Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1891)
1891. P. F. STENGER. t Conscript’s Christmas. BY JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. *■ roin The Cenlurv : It was an eventful ride, but Cap tain Moseley noted one curious fact. He find not procetded far when he met two men riding down the moun tain. Each carried a rifle Hung It v as not long before the two across bis saddle in front of him. Soldiers were oi| their wav up the They responded gravely to the cap «nountain, nor was it long before tain's salutations. "Have you seen Israel Spurlock Chad wick began to unfold his theory, by putting together various this morning?” he a**- d. “No, sir, I hain’t saw him.” an- little facts that occured to him as lie talked. ‘ swered one. The other shook his 1 I te I you what. Captain.” he hepd. Then they rode on down Paid, as soon ns they were out of the mountain. \ little farther on Captain "ore- b «aring; “that gal’s a slick 'tin. It’s my belief that we’re goin’ on a lev met four men. These were fool’s errand. 'Stead of gtviiie to walking, but each was armed — ward Spurlock, we’re gwine riyht three with rilles, and one witn a They had not seen Straight away fiom 'ini When [ shot gun. Spuriock. At intervals In: met that gal made her disappea rance last night she went an’ found Spur more than a dozen men—some rid lock, an' ef he ain’t a mitehul born ing and some walking, i-iit all fool, he tuck to the woods. Whv. i armed. At last lie met two that th< sha vl that gal had on her head presented something of a contrast They were armed, this mornin* was soakin’ wet. It to the otllvts. it is true; but they Were (aligning Weren t rainin’, an’ hadn't been for a right smart while. How come a id : i ,ging as l hev wclit along and the shawl w< t? They weren’t hut While tUeV had lint Si ell T-puri K'k win«- w iv. It got wet bv rubbin’ w i'll l.ieir ow n eyes, as tliev said, ugin the bushes and the limbs er | tliev kllew he mllst be further Up tfie mountain, for they bail heard fin- trees ” lliis theory was plausible enough to iiiipri s» itself on Captain Mose •C ofwnrk, l’’V "What s to I e do u* then?” . by those i I, and in th' T I e ask< d . i ht y live. Any I i*sy to learn i devi. t "Well, the Lord knows what W« furnish evervf liinjr. o Ihislsru jnti r »pire in munis, ..r I r timi* io H...... ra. . i riy w « ikrp >n w I- ndgiiul bringt nom.i nul m.. ; « ought to be dot e,” said Chndwiek; entirely an«* ••} »o.«ir f • rinm-rs an» turning It >i>i h -■* to » ÚV | • i a little experience. Wertin «... ,i: Il you till I II. "t ut I reckon the best plan is to añil yni inore nt utter mid t -.i< h v >i . * . • ’niti here. Ful1 .A. w trilormal i<>n I .. L • ► oft. r scatter out mi' skirmish nr< ini' a little l it We’d better died <• our army You go up the rd fc. A I r Ai mountain an git Spurlock, if he’s 13 ca A v' up th ir. an' let me take niv stand c : a 3A o T z :" • n the ridge yander an’ keep mv tu cura «uv fur-n cf nervo., oli ses. J • veon I’m le Billy’s back yard an'( <r *a/ Luorucrof Ilio c voc. Imss lot If Spurlock's r’allv tuck C-.’iof c;.uc.