Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1891)
4 Semi-Weekly Herald, r ft f t r € e tv w T tl tl li Horrible Indian Murder. malaria burns advertisements . t. believed to be caused by poisonons miasm* arising from low, marshy laud or from decayms vegetable matter, aud which, breathed i.ilo :be lungs, enter and poison the blood, if a healthy condition of the blood Is mai'itaiued bv taking Hood’» Sarsapar Ila, one is much less liable U> i malaria, h»s cured many maiaria, aud an«* Hoodjsbai'apiirilla ------ ------ , * —— affection. --''-.l'un •evere eases of tliii distressing , Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 4.— Near Vancouver last night the SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 12,1W. steamer Undine picked up the body of an Indian which which had w. <:. n VK li. lodged against a tree. Both hands were tied by a chain, which was A Wonderful Medicine. I T iie “Statesmen out of a job” wound around the body, to which a For malaria “ maiaria I * think *»>»» Hood* -------- all have their eyes longing’y cast heavy piece of railroad iron was at no equal. It has kept my children well right through the summer, and we live In one of th« upon the War portfolio tach d. A coroner’s jury wassum- worst places for tnalai-ia ia Marysville. I taki Dealer in Cenerai Merchandi moiid and it was pronounced a case Hood's Sarsaparilla Tor that all gone feeling with great benefit.” M bs . B. F. D avis , Marys B urns H arrison and Blaine must great fmurdir. The body was ide t- ville, Cat O regon . tied as that of “ Sturgeon Jim. ” an Break-Bone Fever. ly enjoy the pastime of plaving “My daughter Pearl was taken with dengue shuttle-cock with the republican I Indian living mar Washougal. ,’or break-bone) fever 2 years a -o. and my fneudi I'lirties from Washouifiil arriving Presidential nomination. tlicvght I would lose her. I I ad almost giver this morning say that the murdered : 'ip hope until she began to take Hood's Sana narllla. she took four bottles in four months I n selecting a new Secretary O<’ man had bad trouble with Isaac, , aid gained 15 pounds. I thank Hood’s Snrsa for giving her beet to me restored t< War M Harrison should try to get mother Indian living near Wash ! narllla for your flour , go to t iealt.ii aud strength.” Jiu.i A. K ing , Sher ougal, nine days ago. and that since ' a man without large private basine-1 I uau, Texas. interests which reipiireshis constant hat time Jim has la-en missing i Hood’s Sarsaparilla I’his after .noil t he Sheriff and prog- attention. old by druggist«. 11; six for |5. Prepared only ccuting atti rney started for Wash- v C. I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Masa Hi'pii t<.arres the murderer. — S. F. IOO Doses On? Dollar Prairie City, T here is a growingsuspicion that PORTER BROS. Proprietors some of the members of the New Examiner. BERN’S ADVERTISEMENTS York Grant monument committee T: iking of patent medicines— have pot places on the World’s Fair voti know the old prejudice Aand PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. l> iil ling committee. the doctors—some of them arc ■ e- T. A McKINNON, tween you and us. Thev would TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, PUTTY I Tr there is ever anv occasion for like you to think what’s cured DR. H.M. HORTON >ENTIST........... Bi rns O regon ’ in ‘king a ffeneological tree for “re i thousands won’t cine you. You’d 1 ifthe at thei’itv Drugstore. Prepared to al) BURNS, W. E GRACE P roprietor , ciprocity.” the searchers will get believe in patent medicines if they kind «>f <’en'al w»»rk. Teeth extracted without pain by aid of gaes stuck at the start, as there are al [ didn’t profess to cure everything— T V EM bree , m . d . A Large Assortment of readv several men who claim to be | and so. between the experiments of office»; hi» r«-« e «>•• fhi-«-»»t ide oi Sil the father of the bantling. <1 ictors, ami the experiments of .-le» River, to trl'e» be'“«« hurt ».___________ pitent medicim-s that are sold only Has just been Received. 1V1 H. Biggs, S enator Plumb is attempting the liecause there’s money in the ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMP imposi ilde in trying to ride the re ‘ stull.” you lose fail h in ever« thing. NOTARY PUBLIC, And, you can’t always tell the ptil lirait horse and the Alliance Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best AMI filly at the same time It would he j prt gcription that cures by what «on PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRE REAL ESTATE AGENT. diflienlt enough even if thev were I read in the papers. So, perhap.', Office at Sheriffs Office, going the same wav, but thev are i there» no better woy to st II a reme- travelling in directly opposite direc ! dv, than to till the tri.ith alamt it, BURNS. - - ----- --- - - Oregon lions, and no man can keen a foot and take the risk of its doing junt GEO. S. SIZEMORE, ing on both of them at once. what it profe.'ses to do. ATTORNEY. That’s what >he World’s Dispen- B urns , ........................ O regon — Mani MESDAMES MORRELL A' ALLEN, - — UollecCiolis. Lami liu-im-s, ami lti-j: Mit. Harri'-on informs the people I -ary Medical Association, of Buttalo Estate ma ter ; rmnptlv i tended to. I nt everv opportunitv 'hat be favors N. Y., dot s with Dr. Price’s Golden These ladies spare no pair.» to please their guests TONSORTAL PARLOR. a dollar worth a hundred cents Medical Discovery and Dr. Price’s JOHN ROBINSON Pimr everywhere but lie doesn't say anv Favorite Prescription. Everything in their line guarantee« ATTENTIVE AND GOOD TABLE SER’ If they don’t do what their mark thing about the silver dollar issued to be done satisfactorily. AND TABLES WELL SUPPLIED. by his administration, which lacks ers say they’ll do—you get your UT The nnlv place in Burns yot can get baths. consii’erab’e of being a hundred money back Imprisoned in a i.otlle. cent dollar everywhere, or indeed anywhere. Honesty, like cnarity, Some time ago W. E James, <>i * N. BROWN, Put nilm Conn , t hrew a int of empt« should always begin at home. . ’T’ . bottles into the back yard of id' R E A L E S A T E AG E N '1 BUY »No ' T >W N PR ,i’!. RTY. drug store, and one day this week I k it ♦ true, as charged by ♦ he while he was strolling there I« REAL l->T\Ti: N T'lE, ol'N'l UY II \NIH.EI Burns-Canyon Stage Line, ■>N ' 'M MIS' 'N CORRI -I'oNI'EM E 'm CIT'-'D New Yi rk Times, that polities con- heard one Lottie clinking against I. J ewitt , P roprietor . Leave. Burn, on Monday ». Wedne.daja, and Frtdaya, at 6 a. tn trols the assignment of Naval otli the rest in a peculiar way. It OFFICE AT N BROWN’Ss: TORE Connect, with the Ontario, Prineville, and Lakeview «tage., at Burn.. Goal ................... Oregon cers th**n imbed is Secretary Tracv rul ed around as if it was be Burns, lion, for pa.»enger.. witched. James picked up the shutting off the spigot and leaving locomotive Lottie—a dear, trans W-17. «Trensen th'* buughole open ir the alleged parent soda water one, nml was as placing of the master mechanics in tounded to see a rat galivanting in t’e naw yards under the merit svf 'ide it. He was a Lig gray fellow, tern The top is tin1 proper place while tin* bottle noxzle is not biu enough to lyt ji man thrust his lit I E. McKINNEY. - - _ P rof to begin reforms. tie finger into it. The rat’s body Everything in our line of the Rest. Liquors—Whiskies, Bi is three times larger tha.i the ori Wines. Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand ■ I t in said tin»* Seen tnrv Proctor five, and tin- mvstery, which puz zlt s everyone in Putnam, is. h<>w you call on “Mack.” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or Im»» not spent onethird of his time did the rat ever get in the bottle? Watches: nt the War Department since he en Mr. James has plamd t he imnris tered the Cabinet, and that the busi oned rat on the counter in hi« store, M v reputation as a good watch ness of the depnrtment has been al and scores of people insp -et it dai v. maker and jeweler is well known Et URNS BUTCHER SHOP. most entirely directed bv the sub It is the conjecture of a scientific and ! refer to all mv customers citizen, who is familiar, MARTIN BYERLEY ordinates, one of the exception be- Putnam with the wavs of rats, that it had " ork alwavs ready when promis«'d. in»» when the Indian trouble of last cruwb tl into tne nouie worn ««mug, Prices as low ns consistent witl the botlle when voting, it is known that rats g •«- ’*Ml -............... workmanship fall was on, nnd then Mr. Harrison mid. since i_ .......... r — -L. and .1..... according t« I the amount of work done. help euch other in tribulation, that took ]>eraonnl control Call and see me. Always at my the ammal's mother has visited the bottle daily am/ contrived to thrust post, next door to restaurant. W e have wvived a pamphlet en- footl into the Itottle The rat ap ♦ itled * Information nnd Advice rela pears to be in excellent health, ami Full weight given. Good beef or the block. Mutton, ting to Patents” from C \ Snow A venison and game, when on the market. Co "well known |»atent attorney«, of Washington, D. C. It contains Eugene. ¡notions for procuring patents and ♦ he cost of the same in toe United f.»r« • '•l.gur A«1<lrv«e. How Dautel F. Beat WHsMuicton. New Jeraex. Next session begins on Monday, States nnd foreign countries; infor the 21st day of September. 1891. mation about the legistrntion of Tuition, free. P ropri »”* Four Courses: Classical. Scien trauenmrks copy rights,and designs; f,.r < .i.l<-«u<- R» M.vvr»l F. Beany W.H.CANADAY tific. Literary, and a short English als<» abstracts of court dicisiona in W •■tileBton. New J»nr< Course, in which there is no Latin. patent cas< a. and other matter of Greek, French or German. The interest to inventors, patentees, O------ O English is a pre-eminently a Busi manufacturers and others interest ness Course. For catalogues or ♦ • other information. ed in patents H will lie mailed Nothing but first class pictures leaves this Gallery. D Address J. W. J ohnson , free to anyone addressing C A, President. furnished at reduced rates. gWGive me a call. Snow A <’o. Washington, D. C. REAM CiTÏ ROLLER URL ♦>< a ta di cl ei DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINTS, BRU of b tr In di FINE CUTLERY, NOTIONS, Et P < r tli th bl cl v< lil lil di of: wi \\ Io in w BURNS RESTAURANT, ovnrv hi th ’<■ ntvnArhiiih i * I. •> ♦ Im ft» vitra ' x'"1 "0o . THE DREW8EY SALOON k »■ II II tl w II a I» »I I, 1 F 11 d . . . . . . . . UNIVEP.SITWOREGOK BEATTY'SORGANSl BtAUVSiUW ECurns TPhotograrh GVallerv,