat it is rvall) a^rva aufferiag buuiai.:!y E. FM a JCK Pa» Spurlock's tone, nor in liia attitude. relief St fur Kaverin. Ksviertou P O.. l a I The situation was so queer that it L ar V f <» as . New Mexico, July \ 9V. Wb*n 1 «at young si« niof' vi !. ,d a Ta, was comical,and Chadwick (aughtsi right and she gave me her tin w txaai we aloud as he thought alxnit it In «as er« tag and two hours after I bad th« flr* A | mu .| i:» • <»i '.formatim and tib ie iaws,Mowing! How p this Spurlock heartily joined him, attack of bean iliaraso Pastor Kis-m»; « «••nt*, (arcMtv Trail« IVntic bss <1 ne me much gt> d ami la* b« and the situation would have ,’'«lrrd eflocK MI< ( ! i. \ *Vl.l dual Nysanm» l«»r 2u b ..r* »evined doublv queer to u passer-tn Mrs J P Show wHteg Inn i>ayi<n . chancing along and observing c»je o . Nevada 1 have had i»o r. , y S|<aains since I Ux»k l4a*Ulr K a ’ tor and prisem-r laughing and chat ritde ffiMaha, «lih-' icl I had «her« K» r- ar« ---------------- * TalwaMa ««mb an Nervoue ling no aimablv together. » se>i< free «a anv addreea, ■ paueuta caa aim» obtain "Who, in the name of goodness, Ik kte f«ee of charga This r»m*d» ha* t»eou »rsvarrd by th« Rewrtod ia Danny Lemmon’a." PwMtor «»< Fort Warwe» Ind. id new UT* and unto« prrpan d umbrhU dirvcU«>u b> tha "Lord!" exclaimed Sput lock, lift HF.ÄT IX THK WeKLB. wwiMtfquMlitmMarw unaurrauew rt . actua l; ing bath hands, "don't ast UM about •KOKNIC MID. CO.. Chicago, Ilk «utlaatiag two boxee of aay other brand. Ne by IWmret.u »1 »I aw Ikon*, »for *& •fluted by beau MTSrr TM K fiKM < IW I. Danny Lem mana. He's—he’s— Rohl LorvaUlw. MI.1&. • B o IU m Ibr FOR»ALF NT nrt. FlWGRMKKALLT. J//» nii mihr i fJ C lw FREEST F BAZE R 1891. P. F. STENGER. Haaser’s Magazine ILLUSTRATED lionet blinded ■ithor Right or Left ILLUSTRATED. The Important eeriei of pane» „„ , i America, by Theodorp Child, will be in Harper'» Magazine during the zreJi.,w 1 of the year 1W1. She article» on Sooth». ?• ifornia, hv Charlea Dudley Warner win1* tange—Harney county, Oregon. O.—Burns. Harney county. Oregon. 27-iy be continued Among other noteworth. traction» will be a novel by Ch*r|e, p.* Craddock; »collection of original drawl,,!? ALMEDA a . STENGER. W. M. Thackeray, now pnblinhed for th»*« time; a novel written and illustrated b« 11 du Maurier; a novellette bv Willi,,,fu C attle branded Howells: and atserie,of paper, of n»n.» London by Walter Be»ant. il bell side; circle- In the number and variety of lllluatraM per» and articles on other subjects of time * > i it A terest. a, well as in the ii'irraelled < h,r,etwi its short stories, t.oenis, etc-, H arpe ,’, y ’ zink will continue to maintain that ataiwZ excellence for which it ha, been an io,,., tiiiKuished. •* Range—Harney andGrant county Oregon HARPER ’ S PERIO i ’ ICS 1'. o.—Hurni. Hartley county. Or.________ Pensions, THE DISABILITY BILL IS A LAW. Soldiers disabled since the war are Entitled Dependent widows and Parents now de pendent whose sons died from the efleers of army service are included. If you wish vour< laiin speedily and siiecessfu ly prose- uted, a I Ire * * JAM ES TANNER, I.ate Coinniinioner of Pensimi». WASHINGTON, D PATEN-.... 