Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1891)
Semi-Weekly Heraia. SUICIDE BY AMMONIA. burns advertisements . malaria The Terrible Ago»)’ Boe» Not Prevent Is believed to be eauaed by pobonms mtara« Its Use. aristae from low, laud or Hoiu dreayIM vegetable matter, and which, breathed ijto^iBS No poison brings death with lunga, enter and poinon the blood. II a more maddening agony than am condition of the blood is maintained by taking Editor W. C. K1KI> Hood’. Sanaparilla. one is much less liable to monia. butthat fact does not seem malaria, and Hood'sSar-aparilla has cured many to discourage the suicide. The man •tvere ol this distressing affection. C ivil Service Commissioner Harrowitz, who deliberately swal- A Wonderful Medicine. Roosevelt is in danger of being dis | lowed a dose of the fatal drug “For malaria I think Hood s Sarsaparilla baa ciplined bv Mr. Harrison. He has I in New York recently, is only no equal. It has kept my children well right the summer, and we live in one of the an entirely unrepublican idea of the lone of the many who have gone the through worst places for malaria in Marysville. I take i privilege and duties of Federal ammonia route to death in spite of. Hood's Sarsaparilla ior that all gone leeling, great benefit.” Mas. B. F. Davis, Marys office holders, and has actually the excruciating pain. Dr. Blyth I with ville, Cat dated to make a report to Mr. Har j has recorded thirty cases of am- Break-Bone Fever. rison reconi mending that twenty- . rnoiiia poisoning in the small Lon- “My daughter Pearl was taken with (tongue break bone) fever 2 years a 'o and my Irieuds five Federal employes in Baltimore I don district of which he is health . (or thought I would lose her. I had almost given be dismissed from office for having ' officer; Professor Mitchell mentions I np hojie until she began to take Hood's Sarsa parilla. She took lour bottles in lour months Lteti guilty of "pernicious political twenty-two cases, and four haveoc-l and gained 15 pounds. I thank Hood's sarsa activity.” This is the wav that Mr. cured «luring the short time Dr. I parilia for giving her back to me restored to health and strength.” J ulia A. K ing , Sher Roosevelt arraigns the ide is of his Jenkins has been connected with ) man, Texas. party in his report: "Al pre«entthe the coroner’s ottice in New York. Hood’s Sarsaparilla ordinary office-seeking ward-work Cases of slow poisoning from am- j Hold by druggists. *1; six for K>. Prepared only ers and a very large percentage of monia are of constant occureuce| by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Man Ollie«: holders have grown to believe among men who work in its man-| IOO Doses One Dollar that it is part of the natural ordei ufacture, or even in decomposing | BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS of things that those who hold or seek substances which give it off in con- j to hold the offices should exercise siderm Je quantities. PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. Ammonia, | the controlling influences in polit 1 slowly and from day to day taken T. A. MeKINNON, ical contests. The ward-worker, into the system, causes the complex J W. ASHFORD, H. BOYD who is simply in politics for th« ion to loose its freshness, and the I Ashford & Boyd. offices, is a curse to the community «kin of men who get heavily im- PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, and the sooner this is recognized preganted with it has a disagree- B urns .................................... O regon the better. His political activity ible blotched and discolored appear Office in VV E Grace’« Drugstore. is purely unhealthy and misehiev ance. DR. H. M. HORTON oils. Take it out «if th«* power of Taken into the stomach from day DENTIST................ B urns O regon . anv politician to give him any offie« to «lay in even the small quantities .office at the city Drug Store. Prepared to all of dental work mid I k * will cease from his noxious used to adulterate food, such as kind Teeth extracted without pain by aid of gass. -liking powder, it «.«»t only injures laboisin a wry short space of time. the complexion but attacks the I As for the goverment office-holder, litiing of the stomach, and is the I he must he taught in one way 01 source of much general ill health.) The recent rapid increase in the another that hi« duty is to do th« M. R. Biggs, use of ammonia for various pur work of the Goverment for tin- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, whole people and not topervent his I poses, and the consequent increase m its manufacture, have made it NOTARY PUBLIC, office for the us«* of any party 01 one of the most easily obtained poi AND faction.” Imagine if you can the sons and, although everybody is REAL ESTATE AGENT. feelings of Mr. Harrison, who con familiar with it in soni«> form, Office at Sheriffs Office, demned, and wlm has just put a there is a surprising amount of ig norance of its dangerous qualiti s. BURNS, ------ - Oregon man out of the Collector’s office in Its use as an adulterant in any New York City for no other reason food preparation is simply a crime, Town Attorney, Over Herald Office J. NWtT HUDSON, than that he wasn’t paving enough and as a crime should b«j puni^ed. ATTO RN E Y-AT-LA W. attention to partisan, politicxil work, BANDIT CATILLO SHOT. Office: BURNS, OR. wheii he read this report. W alsenburg , Colo., Aug. 21.