SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5,1H91. BURNS A FIGHT FOR LIFE. Semi-Weekly Herald, SHALL »1 DXIVXSLO V roISON FBOM OUB BBBK- FAHT TAFLB? i • — Alum ane Ammonia In our Bread. A nuisance that troubled Eng land fifty years ¡«go is now rapidly spreading in this country, that is I f legislation is tn be effecting en 1 putting Alum in the bread we eat. acted the debtor class it strikes US This question is causng a great that it would l»e better to curtail the deal of discussion at the present mo- number if such a thing is possible, I merit, as it is revealed that alum is than to offer special inducements for being used a« a substitute fur cream everybody to join that class. We of tartar in baking powders. A have never regarded debts as bless story is told that a very large per ings, and it is hard for us to do so centage of the baking powders sold now. If it be possible for every on the market contain either alum [or ammonia, and many of themcon- holder of real estate to borrow money •' I ] tain both these pernicious drugs. at a nominal rate of interest, all the ■ Much timely alarm is felt at the 01<l time ideas of thrift and economy 1 wholesale use of alum in bread, pas- will rappidly disappear and we shall ] try and biscuit. To young children. become a nation of extravagant and , growing girls, persons of weakly frame, alum bread eatqn morning, thriftless speculators, and our end noon and evening is the most harm would be the inevitable bankruptcy ful It is the small quantities tak which has followed similar circum en at every meal that do the mis- hief. Alum is cheap, costing but Stances in other countries. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. two or three cents a pound while T he day of little men is coming . «-ream of tartar costs 30c, ai.«l the PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. In case a Legislature is chosen hos I high price of cr«am of tartar has T. A. McKINNON, led cheap baking powder to I m * tile to himself, Sherman will hand made of alum If the reader wants J. W. ASHFORD, H- BOYD over his Senatorial mantle to Foster to know something of the corrosive Ashford & Boyd. it lie can. This is the accepted sit qualities of alum let him touch a! PHYSICIANS A- SURGEONS, uation in Ohio. Foraker's is a lone pice«* to his tongue then reflect how | B urns ................................. O regon light, but lie has the best start. It itactson the tender delicate coats i Office in W E Grace'« Dmg Store of the stomach. seems to be generally conceded that Following is a list compiled by I DR. H.M. HORTON M r. Sherman is serving his last term I the Scientific American, of the alum [ DENTIST................ B urns O regon . in tin- Senate. Foraker for his suc and ammonia baking powders that office at the city Drug store Prepared to all of demal work. cessor and Bulkelev or Sam Fassen- have already been tested. Atlant-i kind Teeth extracted without pain by aid of gass. ie and Pacific: Iioval. Cook's Favor- ' den for Gen. Hawlev’s in Connec T. V. . EMBREE, M. D. ite. Scioto. Grown, Silver Spoon,] ticut? Whither the drift in the Crystal. Silver Star. Dai«v, Sim’v- office at hiB e Ou me east ide ot Sil- Grand Old Partv? drift, Davis’ O. K , Sovereign. Drv vies River. t»»t trHet below Burns. Yeast. Star. Gem, State. Globe, M. R. Biggs, M any years practice has given Standard. Kenton, Sunflower. Pear ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, C. A. Snow & Co., solicitors of pat son’s. Washington. Perfection. Wind NOTARY PUBLIC, ents at Washington D C.. unsur sor, Peerless, Zipps Grape, Puiity «nd Crystal. AND passed success in obtaining patents There are. in addition to the fore REAL ESTATE AGENT. for all classes of inventions, They going list from the Scientific Amer make a specialty of rejected cases, ican. a number of such powders Oilice at Sheriffs Ollice, and have secured allowance of sold in the western that were not BURNS,---- ----- --- - _ Oregon many patents that have been pre found in the eastern stores. GEO. S. SIZEMORE, Following if the list up to (’ate: viously rejected. Their advertise- ATTORNEY, calumet . - - Contains Alum. ment in another column will be oi B urns , ........................... O regon . (« alumel Baking Powiier Co.. Chicago.) CollecTiohs, Lund business, and Keill interest to inventors, patentees, forest city . — Ammonia Alum Estate uiaiter ) romptlv attended to. (Voiiwie Bros Cleveland ) nianufiictureis and all who have to chieago yeast . Ammonia Alum, TON SORI AL PARLOR, do with patents. (chapman JL Smith Co.. Chicago.) JOHN ROBINSON P rop . bon b «* n , - - Contains Alum Washington is to have another1 hotel , Contains Ammonia Alum. Everything in their line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. big convention and one which is (J <’. Grant Baking Powder Co., Chit ago.) unrivaled . — - Contains Alum. gSF“The onlv place in Burns you something beyond the pale of tile (Spfa^uea, U truer 4 Griswold. Cni< <go.) can g.-t baths. ordinary. The nation’s Capital has one spoon tayi . or ’ s Ammonia Alum. (Taylor Mfg Co. St. Louis.) become a favorite place for scientific , yarnai . i .’ s - - Contains Alum N. BROWN, gatherings and assemblies, which (Yarnal Mfg Co.. St. Louis ) -V- . ■ >»»» . «e- have brought together many of the , siiaw ’ s snow puff . Contains Alum. R E ALES A T E A GENT (Merchants* Mfg. Association. St. Louis ) HUY ANoSF.i I. TOWN PROPERTY. most learned men in the country, REAL ESTATE IN THE COUNTRY HANDLED DODSON A ILLS. - Contains Alum ON COMMISSION but the city has not yet been hon Hi s, St ( ou b .) (Dodson A CORRESPONDEN! E SOLICITED ored by horticulturists from both shepard ' s , Ammonia Alum. O F FIC E AT N. B RO W N ’S S 1'0 R E. (w m H shephir.l. St Louis i the United States and Canada Burns, ................................. Oregon. bain ’ s . - — — Contains Alum (Meyer Rain Mfg. Co .St Louis.) W iikn a Vermont Republican like monarch . - - Ammonia Alum W- N. Jorgensen Col. Veazev advises that it would (Reid, Murdo, h A Co . Chicago.) - - Alum. be In-tter foraU concerned if colored snow ball . (Bengal Coffee A Spice Mil'., Chi< ag>>.) soldiers at the South had sejM-rate giant , - Alum. organizations as members of the milk . - — _ Alum. (W. F McLaughlin A Co.. Chic ago ) <>pand Army, the Chandler*, the Keil«», - - Alum. Hoars and the Lodges may well (Spencer Bluing Paddle Co., Chicago ) •ban ion their attempt to put “the KAI.BFFLL’ s Fl’MTY. - AltlUl (Knlbfcll Mfg. Co.,Chicano.) bottom rail on top” in the civil gov t Watches: rising sun . - - Ammonia. ernment of that set lion. w. c. inn» ADVERTISEMENTS. Editor (Poenlx Chemical Work*. Chicago.) rose , - Ammonia Alum. T he International Forists As white (Globe Coffee A Spice Milla. Minneapolis.) social ion has decided to hold its woods acme , — - Ammonia.] (Th. a W. hm IAC o ,. Philadelphia ) neat annual session at Washington ’ s pearl . - Ammonia. ami has honored W. R. Smith, su A ndrew (C. F. Andrews a Co . Milwaukee.) perintendent of the Botanical Gar H arrises ' favorite . - - Alum (H. II. Harrlea. Minneapolis ) den, with the association presidency fidelity , - - - Alum. during the ensuing year. SOLAR, - - - (Sherman Bros.. Chtcogo.) My reputation as a good watch maker and jeweler is well known and ! refer to all inv customers Work alwa vs ready when promised. Prices as low as consistent with good workmanship and according tn the amount of work done. Call and see me. Always at my Alum. post, next door to restaurant. F hkd Douglass now knows how pvtnam ’ s best , - - Alum deep the love which thia ad minis (Welle. I’utnam a Co .( hicago.i - Alum. tration professes for the negro is. CHINA " t ” house . (Noah McDov al.St Paul. Miun.) lie was sent a* Minister to Hayti to TWIN CITY. - - Alum get rid of him, and he has been (J K. Fergueun, Minneapolis.) kicked out of office tor precisely I he H ercules . — - Ammonia. (Net*eh a Baking Powder Co . Sea Fran, ieco ) »•me reason. climax . - - Ammonia. T he story that Mr Harrison will (Climax Baklrg Powder Co. ladtanapolle ) voluntarily withdraw from the con Dr Price’s Cream Raking Pow test for the Presidential nomination der is reported hv all authorities as of his party is too silly t ven for the free from Ammonia. Alum. Lime or annual silly season which is now any other adulterant In fact, ihe upon us. and did not neod Mr. Har purity of this ideal powder has nev riaon's denial. er leen Questioned. IBEAT1TS0BGANS1 BEA I I ) > PIANOS. • ten Ad irvm. Hon. Daniel F. Beat t\, Washington, Xew Jersey. fur t aTahiÿtir L- M«'ur w aahtI'Ktvin, aaniraton, New Sew Jrrafv Jrraev Daniel 1 Dealer in General Merchandise, B urns ........................................................................................ H arn « O regon . FOR YOUR FLOUR, GO TO THE P raipie C ity R oller mill . Prairie City, Oregon, PORTER BROS. Proprietors, DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINTS, BRUSH TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, PUTTY, &c. BURNS, ORE W. E GRACE P roprietor , A Large Assortment of FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS. Etc. Has just been Received. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUN Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best quality PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE. fjtF BURNS RESTAURANT, MESDAMES MORRELL & ALLEN, Managers. These ladies spare no pairs to please their guests ATTENTIVE AND GOOD TABLE SERVICI AND TABLES WELL SUPPLIED. Burns-Canyon Stage Line, I. J ewitt , P roprietor . Leaves Burna on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 6 a. m. fl^Counects with the Ontario, Prineville, and Lakeview stages, at Burns. Good sc tiuns fur passengers. i e . T he D rewsey S aloon M c K inney , — — ~ _ propriety . Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandi« ines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when you call on “Mack.” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. Et URNS BUTCHER SHOP. MARTIN BYERLEY ’ Proprietor. Full weight given. Good beef oc the block. Mutton, pork, venison and game, when on the market. Burns J^hotograrh G-allerv, W. H. CANADAY, ’ P roprietor Beat:, O------ 0 Nothing but first class pictures leaves this Gallery. furnished at reduced rates D upli<** gW“Give me a call.