-*c^ x. h.-’.Ler criZu Io the Woods, lie'll be miglltV llpt to fr -..iti 'cxccst.xu u. REFOr.E V act j O L l .laa, , AF TER REFOHE • e slmkin' ’roiiii' whar the ipil is.” TobaccocrOptu. i,crt!i:oc, Sijo :...iul in . 'cr«. tlon, ovi r lu .ulpcncc, {. • ,c.ah r.;i Les’ cf I min, 1 : -dov.n l'ainsinlhe Captain .Moseley assented to this Power, bu k.ScnfualV/eakuc: l.y. te. a, yrrioui l’r s- plan, and proceeded to put. it in ex luit ton, X > turncl E ;I •’cas, J e centra-«. PIz- thi - i, VZ -.-.'c ■ -.c- -, f. i< f l'ov.cratid .mpo- ectilion as soon a- lie ami Chad t'nrjr.w' '1 '.'i:c7?c;c le':c:: 1 :;.I.t pre:r«ni-o CM n-■> n:'I It-, !’-'<o Ç Or.l . C boxcJ v i< k weie a »..fir* distance fro.-i Un fur 11 ni. ScC. I y me ¡rir»r’- ‘ r • riee’ A VU .r i t ’ .;.\r i; bglvenfor i’ll’ Billy Powers’ house. Chadwick c '-rv |L.0orr,err"-’o'.v - t >n>'— I t'.cmouejr if n i'erra.mant c- o fir. c’-<»r*- il. V. e h«’a a • ’a of testimonial» f- « e'<| n- I ' ovnr. dismounting, hd Ins horse along a . l'ion t ho*.*i rexes, v-lmhHv.'Issen ro-”'anentlv ce-' I • ov path that ran at right angles l f tiiouso of Aphrodltlna Clrciilarlrtsj. Adi’.rc-i TH< X°HRO MFDrr"- r'-' Io the main load, mid was soon Io.«' W estera Hmuch. Box ¿7- rouia*;,^, UH. to sight, while i he captain io le lor- For Sale at W. E. i “ri <ti .»■ w rd on his mission. < >t the two. as it turned out, the c ipiam had much the more com I Hable experience. lie reached H Vevu | 5khtt*UH uk the Spllllock house in I lie course of B ltt<ftliiy »: - i u s win uf t mm.uei I • I (hit e-ipiariers of an hour O eg uiC!‘»h y Til r oimbly rviiaole d • In lespome lo his halloo Mrs sa e W' th tw» i me» t nfr weiji t in s*pll 'Itn k came to the door ir 'Id /or l'•malt irrry vlarititji. Never R loml . I I was n spinin' away for dear lu fail. Seut by mail teal? lite, ' she remarked, brushing tier (or idt. Ad«.reb8 grm hair from her face, ' when all The Aphro Medicine of a middt ii I liearn a fuss, an’ I COMPANY, Western IHuncb, 'lows ter myself, savs I, *1'11 be 1»«>« 2 7. Portland, • regon. holin'that ssome mien hailin','savs I or Sale Hl the (trace Ortig Store 1; an’ then I dropp il evcr'thin' an' run ter the dottr, a.i' shore enough it was Won’t you 'light ail'come in' * she inquired with readv hos pitality. Iler tone was polite, al most obsequious. "Is Mr. Israel Spurlock at The lte«t Itemetly 111 home?" the eaptiim asked IM» world. my. .1. Hoüberr, ot Syrncn»., "Not. ns you might say ndiaeklv in N. Y.. ia l'nslor ko-ntc'« Vn» I oulc bwmi«. .