Semi-Weekly Herald, Boanl oP Trude. For Sale. —In spite of the many frosts and^ j cold backward spring, Harney 160 acres of good farming land, All persons feeling an interest in , county will have an abundance of well improved, one mile northeast WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 12. 1891. the growth and welfare of the coun ­ What Bargains At grain and vegetables. i of Burns on Siivies river, near the —A man of positive convictions ty, are invited to attend at the upper bridge. This tract of land : R. C. GEER’S; 8 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY is not necessarily intolerant and church, in Burns, August 29, 1891, can be lioughtat low figures for MANUFACTURER 4 DEALER NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. bigoted. Over zeal is as much to ami if possible, organize a Board of cash. For further particulars call IN ALL KINDS OF be depreciated as under zeal, but Trade, and devise ways and means on J. C. Wooley or at the H erald Local News the man who would not fight for his of properly advertising the resources oilice. tinware A-8 i opinions, if need be, as a rule has Tinware repaired. STKAYKl»,; —F. M. Jordan is putting up a not got any and ought not to have and opportunities of the county. Strayed from Burns, Harney Harney , Also Dealer in Fishing Tackle and Every other county in the state is jidence in western part of town. I any. Sporting Goods. county, Oregon, on er about the! —Dr. Horton’s dental office is at —Notice on first page the offer attracting the attention of home 21st of May, six head of horses and ! made by the Weekly S. F. Examin­ seekers from abroad, and none more one colt, belonging to the under- j B urns je City Drug Stere. A-12 O regon . er. The Examiner every one knows advantageously situated than Har­ signed. m —Mrs. Robert Reed is sick this ffiiek, but not considered dangerous- I to be first class. We offer that pa­ ney county. We have more arable Description and brands as fol­ per with the H erald at $3.20 a ■ ill. lows: One bay horse, about 16$ lands awaiting settlement than any j I—Now is the time to get your year. Now is your time to sub j other county in Eastern Oregon; hands high, branded on left shoulder GREAT NOVELTIES C4\; one bay horse 14 j hands high. | dental work done, before cold weath­ scribe for the H erald and Examin- ■ but who knows it outside of the er. Every family should take their with large saddle marks on both C hina & japan er A-12 county paper, you wouldn’t like to j comparative few now located here? sides, branded on the left shoulder ■ —An excellent quality of ma­ he without county papers, then en- j chine oil at Cal. Geer’s Hardware courage us by taking it, it is not It looks like selfishness on the part 0; one brown horse branded 0 on left shoulder, 4 years old; one ffiire for $1 a gallon. much and if we were to shut up of those here, to remain silent and i bald face bay mare, four white feet For a’cigar that you will take shop, and quit, there would be a inactive longer. Let the world I C\\ on left shoulder; one H ANDKERCHIEFS. OF FINEST Hf, K ^Measure in smoking, get it at Jor- general kick and howl for county know of the wonderful lange and branded hav mare, star in forehead, branded ' dan it Horton’s. A-12 TEA. 40 ct. A PACKAGE; AS MANY EIRE- papers. Now we ask of the citizens farm lands of this county, 10600 on left shoulder; one sorrel! B-—Parties wishing dental work of our county to be reasmable, to’ square miles of territory monopo horse about 14 or 14J hands high, CRACKERS AS A SMALL BOY CAN CARRY done can pay part in wood or farm be just, lend us a helping hand by blazed face, all four feet white, FOR26cts. ALL OTHER THINGS AT SAMI jwjod ucts, to H. M. Horton, Dent­ subscribing for your county pa­ lized by 2500 men women and L RATE. children all told. Let us organize ’ pers. ist. A-12 branded CA on left shoulder and and advertise. Kstrav Notice. F —New Stock of Glass, Putty. yearling colt branded on leftj A NEW STOCK OF GOODS A Reporter nt a Meeting of the Town shoulder, and, when turned out. Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc., at Geer’s. ON THE ROAD. Strayed from Burns, an iron gray Council. No charge,for cutting glass if vou horse, weighing about 1000 pounds, had on a halter muzzle. A liberal t Reporter—“Good evening gentle­ I reward will be paid by the under-1 buy of me J-l branded P on left stifle. The party I signed for their return to Burns, or men. ” KF-Team for sale—A span of finding and returning said horse to information given whereby they Dr. Ashford at Burns, wilt*be liber ­ Town C. — “ Good evening sir. horses. youug, well broke to drive both single and double and to the ally rewarded. Can we do anything for you this may be racovered. C harles A nderson . sa<) die. Call at this office. How's This! evening?” K— If you are hunting a resort. For Over l-’lfty Year«. “I don’t know that you can. I We offer One Hundred Dollars |^nere the best brands of liquors, A n OLtt and W ell -T ried R emedy .-Mrs hope mv coming in will not disturb Wit slow's SoothinK Syrup litis been used for HK?r and cigars are constantly on reward for any case of catarrh that the proceedings of the meeting, cr »ver fifty icnrs bv millLiusof mothers for their while leethini;. with perfect success ^ffind, step right in to the Saloon of cannot be cured by taking Hall’s be considered intrusive; my object children It siothes the < hild, softens the mints. h II hib Catarrh Cure. H. Fine. «'I jmin, cures wltid colic, and is the best rem­ is to notice the workings of the F. J. C heney A Co.. Toledo O. edy for liinrrhetea. Is pleasant to the taste —Joe Wooley, living five miles by DruirKis's in every part of the world. i " oo We, the unders>ghed, have known council, and to have a quiet chat Sold •1 00 Tw ent.v-Ave cents a bottle. Ils value is incah u- provided its agreeable. ” rtheast of Burns, advertises oats F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, table Be sure and link for Mrs W iiib I ow ’ b Soothing Syrup, and take no other kin«!. “ Agreeable did you say? Oh 1| cents per ft., as fine a quality and believe him perfectly honorable oats as ever grew in any coun- in all business transactions, and yes! fire rinht in! ve would much Consninj.lion Ciireb. k ‘A-12 t=p practice. hav 1 financially able to carry out any rather talk than bother with busi­ A old physician, retired from practice, o ness.” ing had plat ed in his hands by an East India; —The Saloon of Lewis & Rich- obligations made by their firm. «-*- Missionary the formula of a simple vegetable “ Well, to begin, why is it »hat be ­ remedy for the speed, and permanent cure of Hson is having a good run, and W est A T ruax , Wholesale Drug <3 Consumption, Brom hills. Catarrh. Asthma and 1 fore the town was a body corporate all Thront and Lung affections, also a positive py? Because they are gentleman­ gists Toledo 0. rwilii Ill cure for Nervous Debility nml all I fellows and keep the best liquors. W alding , K innana M arvin ,Whcle- saloon men were compelled by law. ami Nervous Coni olalnis, after having tested its to get up petitions for license, and wonderful curative powers in thouRiuul. of | [er and cigars sale Druggists, Toledo O. . ch , has fell It hi. duty to make it known to those petitions to be signed by a cii hi. fellow suffering fellow«. Actuated bv thi. ■—Parties indebted to me are re- and a desire to relieve human suffering | The first election in Utah on na­ majority of the voters in the pre­ i motive lested to settle immediately. I am I will «end, free of charge, to all who desire it, ' cinct, it was also necessary to pub ­ ret ipe. in German. French, or Euglish, nng away from Burns the first of tional party lines came off Aug. 3. lish the petition so many issues in till« with full direction« for useing .-ent bv mull with stamp, naming this paper jpteniber and must have an im- There were three tickets in the field. a county paper. Saloon men never jK addressing \. W. Noyes, 820 Powers’ Block, Rochester, Democratic, Republican and Liber tediate settlement. 