1891. A Conscript’s Chrstmas. BY JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. From The Century: i na old man sitting in a sheltered place by the side of the road. They came on the stranger so suddenly that their horses betrayed alarm, and it was all they could do to keep the animals from slipping and roll­ ing into the gorge at their left. The old man was dressed in a suit of gray jeans, and wore a wool hat, which, although it showed the signs of constant use, had somehow man­ aged to retain its original shape. His head was large and covered Combine! with a profusion of iron-gray hair, Calilo! l: which was neatly combed. Ilis face v.nh I k-.T.vn was round, but the lines of character hr nnn obliterated all suggestions of chub­ FEGT protnrdty on l! biness. The full beard that he wore I’: Ì failed to hide the evidence of firm­ ness iinddetermination; but around hi - mouth ¡1 serene smile lingered, ai d humor sparkled in his small OUR J ■ brown eves. L “i L,wily, boys, howdy!” lie ex­ - ' ■ r - v plain d. “Tired ¡is they look to l e. n t • ■ you’er straddlin'right peart creetuis. ... I - A flirt or two'more an’ they’d a flung you down the hill, an’ ’a’ ful­ lered along after you. h -adst;ill an’ stirrup. They done like they were “AN 4KESIS” gives instant n’t expectin’ ermpanv m and aroun’ Irelk't ami is an infallible here.” Cure for Pik*. iTici’SI. By Dmgglstsor mail. Samples The sonorous voice and deliberate I ft- v.A-Un- “ANAKEMS.” Box 24W, New York City. Là! Utterance of the old man i < —poke his calling ¡It- was evidently a PENSION. POSTAL. LAND and minister of the go-p. |. This eave INDIAN DEPREDATION a lu<-to ('aptain M •< 1- A > memory CLAIMS. il’obc C< ntinued. i ‘ But it’s the law,” said Captain Mosely. The captain had been wounded in Virginia, ami was en­ titled to a discharge, bu t he acept- ed the position of conscript officer. He had the grit an»l discipline of a veteran, and a persistence in carry­ ing out his purposes that gave him the name of “Hardhead” in the army. He was tall and muscular, but his drooping left shoulder showed where a Federal ball had found lodgement. His closely cropped beard was slightly streaked with gray, and his lace would have been handsome had not determina­ tion left its rude handwriting there. The two rode on in silence a lit­ tle space, the cold mists, driven by the wind, tingling in their faces. I’resently Private Chadwick, who bail evidently been ruminating over the matter, resumed the thread of complaints. “They tell me,” he said, ‘ that it’s heap easier to make a bad law than it is to make a good one It takes a lot of smart men a long time to make a good one, hut a pas­ ta 1 of blunderbusses can nateli a bad one up in a little or no time, That’s t he way 1 look at it. “What’s the name of this chap w<- are after? Israel Spurlock? I’d Tta Celebrated French Cure, like to know, by George, what’s the v.m ;?i‘ A?HR03!TINE”^ the matter with him! What makes "x. I-l B old cx a J POSITIVE him so plague-taked important that X C’JARAfJTCC two men have to be sent on a wild­ H to euro any form oincrvoiudisvaho goose chase after him? They i or any disorder of —the generative or­ verked him into the army, an’ he gans of eiUierstx. v.hethcr urisin? yerked himself out, an' now the froLi tli' excessi \ e __ _ reefs aulaut, AFTER wind is that the war can’t go on un- Tol BEFORE ■' rOpiunt» or through youthful in Ilaere- Hon, ov r I ¡ *ul3< nee, II. d , BUCO as IdOBSOf 1 rniu I csh Israel Spurlock is on hand to P Liver, i ver, Wi. o-f f :ln< ’.hiess, ei :i; r down l’aiusintho ......... s, I I eui ). r . D.it Wc.ik’ie- i, S Hysteria, Nervoui Fr *<- Hing di>wn his gun an’ run when trntion, N ». turnnl End- ions, I e corrhira. l>iz- rin • s, W k 'lemorv, I s< f Power and ¡rape* he hears a bung-shed playin’ a tune tvn \v ii i 1 ne ! ‘etc ! often lea 1 to prematuro ohi !i * tin I ln'-.viit”. Fri. o .< .U0 a box, 6 boxe u f.»r ; in i he air. .-•»)’ bv ma I .«X)ordern ’< 'ix’r T’’",< Ivf'i, t » refn.nil the money if Captain Moseley coughed to hide a 1 ery fernwiiieiit * ‘p.’i.jwrr c . ”0 i < th r effected. V e have ■T .1 '. s«‘f tr■■•¡Dioniabi from old and younjr. a smile. >t I- •?> »'S who have hav« been beon permanently cur I 1 “It's just like 1 tell you, Cap’in by the»: et t Aphroditine. Circular free. Addre*» APHRO MEDICINE CO. The news is we had a terrible vic­ V y e'ti TH* » 1» I r inch, Box 27. P ortland . O h . tory at Chattanooga, but 1 notice in For Sab- at W. E. Grace’s Drug the Atlanta papers that the Yankees Store ain t no further north than they was before the tight; an’ what makes it wuss, they are warmin' themselves in < hattanooga, whilst we arc shiv » N I IO erin’ outside. 1 reckon if Isreal ■>. ] d'.'H month i. Th Spurlock had been on hand at the L ' I oughty relis.de u»* . • ss.e. Wi rth tin right time an’ in the right place, JT t mes their weiy t . r- Bold for fi mal- we’d drove the Yanks plumb back 'I ulnritiet. N'enrkuosi ÒL to fail. to Nashville. Lord! I hope we’ll '4> -“eut bv nudi se-h ■xN tor ••. Addreio have him on the skirmish line the N The Aphro Medicin- next time we surround the enenn COMPANY, alt drive him into a town as big as Western Branch, Chattnnoi >ga.” l'ortlami, Oregon. Private Chadwick kept tip his For Sale it the Grace Dru Store complaints tor some time, but they failed to disturb the serenity of the BP** s- >■ captain, who urged his horse for­ ward through the mist, closely fol lowed l>v his companion. Th< v finally h it the valley, passed over th<> foothills, and began the ascent ot Sugar Mountain, Here their I lie ll< >t Iti- mr( F rt U¡*%?*»•, InU» aittee Ui'* and road, though they were not more «atH»w prepari d under hi» «Urvcil t by the than a quarter of a mile from the KOENIC MEO. CO.. Chicago, III. by l>nigct«t.H a. St rwr Itottle. fl fi»r »3, toot, when thex- came suddenly* on Jw.1.1 I^rgYNla*. »1.13. « |tottl»«i«M-a», Haater’s Magazh ILLUSTRATED illustrated . The impoo Anieriea, by Theodore t hlld, will b?A*1 in Ifarper's Muxaziue duriiiR the of tin- yeur lS'Jt. She artlcleiou sJ.,?"" ll'ornia, by Charles Dudley Warner be aontiuued Among other note» . traotioiiB will be a novel Io t hiriJ, Craddock: a collection of original-dr,”■ W M. Thackeray, uow pubiiaheii for IP time: u novel written and illustrated h du Mmirier: a novellette bv Wim,? Howells: mid a series of papers eft«/ London by W alter Bcsnnt. 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