<> |»vr lall' enralynnl ihr«.' at home, but I reckon it won't lw tuy k>i rtwr» a, o a«tl aitaok-d liv Ata. ha. n- t had au, long Before he draps in. lie hain’t ryuipl'.ui. of thrui .Ine Iw t.svk on« lavtile c* reuwdy. I nioat bvartllv tliauh for It hud his brtiiktas* yit, though hit’s rt’Bni.', Cel May. I SSx I t en a waitin’ for him tell hit’s o*ir dsuiiht.r cotttracud t tle Hl. <roi> rlvhi ihr,a* yvar. aaoi *• lri-d nioa v'-ty Stout* cold The cows broke out liu.v *'■ li- ard o*. bu. >>' n > .'all Am t'*ati> lust night, an* lit* went off a huntin' >il io .lai- now that «in >■ ah« t'*»k f*n.ior Kw i|, ■ sw*v loute sb< Im- not ba>f th» a i^htr- for 'em time it was light good -ttarh wltt'i». our »«tuvta. Ult K art» Ara MH». C. SCHULZ. Israel is ties ei rank after his l'bo. M cnrvlv ot 3U .13 b Av. Il.nvet » X.-rva Tonic la cl milk ex some folks is after tlie'r xX'Kv »av. t'a. or frra- brtv A< lo >u.| il I m . h.vl Ua dvalrwd all,et drum. I s«va, sms I, ”h >relv vun hv .wpHutt U m At. —A Vaht «Me Funk •«« Nervmi* call do tliout your milk one morn IM«e<«ste. «ent tere »o anv ad'fir**.. gttU |MM>r pAÜetti* cau afwo olKaiu in* in the year;’ hut lie wouldn't ihK ineith im nee of ctutrue. Tht« teiMistv ha«. n peevared by the Rt*v rend high listen ter lie thes up an" F wh « K *nt«, «»t Fort win <«e. lad- tune» ur* and tauuw preparY J i»mWrM«cirvcu.‘.i b« tu* htillrd oil ' Hiater’s Horte« branded Eithor Kight or ALM EDA A. STENGER. A ’■ Combine* the iui'c of the B. -e Fig«o so’iaxu.’v- ami «.th the medicinal vm»« °[ P1 known to be mo t humnn sv''*em, forming tl.e Ox 1ECT REMEDY to act gently ye- promptly on the KIDNEYS, Um AND BOWELS -ANO T Cleanse t>e ¿y Jgh' Ef feci u ally, •— !>O THxT ~ PURE BLOOD. BErRE: I INC Ct. CP, HEALTH ¿ nd STBENCTH NMurnllv f”’li>w. Lvery one is using it enti.llv - •r.rrl V i!h If. Ask yout druggist fur SVKt P C.' F»GS. Manu- faciu e l only by 11.c C/’LlFORNIA FIG STRUP CO. Pensions, HAKI’EIVS .MAI I AZINK I HARPER’S WEEKLY HARPER’S BAZAR HARPER'S YOITNti PEOPI.É ' '1 Po-luge Free to all Sulecribew if t'ni.ei’ Suites, ('aniulu, or Mexico. THE DISABILITY BILL IS A LAW. Soldiers d’salded since the war are Entitled Dependent and Parents Parents now de Dependent widows widows and pendent \vho<e >ons died from the efleers. of army -trvice are included. If army h H you wi-li xvidi voiiri laim speedily and sucres.-fu ly prose- uteo. H I.’** JAM ES TAN NEK. ; i ' Laie Cuinniisßioner of Pei emus. W ashington , d <’. PATW». . . PERSONAL AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO PA I- TRADE Fi*r rii ! i * at Jordan & Harton’s ENTS, CAVEAT.', MALKS, etc. I >rilg St’>|-r. NO b EE UNLE S PATENT PENSION, POSTAL. LAND and IS SECURED. (J fRRESPOND- ENCE S »LICiTED. INDIAN DEPREDATION SïÜDuART à CO., CLAIMS. I 1 [Oppo iie U. >. P ilent Office,] V\ ASI-IINGTON. I». C. i.Aw m-m i i . .’ n< i i -i k< (.. I’l'efly ii’t-iiig. i.t i. r . t -1.11 jiher .•I nittl .v, nu-, jimi who, m «Il c 11» im i sliiouhly, .*<<• ’( . t.-. i In Hur», n Y«tarili th. ir.. h. y lin*.1 u i.l h I m > furnish t’>€ »iiiiiili'Hi ’U*, mtuent,al f hi It ; • it < mi t urn un ount. No irn. i. ' t'.f m • hip '» Mi’ ci'gNtuI us iilit.v.* Eiikiiy umi quickly It’iinicil. I tlcuire Lut . nu n urki r non, euch disirit t on • i.nty. I have iiii’.