Semi-Weekly Herald, —J. Nat. savs “Burns is not big lloanl of Trade. —Mrs. T. A. Morrison is suffer 1 enough to hold me I’m going to ing with some disarrangement of al Al) persons feeling an interest in ■ Waterville.” 5 the stomach. SATURDAY AUGUST22,1891. the growth and welfare of the coun 0) R» x rv• < O —Chas. Anderson is having a o X —Closing out sale of all summer ty, are invited to attend at the a > dwelling erected in the western part Ö Millinery, at reduced prices until church, in Burns, August 29. 1891, B LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY > -5 X of our town. □ . Z October 1st. NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. <-► □ z c and if possible, organize a Board of —An excellent quality of ma M rs E S. S week . c ’ 01 *< Z P5 M chine oil at Cal. Geer ’ s Hardware Trade, and devise ways and means Local News. O » X O ne Philadelphia ship building store for $1 a gallon. P i of properly advertising the resources o o R° o —Parties wishing dental work firm has contracts with the Navy | and opportunities of the county., H— Harry Thompson is slowly im- Z c department aggregating $14, (MX), *1 done can pay part iu wood or farm I m pl''ing. • Every other county in the state is x <-*• r products, to H. M. Horton, Dent 000. 2- K B—-Ed. Stauffer visited our town ist. i attracting the attention of home A-12 M ^-Horace Dillard, of the Items.' eeekerB from abroad, and K week. o o c - | ».vm wuiunu, «nJ none more : —Dr. Horton’s dental office is at and • family Z accompanied bv Mrs. , Little Johnny Robinson is on " the City Drug Store. > 3 0 T A-12 Gradon. started yesterday for the advantageously situated than Har- M ‘r sick list this week. w . We have more arable —New Stock of Glass, I’utty, ? e Geo. Hayes Esq , of Harney, Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc., at Geer’s. warm springs, situated somewhere nev <’°unty. □ Q zr. > Z in the neighborhood <>f Prairie City. lands awaiting settlement than any paid Burns a visit yesterday. (T *5 No charge for cutting glass if vou Mr. Dillard hopes to get some relief other county in Eastern Oregon; x B— Now is the time to get your buy of me J-l from rheumatism, with which he 4bntal work done, before cold iveath-1 —Preparations are being made to has been a long sufferer, by bathing but who knows it outside of the > > CD er. A-12 arrange a match game of ball be in its waters. He left Johnny comparative few now located here?! CL p ft B— Do not forget the chicken din- tween picked nines from Grant and Vaughn in the office to play the It looks like selfishness on the part z Q o uer at the restaurant to-morrow of those here, to remain silent and “devil act” for him in his absence. Harney counties. © C H B— For a cigar that you will take inactive longer. Let the world —Joe Wooley, living five miles -c SHOW! SHOW!! pleasure in smoking, get it at Jor northeast of Burns, advertises oats know of the wonderful tange and ’ T o • t ! c Jj dan A’ Horton’s. A-12 X?"1 at 14 cents per lb., as fine a quality Dissolving Panarama! Great Stere farm lands of this county, lOGOt* c ft o *3 B— J Nat. Hudson lias traded his of oats as ever grew iu. anv coun opticon Show. By the latest im square miles of territory monopo ' 5’ • — t <5 C z proved machine—the finest ever o -1 A-12 property on the Morrison addition try. O X œ lized by 2500 men women and j brought to the town — will endeavor to Robert Reed. Ui —In the account given of the x to give satisfaction. o children all told. Let us organize — A fine select stock of excellent death of young Dickenson in our w 300 Views of the late civil war. and advertise. stone jars, received at Cal Geer’s- last issue, the given name, Guy, is Hardware Store. For sale cheap not Correct, it was Roy a younger and all important historical events. This machine dissolves the pic I. EG A L A D V E RT I SE M E N T S. Ife— James F. Mahon put in an ap- brother of Guv. AH THEREi tures. thus producing an effect pearence for a few hours in Burns —D ied —On the 19th inst., at the never before equaled on the Pacific What Bargans At yesterday. He has the finest 80 residence of D. II. Smyth, Happy coast. It shows all the pictures Notice is hereby NOTICE. given that on the 15th day of ■ valley, the 18 months old baby bov life size. a^res of grain in the county. Max 1891, I uppointe I the followiuu named per- I e sues deput) Slot k Inspectors of Hurnev county. $ R. C. GEER’S; K j ■» B— The photograph gallery of W. