PUT YOUR WHYf DVERTISEMENT BECAUSE IT GOES BEFORE THE PUB LIC TWICE A WEEK IN THE HERALD. t rot. IV. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON emi-Weekly Herald, YOU WANT \A7 a San Francisco pap t .. . 1 ci c< ... e vo , . t WEEKLY EXAMINER hi!., the want conn etc.y. f 'i .. . ice uese It gives you every week not only’ ail t,( • news, bin iiie b: ( . try and miscellaneous matter pubi .. I on the American ccntim it—that is its specialty; bein^ the best. lj wants your subscripticu—y< ur- particularly—and oilers not only to you, bet to every other subscriber, one or more attractive premiums. In the first place, it gives every subscriber, one of the four mag nificent etchings or paintings described below, and delivers it safely a‘ his address, postage paid. ^^Lisiu:i> VEBRY WEDNB8DAY AND SATURDAY. BY . C. BYRD & SON. P ublishers and P roprietors . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Onel Year Six Months. Tnfee Months SBb 5 ear (In advance) |3.00 . .1.50 . .75 .2.50 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! I QUOTE YOU Dry Granulated Sugar, $ 9.75 per 1001b I have just received a full and 4C Salt............................ 2.10 44 complete Stock of Dry Goods, Nails,............................ 7.50 Ct keg. Groceries, Hardware, Tinware Flour,........................... 6.00 *4 barrel Notions, etc., which I will sell Omaha Bacon............ 13.50 44 100 tb at BEDROCK PRICES FOR Coal Oil (Pearl)......... can CASH ONLY 8.00 4« 11. E. T hompson , Yours Respectfully, Manager. A. ROBBINS ‘‘The Retreat from Moscow,” by Meicsonier, The Roman Chariot Race,” by A. Wagner. HERALD CLUB LIST: <1 anti Harper’s Magazine........... d and Harper’s Weekly .......... Hand Harper’s Bazar .... ____ Band Harper's Young People . 5.00 5.20 5.20 <3.75 iind Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia. ..2.90 Each additional volume after Vol. 1, 55 cents: c 10 centB extra ver volume, postage. WHOLESALE ! O. C Each of these pictures is 21x2S inches, ar. t they are ele; citly reproduced in lac simile, showing every tint and coloi of the great oriui.oL, either one winch could. ;i -t be pur chased for .$100,000. ‘Women and Children First,” by O. Rapier Hemy, Christ Leaving the Praetorium, by Qustave Dore. 49 < opicBof «11 the above works can be ex Emitted at leisure in the Reading Room HUNTINGTON,............... Each of these pictures is repro meed in photogravure, ¿ize 21x28, and eminently titteci tor fauning, and will adorh the w ills of the most 1 Each subscriber his the choice of any one of these four pictures, which will he mailed him in a tube direct from the E xaminer oiucc, as soon as the ¡»uLscription is receded. £*** I ublishers of periodicals are solicited to senirclubhing rates, a copy of their work for our Free Reading Room—Wefile, and bind the latter at close of every half-volume, end r“v ci copies bv advertisement. GENERAL RETAIL ! ! CO. ................. OREGON. MERCHANDISE I We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room, In the second place, it vviil give 5.000 premiums, valued in the occupying three floors, and each floor loaded With gOODS. aSirefIate at about $125,000 to its subscribers this year. If there are 50,000 subscribers, one in ten will g. t one of these premiums ; if there will maintain our former mies: Square Dealing. One Price. ADVERTISING RATES: are 100,000, only one in twenty llut no matter how many there are; SPACE 1 wk 2 wk J 1 ino 3 mo j 6 mo 12yr Best Ouality. Timi 11.50 