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C. r I it gi< ts. ai r ] i< s< 1 is a reo m <<,rillf ,,iiliy ai <1 iliieterl 1 g, of lhe 1 A - r > ! i umleit ikr-fo br’rfty i ci,, lis ai i. n< 1 chi ii tn>»< f, nr Owe leiuli J > 'i 'rlligi m | • r-< u i.t ciilier, 1 M.ppeu ill's vii I e <. i Hi vic ii «ex, i i i*-i-(l mid Mrife,ami alio, >,v. ill M ik iuilubtrioualy, hex vi'lle Huai’ iiutitli. aitWt, SB B* i* I after , >. < ill. < riiii nl, i> p< 11ul>i< al, < r i <,< rlpilu liow 111 < Ill ’ ll i -.i ’ CV I .*U I'ellara a Yrariutlndr<«w n l< < < i s < n u a' i eu ai < . and vill <i mlg. aihitia,wi . key live. 1 «\ ill h ' imi furnish the situntioii or Miup 1.» ______ r.._ n il e tl c Lesro < • n n «1 < ail. n »Mil No money for m<- mil- ss aiicees- '■yiiieiit,n! v i i 'I x . ii run eimi llmt iiinount. -above Easily Mini quickly learned. I desire but one work-' -t. n l>< slowed . ii pa, issues In lhe pmi have slremly tHiiglit mid pre. r li.mi each district <>r< • i.uty. 1 e public. Asafamiii Journal, Harper, ’d wlili crvpli-y nieiii a Imge •lumber, w ho lire milking over iu. ....................... hereioL re. le ediiei. widi each, li s N I ami .SO?,? i. I ..Il parli, uir I-’s'l.l' \ d • ' • •< U. A Jx.,.;A. 1 .»N * _ ______ J, Address nt om r rthe qna'aiis that n t.Le it i '‘.J AiiuuMi!, A.uiue to e ver., home. 613 & G1Ô 7th Stroot, II. W. O WOVEN WIRE TeatFENCIWC .WIRE ROPE SELVAGE ACKNOWLEDGED THE 1 S or Lawns, Gardens, tarns, fcnchec and F>. kGadi •ItXCESlk.DUCED. Sold by denlerb. FK b .IGHT PA’I S lOLLTRY M.rTIN;.. Nrv. I h ?; k «■o i lifgmg! No baggiria! Extra Heavy s- !- '2he McMullen Wovon Wiro Fence Ho., Chicago, Ill tí .4.1» HARPER'S YOUNG PF iPLE 2.0 Poatage Free to all sul serf liers in the I'nild stun i amnia,, r Mexit o. Tin- Vo.limes of the Weekly will begin witl he first Number for .iai liar, of eai h ye«r, When is mentioned, sill scrip, oissill l.eslii with lhe Number < urreni at liineofr* < eipi of order. 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Opposite Patent Office, wasnmpton, 0. C - i '¡’tie f<>rtiin*«h»vrt««*nmudfa. ivi-ik 1.4 us, l»v Anna Pi rc, Austin, lei«». Iin,| .j„„. h„n,,t Toledo. Ohio cut. Oth'-rnarrdoiiigns well. Why < t you? Some » am over #600.00 a nonth. T-'ii «in, do the work and live t home, w b*rm ,.T y,.u are ¡rTen 5,.. rnnrrx are raailv earning from #6 to • * a day. All »get. Writbow vou h«-w • - d Mart you < an w,.rk |n . ’ linit or all the time. Ilig monrx wrwork uaknown arm ag them. N I- W »ndwnwderftil Particular»free. I <»x o ?• rtlund.MalM THE ONLY THUE IRON TONIC °r fc’Tng’h an.ilirwj ■■ r-r tri w forex. Fnlirrm*th» minj ___^r» ° Power u ADIES ÆESæFiîâ ftr.HAffiTV PER year : HAIU’ER WEEKLY' ........ HA RPER’S MAGAZINE HARPER'S. BAZAR.................. rCPlCINX CO x! ! II a it per s B azar is a j..tirna f«>r lhe home iving thelaest infurmH -oil wi h reus rd to he 1‘Tishioi s i s numen us illusiratiot s fash ion p a es. u:id pa'tern sheet supplements art indispensable a.ike to lhe home iiruss makei n"'i ■ he profc’ssi.' tn. i.isfe. No expel se il isspareu in making i s ic attra» llvereb 1 »he highest order, i s ciever short sv ivo» parior pia s. and thoughtful essa s sat sty si* ns vs, and i s 'nst page is lain**us hr a budget «>( wit and humor in its wvekh issues every- ihii gis iueiu ed uhi<h is of imereti to womei iHiring i>ul vgut s B. 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