1 ■PUT YOUR W HYÎ ADVERTISEMEN11 BECAUSE IT GOES Il EEC KE THE PUH- TWICE WEEK IN THE HERALD. 1 VOL. IV. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 5, Semi-Weekly Herald, PUBLISH ED EVER V WEDN E8DA \ AND SATURDAY. W. C. BYRD a son : : i NEWS IN BRIEF. THE NEWS OF THE WORLD AS CULEH FROM EXCHAXOFLS. Henry Miller Wins Hla Swamp Land Sult. I ■'•>1 fiifi-X? lß91. NO. 5«. GREAT REDUCTION IN TRICES I I QUOTE YOU-^-i In the United States circuit court 1 Drv.Granula(?d Sugar, $ p,75 pei; 1001b I have just received a full anil Hemy Miller, who owns a large Salt, ...:...................... 2.10 “ com'filete Stock of Dry Goods, tract of swamp land in Harney coun­ Nails,.............................. 7.50 u keg. G-oberies, Hardware, Tinware ty, was given« judgement for want Flour,1.’.'. . . . . .\ ■ 6.00 »•4 barrel Notions, He , which I will sell 1001b at BEDROCK PRICES FOR of an answer, against Charles W. Omaha Bacon............ 13.50 £.00 4b can CASH ONLY Briggs, C. H. Bprdick, S. JJjng,,G. Coal Oil (Pearl)......... H, E. T hompson , Yours Respect fully, W. Bartlett, R. J. Ivers, J. E Lelisv I ■ 1 at ' ' Manager. A. ROBBINS I»4» • • H J I • and Henry Phillips, These persons had filed homesteads on Miller’s land, and he ¡nought suit to recover WHOLESALE ! retail possession and was successful. The New York Sun figures that Europe vyili want 589,000,000 bush­ • ‘ I / ‘ . I els of wheat, rye and corn to supply SUBSCRIPTION RATES: demands, and that'there are estima­ >ne Yea? $3.00 lix Months. .1,50 ted to be only 250,000,000 surplus [hree Months.............................................................75 hie Year (in advance) .2.50 I jn the grain growing countries to HERALD CLUB LIST ^Bralil and Harper's Magazine............... 5.00 supply it—leaving a deficit of 339- Hlriilil and Harper s Weekly .. 5.20 000,000. Ifthese estiniat.tjR AppTojc- ^■rald ahd Harper's Bazar .. 5.20 Herald and Harper’s Young People 3.75 imate the truth, the result will lie ■•raid and Alden'a Manilyld Cyclopedia, 2.90 CO Ç». Ka< li additional volume after Vol.'l, 5ft cent.: good prices for the product of the I 10 cents extra oer volume, poetage. HUNTINGTON, .. OREGON. United Stateij and a prosperous year The latest news from the Chilian . I I opiea of all the above work! can ba ex­ for the farmer. revolution, is the entire and crush­ amined at leieure in the Reading Room • ! l 1 ' - --------- ■ / r->—■— ; ing defeat of Balmaceda or the gov­ She l>i«l Her Duty. F^-l’ubllshere of periodicals are »dieited ■ ■ '___ J » I / » ' Hwend clubblug rate*, a copy of tbear work for G reenfiedd ,. Mass., Aug. 26.-w ernment. The battle continued five Free Reaiiing Room—W e file, and bind the We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room, ■per at eloae of every .half-volume, .'><1 < i ■piee bv ailvertieemeut. North Leverett, a little hamlet ifi hours. Two charges upon the in- occupying three floors, and each floor loaded With gOODS. the eastern part of Franklin coun­ surgetits were inade, wjjji terrible Will maintain our former rulon: S^UaTS DSlling. One Price« ADVERTtSINri RATES: . ty’, had a genuine sensation Mon­ loss of both, mep a,nd officers to-tire 1 miG 3 mo 1 6.nlo 'ACK I 1 wk 2 wk Balmqceda ’ s forces.. The two lead ­ Best Ouality. day whep the town peeple learned pnch I »1 50 |Z.;»O »ft 00 », 00 '»11 00 ing generals of the government We buv clour, Meats, Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Salt, th.'t Mrs. Alvin J. Moore ha<('given 4.00 18.00 oy 6 50 12 O'» ! 