BURNS Malaria ADVERTISEMENTS. W ashington , Aug 15.—Intbe ab sence of anything more important (a believed to be caused by pohonon« miasm* arising from low, marshy land or from decaying the resignation of tbe negro dema vegetable matter, and which, breathed lalo ibe SATURDAY AUGU8T22.1891. gogue, Frederick Douglas, as minis lungs, enter and poison the blood. If a beauty condition of the blood is maintained by taking W. C. UÏKI»,----------------------- . Edito,. ter to Hayti, was much discussed Hood's Sarsaparilla, one is much less liable to here this weejc. When Douglas I malaria, and Hood’s Sarsaparilla has cured many T he Fifty-first annual meeting of was first informed by a newspaper »bvere cades of this distressing affection. ¡e: A Wonderful Medicine. the Association of American Agri man that his reignatison had been For malaria I think Hood’s Sarsaparilla ha-' cultural Collegts is in session here. accepted, he was disposed to black no “ equal. It has kept my children well right There are about seventy delegate« guard the administration and the through the summer, and we live in one of the places for malaria in Marysville. I take present, representing neirly all the State department paiticularly for worst Hood’s Sarsaparilla ior that all gone feeling Dealer in General Merchandise, agricultural colleges and experi having force i him out of the diplo with great benefit.” M rs . B. F. D avis , Marys B urns ........... H arnwq uiatic service, but later, probably on ville, Cal. ment stations in the country. Break-Bone Fever. O regon . a promise of some other office, he “My daughter Pearl was taken with dengue T estimony is being taken in the changed around completely audio for break-bone) fever 2 years azo, and my friends I would lose her. I had almost given wagon road land case. The com sisted thnt he had been misunder thought □p hope until she began to take Hood's Sana stood by the first newspaper man, parilla. She took four bottles iu four months, plaint on the pari, of the government, gained 15 pounds. I thank Hood's Sarsa is, that the defendants never ac and that his resignation had been and jtarilla for giving her back to me restored to quired a right to the land grants, entirely voluntary. This is simply ■ health and strength.” J ulia A. K ing , Sher- FOR YOUR FLOUR, GO TO THE because the roads w< le not con rot as it has been an open secret I nan, Texas. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Vtrujted according to lontriet, and here for many months that the I 'old by druggist«. »1; six f. . n Prepared only the present owners are not oona fide State department wanted to get rid ■ » C. I. HOOD <k CO., A|«othe. aik-. Lowell, Maas of Douglas, but that Mr. Harrison purchasers. •OO Doses Ono Dollar hesitated to dismiss him for fear ol PORTER BROS. Proprietors M any years practice has given h the - effect it mi„ht have on the lie Prairie City, Oregon. HURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. C. A. Snow <& Co., solicitors of pat- gro delegates ) to the republican cuts at Washington D. C., unsur- „ominatmg convention next year. PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. pass. 11 success in obtaining patents According to his own statements- T. a . M c K innon , for all classes yf inventions. They j Douglass has spent the greater por H, BOYD make a specialty of rejected cases, I tion of his time in Hayti in pushing J W. ASHFORD,- TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, PUTTY, &c. Ashfrod & Boyd, and have secured allowance of through private claims against the PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, many patents that have been pre llaytian government. \V. E GRACE P roprietor , _ _ _ BURNS, OREGU Notwith ................................. O regon viously rejected. Their advertise- j standing the general belief that Mr. B urns Office in W E. Grace'« Drugstore * ment in another column will be of Blaine wishes to send a white man A Large Assortment of interest to inventors, patentees, of ability to Hayti, in order to se DR. H.M. HORTON nanuf icturers and all who have to cure the Mole St Nicholas tor a coal DENTIST........... B urns O regon . Has just been Received. •ffi< e at lhe City Drug Storo. Prepared to all do with patents. of den'al work. mg station, half a dozen negroes kind .....________ 9 Teeth extracted without pain by aid of gass. have already filed application lot PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUND» T here are some queer things in the place, and some are reported to T. V. . EMBREE, M. I). t he world For instance, the Stand Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best quality. Office at hia rowii’evt e o.f the ei st ide ot Sil- ¿W* have made threats that Harrison ira River. t*»r irilet below Burna. ard Oil monopoly will reap more PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE. dare not appoint a whitemail to a Town Atturnev, Over Herald Office bei.elt t h in any «the • one coi cern! position that Cleveland filled with J. NAT. HUDSON, in this country from the reciprocity a negro. A prominent republican A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W. agreement respecting Cuba and Por Olliee: BURNS, OR. to Hico, which is to go into effect i said today that no appointment would be made until after Congress September 1. Perhaps the negotia GEO. S. SIZEMORE, tor of this agreement didn’t think of | meets. ATTORNEY, CHARLES ANDERSON PKOPRIBm B urns , ........................... O regon . that when he was negotiating with Patent medicines differ—-Onehas Colle«-lions, Lund bu-iness, and Real the Spanish government; hut then, reasonableness, another has not Estate mutter ] roin|«tjy. intended to. This House has a wide and well know n name, and under the manap again, perhaps he did. and if he did,1 One has reputation the other has m?nt of the present proprietor it is bound to go further up the laddertt W. W. C i rd well, lie probably also thought about the i not. One has confidence, born of tame and renown. No pains spared to please guests. Sure to suit A T T O R N E Y -AT- L A W. Presidential election and the big success—another has only “hopes.’ B urns , O r . cheek that the Standard Oil folks Practices in all the court’* of the State. Don’t take it for granted that all \iso, before the U. S. Land Office. might l>e induced to contribute to patent medicines ar alike. They L and M atters a S pecialty . ffWCood table service, and tables furnished with all market afford» the campaign fund of the republic are not. Let the years of uninter an partv. TONSORIAL PARLOR, rupted success and the tens of — JOHN ROBINSON P rop . thousands of cured and happy men T he editor of a newspaper cannot Everything in their line guaranteed and women, place Dr. Pierce’s Gold Burns-Canyon Stage Line, to be done satisfactorily. always determine whether or not en Medical Discovery and Dr 1 ¡f^“The onlv place in Burns you I. J ewitt , P roprietor . items received from different neigh Pierce ’ s Favorite Prescription on can gat baths. Leave« Burn, on Monday«, Wednesday«, and Friday«, at 6 a. m borhoods in the county are intend f^^Connecta with the Ontario, Prineville, and Lakeview stages, at Burns. Good ae co»*« ' the side of the comparison to which tior.s for passengers. ed to convey the meaning literallv according to their construction I they la-long. And there isn’t a N. BROWN, For instance, an item constructed state or t< rritory, no—nor hardly A L E S T A T E A G E N T in the foPowiug manner, is ivceived a country in th«* world, whether its R E BUY \M> SEI I.TOWN PROPERTY. people realize it or not, but have REAL ESTATE IN THE COUNTRY HANDLED “Mr. C has taken the position of ON COMMISSION < <>RREsl-ONDEN< F SOLICITED foreman on such a cattle ranch ’’ men and women in them that're I E. McKINNEY, - - - - — P roprotc * naming ¡(-‘‘relieving ,1. 1> who has happier because of their discovery OF FICE AT N BROW N’S S l’OR E, Burns, .................................Oregon. ami their effects. Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors — Whiskies, Brandie«. held that position heretofore.” It Think of this in health. Think \\ ines. Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when may be the item ir false and intend W- N. Jorgensen ed to injure one of the parties spok of it in sickness. And then think you call on “Mack,” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. en off, the publisher not dcubting whether you can afford to make tbe tin veracity of the repoter publish« s trial if the makers can afford to the item, and afterwards is informed take the risk to give your money I of the real intention of the writer back, as th y do, if they do not , MARTIN BYERLEY - - ------------------------ - Proprietor. W’e will just refer to another case benefit or cure you. that we know off in which the name It is reported that Mr. Harrison dogs was used to personate men has made a bid for the Pacific Watches: and women, the editor taking tbe Coast delegation to the nominating j item t<> mean j ist what it said had it convention, by tendering the ap All kinds of watches, clocks and published, ami found .out afterward pointment as minister to China to! jewelry cleaned, repaired and other Senator Squire, of Washington. it was intended ns an insult to some wise renovated as required. Fine Full weight given. Good beef or the block. Mutton, pork, persons attending a gathering, and watches adjusted to isochronism, temperature and positions; old they were the writer's own neigh venison and game, when on the mraket. movements changed into new cases bors and should have I een f-iends. and vice versa; hairsprings, w heels, In cases of this nature when the dials and all damaged parts re Eugene. editor finds his paper has been made placed. equal to new. Also, some Burns Bhotogranh G-allerv, a cat’s-paw to enable some one to iines of gold and silver jewelry I Next session begins on Monday, make to order, or from your designs vent a little spleen calculated to 21st day of September, 1S91. W. H. CANADAY, ., Call and see me. Always at my injure or insult, it would be nothing the Tuition, ... P roprietor . free. |>ost. in N. Brown's building. more than justice <o tbe paper and Four Courses: Classical, Scien all parties concerned to publish the tific, Literary, ami a short English name of the writer and hisintention. Course, in w hich there is no Latin, We desire news from every ne’gh- Greek, French or German. The English is a pre-eminently a Busi tairhood ami hop«' our friends send ness Course. For catalogues or Nothing but first class pictures leaves this Gallery. Duphc*** ing us items will never stoop to other information, such littleness as referred too in this Address J. W. J ohnson , furnished at reduced rates. fW“Give me a call. editorial. President. Semi-Weekly Hemd, . I PP.JIME CITY MEM MILL. DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINTS. BRUSHES FINE CUTLERY. NOTIONS« Etc Attentive etincl the drewsey S aloon B URNS BUTCHER SHOP.