12.50 $5 00 is ‘Hl $11 00 $15.110 each and ev'eryone of these premiums—which range in value from 50 We buy Flour, Meats, Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Salt, 28 00 cents to $6,000—will be given absolutely without cost to some of those 18.00 3 (KJ 4.00 6.50 12.03 2 “ 24 (Ml 40 00 8 50 5.00 8.00 15.00 » “ Canned Goods, and Coal Gil in CAR LOADS. Our P-iices are LOW. 32.00 20.00 50.00 who have paid $1.50 for the WEEKLY EXAMINER for one year 10.00 6.00 4.50 4 •' 54.00 48.00 9 00 15.00 28.00 6.00 1 he EXAMINER is thoroughly responsible, as you know,or as Wells 8?’ 12.00 80.00 120.00 16.00 28.00 48.00 SEND FOR QUOTATIONS ! ! 20.00 30.00 40.00 60.00 110.00 140.00 Fargo & Co. or any bank or commercial agency in San Francisco will assure you, and the leading men of the city will see that its premi'.ims CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. JOB WORK are distributed exactly as agreed and that every subscriber no matter PrprietorB Huntington Warehouse. Yours Respecfully, where he is located, will receive ju t what is assigned to him. erv description executed with neatness J. IL AITKIN, Manager. espatch, at reasonable rates. Of course you want your home paper also, and von can iust as Pamphlets Posters, lire, well as not save a little money by taking the EXAMINER with it Letter Heads, Bill Heads, opes, Cards, TicKetB, Note Heads, lCUtB, The price of the WEEKLY ENA IINER is $¡.50 per year, incl id Dodgers, Etc. Invitations. randa. ing the premium picture and your share of the $125.000 list of y.r • 1 E H erald is kept regularly on Ble for re miums. which are fully described in the twelve page 1 ¡r.:;.. 1 . jee, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad Portland Boot & Shoe Store. ng Bureau. 10 Spruce at.. New York. ment, which will be sent free on a|.:>li-. aiien to « LUNABURG & ERY, P roprietors , B urns , O regon . W. R. . ; I'uoii-.'n r. 1 ' I 1 OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. national : <>■ Lw**.''Sie In the Uso of I D. the I fi B regit«11 ÍO1 S. it! I ■liwuH 4 SIXTH to have weak or disc scai f -r rails, who arc •:. .a [ . .Tiromg-,?ofcof: ■•”»1 E sr.il any . y r < . h ‘I I JUDICIAL DISTRICT: COUNTY—HARNEY : o V KTi q W . tr ... -r.L /ff- POT. unit vir ïti.. .< . the < ti ta . Of '-ionú : III co-, nn? : r. . .to C >R BW».] f,namr.tcc tcW they 'A fill patii ; ?■- POSSIBLY tf fr- - wu Exclusiva iias-cca will 'lucre is, then, ■“I • • • ûiierd uOtiULl” BAILEY A CALDWELL, ÍRIE-A. MfíQlpp', Don’t brood ovcv’ c.-r cor Thousand! ' ■ V- cr- < Lu.- . .1 c acnilsc'ind, ÎKù-t pc- !./••■ty, i Rcni '.r.:L.r.u> ■ ” < enee that " a t' < MXICfSS. L/UZ !.. k .’L CI . ...W. 2,OCT 1/ ; - 1 The Proprietors of the Red Front and White Front Livery Sta bles assures the public that they are prepared to accommodate in every way in their line of business. gWHay and grain constantly on hands, and careful hands. Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Job Wagon in connection. 7 . ' ... Ï . ■' - A fits ........... Manager. We solicit a share of HARNET U. 8. LAND OFFICE: er J. B. H untington ver ..H arrison K elley » <1 < I :l Proprietors. i ST W k . A ltnow Lytie Howard. IM muis8iuuers ALS Mf- Also. Custom work and Repairing neatly done. ' ‘SANS bueeEC'M ■ ** f cr j MtTHOSS J HOHE J ’.ItSt“*-’!?. _• M BX, u wm . M iller (D) Pty judge .W . E. gracr (D). k T. H. R oberts | (D) teurer 7 A. •(D) T. A M c K innon re vor liti A. A. C owing .......... (I>) essor ........ (D). W. E. A lberson .C has .N ewkll bol Superintendent tR) T ros . G. D odson Ik Inspector »na e<4 to rite «»Ç We," J«I and I Worn« d. wilil risi «’«« i Hani! I 77VE i/ETHCDS.ttet ancl Control, orders ci a • c e M. D. C lifford D riot Judge C has . F. H yde .0 riet Attorney D. S. D ustin t Representative 3 ... (D). .(D) H enry B lackman K-Seuator i Xpert | CURA- wo Alone own for ail Dis- c ( J. N. Dolph Senators K j J. II Mitehan R. Binger Hermenn iressman D.Sylvester Pennoyer Irnor . R Geo. W. McBride Stary of State R I'hil. Metschan. Hirer J. B. McElroy , Public Instruction R i Primer . K ........ Frank Bakei j K. 8. Bean. R J Wm. P. Lord (erne Judges R ‘ W. W. Thayer R Rheubin 8. Strahm I’. H"4« ■e of '>< ■ I e V Y »ri I -¿F Cf VARIED Mt GÜCCESSFFL STATE—OREGON : ililHl'1’ ' I 'I •» • 1 $3,300 stock Boots and Shoes, of the very best duality, Just received Cheapest Place in Town for Cash, Benjamin Har riso ent Levi P. Morton president. Jami'Sfi. Blaine [ary of State .... Charles Foster. tarv <)f Treasury ................ John W. Noble iry of Interior Redfield Proctor far y of War Benjamin F. Tracey itary of Navy Jeremiah M. Rusk It ary of Agriculture, Wüt. 11. Miller rney General John Wanamaker piaster General the patronage. Shop he Uni"! th the« When will M of r«« le fori receil it ho«’ rii Kt I L r I % CHURCH DIRECTORY. ed at the old stand anti applied with good meats ? NS METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH ■ M.D. WILSON Pastor. pt re will be preaching bv the pastor in each [mb as follows, until further notice p a Rih—Burnt—at 11 a m, and 4:30 pm P Sabbath—Island School House— at 11 a in —Harney—at 7:30 p m. ki Sabbath—Burna—at 11 a m, and 4:30 pm lli Sab ath —Harney—at 11am, and 7 : t)p m I The Linimeni SOCIETIES. ■ HARNEY LODGE. NO. 77, I. O O F. H frets at Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday >2 > p m, H, M H ortom . N. G. ^Bn Brown. Treat harney pos t no . «rets every 1st and* 3d Wednesday of each tnth, at odd Fellows' Hall. All Comrades gixxlstanding invited. ■ V? M. M. BRIERI.Y, P. C. Has. N ewell , Ad'j't. Mchls-l« V. S. MAILS. BURNS—VALE: ves and departa dally, Sundays excepted. BURNS—CANTON CITY: res Mondava Wednesdays. Fridays, Bpm * Tuesdays Thursdays A Saturdays 10’45m. « TRANSPORTATION Company. C. C. McCoy, General Manager, ------- O-:-< >------- A Cure for the Ailments of Man arc! I' «. g . a . r . I Incorporated NORTHWESTERN MAIL -x » A long-tested pain reliever. L? use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farm'' Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an cJi.tiv liniment ’ i >il er application compares with it in efficacy. ..s well-known remedy has stood the test of year-. . >. generations. '» i ¡¡.inc che t 1. complete without a bottle of M vctang L iniment . -.'■ns ar.se for its use almost every day. All dnm-psts and dealers have it. Stages leave Burns, Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, Beulah, Westfall and Vale, where Close Connection is Made with the railroad. Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehicles, RATES OF FARE FROM BURNS TO ONTARIO AND INTERVENING POINTS * Burnt, to Ontario ||o <M> I Burna to Vale 49.90 *• •* GreveCIty « .«o - Writ Fall 7 *0 •• •• Benlah ... 6 00 I •• •• Dreuaey 4 00 •• ‘•Pine Creek ................ 2 fiO | •• Harney 1.00 I I Baggage, 30ft»s to each Passenger. Frieght and Passengers must k»e way-billed. Passenger fare paid in advance. H arry F loyd , N rri A ki . es , J. M. V auhgn . Gen. Sup’t. D vision Agent. Burn Age«t