A Conscript’s Christmas BY JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. From The Century: Haatoer’s Mag J “Oh. I do wisht you’d go on,”8he cried; “them men ’ll tthorely ketch y<»u <-f you keep on a stayin’ here a-winkin’ an’ a-gwine on makin’ tnor.key motions.” “Shoo!” exclaimed Israel. “Ef the house was surrounded by forty thcusan’ of’em, I’d git by ’em, an’ if ne?d l>e, take you wi’ me.” While they were talking the dogs began to hark. At the first sound Polly rose from her chair with h'r arms outstretched, but fell lack pale anrl trembling. Israel had disappeared as if by magic, and Mrs. Spurlock was calmly lighting her pipe by tilling it with hot em ers, It was evidently a false alarm for, after a while, Israel backed in-| to the door and closed it again with ! comical alacrity. “Sh-sh sh!” he whispered with a warning gesture, seeing that Polly was about to protest Don’t make no fuss. The d gs has been a bark I n’ at ; perils an' things Jest keep j ■ight still.” Hone» I L L U S T R ATI illustrate J bianded Eitbor Eight or The impoitant serie» of «J America, by Theodore Child tS in Helper's Magazine duriiwd ofilie year 1H9I. she »rti. |e»fa® iforuia, bv Charles Dudley W,J lie continued Among other 3 tracthms will be a novel by 3 Craddock; acolleetion of orlgitj W. M. Thackeray, now pubii»hi| Time; a novel written and illnJ du Maurier: a novellette btw Howells; and aiseriesof imperil London by Walter bcBHnt. I In the number and wiriety of J pers and articles on other subj«J tereat, as well as in the unrraelhj pH H11. >1 t Hiol U H. !..■<• 0 IK. ,.r,. , (| J ztnb will continue to maintain^ excellence for which it has Ua| tinguished. I stifle’- OR. Cange—Harney county. Dregou. Just then a hickory nut dropped P. U.—Bums. Hainvy county, Oregon. and the un the roof of the house, ALMEDA A. STENGER. noise caused the girl to start up with an exclamation of terror. C a TTLK branded “Youthought they had me then,’ u Left side; circle- said Brae) as In rose and stood be . > it. in ei til fore the fire, rubbit)1; his hands to gether, anil seeming to enjoy most keenly the warm interest the girl Ram?e—Harney and Grant county Oregon HARPER’S PERIOil p. o.—Burn*. Hariiov county, ________ manifesied in his welfare, Per Year; 1 known to Le most . human system, fol in -theONI Y PER HARPER’S MAGAZINE “Oh, I wisht you’d cut an’ run.” -Pensions, II IRI’ER'S WEEKLY 1 FECT REMEDY to act geiuly yet Pleaded Polly, covering her fact TiIE DISABILITY BILL IS A HARPER S BAZAR promp'ly on the HARPER’S YOUNG I’EOPlj with her hands; “they'll be here LAW. KIDNEYS, LIVER AND EOTO Postage Free to all 8ubs3 Soldiers disabled since the war are United Suites, Canada, orMej therreckly.” Entitled Israel was not a bad hoking fel volumes of the Maguii, Clennsswec? a : . ...fkiRv Dependent widows and Barents now de the The Numbers for .lune and| pendent whose sons died from the eHei rs of eae li year. When low ns he stood before the fire laugh — so ThAr - no titueui army -erviee are iiieluded. If you wish -I liplions will begin wilhthfj ing He was a very agreeable veria votiri lai.ii speedily and sticeessfu.lv prose rent nt time of receipt ofordti. uted.a Idress .1 AMES TANNER, tion of the mountain type. He was Bound volume- of Hurper’s] Late CoininifHiuiier of Pension*. liree years back, in neat doth! WASHINGTON’, D 0. was angular, but neither stoop be sent by mail, post-paid,oni N per volume. Cloth Cases, fa shoulded nor cadaverous, lie »va» .