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weeks. The John Bridge, oi (rune creek; Harrison Sea- Don’t fail to see it as you miss the w»rd of Diamond; W M. H«»ga’’ of Silver (’reek j MANUFACTURER A DEALER H Canady, has received a supply child was hurried in the Burns ceme- opportunity of vour life. ‘ F. G. Blume of Emigrant Creek; George Mor IN ALL KINDS OF gan, of Drewsey. olmaterial, for the want of which terv yesterday. Will exhibit at Burns during the Thon. G. D odson . I Brk stopped for the time being. —We are informed by John Mar races. Stock Inspector of Harney county. TINWARE. B— Parties indebted to me are re- tin tnat Miss Millie his neice, a A. K. D orsett , N otice to CMKDITORff: Tinware repaired. to hereby given lhat the undersigned Bested to settle immediately. I am young lady 17 years old and da'ight- Proprietor. bus Notice been appointed administratrix of ihc vs r of his brother Joe Martin, died at Also Dealer in Fishing Tackle! and Bing away from Burns the first o< ' tate of Calahill M. Caldwell, deceased, by the County Court of Harney c»»unty, <1 regon, ano Sporting Goods. For Over Fifty Years. Bptember and must have an im Lebanon Ore. on the 9th inst. of all persoi s having claims agaii si said estate inflammation of the bowels. Bidiate settlement. A n O ld and VV kll -T ried R emedy . —Mrs. are hereby notified Io presen' the Billie, prop Winslow's Southing >v rup has been used f.»r erly vviifieti, as required by law,to me for ai J. W. A shford , m . d . — ur Janies Lynn, of Iowa, who over fifty years by millioiiHof mo hers fur their iDwauce. at t I.urns. Harney cuunt.v, state of B urns O regon , while teething, with perfect succese Oregon wi.hin six months from this date. ■—We are informed that young recently was here on a visit to his • it hildren Dated this L7th da.v of July, A D ls'.’l siothes the child, softens the gums, allavg M ary C ald a ell , I a’lpaiu, cures wind colic, and is the best rem J< an, who was arrested and tak- laughter Mrs. Worthington, thinks edy Administrat rix, fur Diarrhecea. Is pleasant tu the taste. STOCK BRANDS. B to The Dalles some time ago, of coming back here to settle, and Slid by Druggie 8 in every part of the v\<>rld. A. W. Waters, attorney. Hardin Riitu-, cattle branded V on left side. five < ents a buttle. Ils \ a ue is incalcu Bidily gave bonds for his appear- likely one of his sons will come with Twenty Niilicr to CrmiiloiN. lable. Be sure and ask fur M s Winslow's Horae brand T left side. r. <>. Burns* Oregon In the matter of Swarts Millet, Insolvent Bce at the next circuit court ot him. Mr Lynn is nice appearing Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Debtors. J. (’, Foley, cattle brand = on right side. old gentleman and should he see Bat county To whom it may concern: The undersigned Horse brand — on left shoulder. For Salt*. proper to stop with us, we hope he hereby gives uotitethal on Ihe ii.dunv of May, \\ ill la in s A- Williams, < utile brand, (’ll on left B— Mrs. J. C. Welcome received l.Swar s A: Miller, insolvent debtors, of liar 1G0 acres of good farming land, IS. ney County, Stale of Oregon, made, executeu hip. Horse brand, |1 t>n right stifle. P. (>. Riley. Bter from her daughter, Mrs Mag will never regret the action. and delivered to the undersigned their < crtaii branded )■( on left stifle. ( attic brand, B Levens a few (lays ago, in which , —A bridge at the Narrows is very ■veil improved, one mile northeast 1 deed of assignment, cunveying alltheir prop ed Horsts )•( on left hip. Marion Bunyard, PO Burns. eriy. both real any» peisoiiaI in trusi, for the Bwas stated that several families , badlv needed. One of the most of Burns on Siivies river, near the benefit of their creditors. Now, therefore, all Cattle diamond on left hip; huiHvsf’Von left treditoiB and others interested in said shoulder. Charles 11 Vuegtley, Buri «Oregon Bre on the road here in company prosperous settlements ive have in upper bridge. This tract of land such estate are hereby notified to present their the county is situated in that vicin B:h Mr. Ragon. claims and (iemaucB againsi saiu <s ate, prop verified, as by law required, at the office of (’oiiNtiin) tion Cured. itv. A wideawake go ahead sort can be bought, at low figures for ' eriv ■ —A sample of timothy, grown by of the utKleraigned. in l aker city, Oregon, with cash. For further particulars call in three A old physician, retired from practice, hav people that is an honor to our montL b from the publication hereof ■(11 Fenwick on his ranch 4 miles county, and their rights and com on J. C. Woolev-or at the H erald Dated June 19, 1 • ih. Ing had placed in his liniids bv an East India C. W J ames , Assignee. Missionarx the formula of a simple vegetable Brill of Burns, was left at this of- forts should be respected. There remedy for the speeds and permanent ruiv of A-8 • Hisumptioi), t.roiic hills, Catarrh. As him ami Be by him last Monday. The was an appropriation made by our office. F inal proof : all Throat ami Lung a flee I ioi s. a so n positive Bmple is good, and Mr. Fenwick I last legislature intended to be ap- and radical cure for Nervous Debility ami all How’* I llis! LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON, JULY Nervous Complaints, after liavirg i rated in ■forms us the yield will be heavy, l>li ed at that point and for that pur j 1. 