-iidv t.-iit rht |.r>>vided with tn*|doi meni n Ierre number, h ’ ........ :kiug t *:tl « ‘ *. euch. I: » N £ and « 1> ’. ' . . ! H i . il - I' £. ï I'. Addi. »> m «.m c. 1’’.. «. --ON CIL. «IMS., k.islcif* JOHN WEDI (>1K F. Street, Nor'hwest Washing- ton. D. ' . Wi'l prH«ti<e i i I n 'e*ì .'»a <8 ih«* « ( or a.»f ihe I» ìb ri mith b .»f <'.’i:gn FEMCÎIMQ WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. \\ olif.iii» l’cn^ioiis finti PatrntH. Drp’’ d:ifi"U Chiims nnd all cl.’is«i ss ot Land Chiims. Mining, Pr<* l’infinn and Homcstrad casus P'o»rctitcd I < ti"I* the Gt*ni*r 11 land ___________________________________ I*' ACKNOWLEDGED THE ' . iitlire. Diici'fmcnt of thè Interior for Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranohe: and fir iireafs nmt fhe Supreme Court. “.mKESIS*’|rivcsinst;int relief mui is un iiifiillibio Cura for l*ll<-’. I*rii-e$l. Ily Dniæri« t tot- mn i 1. S.-i in nies inc. A<l<lrtT**AS l K Lsls.” '•ox giiti, Aew York City. ¡ñc ’li- ’T’i bSfiT« ’ z :/lTTAC-^«\t’N Z T"tf IMCST: 2^ • tioMC csicsao. V W90OV 0RK wino y., H URICH SODARE R. V «»S’o».a«at .... FOR SALE BY Tlii’ volume» of the Magazine lieguj the Numbers for .lime and Bei’ciuJ eac ti venr. When m> <ime is ~)>e<-iti«Z3 M-ripliolis will begin the NuinlufJ rem at time of receilH "f order. Hound volume- of Harper'- ALigar^a three years baeg, ill ueur cloth hindinj.J be sent by mail, post-paid,on reeeipti(| ¡.er volume. Clo.h Cates, for biiulitJ cents each—by mail, l»o<t-paid. Index io Harper’s Magazine. AlpM cal, Analytical, and Cla -itieil, for Vnlw I 10 70, inclusive, from .lune. iNWtdjj ISSA, one vol. H vo. Clo Ii, $1,00. llemittaiK-es should be inane bv P icm Money Order, or Draft, to avoid cbm loss. Ad.lrcss IIAKl’ER <t I York. 613 à Glü Ztù Stroot, LT. \7. Faber’s noiiitu i PklCl.S 1.. ¡-rcr.D. by dealer’.. F*«.^K> u i !’ JlrMII.: E>S lOrLTRY M I IIM. . No t* igeing! No bagging! Extras Hen« y . ’¿'he McMnUpn Wov«n Wire Fence Co., *Gaioa.<j, Ill- BROTHER,’’J I Harioer’s Wec-kly. I L LT ST R A T E I). A eekly nna nevvr (ai edto ’lie us a “.lourt u> of < ivihzatiiu.”4 ftlC f < v 1 lij:i <« 1 8 1 1( J. Hld i. q < p. IBÍbilil it 8 ol l H'.tl 1 t 18 81 (I M liM| nrd »/i ar ia i< uu* 5i1< tur (Xírid \ t a uní» u< he<l i • i»» p. r ai i ]) hfv < p | 1)1'11(0- 1 I < ] HM 1'1 I. ltlill (ci|] , • lo ni« ii 11« h i k . «í ’le i.ig 1 t IF> 1 8 III < 1.1 1 t ÍA ( 11 (li 8 « 1 I lir Ity I ti ) p (ti t it > v jj I t «»i liiitij 1 V) \ i 1 1<- li < 11 i 8 i< u»if< ni ti < ai. <iiii« h . i« ) • pihit »il. * i < (Puijii « ( I 8 < 1 11 I'” < ( ) »11 « l ili MÍ . (i|f| 8( 0 (■ J ( 1 t ni « < T 1 ( 1 < hlit i V,h D l ( s!t w V(í • n 1 f 8 if siles I vlheiK e public. A bu tamil) puin a), lluryy lier e’oí« i ( . le c( iio vi i r t he (|i;u ¡tita i) til n iLtii lo e x vr. hotitv. p . kk ' b PKR year : HAIP’ER WEEKLY.................................. .| H.\ KPERS M AG \ZINE ............ i HARPER > RAZA R. I II A RI’ER’> YOPNG PF ’RLE .- . 1 Poaumv Free to ti-1 suf 8« riLei’S in the I'niM stub s. * unm n. . r Mex («•. .*<• The Vo nines of lie Weekly, will leyiiLdi the fiist Numl er lor usr of e*«h i« When Do Line is mentioi et.. si|.C8i,rip,ioil»| begin wilh the Num her ( urren: at i'ih:e«.iM crip of order. 1 • lind V..hnnvB of Ihirpvr'B WeeRh ivrilii yeaiB l »i< k. in neat < loih h»n<ihig. will h mtiii 1‘. b age paid. » r l»\ ex pic SB, fw «4 fl peiiae pr.o iced he freight « •.< 8 i.«/t ex<eed| per i ./hiinv; for |7 a Volume. * Cl. Ii ( i bvb I'« r each Volume, suitablebf hi’idimr win ie seiti In mail p. st paid, on a < eipt .-f ||. llemitiaiHeg should be nmie bv Pi.®if^ Mm e »rder.-r Draft, to uv. i<i ( hanreuf l»f* Address il \ RI’ER v dd >T ( Ed «. Ne r Li Harper’s Baza I L L U ST R A T E I). Caveat-, ind Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent bus1 ’t*M8 conduvred for firodcra e I ces. Our 0 • *s Onn»'si e U. o. P *eir Office, and wo can sernre patent in less rime than those I rem.tit' from Washington. Seud model, drawing or photo., with descrip- .V r' advise, if patentable or not. free of charg'1 Our fee not due till patent is secured. A run' 1 ♦. -How to Obtain Parents.’’ with tiTiir- 'factual client« in your Stare, county, or : ; town, sent free. Address. I O.A.SHOW&CO. ’'nposite Patent office. Wasnmnton, 0. C H. iki ’ kks B azau ih a ],.ttrna f. r ihe h •itii g ihe !a o i ilor urt on wi h regni’1 jjl Hie e tiBhi.H R i 8 HIHlItr. HR ilh’Ri l’H’iiiì B fw| io’ p u < 8. tr.Ki pu tern sheet supplement st] indispeDsnble »1 ike to lhe home Hn.FB innktM » hr pr./ftssi i Hi m« «.is e. No CXpCi«j| is 8|»nrr iu milking i b ar. sb ie atlra< li'c t*] • 1 he highest i ri er. * s civver short r H )»ar.t r pia 8, ami 1 hough» fui tfs« s sm b ' "] .»is ( 8. mm i 8 ast page is lUim lr 1 R 8 of Wil HT»d 1)U m l- Hl i’s ucekl rruc S« '^1 ilii' g is inc«« ed u hi( h is of in eres. »«• »• ,,r*| buritig . 1 \um b I». Or»i BtJte v. ill »«nleBF'riW .1 ani( les on ’The IL use (’«.inf- ri»bl<\” ua" • . hr 1res» .d "Snid ar I himt ” in er« s ing sm < ( tsi, n ut papers » n ‘W</in»’"t X rt an 1 llisit r\ .”siiperhi iluis ra'ed. wn! 1 furnished bvThv..m»ie( Mid. The serial 8^* will 1 e bv \S al er J.t san) and Thol»u»s Hard' I HARPER’S PERIODICALS i er A ear HARPER’S BAZAR. HARPER’S MAGAZINE HARPER’S WEEKLY II \ KPI- R’S Vol NG PEOPIo I’, slave Free lo .-ill«eriber« In the l'i'i"* g. < Hiiada, ,»r »\iuxico. 11 »»»” CA* CALj.AJ.TfcX- in •» bn vet c»*n mnd'**. *••>.» i-i ti», I. Aitii.i I re, Atraiin l v\ii«. mi.I .L ... I .um, 'Rledo, Oliio *«*v cut. Oiht r»nri tl> ingnswell. Why i. t i..n> stone t urn t.vci tSlM/.OIl n •mtith. You i .«it du th« work and lh" ii li’ tne. u her* «< ry< u are. Even bt rinin-r-i nn* t-.tsilv earning from i- to I r 1 n day. All age«. \« r »hnw you h< w and Mart y.