•cuts each—by mail, post-paid. awkward in his manners, I ut very Index to Harper'- Mapuiia. ■ ■al, Analytical, and Clas-ifled.l gracefully fashioned. In point el 1 to 70, inclusive, from June.! PERSONAL AND PROMPT 1SS5, one vol. S vo. Cloth,$4.0) tact, as Mrs. Powers often remarked. I To be Continued.) Remittances should be niafa) ATTENTION GIVEN TO PAT- Money Israel was “not to be sneezed at.’ Order, or Draft,toafa TRADE loss. After it while he became thought For sale at Jordan & Harton’s ENTS, CAVEATS, Address HARBER & HROrt MARKS, etc. can be earned nt our ’TV line of work, York. ful “I jest tell yon what,” he said rii) filly and hoimrvLi , Ly thoa»* of I trug Storr. NO FEE UN LE S PATENT / •icrsew i j/«l, and in th» ii own i •• ai ti« a,whrrrvir they live. Anj kicking ihe chunks vigorously, ami one can do lb" w<-ik. I.any to learn IS SECU REI ). COR Li ESPOND- Harner’s Wei We furnish every: hinrf. We start « <> . No risk. V' u can dev«, PENSION. POSTAL, LAND and s<mling little spinks of lire §kip your »par»« uionn twa, ur all «..nr time to the «>rk. i hi* is a: ENCE SOLICITED. I L LT ST RATE! entirely n«'W lcu<i^in<l bring* onderful an <•■•-- n «•very wuike* riinien« are earning from f’-u t«j f&(> p< r»» ■ • k and uf wam- ping and eracking about the room. B» INDIAN DEPREDATION p . ep .’ k W eekly rm® never H an«l mor»' utter a little exj.crience. Wo can furnish yon the en i ie hr h “Journal of (ivij STODDART à CO., •yiii'nt an i teach » "ii ' No ap r »• to «-x plain hire. I-1 “This business puzzles me—I jest pl Uiiunualiou CLAIMS. <!(IC B. Mi h’a (O! Bl tilt !| i- i .. « *A. 613 Ci G1Ó 7th Strcot, H. V7. (1 p. fsibi Wt it r of 1 FeiuUntin tell you it does. That W» s. Love ar<l of ari i? i< au<i Htertra [Oppo ire U. S. Patent Office,] Ata uni« u< he<i id . iir>pi.rtaiii| joy done like lie was the best friemt V\ ASHINGTON. I». C. > | !« HUE Hl < ) It Ft I Hl 1(1 , ,rih\ ai <• interest ii>g. if i I had. He was constantiv huntin Ti; : Gclsbratod Frosch Curs, I i iitHlrilnki to I'l’rfly i t if » 1 a ai < a» behm tn it lligviit p< r-»-h <>i cither ’ or more a: I bi ] po n tins vlb h* 'I and w ih« . and w ho, • me npin camp, an’ when I told me..;U' i b.Jt- rc.’uncG he) Mill It* li’erarx.sdttt »»ill M »rk ini! .-triously, roe it««»- I lb Hurs a < al. < iiii< al. 1« p» grahitil.u I.j T jld c:r a liiin 1 would like to come home an Year in tin 1r <. y Uve.I will nlso furnish • ><88 <ti ii a' ten ai (. uno PESITI the si<'tiiii»ii •«• ■ niphiyiiH •H,.H »■bi li ;..... .. t uru timi iiiiiount. pci wile heart) <t n n<i.< No moue' h»r n> unii s« bHcycsstii I »is iilutve E >v inni quickly git mammy's «Tap in, hejes laughed C’JARAM II I t BtoW V<i » II | HBI ¡MUrt I leiiriu'l. I «Ivsit • . ut mu’ «»ri. I fii'in en' h <Halrl< t . r- ■ unty. I • ( have airt-H'ly I iu;:ht mid pr»»«id d with cniployiiii-nf n Inrpe e public. As a fa mil) junrt tin’ said he didn’t reckon I’d be ci'nvrvo:. idisc- □ Iiunib'f, M II > ill .