1891. wonderful curative powers in thi.naancis of Notice Is herehv given that the following I cases, has felt it his <tut\ to make It known to We offer One Hundred Dollars fl—Stockmen can now g<-t honest pose, but the.bill was vetoed by the named seitler has fi cd notice of his intention I ¡¡is fellow suflering fellows. Ac tuated b\ this to make final pr....f in support of ills < Ini hi arm I motive and a di sire to relieve; human suflering B'ights bv shipping or selling stock Governor, consequently we must reward for anv ease of catarrh that thili said i»rooi will be made before the Regis I will se -i!, free of charge, to all who de sire It., cannot be cured bv taking Hall ’ s er nod Rec elver, at Burns, Oregon, oil August 1 this recipe, in German. French, ■ Huntington. The O. C. Co. hav- devise some other wav of getting I, I or • I l.llU.«IPll. l-.ugliab. 1-s 1891, viz: Catarrh Cure. with full directioi a for useing Sent sent b\ l>\ mail ■g just completed oneof Fairbanks 1 the wherewith to accomplish the WilHiiii I1. Buchminn. addr< ssing with s amp, naming thIs paper. F. J. C heney <t Co.. Toledo O. Pre. DS. No. Li .for the HA.» of NW‘4 of EL, I A W. Noyes, hi.0 Powers’ Bloc k, if ¡locheatv r, ■ock Scales, and arranged a large undertaking. Will the county 4 of Se. . 9, Tp 2k 8. R . . , F \\ M N. Y. We, the undersighed, have known of >W> names »he f.»ih»wing witnesses to pr<»ve ! ■rral for the purpose. Certified court help us in this matter? The F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, his He coiiiii Hotis real en< e upon ano < ultl. ation ■bights given. 4-24. ■ framing timbers are already on the and believe him perfectly honorable of, s.lid land, viz* e barb s II..per. Reuben Clay IC-lray Notice. Th. b Putter and Th. s Vickers, ail of [—The Saloon of Lewis <fc Rich- ground, and of course the timbers in all business transactions, and poe.i. Harney, (»regoii. Strayed from Burns, an iron gray J. B. H untington , Register horse, weighing about 1000 pounds, ■ ison is being refitted with stylish are lost for the purpose intended. financially able to carry out any ■ r fixtures, and a billiard table, unless we get the boards necessary obligations made bv their firm. branded P on left stifle, The party Something W est »t T ruax , Wholesale Drug Sheriffs Sale ■ ¡eV are enterprising men and will to cover the bridge ■ finding mid returning said horse to ■t be outdone in anv of the tech- ¡should should and really must be done for gists Toledo O. And Order of Foreclosure of Me i »t._ ..... i: ____ ___ ..e »u.. Dr. Ashford at Burns, will be liber ■ealities belonging ‘to the trade, the traveling convenience of the cit- W adding , K innana M arvin ,Whole chanics Lien. ^■.ii ... 1___ it............ liviiKT in flint crlil>nrlir»nd izens living in that neighborhood. ally rewarded. sale Druggists, Toledo O. fill and see them. By virtue of nn Exetulion and order of sale for t he iorec 1< sure of nMechanhs lien, issued —In the well, lately dug on the The county court, the merchant, the ^dF'For sale at the City Drug out of the circuit Court of the btnte of Oregon, •TKAYKD, for ilaruey County, nil the .9th «ins of Julv A. 111 by sheriff Cowing, there is seven professional, in fact, all business Store. J»' 1MH, upon a »let ree rendered in said Court Strayed from Burns, Harney men of the county sav they respect and entered of record on the Uitn <iav of Mtn A let of water. Mr. Cowing finished li. IS’Jl, in a cause therein pending wherein, county, Oregon, on er about the and honor the settler, they want IH'IINS RACES. b the job this week by putting in I.. II King is plriiiitift and John Mahon. M and Gien W. Miller, partners as Swortg 21 nt of May, nix bend of horses and Sept. 19—i mile dash free for all bworis hirst class force pump. He offers their trade and appreciate their Miller, and J. L. Sitz, Defendant* .