I WHY’ BECAUSE IT GOES BEFORE THE PUB TWICE WEEK BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 2, mi-weekly Herald, IL1SHEI» EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. W. C. BYKD & SON. PBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Year ..................................... Mouths. ee .Months ..................... i Year (in advance) ■ »3.00 1.50 . .75 .2.50 HERALD CLUB LIST d and Harper’s Magazine........... . fi.00 . 5.20 d and Harper’s Weekly 5.20 ^■Md and Harper's Bazar 3.75 ^■nild and Harper's Young People , 2.90 KM<1 «'id Aliien’B .Manifold Cyclopedia, Eat h additional volume alter Vol. 1, 5ft cents: 10 cents extra uer volume, jk stage. peoples of all the alwve works can be ex I id at le.sure in the Reading Room Publishers of periodicals are solicited Id clubbing rates, a cope of their work for free Reauing Room—We file, and bind the ' al el. se of every half-volume, rad i»»v < I « bv advertisement. ADV EKTI81NG RATES: ! 1 Wk 2 wk I 1 mo 3 mo J 6 mo 111 w | 2 ;>0 |5 00 3 00 4 00 G .50 ! 8.50 5.00 8 00 I 4.50 6.00 10.00 1 6.00 9 00 15.00 1 12.CO 16 00 •¿8 00 1 U0.00 ÔÜ 00 40 00 | n *K) I 12 01 • 16.001 2000 28.00 48 0J 60.00 |11 00 18.00 30.00 32.00 4800 80.00 11000 JOB WORK verv description executed with neatness iespat< h, at reasonable rates Pamphlets ¡lais. Pesters, 1 etter Heads, bill Reads, ‘lopes; Cares, Ti< nets, men s, Note Heat s, luvitatioiis. Dodgers, Etc. lurnnoa. iiK H erald is kept regularly nt: f’e for re nice, ill the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad ¡sing Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. r OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. k, a San FrancLco paper Bint . W? ■' WEEKLY EXAMAXL . !.-• : ! ■ .' w J r’t ¿ < .« • - . : ‘ It (jives . you every , week :t c.'iiv 'WS, UUv CilUt" sMtsct ipr j > i -—y«-i particularly—ind oil.a s n >t on! ’ to you, but to every other subsci.be one or more attractive premium . In the first place, it gives every «ubscri’xir, one of the four mag liacent etchings or pamtingu described below, and delivers it safely ? .its address, postage p.i.j. Jli'e t from Moscow/’by Moissonier, Fho Roman Chariot Race/’ by m . Wagner. Each of these pictui.s 21x‘2N in-Jie;, ¡•at! they are e!<;;a .’’y ••-pctluct-.i in t'c siinil ?h wing „ every Jint ...... .... anu ccivr -t gt. .it c.r:s:n. :.-n either one of which could nut bv- pu chased lor 4100,000. ‘Women and Children First,” by C. Napier Hemy, “Christ Leaving the Prstorium, by Custave Dore. Each of these pi. lures is repr » ucern the walls of the i tost rvbncd house. E tch subscriber h is the choice of any one of these four pictures, which will be mailt him in a tube direct from the E xaminer ofu/e, as soon as the subscription is received. • Dry Granulated Sugar, $ 9.75 per UMIIb I have just received a full and 4L Sait............................. 2.10 complete Stock of Dry Goods, • 44 Nails,............................ 7.50 keg. Groceries, Hardware, Tinware Flour,........................... tì(M) »4 barrel I Notions, etc , which 1 will sell Omaha Bacon............ 13.50 »4 100 tb at BEDROCK PRICES FOB Coal Oil (Pearl)......... 300 4k can CASH ONLY II. E. T hompson , Yours Respectfully, Manager. A. ROBBINS HUNTINGTON, ................. OREGON, GENERAL 0 11 I We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room, In the second place, it will give 5,000 premiums, valued :n ir.t occupying three floors, ind each floor |oaded With gOODSa Agjre .ite at about $125,000 to its subscribers this year. If tlic-e are 50,000 subscribers, one in ten will ■- 1 one of these premiums ; if there Will maintain our former rules: DjilillO'. One PllCe» ue ioo,oo.:>, only one in twent' But no matter how many there - jig each and everyone of these premi r.ns—which range in value from 50 We huv p lour, Meats, Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Salt, cents to $<5,ooo—will be given absolutely’without co-t to some of i;'.< t Canned Goods, and Coal Oil in CAR LOADS. Our Pdices are LOW, who have paid $1.50 for the WEEKLY EXAMIN l'\ for me vear I he EXAM IXI- i< is thoroughly responsible, as x ru know, ca is V. ells SEND FOR QUOTATIONS ! ! f-aigo & Co. or any bank or commercial agency in S >n IL incisco wi1 assure yon. and the leading men of the ciiy will ?e. that i: p ¡¡tun CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. are distributed exactly as agreed and that every subscriber no lu-eth Prprietors Huntington Warehouse. Yours Respecfullv, where lie is located, will receive ju. t what is as 'gnr d to !um. J. H. AITKIN, Manager. Of course you want your horn' paper also, and vnu ip just . w.’ij as not save a ¡¡‘.tie inonev’ lr, taking t- -* ‘.IX.