• >>iiilili>_- ove -ttl’C*' :• »«■■ each. Ils A I. XV her rlof«.re, 1 e tei kin! Sl> J ». I .¡II part •"»' • ' F' 5» I I.. A«I<ln ss ni e. or aaz uisorucruf r t he qua’itkg I1.U misse I much, an’ now he's a hound L’i. <!« AL’.-L«, ' “O, An^iihEu, A.uiiic* UNDER THE DIRECTION <>F tho L?acraUveor- to e very home. gaas of either sex, in’ me down. What has the man W R. HEARST. ( Editor ami Pro ». hct’. cr c.r. iu PER year : f: ith »excels.\c prietor San Francisco Examiner.) HARPER WEEKLY............ . got agin me?" ii oct b.. îulaal , , AFTER REMORE HARPER’S MAGAZINE...... •< rOpi.i-.i,crthioi. •h>o*«..!ulHi.r«era- JOHN WEDDERBURN, Manager. PollV knew, but she didn't aay. 't ; n .o. HARPERS BAZAR............ j rii iulgtuco, ligiTice* fte <te , «nuchas Lose of 1 rain Illesi, var r down Pains In tho (»IS F. Street, Northwest Washing i r, \V;i -Ines I. I I-i-ur.: II ARI’ER S VOl’NG PErlPLl Mrs t*purh>ck suspected, but she • ’ : . I V. <--ikne! s H vm ?:’a, Nervous Fr >s- Poahiiic Ere»» to aU BubBerlheriii .raUon, N turuai E ui !c:is, le corrhœa. Diz- ton, D. i . states. Canada, or Mexico. no »llort to enlighten Israel, Polly . In ess, W ■ '< M lorz, L s< f power ami Impo* Will practice ifi the supreme < . ur* < f 'he The Volumes of the Weekly willl , WIRE ROPE SELVAGE to prematuro <’nlte«l "in us. the < "uri <». b'lai'iis,’he never«1 tenoy. v,’V. ’1‘ T’.('"'. ‘ctc lof.cn 1 fïtf- " ' -»2? <aMCTua| the first Number for .lanuarv 4 knew that Lovejoy was animated e!d »**0 in I ii: in't’.Frleo? .( 3 a be-, G boxes (’««nr sof ihe District of <’oluin i-ia. before <’«»m- When ii »time is mentioned,•ul-wl h ? I v I 1 o 1 rmr'Y ' of p’lce* lor tve. inims of ('«»iigress. «nd he Executive Pep’ s. I begi i with the Number (Urrentl • . \ i t.rAUANi ;: e i ; riven for by Mind jealousy, and h« r instinct a wm ceipi of order. rrnnpiyn itf »re'”mi the money if We obtain Pensions and Patents. * .»ry f xa I tiuixl Volumes of Harper's WM <■ “ rt B r r (J v, e ha» 3 taught her that a jealous man is i Perm* veatB ba< k. in neat cloth bindinr.I 'totratub • testimonial® f- • i o’<i nml yov.nr« j Indian Depredation Claims and al) b\ mail P. stage paid, or by exprea whol ’ - < i h - j , i - h , i ”, i ’’. v - - I classesH of Land Claims, Mining. ■ ■ i • ................ usually a dangerous one. Taking pense provided ihe freight doetM y lieu •* < f Aphroditino. Circular free. Addrc a per\olume? f«>r |7 ih > a volume. Pre emtion and Homestead cases advantage of one of the privileges • • A°HRO < !< ’h ’ list's f.»r each Volume. I Bux27- P obtla .«**. O il Prosecuted before the General Find Holding will he sent b\ mail p»st| ef her sex, sh«» I iik I at one time ear V . rn i‘ tuch. «7 ACKNOWLEDGED THE Fl.-.W ceipt of fl. Reinitinneus should be made bj ri«-d on a tremendous flirtation with I For Sale at W. E. Grace’s Drug office, Deoartment of the Interior for Lawns, Gardens, farms, Rrnches and u rads Monei order or Draft, to avoid (huj . ,!tcKSl;..r>' .’ED. Sold by dealers. FliUGlfl i \'!