“aid < e < ree bring iu favor oi said Piaimifl and a^uit s |e city “dads” the privilege to put friendship. Let us prove our ap- purse $75 00. said Defendants for the num of five hundred one colt, belonging to the under mi -I f. rty four and 7i-I O dollars [♦■•II 71 100| b a wind mill and reservoir over 1 predation by good works, and we 21 — 600 yd. dash free for all admonish our county court and and interest thereon at m per cent per ntinum signed. Is well for town purposes. from the kWh <iuy of May A. D 1MH, and for 1 lie Description and brands a» fol business men of one good deed that purse $75.00. forech sure of a Me< hauBa Hen of date the fcl‘h I—L. Harlow is now proprietor of uould be remembered by a deserv da.v of December A. D. 1MIW and duh filed for lows: One bay horse, about 22d—j mile and repeat 2 in 3 record on the said ’.4th day of December A. D b blacksmith shop near the M. E ing and intelligent people, is the lWi). with the County clerk of ilarne) Coiintv (irrgon,the said lien being in favor of E. H. hands hi gL branded on left shoulder lurch. Mr. Harlow run , a ... shop immediate building of a bjidee purse $125.00. King the aoove named Flamtifl and againsi <\\; one bay horse 14| hands high, In all races 4 or more horses to John Ire several years I ago. _ and <hd a acroP8the narrowB. Mahon, M.Swor satidGletrW Milh rpart ticia ns .Sworn & Miller, and J I, M'zlhe aoove with large saddle marks on both enter and3. to start. k‘<l business. We are satisfied \ ail lleniH. Defendants and upon that certain large Entrance fee 10 per cent of the named and one half storv wooden dwelling hoiia<*. 1 will meet with success, because Aug. 14, 1891 purse. All entries made and closed tuo now upon the Southeast quarter of the Nor h sides, branded on the left slum filer I his natural tendency to be courte- quarter of Section twenty (.0] In Township C; one brown horse branded (J Farmers are nearly through hay with Secy, the night before the race. east twenty-eight S-tith of Range ihirtv five ks, gentlemanly, accommodating East W M , ivtug and being In Harney coiintv on left shoulder, 4 years old; one ing. The directors reserve the right to <>ivgon, and directing me to sell said dwelling k'i does good work. bald-face bay mare, four white feel lands to satisf) said decreeaa may be Harvey Middlesworth had one postpone any of the above races on and Now, therefore, I will offer and sell said land I—The remnant of the exclusion- tine of a pitch fork run through his and dwelling house to-wit: That certain large branded C\\ on left shoulder; one account of bad weather. All races Is. who left here two weeks ago hand Wednesday. twt>and one naif storv w«e»deii dwelling h«>uae, bay mare, star in forehead, branded to be governed by the Blood Horse situated U|M>n the Southeast quarter of the bt Thursday, returned on Wednes- one sorrel Northeast quarter of Section twenty (.01 in C'4\ on left shoulder; Association rules. The Burns Jockv Mrs. J. W. Miller informed us, Tuwtship twenty-eight L*j Nuuih of K hu -. horse about 14 or 14$ hands high, kvevening; they report having had thirtv-the K. W. M containing forty arics Club extends an invitation to all I excellent and enjoyable outing. they have had cabbage to eat since Iv mg and being in Harney county Oregon, to- blazed face, all four feet white, horsemen. gathrr with all and singular the tenements, llr deputy shwiff, who was one of the middle of July. L hereditaments and appurtenances, thereunto B. H. F ine . President. Our usually quiet neighborhood tielonging or in any manner appertaining and branded CA on left shoulder and r party, says, had it not been all their right, title Interest and ra'ate therein H enry R ichardson , Secy. |at he run out of ammunition he seemed to be in a commotion to-day or thereto which the Detendan a, John Mahon. yearling colt branded (\\ on left M Snorts and Glen W. Miller, partners us frtainly should have returned with over a suit in Justice Howard's Swors A Millet and J L. Hitz had on the ;4th shoulder, and, when turned out, day of De< ember A l> 1*90, for raahtothr high had on a halter muzzle. k'lison; but he only took 300 car- court, between W. F. Moffet road A liberal . 11 bidder at public auction at the front lour of I'lg’s with him thinking that supervisor and Samuel Jenkins, the » ( » urt house, in the town of Burt s. Harney reward will l>e paid by the under tcounty Oregon, commencing on Monday the bold be ample, but learned, bvex- latter refused to leave the hav-field lt.hdai of September A. D 1991, at 2o'< lo< k F signed for their return to Burns, or M of said day frience, after reaching Steen Moun- to work out this and next years tax. information given whereby they in witness whereof. I have hereunto art my ln that it tw k lots of ammu ni- Defendant did not appear and plain may be recovered. hand this 14th day of August A. D 1 m »I. A A < o IMG. |u to capture either a d-e-e-r or a tiff was allowed judgement for $7 20 C harles A nderson . sheriff of Harney county, Oregon. 1 bar. and costa. H' I I -SÜ : 4 ; :ÎQ 2 0 0