3 objected to the publication of their 1 lie Democrats won by a small al. The J. W. A shford , m . d . I ill. petitions for license. Such being ¡0 majority. STOCK BRANDS. I —We are informed the L. F. the case, why was it deeme 1 expe­ Hardin A Riley, r attle branded Von left aide. bmpany are preparing the| neces- dient by this board to make a Horne brand T left aide, r u. Burns. Oregon A Bloody lliot. p-y machinery for artesian well change? Duties, made obligatory J. (\ Foley, cattle brand .= on .right, side. ring and will in a short time try At Lockmore La, a free-for-all by law. with which saloon men Horae brand — on left shoulder. W iUlaniR A Williams, cattle brand. (’R on left f artesian water in Harney val- fight between the “Red bones” and seemed willing to comply, ignored hip. Horae brand, |1 mi right at ide. P, o. Riley. le "Whites” in which fourteen men by this board for what reason? Was Horsts branded ) ( on left stifle. Cattle brand ) ( on left hip. Marion Bunyard, I’O burns. «—Every thing in the hardware were killed and two missing. Latest it considered I v ¡you that saloon ed Cattle diamond on left hip; horses eV on left men were imposed upon, and that reports place the number of wound ­ sh. uider. Charles II. Voegtley. Burua Oregon. Un (e, received at Geer’s last week, vour town papers were doing noth ­ »nite ware, Machine oil, Mechan- ed at sixteen. Another account of LEGAI. ADVERTISE*! ENTS. tools, Mowing machines, all the riot comes from Westlake. La., ing for your town, and in consider­ ds of harvesting tools, cheaper to the effect that the trouble was ation of the great benefit» being de­ caused by the breaking out of an rived from the saloons, you would NOTICE. n dirt, for cash. Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of old feud between a band of robbers derectly favor them and thereby Mav i.s’d, I Hjipoinie I the follouing named per- —We understand that D L. Grace known as the “Asworth” gang and teach your papers a lesson by not B.H S deput.v Stock I i.speclois of Harney count y : John Bridge, of crane Creek ; Harrison‘Sea­ i the appointment of deputy the cattlemen of that section. making it obligatory on the saloons ward of Diamond; \\ M. Hogan of Sil ver Creek nt y treasurer, porsons living ir. F. G. Blume of Emigrant Creek. George Mor­ to publish their license and cheat­ gan, M 2 of Drewsey. ms and vicinity wishing to regis- Campbell anil McKinley. ing the papers out of the “little old Thos. G. D oiihon , Stock Inspector of Harney county. county warrants can do so at his Kate Fields says Governor Camp­ twelve or fifteen dollars” paid for idence in Burns. publication ? NOTICE TO CREDITORS: bell has a wonderful influence over That is about the size of it, as Not ire to hereby given that the nndersipned -Stockmen can now get honest has been appointed administra:nx of the es­ ghts by shipping or selling stock men. Insptaking of his address newspaper men think, because you tate of Calahill M. Caldwell, out? Or «imply allow named settler has Alert notice of hla intention iy at Huntington. For the past his law is as the hawk, the velturej me to put the question plainly how to make Anal pr.»>f In support of his claim anrt that aairt vrisil will be matle before the Reicla- r we have solicited ranchers, who and the coyote. They say McKin­ much money have you exp nded I ter and Ke< elver, al Burna, Oregon, on Ausust Is 1MH, vis ’ their goods, partly, at the rail- ley is an honest man. 1 grant on the town?” William It. Itwehsaaa. A Councilman—“Mr. Mayor I Pre. Its No Xv8. for the i.L, of W1, of kec 9, d to deal with that company, that he is. and all honor to him for H. K W, r. W M I we take pleasure in announcing lieing so; but his measure is a burg- believe it is always in order to move Tp lie 22 names 'he following wltnissis to prove his continuous residence upon anrt < ultlvatlon he public that we have not heard ler without heart and without mer­ to adjourn. I make a motion we of. aairt land, vis Charles Roper. Reuben < lay pool, Tims Potter and Thoa Vickers, all of ngle complaint from any indi- cy, who robs alike the helpless adjourn.” Ilaruey, Utegon. ual, there-fore we can safely rec- child, the strong man and the de­ The motion carried. R eporter . J. B. H untington , Register fenseless woman. tnend the firm to the public. AH THEREi . GOODS AT A-lx Si ng’s •d * 0 Ö c H O z m æ x o