> and the Supreme Court. \ddrt s: ii A RI’ER .v HR •!' IE»,« He VI L EJi S POCLTBT NETTING. . Lovtjoy. She had intended to Store Nu s.iirftiijsr! No bagging! Extra llvavvrtge. '¿’he McKuUen Woven Wire Fence Co., Chicago, IU. amuse herself simply, but she had Harper’^ Baza ■ ■ IM “AN IKESts" gives instant Ba ® H K ■ Breta-f an i is an infallib'o kindled tires she was powerless to H B N ■ 5 xL i ure for Piles, Prices!. By I L L U ST R A TH B» I MV pro r/io .. I io I quench. Lovejoy had taken her H arper s B azar is a journa for I ■ H! r“‘ . AUHrcse-.lNAULSIS.” F Bev . -•iving thela oBt inf»>rmatlon *iT I ■ Ba ■■ box »41U, New Y orK City. seriously, and she knew well enough Mi i.st rua 11. i ihe FnHhi.,'»8. i s uumer«»U8 ¡Duaind h i< e» •'‘fully bv t i»m p n cf . and pattern sheet Fujpk that he regarded Israel Spurlock as sii'la of vr«imiuei indispensable alike to the hotne* u and ihe pr.ifeBsi«»tial modiste. Oligbly r n iaolo a rival. She had reason to suspect, ’S"*»“— is spare«! in making its anis ic »nJ e. We th ti ' sa i«e. • •fihe hfiihesT order. Hs cleverB Caveat, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat too, that Lovejoy had pointed out (.-i t mes t nir weig t ii parlor pla> b . and thoughtful ewaw ent b.iRine*« conducted for Modi ra*e I ces. gold /or female irrf UiBicB, »uni ns lust page is niinoUiit Our 0 b»:e is Onoosi’e II. S. P den» Office, ularittee. Sever knovi Israel to the conscript oflicera, and «•’’ wit and humor. In its weeklvIff and we can secure patent in less time than those to fail. thing is in« in ed whi« h is of intertftj rei co from W m h ugton. that the same influence was control Sent by mail teal? During 1'91 \gnes B. Orin Rhee will’J s< nu monel, drawin? or photo., with descrip of tt;iif les on ‘The House < omfajl for A duress tion. VVt nh i”e. if patentable or not. free of ing and directing the pursuit now ’ • ’s. n a il treat of “Sanitary UtW Charge. O.ir fee not due till patent is secured. x The Aphro Medicine iuieri sting kui < ession of paper*j A P .rrnHet. “How to Obtain Parents.’’ with going on. Art au«i History.” superblv illurnj names of actual clients in your State, county, or COMPANY. furnished by Theodore Child. Thewl town, sent free. Address. Under the circumstances,her con will he bv Walter Besant aiidThomaj Wratern Kritnch, cern—he' alarm, ind ■< d—was nut- HARPER’S PERIODIC! Boa *47« Portland, < rrgon. C.A.SNOW&CO. hoposite Patent Office. Washington. 0. C. Per Year lira). She ami Israel had been For Sale nt the Grace Drug Store f bazar I HARPER’S sewitS caW4 rf. *5 sweet hearts for years,—real sure ! MAGAZINE 1 HARPER’S !<• f.-riincHhavebwn madwav _ _____________ JdCAoa. ___ UH C» S^UAn.JI. f. < II VRPER’S WEEKLY iv..o. lor us. b\ Anna I’, gc. Austin, enough sw»« tin arts, as she ex- » <» kua NG .......... I’EOPl-r. ; and .In", Vonn, Toledo, Ohio H KRPER’S vol i — • • —1*1 - FOR SALL BY See ent. Other«nr»<bingai well. Why P«*stage Free »•> all si' •( riberfh ■ not you? Some earn over iiuo.oo a presed it to her grandfather,—and S ’ area, < anada, or Mexico. ith. Tow < do the work and live NEW HOME SEWING MA at h«>nie, when »«r you are. Even bc- they were to married in a short olumea of the Bazar befit Vnnen» arc easily earning from #5 to J CHINE CO., 72.'» Market St., I a day. All ages. V e show you how Dumber for January of each and atari you. l an work in •pare time