— GEO. S. SIZEMORE, The famous bandit, Catillo, was ATTORNEY, T he republican rejoicing over the shot ami killer! this morning at 3) B urns , .............................. O regon . great financial feat of extending the o’clock on Halo Duro Creek, this I Collection», Land business, and Reul county. Deputy Sheriffs Wilson) Estate mutter i romptlv attended to. maturing 4$ per cent bonds at 2 per, ami Yocum of Park county and W. W. Cardwell, «•ent was somewhat piemature, as Deputy Sheriff Brewer of this coun I not one half of the bonds have vet I 1 ty and three others surrounded him A TTO R N E Y- A T- L A W. B urns . O r . been extended and the news from and he refused to surrender. He is I Practices in all the ‘otirts of the State, wanted in Park county for the mur Washington indicates that at least Also, before the U. 8. I.ainl Ottice. der of two Swedes. L and M atters a S pecialty . one third of <ht* #51,1)00.000 which Th«* fight lasted for three hours. was outstanding when theextension The bandit was well armed, and TONSORIAL PARLOR, proposition was made will have to had a large supply of ammunition. I JOHN ROBINSON P rop . la* redeemed in September. It was Every opportunity was given him Everything in their line guaranteed supposed that the administration ! to surrender, hut his final answer to lie done satisfactorily. was a shot from hit revolver. I hip The onlv place in Burns you could buddoze the National banks uties Yocum and Wilson are Ix-tli can get baths. into taking all their bonds, but good shots, but the bandit was so there must have been a miscalcula protect«*«! by rocks and tree* that - ata “WW A*. it was three hours after the first tion s im-where N. BROWN, slid was fired Ix-fore any of the of- ti ers’ bullets took «'fleet, although REAL ES t ATE AGENT M any years practice has given many of them grazed his Ixxiy BUY IKlsSRI I TOWN PROPERTY IN THE COUNTRY H ANDLED C. A. Snow A Co., solicitors of pat wherever it wasexjMised. He fought RE AL ESTATE ON COMMISSION CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED ents at Washington D. C., unsur desperately, and although he was OFFICE AT N BROWN ’S STORE. subjected to attacks from six quar passed success in obtaining patents ters. he fired so rapidly anil with Burns, ........................... Oregon. for all classes of inventimTs. They such accurate aim that it was im- make a specialtv of rejected eases, po sible to close in on him. The W N. Jorgensen «ml have seen red allowance of canyon is infested with other notor many patents that have l>een pre ious ami desperate characters. mem tiers of Ins band, who will either be viously rejected. Their nd vert ise- captured or meet the fate of their •ment in another column w ill l>e of leader. interest to inventors, patentees. imuiufactureis ami all who have to do with patents. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2 ,HWI Eugene. E x -S enator Ingalls inns’ have found l>eing a “states nan out of a job” profitable as it is announced that he intends going to Europe on a protract« I pleasure tour. He will l*e forgiven much if he will carry some of those w ho are al pr’s- ent drawing statesmens salaries, without having the ability to pre form their duties, with him ami leave them in to most out-of-the- way place he can find Dealer in General Merchandise B urns ....................................................................................................... H ai O regon . FOR YOUR FLOUR, GO TO THE P rairie C ity R oller M ill . PORTER BROS. Proprietors BURNS, OR W. E GRACE P roprietor , A Large Assortment of FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS. Etc. Has just been Received. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUND ¿W Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best quality PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE. BURNS RESTAURANT, MESDAMES MORRELL & ALLEN, I Managers. These ladies spare no pair.s to please their guests ATTENTIVE AND GOOD TABLE SERV1C AND TABLES WELL SUPPLIED, J Burns-Canyon Stage Line, I. J kwitt , P roprietor . leaves Burn, on Mondaxi, We<ineada>a, and Fridays, at 6 a. m. O^-< onnects wilti the Ontario, Prineville, and Lakeview stages, at Burns. Good sc tioiiß for passengers. the D rewsey S aloon I E. McKINNEY, - - - _ _ P roprikv « Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandi«, Wnes, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when you call on Mack.’ at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. B URNS BUTCHER SHOP. _ Proprietor. MARTIN BYERLEY Full weight given. Good beef or the block. Mutton, pork, venison and game, when on the market. Watches: All kinds of watches, clocks and jewelry cleaned, repaired and other wise renovate«! as required Fine watches adjusted to isochronism, temperature and positions; ohl movements changed into new cases ami vice versa; hairsprings, wheels, dials and all damaged parts re placed. e«pial to new Also, some lines of gold and silver jewelry I make to order, or from your designs J. W. J ohnson , Cali and s«*e me Always at my President. poet, in N. Brown's building. Üurns lr*hotogranh Grallerv, Next session l>egina on Monday, the 21st day of September, 1<S91. Tuition, free. Four Courses: Classical. Scien tific. Literary, and a short English Course, in which there is no Latin. Greek. French or German. The English is a pre-eminently a Busi ness Course For catalogues or other information. Address Prairie City, Oregon W.H CANADAY P ropri «To*. O Nothing but first claa« pictures ieavea thJ- Ga„ery furnished at reduced rates. I Duplic*tW gW^Give me * c*ll.