Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1891)
,i-Weekly Herald, rUKDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, ISSI. —An excellent quality of ma chine oil at Cal. Geer’s Hardware Btore for $1 a gallon. —Closing out sale of all summer Millinery, at reduced prices until RGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY October 1st. 'SPARER IN THIS COUNTY. M rs E. S SwfcpK. ;iil County Paper. Local News. j. A. A. Cowing is very ill. imited supply of IXL har at Cal Geer’s. Durkheimer and wife re- froin Portland last Wednes- in Robinson, our tonsorial lias provided his business lath tub. to tbe meat shop of Martin for your vegetables, pota- jbage, squashes, onions etc. I Wood«, having completed >sure of the lot in the rear led Front stable, is now able r accommodate his custom- ill and see him i acknowledge our indebt to Sam White, attorney at« ^aker c»ty for several copies institution and by-laws of •r city Board of Trade. Wednesday at Harney a di iccurred between Mart Bren William Woods, in which er tried to shoot the latter prevented by W. E. Alber- áá For Over Fifty Years. A» O ld * nd W bll -T bibd R bmbdy .—Mrs Wluslow’s Soothing syrup hu been u«ed tor over fifty te«n by tnllllonaoi mother« tor their children while teething, with neriert sucre«« it soothes the child, «often« the gum«, allaxi a'l paiu, cure« wind colic, and ia the beat retn edv lor Diarrhea«. 1« pleasant to the tame Sold by Druggiata in every part of the world. Twenty-five cent« a bottle. ita value!« incalcu lable. He «tire and ask for Mrs Winslow’s soot hi ug Syrup, and take no other kind. W. H. G A SS, P roprietor , Best quality of Reer, Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ALWAYS ON HAND. —A fine select stock of < xcellent (Jhildreu Hujoy stone jars, received at Cal Geer’s The pleasant flavor, gentle action MIXED DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Hardware Store. For sale cheap. and soothing effects of Syrup of I V anity :— Henceforth report facts Figs, when in need of a laxative, gV*Gentlemanly courtesy extended to all. Call and see me. and leave the neighborhood gossip I and if the father or mother be cos tive or bilious, the most gratifying alone and greatly oblige results follow its use. so that it is T he W idow . the best familv remedy known and —Chas. Anderson desires all par every family should have a bottle. ties owing him hotel bills to settle Cured. the same immediately and save JORDAN & HORTON,................................................... Proprietors. A old physician, retired fiotn practice, hav cost. A-29 Ina had plat ed in hit banda by au Eaat India Miaaionar) the tormula of a alm pie vegetable —New Stock of Glass, Putty, remedy tor tbe speedy and permanent cure »t « ^-DEALERS IM--^ , Consumption. Catarrh. Aaihtna and Paints, Oils. Brushes, etc., at Geer’s. all Throat and Hroiiehitia, Lung «flections. also a positive DRUGS. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES. No charge for cutting glass if vou and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Comolalnta, after havit:a 'rated ita buy of me J-l Nervoua wonderful curative powera in thouaa-ida of STATIONARY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMES cases. hax felt It hia duty to make it kuowu to A FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. TOBACO, CIGARS ETC. —The run the Saloon has. known hia fellow atifrerina fellowa. Actuated bv thia and a desire to relieve human aufferlng as “Texas Resort,” B. H. Fine pro motive I will aend, free of charge, to all who deaire It, recipe, in German. French, or Eugliah, prietor. Droves the quality of liquors thia Liquors fcr Medical Purposes. with full direction, for uaelng Sent by mail Fine Wines & addreaaing with at amp, naming thia paper and cigars kept behind the bar and A W. Noyea. ICA Powera’ Buick, Roeheater, handed out to customers when N. Y. jfSF* Prescriptions accurately compounded. called for. HL’KN n KAi’K.". —The balloon goes this afternoon. Sept. 19—| mile dash free for all It will he a grand and exciting purse $75 00. scene to those present who for the 21—GOO yd dash free for all first time see the performance of a man in midair on the trapeze, and purse *75.00. the aeronout when he cuts tbe cord 22d—j mile and repeat 2 in 3 LEN HARLOW, Proprietor. and separates the parachutes from purse 1125.00. the