while; just as soon, in fact, as the is time is mentioned, subacripnojj San F runcisco. Cal or all the time Big money for work with Ihe Number current at tbtuffff er« Failure unknown among them. Paicfic Department. necessary preliminaries of eloths- of order. J NEW an«! wonderful Particulars free. Bound volumea of Haq>er’l BMR o” lnn<l,Maint makhig and cake-baking could Is* year in neat cloth binding. wilH*R e paid* or by expreaa, disposed of She thought not hit g l‘t.idea the freight does u<«t exceff Thr IteM Itrinrdy l«i per volume) or f7 a of her feat of climbing the moun ’ i«»ih « ases fo’ea« h volume.fUneR in this world., «ay® J. IloOherr, of Syracuse, ing will be sent by mall p »«paw*’ tain in the bitter cold and ti.e over N. Y . is Vaalor Koenig'® Verve Ionic beenuer |1 ea< h. - ton. aho w»«» |wuriiailv lwrNlvaed this? Remittanct a should be made by whelming rain She would have uiy Money order or Draft, to avoid cog year«« airo aud attacked by fl!®. ba< n«»t had any THE ONLY TRUE Adress HARPER A taken much larger risks than that; •yinvt«>tn® of them sine - be t««ok one l»otlie of h® reiuedy. I moat LeartHv thank for it. New spapers are not tocopjn she would have faced any danger a’’ of the above advertisetnMU rrisiv.fdl.. May. IffM. express order of HARPER Pg her mind eou <1 conceive of. And Our daughter contract'd Fpilevtlc Fit® from hljthl Ibrct- year® ago. we tri»d nio®'. every srarl appreciated it all; nay, he thing wv L ard o* but ot ua avail Am thatifc to «talehow that stn-a ®hv took Pastor Koe- fairlv gloated over it He st<sal oe- ful •lig’s >«rvv Tonic »hr La® not bad the <* for the tire fairly hugging the fact attack within »our n*<«uiba 1311 F art« Ave. MR\ C. NCHU14L Wilt rt» ’fy rwenla*e?h« to his losoni. His face glowed, Tbcs McCurdy, of 212 351U Am». Dsnver I4«*r ■»n.i KM»*y« an<| Kr,i»r« th« 3.41 V|««r9n .„'b I and his »• hole attitude was one of Colo. says I'a«« cur K w* ig s \er\® Tonic is <»i « o( Indig^tun, gwa* beto it U» u>®; il ba® had tbr desired etf o« • !. I WWKV ft I < k »>f Mr*»nrh and 1 irM exultation; and with it. shaping by sU'ppiug the flta «• nga.Mkol-jiaiyc .rw,i n„np<i IW^cviptive ineciea r.nd r*r -j ANNUA 0 W'fnr«*«. Enliranegt» r.iiiifj '—A Yalwable Ruak an Nermws every gesture and movement, was n«t - wvhe« Bra n P< wer. srut tree to anv adtlreML. from . omv’a r « |w«or patteat» »*•• a)»*o otaain a manifestation of fearlessness _________> •nd I Ear to the. r~t w il • • J this free of ctrnrae. I- >R BARTER’S I ROM r thafff** This rvrnedv has been prwfuured by the Rewmal which was all the more impressive Pa* • rw ’»irF« a e!«ar, F -aU or K’-rn®. of Port W»o*. Ind, st ace ups g at coniate-1 ell. ui now pn'tMLT'd under hl® dtrMMoa b% tbs because it was unconscious ■ -ity nf the ori am«! •Riai’iaL avi BF<r. This had a tendency to fret Polly KOINIC MEO. CO.. Chicago, Ilk S PTTLE LIVER RILLS\ ?Y a . co. ii m m hi i hii mm oik Fabar’s Botilen F- t lû iui IRON im FREE whoa* alarm for Israel s safety was genuine. SoMfa Ix-unt.»*. at r»r nnltta. Olbras, •».IX. • l«o*U*« S*r Ott. fHE BEST a AXL.F. ££ I i !» •ZEi li GREASE LÏ2Ï3?** Ima • I nr* ö». KAMT» n "PU * ’ ’ aad I rmun Boot fl **nte im ff rCOlCINS co — t— L. r ■