J PUT YOUR ADVERTISEMENT WglYf IN T1IE BECAUSE IT GOES BEFORE THE PUB TWICE WEEK HERALD. VOL. IV. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY. OREGON, SEPTEMBER 16, Semi-Weekly Herald, A lie! ie at Roseburtc {'about time to take one or two him self he appeared again with a foam- PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY _t _t . l woman as An article in last week ’ s Review, j ing glass which the AND SATURDAY. BY regarding the exhibition at Trevet quickly disposed of. He then (or Trier, as the Germans call i ) mounted and they rode a wav in a Dry Granulated Sugar, $ 9.75 tier 1001b I have just received a full and u cathedral, in Rhennish Prussia, of very quiet and orderly way. "" .. They ! Salt......................... 2.10 u complete Stock of Dry Goods, PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. the coat supposed to have been worn had a complete camping outfit Nails, . 7.50 “ keg. G’oceries, Hardware, Tinware by the Savior, caused the Deduc 1 ¡tailed to their saddles. No on- Flour,.......................... .. 600 barrel Notions, etc , which 1 will sell tion of a souvenir of i s first t-xhibi knew them. They were followed Omaha Bacon........... 13.50 “ lOOtb at BEDROCK PRICES FOR SUBSCRIPTION RATES: tion this century. This relic is the bv a dog, very foot sore.—Albany Coal Oil (Pearl). . ,. 13.00 One Year 300 u can CASH ONLY Six Months. 1.50 property of Mrs John Long, of Coles Democrate H. E. T hompson , Three Months . .76 Yours Respectfully, .2.50 valley, and was presented to herby One Year (in advance) Manager. A. ROBBINS her mether who received it when a the bay of San Francis« o, which we believe waj* HERALD CLUB LIST [erald and Harper’»- Magazine............. 5.(10 child but 4 years old, in 1810. It the nAlta.” removed fru.u Monterey L* 130; th. ’«raid and Harper’s Weekly ........... 5.20 consists of a piece of silk cloth. 7x11 inhabitants of the Coast generally have been inter- , [erald and Harper's Bazar6.20 ested in the news from San 1 raiiuiiK j . The “Al a,” ’erald and Harper's Young People 3.75 inches in size, embroidered about, like many other pioneers cf ’» ,h..^ ruccumbed t erald and Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia. 2.90 the edges In the center is a small the inevitable and g me o$er toth.* .t r.ujjr.. Each additional volume after Vol. 1, 55 cents: i • ;ecccded !. 10 cents extra ver volume, postage. needle worked fac simile of the coat, and, like ether pijneers, 1. .3 HUNTINGTON.................................................... OREGON younger g ncratiuus. “ 1 .¿a.rJacr” ha coarsely woven to represent the tex fa^-CopIeaof all theal»ove works can be ex jierhaps the la . t ; ;’.ace in the allied at leisure In the Rending Room ture of the sacred garment to which taken newspaper field cf L.—• J - , * 1 i ; V.’ee-\ it has been torched. Below it are edition i> very geaur...!/ t 1 1/ thase wh. Publishers of periodicals are solicited .3 . pr._ . r pujlishci’ > send clubbiug rates, a copy of their work for the letters A. J. H S. and the date, want an intercsilnj a.i I r We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room i ; f.ir.l Lr w. &r Free Reading Room—We file, and bind the It is in a well preserved con I ;.t “ he Lay.” l.v r. Etter al close of every half-volume, ch I r®v < i 1810 occupying three Hoora, and each floor loaded With gOODS [ the rr^.niu 1 O.Tarj la -• 1/ ?!. . ILarst, th spies by advertisement. I dition although 81 years old. This , ” Kxamla^r* »” catcrprl • ’ jher, and it i is a very rare relic aside from its tn!/ necessary I > say th ..»....; ; r the asgregaL sacredness in the belief of all good value cf the premia a.