balloon and decends a distance In all races 4 or more horses to of several hundred Jfeet, like a shot Horse shoeing, repairing machinery, wood and wagon work etc. from a cannon, before the para- enter and3 to start. Entrance fee 10 per cent of the and anything in his line done in a neat and workman like manner. chutes hastime to spread. purse. All entries made and closed Notice. with Secy the night before the race. fWShop near the M. E. Church The directors reserve the right to The H erald knows of two work postpone »»iiv of the above races on horses, which the first of July made LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. their appearance on the range account of bud weather. Al! races I where they now are, both horses at to be governed by the Blood Hone NOTICE TO CREDITORS: that time were shod and had halters Association rilles. The BurnsJockv Noticeto he re bl giveu that the uu ier»l«ne<l I’racticul Tinner and Gunsmith. , on. Any one having lost horses Club extends an invitation to all has been appointed administratrix of the es- i tate of Calanil) M. Caldwell, deceased, by the about that time can receive a full horsemen. County < ourt of Harncv count). Oregon, and all peraot s having claima against said estate description and particulars bv writ B. H. F ine . President. are hereby notified Io present the nine, prop Repairing a Specialty. ing or calling at this office and pay H enry R ichardson , Secv. erly verified, us required by law, to me for al lowance. at Hurt s, Harnev county. State of ing for this notice. Oregon wi hinaix months from this date. i i popular Saloon of Lewis irdson keeps constantly be- i bar the finest brands ot quors and cigars. Mixed speciality. A billiard ta- he amusement of guests, tkinen can now get honest bv shipping or selling stock ington. The O. C. Co. hav- tompleted one of Fairbanks tales, and arranged a large r the purpose. Certified Crime < 'reek Iiemw. Dated this k7th day of July, A l> 1X91 given. 4-24. M ary C aldwki . l , show : show :: Plumbing and Pipefitting. Administratrix, ^e will be a meeting of the I A. W. Waters, attorney. Dissolving Panarama! Great Stere C rane C reek Sept. 2, ’ 91. ’ itic Central Committee men Burns Miss Currie Gray is visiting Mrs. ing circuit court at Burns, opticon Show. By the latest im Oregon. NOTICK. and hour has not yet been proved machine—tbe finest ever Albert Ward near Barton lake. NOTICE. In the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon, ied but it is expected that brought to the town—will endeaver fur Harney ( ouuty Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of August 30, a partv of picnicers to give satisfaction. Max 1X91,1 appuinted the following named per Geo. W Hayes.i •inber will attend. vs. J Hummons. sona deputy mock icispuctuisof Harnex county: 300 Views of the late civil war. started to visit the Malheur Mam | W. C. B yrd John Bridge, oi < rune creek; Hurriaon Sea Cornelius Howard,» To Corneiiua Howard, defendant. ward of Diamond; V\ M. Hogg*1 oi nbverCreek Secretary, and all important historical events moth cave The party the first dav In the name of E. G. Blume of Emigrant Creek; George Mor the Niate«»f Oregon This machine dissolves the pic consist! <1 < f Mesdames Rufu» Hen- ' Yuu are hereb* summoned and reuuired to gan, of Dre wavy. tshford left here last Thurs- Tho;< G. D odson , ami answer the complaint filed agwinst tures, thus producing an effect dricks and 1’. H. Gray, Misses Car- appear ' yvu in thealxive Stock inspector of Harney county. euiitled action at the alxive 1, for his futuie home in rie and Blanche Gray, and Messrs, i entitled cturi, upon the first day of the next city. The Dr. is an able never before equaled on the Pacific regular term, after the expiration of the |»eriod CITATION. coast. It shows all the pictures Rufus. Hugh, and Tom, (Bill Nvr) allowed for the punii* ati«>n of thia Notice, to- n and much of a gentleman To all heir creditors and others interested in : on the 4th dav of oct.»her, 1X91. Hendricks, and J. McCune and fam wit life size. the Iasi Will and Tea.ament of V) . P <>atvs de- You will take Notice that if yon fail so to do, ire verv soriv to lose him, aav<i and the Es ate thereof , piiiintiff will, for want thereof, take judg ct Take Don’t fail to see it as you miss the ily. Th it night the camp <>r stop- the notice that the Exe< utor