— Deputy sheriff M. R. Biggs, in —Notice, in this issue, the pre­ Evansville and sevral other towns AH T HERE! company with L. Busenberg, left miums offered bv the 8. F. Exam­ in Indiana were considerably shak­ Burns Monday noon for Harney or iner. Now is your chance to save en up by an earthquake, July 26th. What Bargains At WEDNESDAY. AUGUSTS, 1881 the neighborhood of that town, 80 cents on two subscriptions, the The shock was also felt at Hender­ having been informed that a horse Herald and the Examiner, regular son Ky lasting about fifteen seconds. R. C. GEER’S; .8 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY thief who is wanted at Lakeview price $4.00, both can lie had for $3 - The wave seemed to travel from MANUFACTURER & DEALER NEWSPAPER IN THI8 COUNTY. could be found there. His name is 20 besides a premium worth, really, from northeast to southwest. At IN ALL KINDS OF Jacob Nall and he is now behind ( more than the papers and next Madrid Mo the people were awken- Local News TINWARE. the bars. The boys suceeded in I year is the presidential election ed bv three shocks occuring at in-' Tinware repaired. nabbing him but he made an effort and you can not afford to be with­ tervals of two minutes, two of the —L. Harlow wants the job ofcut- to retain his freedom by trying to out a good national paper and the shocks were very severe. Also Dealer in Fishing Tackle and ¡g 0. D. Rusk’s grain with a cra- out run the officers but the race on Examiner is just the paper you Sporting Goods. 0TK4YED, his part was a failure. want. Strayed from Burns, Harney' ■—Jordan and Horton have com- —In this issue we publish a fire Chairman Watson of the state cen­ county, Oregon, on er about the B urns O regon . ■. ted a cellar in the rear of their that destroyed $2500 dollars worth tral republican committee of Kan. 21st of Mav, six head of horses and Wugstore. of property at Long Creek. Had has announced that the republican one colt, belonging to the under­ K— Harry Thompson, whom we re that town been properly equipped to party will probably have a candi­ signed. Krted sick in our last issue, is slow- fight the flames, which were discov­ date for the gubernatorial chair in Description and brands as fol-! GREAT NOVELTIZ-S ■ improving. ered immediately after catching, the field this fall. Although the lows: One bav horse, about 16| i supreme court has decided that CHINA & JAPAN ■—A. Robbins is having a cellar there is but little doubt, but that hands high, branded on left shoulder Thaver can hold over, legal opin ­ C\\; one bay horse 14$ hands high, Kd warehouse built in the rear of the fire could have been suppressed GOODS AT before dcing much damage. Burns ions are so varied on this point that with large saddle marks on both M b store building. it is decided best to be on the safe is — just as Long Creek — situated to sides, branded on the left shoulder H— An excellent quality of ma side. The alliance and democratic » Mine oil at Cal. Geer’s Hardware receive a damaging fire and, just as parties will also have gul>ernatorial C; one brown horse branded C Long Creek, no fire engine, no fire on left shoulder, 4 years old; one Mire for $1 a gallon. silk . c no nothing prepared to nominees on their tickets. bald face bay mare, four white feet h andkerchiefs , of finest M— Hugh Smith is now sole pro- company, [TEA, «Oct» A PACKAGE; AS MANY FIRE fight the conflagration. Less than The custom followed by many of branded C4\ on left shoulder; one | Metor of the Burns Meat Market half the loss at Long Creek will the counties of the neighboring state bay mare, star in forehead, branded I CRACKERS AS A SMALL BOY CAN CARRY kieury Richardson having with- equip our town with a fire-company of Washington in b inding their in­ C^\ on left shoulder; one sorrel |FUR25ct«. ALL. OTHER THINGS AT SAMS Sfawn. and engine so that our citizens will debtedness. has its.merits, says the horse about 14 or 14$ hands high, —B. H. Fine, the proprietor of feel comparatively safe. “A word Jacksonville Times* It relieves the blazed face, all four feet white, RATE. I Tex’s Resort, invites all that are to the wise is sufficient” but when present generation front bearing L I A NEW STOCK OF GOODS weary and thirsty, to partake of wisdom was being meted out Burns alone the burden of developing the branded CA on left shoulder and ON THE ROAD nice, cool lemonade and Beer. on left I was on a drunk and failed to re­ count r , and makes posterity, or its yearling colt branded —New Stock of Glass, Putty. ceive her quota. equivelent, pay a certain proportion shoulder, and, when turned out. Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc., at Geer’s. D ied —-August 1st Mrs Cordelia of the cost of the many benefits had on a halter muzzle. A liberal No charge for cutting glass if you A. — Palmer at the residence of her they derive form the labors of the reward will be paid by the under­ buy of me J-l brother in-law A. C. Worthington of pioneers. It has the effect of mak­ signed for their return to Burns, or ; ■—Team for sale—A span of Burns The^deceased’s home was in ing current county wairants passat information gi\tn whereby they j «arses, youug, well broke to drive Iowa, she came here in March of their face value instead of a ruin­ may be r »covered. C harles A nderson . Nth single and double and to the this year to visit her sister and also ously heavy discount to which they are often subjected under the system For Over Fifty Years hoping the climate would benifit Mddle. Call at this office. followed in this state, and the coun AN O ld and W kll -T hiki » R kmrdy .—Mr« her health. During her sojourn ■—When thirsty, call in the saloon Soothing rup has been used for tv derives a direct benefit Trout the Winslow's fifty year« bv million««»f mother« for their (■Lewis and Richardson; these among us she made a host of friends. fa?t for all services rendered it. gets ! over children while teething. with perfect sucte«« | Murteous gentlemen will serve you Mrs. Palmer was a native of Keokuk fi e benefit of actual cash rates and hi m H he« the child, softer« ine gums, alia « ' a'l pain, i ure« wind colic, ami i« the beat rem- county Iuwa. A teacher of 12 years Mt'*’, cool lemonade or beer. ' ed\ for Diarrhea«*. 1« pleasant to the taste | cash competition. experience and ranked among the sold by Druggis ■ In every part of the world. H— The troupe of Bob and Eva I Twenty five < ent« a buttle. Its value is int alt u j I foremost educators of her nativi 1 lable Be sure and ask for Mrs Winslow'« I OOMINCCOMING McGinley, is really talented and re­ Southing Syrup, and take no other kind. state She taught a term of 3 Hive the highest praises from the Bob and Eva McGinley. (?« liauiut 11 < uieb. o Mess. In Burns next Friday ami months, here, on Poison creek, the With a new company, and new A old physician, c~*~ retired from practice, hav­ patrons of the school recognizing Mturday nights. ing had plated in hi« hand« by mu East India 1 specialties etc. Will appear at her worth as a teacher were anxious M{««¡unary the formula uf a simple \egelabk*| ■—Jacob Nall the supposed horse to contract with her for the fall and the Town Hall, in Burns August remedy fur the speedy and permanent cure of j Bronchitis, Catarrh, As htna «mi Mief who was arrested by the Depu- winter terms, but she desiring to re­ the 7th and 8th, Friday and Sat­ Consumption, all Threat ami Lung a fie« ti.o «. a «.> a p «hive and radii al cure for Nervous Debility and all < ■ sheriff last Monday and impris- turn home this fall would only con urday nights. Nervous Coinnlaiu s. after havii g tcs.ed h« Med in the Harney jail made his tract for the fall term. She leaves B oh M c G inley , the man with 100 wonderful curative powers in thousand« of • has fell it his duty to make it known to ¡ape last night. faces will make foil laugh next cases, « hi« fellow «littering fellow«. Actuated bv this a little boy six years old a father i - ’n ■ motive and a desire to relieve human suffering M Friday and Saturday night. —The McGinley troupe will be and mother one sister and three • 1 will se d, free of charge, to all who utsire ft, 5 — recipe, in German. French, or English, 5 re next week. This is good news brothers, besides many friends to J ames C yan , the great Eastern Cor­ I • this with full directions for useing bent by mail cn P net Soloist, is specially engaged 1 addressing fall who delight in such amuse mourn her loss. Every attention with «lamp, naming this paper. 