«-— ft. 1 a 1 here arc 5,C2)— ADVERTISING RATES: Cathodes, and it is doubtful if there is $Ji5,C2D, v.hl.h arc ¿IstrlauUd among all the F A< K J1 wk 2 wk 1 1 mo 1 3 mo 1 6 ino I — We bnv Flour, Meats, Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Sall, l > the p • I . • i.ik.i í .nt >these pre- are many of them on this tide of the cubscribers |15 01) 111. 00 »S ‘ W V (»0 »1 50 . '.nt-ii Canned Goods, and Coal Oil in CAR LOADS. Our Prices are LOW. iuj f-or.i ¿ ) cents tj miutus, whkh fanje ii v..l ¿Sto Atlantic. IS 00 1 (Ml Ú 50 12 ui ;. uo ! " Mrs. Long’s mother has f’.COJ, every subscribe ri-i. :♦ <.r:c if the four s uo 1- .00 24 00 40 no 3.50 5.00 50 uo also a souvenir of the 1844 exhibi great premiara 32 00 4 50 ti 00 10 00 20 00 r.i pkiu.x, i.iclu.a y. a . . Ji v. i.l be mailed t 1 “ 54 141 4H.U0 t> 00 9 00 15 00 2b 0U him in a lah. . ‘ * thrift G uin a . ‘ ’ ... ¿miner ” ofac_ tion. This coat is supposed to l>e P.O 0U 4S 00 »0.00 16 U0 •zH 00 12 W oser.p.Lrx x : •; r - ed; 20 00 L0 00 40.00 00.00 110 00 140 00 the one for which the soldiers cast as soon r.i the j cttbscnp.la CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. r “ lots after the crucifixion.—Review "TJE r.’.:,'L? Llelssoaki’. Priirietors Huntington Warehouse. Yours Respecfullv, JOB WORK ’ ; a . ïïtxr. 1 "Th EJZ11CÏ J. H. AITKIN, Manager. Yesterday a young man and a F.ach cf th :se pictures' H everv description exe< uted with neatness i v hcq, and they kid despatch, at ress..liable rates young woman, evidently husband are / ivproc'K ill : L rh wi :g Pamphlets P. alera, tint i. l< r< f t ’. 5, ci hvr ’ ’ t c Hrculars, and wife, rode into town horseback, every l.etter Heads, bill Ili adi. one of whkli Cvw.Il 1. it. u\.aa. cd fur 100,000. Itivelupes. cards, Tiexets, Note Ilea, a, tai emeu a, the woman riding astride, same as Dodgers. Etc. lnvitatii.ua. leinoranua. the man. They bed a business like "Women tl GiUfircn ? r1/C.liatkrLzy LUNABURG 4 FRY, P roprietors , B urns , O regon . T he II erali » is kept regularly on fib-for re air, and rode up to Pete Schlosser’s “ Christ Lcavl’i Fr* ;"i,” 6y C-nstzTc D:r$ trenee, in lite Geo. P. Rowell New spaper A»i 03 stuck Boots and Shoes, of the very best duality just received saloon where the man alighted and fiising bureau, luspruieat.. New York. r.acli cf them jdctir • iced 11 rhoto- went in, shoitly returning with a gravure, IL;:- ,. . ll.rl-.r-- Cheapest Place in Town for Cash. and will adorn i : Lust rvUuA.l foaming glass of beer which the ing, OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. home. The subscriplmn j • 7 r.x-’tni- woman disposed of without stop : «ay I. • s nteiih r ncr ’ is $i a ) aio! b A Ito, Custom work and Repairing neatly done. ping to take breath. He returned directt -, b tn 1 rancisco, > V.’ it. li ai * ’.miner” or through the Loc. to the saloon and after spending Benjamin Har riso GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! I quote you W. C. BYRD a SON. RETAIL ! CO. merchandise , G oal Be's[n^^i,,ourfwnuerrulo8:^u^ Daaling. uue Price’, 8 I SEND FOR QUOTATIONS ! ! ( Portland Boot & Shoe Store. 1 [resident Levi P. Murton Fit e-President James G. Blaine v< rei ary of State Charles F.sier, ferret ary of Treasury John W. Noble L ret ary of Interior Redfield Proctor ferrei ary of War Benjamin F. Tracev fee ret ary of Navy Jeremiah M. Rusk pervinry of Agricultor«. Wm. IL Miller Lttornev (»citerai John Wanamaker fu HI master General «TATE—OREGON : D ( J. N. Dolph L s. Senators, 11 i J. 11 Mitchau K. Binger Hermeim lonuressmaii 1».Sylvester Pennoyer kiveriivr - . .Geo. W. McBride .R kcrelary of State Phil. Metschan. R treasurer J. B. McElroy nipt. Public Instruction R Frank haket R Rate Printer » K S. Bean. R , Wm. P. Lord R Inpreme Judge» ) W. W. Thai er 1> Rheubin S St rahm In the Uso of CÍ/Z7Z- we Alone own for ail E all patients. possifi.ru te- wn Exclusivo ¡moco will La, then. HOPE ron YOU??