burns advertisements . Semi-Weekly Herald, Propoaed Sew Kailroad. On February 23d last the follow­ ing articles of incorporation were filed with the secretary of state, but W. C. KÏIID. Kditor. were not pU|,|jB|lt.j (he time, as the incorporators requested that T he ejectments of the parties who they l>e withheld from the press i-h tiled and settle«! on the Red S lands, The incorporation took for its name again opens the question of their that of the Pacific and Eastern right to fileon, or bv what authority Railroad Company. The incorpor­ Dealer in General Merchandis •h‘‘V are hacked, to take such pro­ ators are Frank J. Taylor, M. J. B urns cedure. these parties settling on this Linney, H. G. Vandusen, and the O regon . aporoved land, must receive en­ principal office is at Astoria. The i couragement ami advice to do so capital stock is $ 10,000.000, divid-: from some source. We believe the ed into 100,000 shares. The de-j government is more to blame fori ! dared object of the company is to th«- suffering ami deprivations of j build a railway south from Astoria i d> these poor families caused by the, i to, and up the Tillamook river, FOR YOUR FLOUR, GO TO TH U) ejeetimnt^ than any syndicate, across the coast range to the he. d- r* P corporation, individual or the judic- j , waters of the Yamhill river, and Ö Cu larv. These lands being approved i down the said river to the east side P to the state by the government do. Coast mountains; theme south P* Prairie City, OiJ virtually belong to the state, giving ; through the Willamette vaEey to PORTER BROS. Proprietors BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS th«* state the right to dispose of the I Springfield; thonce easterly cross- land, which was done. Parties pur- I the Cascades by way of the middle PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. chasing this land from the state bv , fork of the Willamette to east Cas T. A. McKINNON, paying a percent thereon certainly | cade; thence easterly by way of J W. ASHFORD, H. BOYD iiave a claim on the land and the Harney lake valley and eastern Ashfod à Pcyä. TOILET ARTIC LES^G LASS, PUTT.Y, state is honor bound to stand by the j Oregon and through souther Idaho PHYSICIANS A SURGEONS, purchaser, if there has been a to Salt Lake City Utah. They al­ B urns ................................. O regon BURNS W. E GRACE P roprietor , Office In W E Grace'» Drugstore fraud perpetrated on the govern­ so propose building a line from As­ ment, that fraud should be un toria to Portland; thence south DR. H.M. HORTON A Large Assortment of earthed by the government, and ifj through the Willamette vallev to a DENTIST............... B urns O regon . one of her ways of uncovering the practicable connection with the ' Hflre ar the city Drug Storo Prepared to all of den’al work. swindle is by allowing poor settlers, main line Thia piece of railroad kind Has just been Received. Teeth extracted without pain by aid of gass. to file and improve this land then ‘’news” is now given to the public the government is honor bound—if for the first time.— Lakeview Ex PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPd she lias any honor—to stand by th«' , aminer. Everything guaranteed pure and of the very bent 01 M. R. Biggs, settler protect him in his rights and PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE be responsible for all damages he ••The Centut y’i." I.iti- of Col it in bus ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, may receive in helping the govern­ The Century Magazine will cele­ NOTARY PUBLIC, ment expose a fraud. brate the 400th anniversary of the AND The government receives the til discovery of America by publishing REAL ESTATE AGENT. J ingsuml money of these poor settlers a Life of Columbus written especial Office at Sheriffs Oilice, the claimants who purchased the Iv for that magazine by Emilio Cas MESDAMES MORRELL & ALLEN, BURNS, ------- Oregon land from the state immediately telar, the famous Spahish orator, call on the judiciary of the state to statesman, and author. The work GEO. S. SIZEMORE, These ladies spare no pains to please their guests ATTORNEY, protect their claim which of course; is written in Spanish, and will be urns , ........................... O regon . >« done, officers are sent to tear | carefully translated. Senor Caste- B Collections, Land business, and Real ATTENTIVE AND GOOD TABLE SE down their houses destroy their Jar, whose