93 A. W. Nuyes, Power»’ Block, Rochester, O with Boh Eva McGinley's Com ­ ■ Int. The reinforcement to the was given the deceased, the best "U N. Y. 90 F c c edy Company, and will execute pipe adds that much more inter medical skill was employed, and N some very difficult (ongoing so­ STOCK BRANDS. I and amusement. 3 loving care and devoted attention O Hardin & Riley, cattle branded Von left aide. * los. o 93 [—Every thing in the hardware was freeiy given to alleviate the Horse brand T left aide. p. o. Burna, Oregon to |p, received at Geer’s last week, sufferings of her last days by her C amille H ogue , will appear in his 9 J. C, Foley, cattle brand »on right side. unite ware, Machine oil, Mech.in many rriends here who deeply sym­ Trapize specialties Horae brand — on left shoulder. L ittle D ick H ogue , the great juvi- I tools, Mowing machines, all pathise with the bereaved relatives. W illlams A William« t at tie brand. CB on left nile singer, with Bob A Eva’s hip. Horse braad, 11 oil right «title. P, O. Riley. Ids of harvesting tools, cheaper The funeral services were conducted new Comedy Company, Horst« branded )•( on left «title. t attle brand bv the Rev. Dr. Embree. kn dirt, for cash. on leit hip. Marion Bunyard, p(> Burn«. E va M c G inley , the accomplished ed ( r( are [The Keokuk county papers ait le diamond on left hip; hoi see ( V on left [—Stockmen can now get honesl actress, assisted by Bob McGinley. «h. u der. Chari»-« H V« eut let. Buri a < >reg««n. ights by shipping or selling stock requested to copy ] E lla H iggins , Organist, vocalist [Huntington. The O. C. Co. hav- Cani of* thank*. and Actress. | just completed oneof Fairbanks S ophia H ogue , with Boh A Eva’s — lek Scales, and arranged a large notice . We desire to return our heartfelt Comedv Co., at the Town Hall on Notice !« hereby given that on the 15th nx of the es­ tate of Calanill M. Caldwell, mg all their prop­ The timbers for the new bridge direction he should take, the gov­ deed kr town, was the receptacle of erly. iMitti real and personal in trust, for the ernor replied, to the Neil house. I are nearly all hauled, though there benefit of their creditor«. Now, therefore, all I lir stolen plunder. Several of Having arrived there Mr. Camp­ such < reditur« and others interested in mid was considerable indignation ex ­ Im have been caught and a fine are hereby notified to present their ! bell jumped out, and, after as­ estate and demand« again« «aid t a ale, prop- j ■rom $25 to $50 impose i. w n.< h pressed at having to stop haying to certaining the numtier of Major claims erly verified, as by law required, al the office of | underaigneti, in Baker City, Oregon, with haul them. |ir parents had to pay. McKinley’s rooms, called upon the the in three months from the publication hereof Dated June 1'.». IMli. Mrs Martha Marks is on the sick republican leader, and invited him Dr Embree is going to our C W J am R«, Asaignec. to ride. Major McKinley was much |te Fair. He will start from list. pleased to accept the invitation. F inal proof : fr>e about the middle of this School is progressing finely. The two gentlemen then proceeded LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON, JULY ■ith. While absent he expects 8. 1IW1. Bo some good work for our coun- Mr J. A. Andersan lost a valuable to the carriage, and, as the major Notice is hereby given that the fol Io wit* g- named settler has filed notic e of his intention was stepping in, Campliell remark to land particularly desires small mare last week. make final pr«*«»f in supjtort of bls claim and that satci ur«»*»i will ne made beforethe Regia •dies of our cereals to take with ed: ter Re« river, at Burns, Oregon, oil August Three loads of immigrants from “Major, my wife told me to-day la and ■> to expose at the fair as Harney ln.n, vis. l>. Buchanan, Bntv products. If the readers the cyclone states, headed for web­ that she wanted to take a drive with Pre. I>H No M llliavn 3.^3. for the KH ef W, of Her », the next governor of Ohio, and I Tp 2k R A K W M f,e H erald will bring in and foot yesterday. names the following witn