M o. (¡ales has joss is Grant counties gain, agaii at you fortheaum of |J)0. with ihe ping place was at tbe Venator ment further sums of fkO interva , ac cruing intereat th.a uay fiied his Etnal Account In Ihe matter eel assured that her citi- opportunity of your life. of sue h Estate and by order of same dale the and cot a lo be taxed. Will exhibit at Burns during the ranch, taking Miss Rose and her i ' H«*n. County C ourt «>f 1 hr state oi Oregon for I appreciate his worth, inmmoni ia publlahed by order of the Harney Count* I ihs app« lined the ; <1 day of two brothers bv surprise. After a H This races. uh . James A. Eee, one of the judges of the Noxeinber »xui at a legiitar term of said Court lie case of the state V. s. E. A. K. D orsett , hearty supyer the dishes were < above entiled Court, of date the 7th day of Sep t«> be holden in and tor llari.vt Count* afore 1X91. said, as the time and p a< r . f hruring same, ulius and Fred Rilterbusch Proprietor. washed and the dining nsim cleared IvmlMT, T hornton W. W illiamrj Attorneys i Appear therefore end on said day fi e objec- fot threatening officers of everything likely to interfere and Gxo W. H a yrs . in person | for Plaintiff 1 tionf if any < jkis why the pig\riot the Exr< tit or be not granted ihe rejhot approved, the ha ■forming their official duties Silver Ukc. with indulging in the light “fantas tale rh/Seii, the property dia ilbu e'i aotoiding to the WID. the auinr be orurrrd Mild thr said y Judge held the urisoners i tic toe,” that and singing was kept Sheriffs Sale Executor dia< barged from tne duties of hia S ilver L ake , Aug. 30, ’91 lids of $500 each to appear • rust and his boncamrn re.raved from further up until a late hour when all re And Order of Foreclosure of Me- liability in thr prrmlsra ie grand jury at the next E d . H erald : I have finally tired to rest but failed to get but Done and dated mi Burns Ihe 9th dav of Sep chanics Lien. tetnber 1x91 reached home, and find the neigh very little sleep on account of mus- ireuit court, in October, By urderof the Court Win. Miller County By virtue of an Execution and order of aale school building is not large borhood in good health and doing quitoei. We were up early next fur the foreclosure of a Mechanic« hen. issued Judge. s o gates , Executor. of the Circuit Court of the State of OreKon, I out > accommodate the number well. »>**••• Haying -- CJ is “ through • • w • with ■ » and z» I morning and by 9 o’clock started for Harney County, on the *.9th day of July a . T. W illiams Attorney, the crop is a good yield; stock ofi for the cave with the addition to D* 1x91, upon a de< ree rendered in «aid Court i I.BLU ren in the district and l. W I I ....... .. aud entered of record on the 2f»tn <iav of Mat A. Harm )'« l*iiliii<- !4vliool. ishing to send children to every description is doing well, our ranks of Mis« Rose and her two D. 1X91, in a cause therein pending wherein, I E. H King im plaintiff and John Mahon, M who live in other districts and will be in fine condition to win brothers. It was only a short dis Hwort« and tileii W Miller, partner« a« Swort« We desire to cail the attention of tance to the cave, and we were A Miller, and J. L. Nits, Defendants baid de the patrons of education toihe work r tuition, for the directors ter. cree being in favor <d said Plaintiff and agaii<st there in a short time and every aai<i Defendant« for the num of five hundred of the Harney City Public school. ompelled to hire an addi- Felix Duncan and Geo. Small are forty four and 74-luu dollar« (|M4 74-1001 thing prepared and torches lighted, and interest lilding, thereon at x per cent jier annum We nre making an honest effort to gathering £«•.. a.'. . ...n horses -------- for market. Small we entered the c»ve. At a few mi: • and from the kith dav of May A. p iwi. and for the will ma,ket his band in California, * rd °ME Directors. f irecl«.aure of a Mechanii « Ih-n of dare ihe kith mantain a school in every way utes after 10 o'clock, we came to the da/ of December A. D. Daw and dulv filed for worthy of the confidence of the putt Duncan, in the Willamette. on the said 14th dav of Decernt»er A. D. hike in the cave Now who is record 1M90. with the County clerk of Harney county lie. It is our ambition to make this ley races. 