3.50 5 00 8.00 15.00 24 00 army were killed in the second Canned Goods, and Goul Oil tn CAR LOADS. Our Paices are LOW. birth to four babies—three girls and i ;>o 32.00 6 00 10 00 20 00 i 6 00 9 00 15 00 ’28.00 48.00 charge together with nearly every i ne boy. The three girls died soon 12.00 16.00 LS 00 48 00 80.00 SEND FOR QUOTATIONS ! ! 20 00 to 00 40 00 oo.oo 110 uu afterdrirth, butthe hoy is likely tp member of their staff' the charging I trooo wavered and general Can!6 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. live. The mother is a large, strong JOB WORK Woman, while the father, who is -a commander of the insurgents, tak Prprietors Huntington Warehouse. Ypurs Respectully, . ing advantage of the opportune t every description executed with neatness .1. H. AITKIN, ÀI ana ger. lumber meichant, is a frail man in hi despatt h, a< reasonable rutes moment ordered his troops to charge IrcularB, Pamphlet, Putters*, poor health. I Bill Beads, Letter Hetids, nvelupes, which was done with telling effect Nute Beat 8, Cards, TieKets, niemenis, zl I s femora nd a. Invitations. Dodgem. Etc. The Milkers of Kain. Balmaceda’» forces being, routed T he II kkali ) is kept regularly on fi'p for re Portland Boot & Shoe Store. The party of scientists under ,the with a loss of 5000 killed and wound­ irem e. ill the Geo. 1’. Rowell Newspaper Ao ed. ” ”1 ' ' " • Rising Bureau. 10 Spruce »t.. sew York. control of Gen. R. G. Dvrenforth. . • . -. __ ___________ _________ ' ■ ’’I - . . LUNABURG it FRY, P roprietors , B urns , O regon . * IÍ / • j ! I who went to Mid Lind Texas some HOMt> EOll NKGltoF.Si i . i OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Stock StockBoota Boots and Bhova, Shoes, of the very best beat Quality r - . |iist J..w; received time ago, to try.the experiment of Cheapest Place in Town tor Cash, Guthrie, Ok., Aug. 26—A move­ producing rain by explosives, have i I NATIONAL : Benjamin liar rigo met with success. Resident The result is en ment .is on foot to colonize with i Alao. Custom work and Repairing neittly doiie. 1 Levi 1*. Morton Ice-President I James G. Blaine tirelv satisfactory., the explosions negroes the Indian lands which are beret ary of Stale I Charles Foster. kTel ary of Treasury in every trial produced rain, aud soon to be thrown open tn general John \V. Noble fret ary of Interior Redfield Proctor plenty of it, in sections of country settlemnt. beret ary of War The scheme has its ori Benjamin F. Tracey berej>ry of Navv. Jeremiah M. Rusk where there had not been a guild gin ht Langston CitV. the mettOpolis ►creiary of Agrirultnre I Wm. II. Miller ttocnev General 1 John Wanamaker rain for three years. bit master General Thev will go of the negro settlement not far from » STATE- OREGON: from there to El Paso,to experiment here. The agents. 850 in number, J. N.- Dolph R | l 8. Senators J. H Mitchun BAILEY dr CAI.DWELL, . Proprietors. of the Langston C<>lni]izatiou, Soci; ilii>|ier Hermelin and also to southwest Kansas. R. Bing, pngressman lt.Sylveai Her Peiinover pvernor ety Are now laboring with zeal Geo.-W, McBride be ret ary of State i iK Phil. Aleteehan. R reasurer among their brethern in tint South­ J. B. MeElrov ■pt. Public Instruction R • I iaie Priuler ... Frank l.ukei R M ountville . Conn f Aug. 25.— ern States 10 Jiersuade them to come i R S. Bean. R / W n>. P. Ixird To-day the friends arid rejativvs as R ipreme Judges to the new country. Thousands of ) W. W. Thaier 11 Rhetihin S. Strahm sCmhled in the old Smith home­ circulars hate been sent out with the I sixth JvniciAL histkkt : stead to celebrate the one hundred same object in view, and yesterday D M. D C lifford ■strict Judge .D . C has . F. H yde and seventh birthday of Father at a meeting of the association the Mtrict Attorney bi n t*Kep resent at ive (D). D. S. D ustin The’ Brdprietors of the White Front Livery Stable as­ bi nt-Sen at or (I>) H enry B lack main Martin Smith. Mr. Smith lived following wits adopted: sures the public that they are prepared to accommodate 101 year»and six months in the Resolve. That we notify our peo­ COUNTY—HARNEY :. 