\? INT '■ wiih i rite price of the WEEKLY EXAMINER -s $: ;o per y - me! i:ig the premium picture and your .share of th? $’ s tniir wi c i fully described i 1 the t'.ve'v*.' p : ’ Portland Boot & Shoe Store ■ menr which will be sent Tree on applicari n t< LUNA BURG & FRY, P roprietors , B urns , O regon . 'V T' ’I % ‘ The EXAMINER and the HERALD, the combine^ price of which i« $4, will’be sent you for one vear. postage paid, for 13.20. ' ^ii- can get I $3,003 StoekBoota and Shoes, of the very best duality » just received * ¿ Cheapest Place in Town for Cash. a Fermium Supplement by applying at this office. Best Ouality. • psident ......... re-l’resident rretary of State treiary of Treasury relary of Interior Heiury of War I reiary of Navy RETAIL ! 1 CO. WHOLESALE ! O. . Custom work and Repairing neatly done. Mexican 4 General ( J. N. Dolph ! I J. H Mitchan : L Biiivrr Rennenn ».Sylvesier Pen noy er , t.eo. \V. McBride Phil. Metflchan. ' J. B. McElrov I R Frank Lakei R ) R . S. B«* h ”. i R / Win. P. Lord npreme Judges R > W. W. Tbaver It R heu bin S. Kirahin 1 SIXTH JUDICIAL district : ¡strict Judge D M. D. CLIFFORD fiBirict Attorney .D . C has . F. H yde »iiit-Kepreseiitmive (D). D. D ubtin uiut-Senator (D) H enry B lackman I S. Senators Ln grvsBinan L\ernor l< rotary of State leasurer hpi. Public Instruction late Printer COUNTY—HARNEY : lonnty - idge (D) W m . M iller llvrk '........... (D) ,W; E. G rain treasurer ” T. H. K obf . kts .. (D) prvevur ! superintendent .iRj lut k Inspector T hus . G. D odho N (D) { 'ominissioners W h . A ltnow Lytle Howard. 8. LAND OFFICE: HAHNF.Ï U. H. ■exister . J. B. H untington leveiver ..H arrison K ellky CHURCH Linime' A Cure for the Ailments cf Man and A long-tested pain reliever. lu u.-e is almost universal by the Housewife, the Fa- Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an <. liniment. other application compares with it in efficacy, well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost ; aerations. ?.’o • • tl: chest complete without a bottle of M ustang L iniment . i’-.cc .s arise for its use almost every day. '■ ' ‘s and dealers have it. For sale bv Jordan A’ Horton. The Proprietors of the White Front Livery Stable as­ sures the public that they are prepared to accommodate in every way in their line of business. /W“ll".v and grain constantly on hands, ami careful hands. Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Job Wagon it. connection. DIRECTORY. ïTi* n METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH M.D. WILSON Pastor. There will be preaching bv the pastor in each tomh as follow a. until further notii •• ,»t sabbath— I nrt s— at 11 a m. and 4:30pm id Sabbath—Is snu St howl Hi use— at II a in “ —Harney—at 7:30 p tn. • d sabbath—hurt a—it 11 a m, and 4:30 p m Ph sabbath—Hartley — at 11 a m. and 7:;0p m II? FTÆ £f£7.M0Di?,that and Control, orders of 4 harnf . y lodge , no . 77, i. o o r. . at Odd Fellows Hall, ererv Saturday ’ "Pm. H, M H orton , N. G. ren Brown, Tress harney pos t no . 4 r , g . a . r . _______ 0 weak eri’ Waoarerra/oniOD'l /r- rs^.vr.tneworn ortneti- who aro írora/r?cr.?CFiÁ and any f tcizpt cf Irtela’, r.r.d - ~ncDioc8, leads into 3 r;it a limited timefrk ruar?, r. if tac, «ro» metili learde -, afío: i J tv GURU Meets every i,t and*id Wcdneadav of eac h ■’••nth. at Odd Fellows' Hall. All Comrauea lb koodatandinginvited. __ . M. M. BRIERI.Y. P. C. M as . N kwkll , Ad’j’t. Meh 13-16 llcntcn!ber.Doc-...-c ^bas^eraetb . ill patients, .-j.-yff rtr.tr- „wo EXvIuiiVO rl ’- icca will ridare ¡-.Ux a. 3 YCVM. V. S. MAILS. . 0 • MLN •, E’.l • SOCIETIES 4 i H'Jf £ a wa -7j/r. Iiyr- b . 5>jn-.r f- . BORNS—VALS: »rrires and departs daily, Sundays excepted. BURNS—CANTON CITY: ’ÇSMonds's Wednesdays. Fridave.fptn.4 ru*edajs Thursdays At Saturdays-4 45m. 2,00'1 r*iarefK-r -1-0 b ; f • ' "n ï-,J Wfite The Incorporated NORTHWEST MAIL TRANSPORTATION Company. C. C. McCoy, General Manager, —.—O-:-O--------- Stages leave Burns. Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, Beulah, Westfall and Vale, where Close Connection is Made with the railroad. Good fresh horses, rarefili drivers, new vehicles, RATES or FARE FROM Bl RN> To OKT a KIO AND 1M1K11N1KG Burna tn Vac Burn«. ♦<> Ontarl»» |1° (*» I West Fall •• •• (lr«»ve< itv m 50 •• •• lirewaer •• - Pen'ah e on I • •• Homey •• *• Hne< feek 2 50 | If MN 7J® 4.<0 i s to each I’ns.enger. Frieght and Passengers must » Pns.eiigfr fare paid in advance Le way-filled H arry F m » vd . Gen. Sup’t. N eri A cki . es . Dvision Ag'-nt. J M. V apohh , Burns Agent