1st day i mile the eaid lien being iu favor of E. H. A great many of our citizens are ■ brave enough to get in the boat and Oregon, King the at»ove nimel Plaintiff and against school so full of merit iih not only i by Pin Ear, Chief taking in the Caskade mountains, hunting venture on the water? All were John Mahon. M.Hwor a aud Glen W. Miller part to command the res|>ect of the most noney; second day | heats as sworn At Miller, and J L Niictheattove timid at first, though in a short ' nera and gathering huckleberries. named Defendants and upon that certain large exacting critic, but excite in the ittle Joe in two consecutive time Misses Rose Venator and ■ two and one half aiorv wo«>den dwelling house. minds of its patrons and friends a now upon the Bout beast quarter of the Nor h rdan second; Saturday race Crater lake is getting to be quite Blanche Gray with Ira Venator I east quaner of Hection twenty in Township i won by Mollie B.. Sher- : a place of resort since the govern selected as captain of the expedi- j twent\-eight (>] eolith of Range thirty five (i»5j just pride. That our school has East W M . lving and being in Harney county l<een a s Access from an educational nd; Monday, match race ment has located a park there. tion, ventured on the clear spark Oregon, and directing me tu sell said dwelling standpoint »io one will question and lands tu saiiafx said decree as may t»e ind Perch, Jordan won; Now, therefore. I will offer and eel I said land since our Mudents have creditably The Alliance is making a bubble ling waters of the lake; they were I and I and repeat won by Cicero; dwelling house fo-wit That t errain large absent from the rest of the party i two and here, but sober minded people think one naif story wooden dwelling house, filled some of the best po«*itions in av trotting race won by situated upon the Southeast quarter •>( the just one half an hour taking that To the j it will soon run its course and burst. I Northeast quarter of Section twenty (4)1 In this and adjoining counties. il. ship twenty eight (*.X) Houth of Range Preparatory and II igh school depart They exclude all capitalists and de length of time to make the trip to Towt f*i»J E W M c.mtalning forty acres want of space we neglected termine themselves what a capital the further end and back again thirty-flve lying and being in Harney count? Oregon, to ment will be added a commercial R in our last issue, the ap- gether with all and singular the tenements, After which Captain jra taking two Tuition nssonabla. ist is, and all corporations are given hereditaments and appunenanrra. thereunto department. 4 of our old friend Chas, I on glug or in any manner apper al n ing and Board can l>e procured at low rate* ' the cold shoulder, but a corpora at each trip until the whoie party t>e their right, title Interrat and es ate therein istaiistican for this coun- tion that has for its object the hold enjoyed the ride Bpending some or all thereto which the Defenders, John Mah«*n,f The first term Is-gens Hept. 14 1K91 ■ Agricultural Depart- ing of all farm products for enor time at the cave, we ate our lunch, M bworts and Glen W Miler, partners A Millet and J L. Hitt had on the .41 h We have been fortunate in securinp I’ feel assured that Mr. Z mous prices is greeted with applause and went fishing which we enjoyed I bwors day of December A D 1*W. for cash to the high for our music teacher Mirs Donal-« bidder at public au« tioti at th«* frwnt door of peat interest in showing and the right hand of fellowship ex very much meeting with good suc est tbe Conn house, in the town of Hurns. Harney son a uriuluate of B«>rton Cons» 'Sources of our country to tended with eagerness. The Al cess in the catch. Finding we had county Oregon, commencing on Mondav the vatory of music. Other suitable dav of September A. D Wtl. at '¿u’clurfc P and will work zealously liance is something like the ele spent our allotted time we struck ! 14th teachers have l>een employed M of said da> In witneaa whereof, I have hereunto set my out for borne the happiest and jol- ■ statistics which will l»e phant hunter; have something We solicit your correspondence , hand this 141 h day of August A. D DWI. A A « osmo. liest crowd that ever visited Para rJ to the department, and M oli . ik L ehman , Principal Sheriff of Harney county, Oregon. larger than they can handle. dise Canyon. M. E. to us in the way of adver- T raveler . f country. I I, I. t, I i n.