1 in evtry Way in their line of buhinesp. 1 (D),. W m . M illrf . house in which he was born and af- ple. colored citizens of the South, punty -4). . W; E. A lberson CHAS.), K * ELL ' danfs in this-country; thou! Superintendent eatli Caurnnl by Exrr*Mve Urief. until the time for the invasion ar ­ i •- . : a IRNS METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH rives. Many negroes are arriving M.D. WILSON Pastor. ■' 1 " h ■ ■ William Burdine, a brakeman, I There will be preaching by the pastor in each daily, and bv the time the land are kuuth a, follows.until further notice' 4 The Incrorpoated had Ms right leg so badly ch rushed •st Sabbath—Burt s—at II a in, and 4:30 pm proclaimed open to settlement it is -d Sabbath—Island School House— at 11 a tn at Benton, Neb., that Amputation . ". —Harney—at,7;3O p tn. believed thousands of colored peo­ ■■d Sabbath—Burr.*—it 11 a tn, and 4:30 pm During [ Ob rabbath—Harney—at 11 a tn, and.73.Op m was-founU ti> Ije pecessarv. ple will have arrived here to take the progress of Iheop^ratiou life i part in the race for homes The SOCIETIES passed away. A telegram sent to ! Langston people lielieve the Govern-1 TRANSPORTATION Company. his wife at Hastings announcing ment owes them homes, anil they C. C. McCoy, General Manager, barney lodge , no . 77, 1. o o r. Been at odd Fellows Hall, everv Saturday Burdine’s injuries was -followed by ------- O-:-<>------ - intend to secure them at anv price. ¡'«Pm. H, M H ortox , N. G. Stages leave Rurns. Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, Bcnlsh, I»n Brown. Tress another announcing hisdeath. The Most of the negroes are armed, and Westfall and.Viile. where sjuick proved to much and she died it is believed thev will make an or­ H arney pos t no . u . g . a . r . VWs every 1st and* ltd Wednesday of eac h from the effects. Burdine was ganized effort to exclude all but Close Connection is Made lo®u>. at odd Fellow s’ Hall. All Comrades about 26 years old and his wife 20 members of their race from settling with the railroad. Good freak horses;icareful drivers, new vehicle*, " roodstanding Invited. . M. M. BRIERLY. P. C. RATES OF FAR« FROM HIRN* TO .ONTARIO AND )M> RVI KING II IMS: **" NawtLU Ad’J’t. Mcbls-16 They had been married a little over 110 an I Burns to Va'e ., claims, at least until each negro has Burn, fo pnt.rto , H.« »• West EsD Gruvecit*,,. „ * .'c ‘ IM a vear. Thev wiH be burned at found a ho ne. The organization •- A •' Beulah •• “ Dr<»sej . , ‘ « 0ft I 4/« U. 8. MAILS “ Harney ' I • Fine Creeki I S« t’ Hastings in one grave. is secret, sad until yesterday their Baggage, 3O1bs to each I’nSsenger. Frie gbt ■ nd Passengers musí BURNS— VALS: •▼et and depart« daily, Sundays excepted. objects and plans have been known *»e waydiillHi. Ibtsaenger hire paid in advance. I Texas is first, California aeepnd to none but themselves—Repute J M V aughn , N eri A cki . es , B urns — canyon city : H arry F ixiyd . and Oregon third in the production j5jMonda\s Wednesdayt, Fridays, fpm a . Borns Agent I)vision Agent. Gen. Sop’t. laeailayt Thursdays A BaturdayB,-0 45m. . lie. of aheep and wool. P ublishers and P roprietors . • 1j (4 . I I 1 ; G eneral n h 1 • I . li 1 II ’ .’If I \ ‘ ' • . ' I ' H ‘ I Burns JXZEccit I* i. ! ■ 1 *>• n • NORTHWESTERN MAIL