interest in and admira­ Estate matter i rompt!' intended to. AND TABLES WELL SUPPLIED, crops and improvements of what tion for America are wed known, TOKSORIAL PARLOR, soever nature they are, and the poor has made a careful study of the JOHN ROBINSON P rop . Hittier is left homeless to bear the new historical material bea'ing up- Everything in their line guaranteed brunt of the battle and his loss as on the subject, and it is said that to be done satisfactorily. The onlv place in Burns you best he can, and the government his papers will be very richly illus­ can g?t baths. lavs back on its bed of ease drink­ trated. Other articles dealing with ing champagne and smoking good the discovery of America are in Burns-Canyon Stage Line, cigar*. Then some people say. we course of preparation for the same iI N. ’B R 0 W ÏT, I. J ewitt , P roprietor . ■V'. ’V’ . have the best administered govern­ magazine. Leave» Burn* on Monday», Wednesday», and Friday», at 6». m 'ounects with the Ontario, Prineville, and Lakeview stages, at Burns. Good R E A I. E S A T E A GENT ment the sun ever shone on, peopli' Ami Still «he Went on. tions for passengers. BUY ANltSEI I.TOWN PROPERTY. REAL ESTATE IN THE COUNTRY H ANDLED that talk so are “sick.'’ ON COMMISSION The man who stops his paper be­ CORRESPONDE'« E SOLICITED TllK tin plate ww'iidle in the Mc­ cause something has appeared in OFFICE AT N. BROWN’S S TORE, Kinley Bill is now fairly developed. its columns of which he does not Burns, ................................ Oregon. Tlu> people of I be country see it. approve, and does it with an air of W- N. Jorgensen and what is worse, they can feel it. regret that it is necessary . to drive I E. McKINNEY, - - - _ - ?■ All the thin pretenses about the es­ the publishers into bankruptcy, re­ Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, tablishment of a tin-plate industry minds us of the train dispatcher Wines. Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand in this country are gone The loud­ who requested an increase of salary you call on “Mack,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or est and brassiest of the tin plate and threatened to quit if he didn't organs lire ashamed to repeat them.! get it. The superintendent replied There is no tin plate industry in to his request by relating a story. America, not anv sign of one. Then* “When I was a young man,” said Watches: is still some faint lying about it. but ht, ”1 once did as you are doing—I MARTIN BYERLEY it is growing fainter and must soon told the superintendent of the road Mv reputation as a goo«i watch­ c»a*e. what you have told me. He refused maker and jeweler is well known, M kanwhiie the people pay for my demand and I quit; and would and ! refer to all mv customers. McKinley'» fun and the monopolist von believe it—that durn road is Work always ready when promised. ' Prices as low as’ consistent with pats a swelling pocket. The tax is running yet!”—Lima News. good workmanship and according to war to tax legal effect July 1st, but the amount of work done. consumers have la*en paving it Full weight given. Good beef or the block. Mutton, Call and see me. Always at my straight along. venison and game, when on the market. r i post, next door to restaurant. WEDNESDAY REFTEMBER 9, IDDI. CD PRAIRIE CITY ROLLER MILL. FINE CUTLERY, NOTIONS, Et BURNS RESTAURANT THE DREWSEY S a loon 13 URNS BUTCHER SHOP T he tin-plate swindle was an ex- . eptionally impudent one. There was never a decent oretext for it The American people will be forced to pay. so long aw the McKinley Bill stands unrepealed.momqsilist prices for tin, while the Standercd Oil ex­ ports in unta xed tin Eugene. Next session begins on Monday, the 21st day of September, 1891. Tuition, free Four Courses: Classical, Scien­ tific. Literary, and a short Engjish Course, in which there is no Latin, Greek, French or German. The English iir a pre-eminently a Busi­ It warn cold day for Ba Im «ceria ness Cours»*. For catalogues or Friday. Aug 29, but it was also a other information. Address J. W. J ohnson , Chili day for the Congn ssionaliste. President —Free Press BEATTY’SORGANSl BEATTY'S PIANOS^ forvaiftioKn? Athlrewn, Hon. Daniel F. Beat ty. w tishinitton. New Jersey. for catalogue FiMatur Daniel F. Beatty Washington, NewJrrtci Burns Bhotogranh allerv.i w H. CANADAY, •O~* O' Nothing but first class pictures leaves this Gallery. furnished at reduced rates. ® Give me a call.