™ Don’t brood over your condì .’on, ror fffvo tip In d Thousands of tho Worst Casr3 havoj\eJdcd t > our TREATMENT, in r .r vDNDEcrjL DCGK. v,o send sealed, po6t paid, FREE{ united 1 ¡¡no. GET IT TO-DST- Kememberanoonoc’iehaath ctbods,appl.ances and utpcii- enee that wo empio”, and wo claM tbo /rp-.^r cr umhnui E rie uc - i ML C o .. N iagara cr.t B uffalo , h. Y. SUCCESS. Ww. A ltnow Lytle Howard. 2.001 Riferente VRNS METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH M.D WILSON Pastor. There will be preaching bv the pastor in each month as follow a. until further notice- ist Sabbath—Burns—at 11 a m. and 4:30 pm 2d Sabbath—island S< hool House— st 11 s m " —Harney—at 7:30 p tn. Sd Sabbath—Burna—it 11 a m, and 4:?0 p m 4th sabbath—Haruej—at 11 a m. and 7:U)p m SOCIETIES. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and De. .. HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77. I. O O F. Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, everv Saturday ' »pm. H, M H ortom , N. G. Ben Brown, Tress harnf . y pos t no . u, g . a . r Meets every 1st and" 3d Wedneedav of each •«nth, at odd Fellows' Hall. All Comrades » goodstanding invited. M. M. BK1ERLY, P. C. '-■ as X zwzll . Ad'Jt. Mchl»-16 S. MAILS. k . aünW»—VALB’. * nr es and departa daily, bundsye eicepted. i The Proprietors of the White Front Liverv Stable as sures the public that, they are prepared to accommodate In everv way in their line of business. jfW*l|c.g and grain constantly on hands, anti careful hands. Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Job Wagon in connection. □3 URNS BUTCHER SHOP. BYERLEY 4 STUBBLEFIELD Proprietor ' inn fnl? n-snpr V’hnn vrçj variti Mexican Mustang Liniment. DIRECTORY. burn »—< an yon city : ’^•Mondata Wednesday, Fridays.Spm.« TSasdajs Thursdays A Saturdays’*® 4óm. Who ore Neftwus and nunrS h<' scovn of their fellows and tbo oon- com panions. rantec to HARNEY O. S. LAND OFFICE: «egister J. B. H untington Receiver ..H arrison K elley CHURCH HDMt sroneo. w mct and and a W m . M illee <D) W. E. G ra < a (I» T. H. R oberts (D) (II) 1 A. M c K innon a . A. co . ING • (D) .(D). W. E. A1.BERSON C has .N e « ell < R) T hus . G. D odson (D) t -D? ! • • e for a LIMITED time free HELA. X j Proprietors. A • M Who have weak or ¿/AL DEVELOPED, or diseased organs, who are suffer ing iromfffffOffsoFrovT COUNTY—HARNF.Y : ^uminiHsionen and Control orders of • • • SIXTH .IÜHIC 1AL 1I1KTR1CT: M. D. C liefori » D pint riot Judge chas . F. H ype ■D bist riet Attorney D. s. DüSTtN (D). loiiit-Repreaeiitative (D) H enry B la > kman loint-Seiiator County rfjdge Clerk ................................ treasurer surveyor 111 eri fi ksmsRor ............ school Superintendent ■tuck Inspector TIVE METHODS, A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Fanner, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment 'o other application compares with it in efficacy. '. uis well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost • generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of M ustang L iniment . Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it For sale by Jordan 4 Horton. Full weight given. Good beef ur the block. Mutton, pork, venison and game, when on the market. The Incorporated NORTHWESTERN MAIL AND TRANSPORTATION Company. C. C. McCoy, General Manager, --------- O-:-O--------- Stages leave Burns. Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, BcuhK Westfall and Vale, where Close Connection is Made with the railroad. Gottd fresh horaea, careful drivers, new vehiclea. BATES OF FARE FROM BI ENS To ONTARIO AND IKTkMVIBIRG Burna to Vale Burns, to Ontario »mix» I ••Weal Fall •• -• Onu«' It y i ’« •• •• lirewsey '• Beulah •> <■» “ Harney - “Kinel teek 2 I FOINTM; . 7.5« 41A I W Baggage, ilOtiH to each Passenger, Frieght and Passengers must Paasenger fare paid in advance. be way-billed. “ S emi A ckleb , J M V aiohn , H arry F ixiyd , Dviaion Agent. Bums Agent. Gen. Sup’t.