-ti ( an wt rk in »pure lima or all the lime I ip' for viorL. era Failure unknown nin<<ng th< m. \' XV end wonder All Part hu lars free. ’’«»vl. >2» iua i NEW HOME SEWING MA CHINE CO , 7'J.’» Market St., Sau Francisco. Cal Paictic Department. - -3 The volumes of the Bazar l»egin with the »U’tiberfor January of each .war. j is i line ¡8 meuiia/iied, 8ui sc rip’*i^n \'i!l Giih hv Numlwrt urrem ai I he time of re<f" vf order. hoiiwl voluint 8 of Harper’s Bazar for war in neat clo.h biudiox. will be terttb'’’*•: pt b Hire paid* or by express, free ofWF’jJ pr.o ideu ihe freight d.a s not ext veil ’>De hn per volume) «>r |7 a volume. r < loth vases i.t^eai h volume.suitable forw Ing will be aentby mail p >tpai 1 o 1 •! Reiniitancts Khould he made by l\8t • Mt.i.ev order of Draff, to avoid rhanw f A drew- If vRPKR de BROTHa» WWL»Newspapers are not to eopy any h M of ihe above adver<iseinenis "itn«^ 1 (XI- ss order of HARBhK «v BK'HIH1' rj -«ba*-« um >£•« >:». t avrwî’s T * T Î* t X. w ’ f MUNh A CO HrwatlnaF. XcW Yerk. FREE Snbl bv l>ru((t.te al *1 irr notile. O »w SA Lari« slaw, Sl.ZX • IWtUaa Itr St». HARPER’S PERIL.’ICS Per Year: Hange—Harney and Grunt county Oregon l> , — ourrui. Uuruev < omit *. or_______ S • s F ranvisco , C al . » r. 1 .» lw A oiik , N < Th óolsbratcd Frosch Cure. Wa-.::•«! *¿PHHCDfflNE” °r™rC “I'll ride on,” sa il the taptam. "Mayl e I’ll meet him coming back. branded n Lofi Bide; circle- chit KOENIG MED. CO.. Chloago, III. The impo.tai.t reri-t <>f I America, hv Them ore Chllil, wi|) 3N in Hatper'« Magazine during the grM.“’l of I lie tear PWi. she art iclt«. ,u sA,h?'| ifornia. bv I'harteii Jluilev Warner »pl be coiiliuued Among otliei n.>ie\r,JL,| tra.-lioi B «ill be a novel bv Chari« Craddo. k: a collect ion of original ,irs,j“3 W. M. Thar kera* , now pubiighen for thia ¡time: a novel written and illustrated ? J | du Maurier; a novetteue I m Wiliiti, J Flowella: and a r«erieaof pa|>era ,,| I London bv Waller I. cbh ' i I. in the number and variety of lHlua»riwj pert, and article« on other bic jectB of ti»?1 ter. st. as well an in the uurrtelled < hnr»«,l i a short sloricB, I’oeii a, etc-, II a i:t-ee’i uj ZINK will continue to luaiiitHln that ,¿7 i excellence for which it haa been bj iji tlnguiihed. alide: OK. C a TTLK Magazine I L L U 8 T R A T R b | ILLUSTRATED AXLE GREAS ■KMT IN IHE IT II r. ty Ik. «'„I, Li... aBd li....,» ,hn ú I»--» l’VP», "•"J »1*1'1«u». Ind «». , L e* nt siren«,h ,na 1 lr»J tee:tr««.H»,lulnlje >re.l H. . »«••«• -< and n«*rv»M r,.v n w L.rea. F.nlir-nHthe m, U --------------- -------- ----- _ M m,. .! ^ pr. n r,,w.r I----------------------------------------------------- fr >-n . or-j ,. TMTV ARE TH£ BEST. ‘ !. F LKKV & < «*’« -ir«- ANNUAL 1 r 1G2l u, I Pc m.-iiCil FREE all ipfruc.uttA .mi lo l;’**t ■** asvi ‘ !Hor.Hr»t it »< feriirr than ever. Every )-<r>*»n i:«>Rg </«*»«/’*'•» / >W 9 >1 Address WORLI». cmlnmin« iW« bea» of »By «’STTTnimi' ™ , •e.»l»4 by k»»l. . .- -«KT TH K «ES I IN I. FORKAI.r BY t>gi..ERgqE.sMULLT. fj,- 1 Dr»cripuvi- and Priced * F- Ae.HAMTS MWUnl k' Í.J A CO.