BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 5, 1891, VOL. IV. Semi-Weekly Herald, YOU PUBLISHED VEERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. BY W. C. BYRD & SON. P ublishers P roprietors . and SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ine Year lx Month«. Tiree Month«........................ ine Year (In advance) »3.00 .1.50 75 .2.50 HERALD CLUB LIST irald and Harper’s. Magazine............ 5.00 irald and Harper's Weekly................5.20 irald and Harper’s Bazar................... 5.20 raid and Harper's Young People... 3.75 aid and Alden’« Manifold Cyclopedia, 2.90 ach additional volume after Vol. I, 55 cent«: 0 cent« extra ver volume, ttostage. 5^-Copie«of all theatsive work« can ba ex Ined at leisure in the Reading Room Publishers of periodical« are solicited to «end clubbing rates, a copy of their work for “r Free Reading Rmnn—We file, and bind the !ter at close of every half-volume, end r-v 11 pie« bv advertisement. 1 wk 2 wk 1 mo 3 ino 1 6 mo Inch »1 50 3 00 3 50 4 50 6 00 12.00 20 00 12.50 4 00 5.00 6 00 9 00 16 00 30 00 »5 00 6.50 8 00 10 00 15 00 28 00 40 00 »K 12 ol 15.00 20 00 23.00 48 00 60.00 44 col. .. »11 00 18.00 24.00 32.00 48.00 80.00 no oo 1 I yr »15.00 28 CO 40 0U 50 00 54.00 120.00 140 00 JOB WORK ' every description executed with neatness id despatch, at reasonable rates Pamphlets Posters, rculars, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, tivelopes, Note Heads. Cartis, Tiegels, atemeuts, Invitations. Dodgers, Etc. emoranda. T hs II kka LD is kept regularly on fi'e for re rence, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad ■Hsing Bureau. 10 Spruce st.. New York. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY national : Benjamin Har riso Lev!-?-. Morton James G. Blaine Charles Foster. John W. Noble Redfield Proctor Benjamin F. Tracey Jeremiah M. Rusk Wm. H. Miller John Wanamaker resident Ice-President.................... eretary of State eretary of Treasury irctary of Interior eretary of War icretary of Navy scretary of Agriculture ttorney General osimaster General STATE—OREGON: R ( J. N. Dolph S. Senators K | J. H Mitchan ingressman R. Binger Hermenn D.Sylvester Pennoyer tvernor K Geo. W. McBride eretary of State R Phil. Metschan. easurer J. B. McElroy pt. Public Instruction R Frank liaket »te Printer ...................... R ) R. S. Bean, R z Wm. P. Lord R preme Judges > W W. Thaver R Rheubin S. St rah tn 8IXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: strict Judge strict Attorney int-Representative inl-Senator M. D C lifford .D C has . F. H yde (D). D. S. D ustin (D) H enry B lackman D COUNTY—HARNEY : iunty Ajdge (D).. W m . M illre erk (D) W. E. G ra < R easurer ... (D) T. H. R oberts rveyor (D) T. A. M c K innon A. A. C owing eriff , tsessor ................. .(D). W. E. A lberson C eas .N eaell hool Superintendent |R) jck Inspector T hus . G. D odson (D) t ' d ; ( mmissioners 7 GREAT RED UCTION IN PRICES I WAN! a San Francisco paper and of course you want a good one. The WEEKLY EXAMINER fills the want completely, for it is the best. It gives you every week not only all the news, but the best literary and miscellaneous matter published on the American continent—that is its specialty ; being the best. It wants your subscription—yours particularly—and offers not only to you, but to every other subscriber, one or more attractive premiums. In the first place, it gives every subscriber, one of ¿lie four mag­ nificent etchings or paintings described below, and delivers it safely at his address, postage paid. ‘‘The Retreat from Moscow,” by Meissonier, The Roman Chariot Race,” by A. Wagner. Each of these pictures is 21x28 inches, and they are elegantly reproduced in fac simile, showing every tint and color of the great originals, either one of which could not lie pur­ chased lor $100,000. “Women and Children First,” by C. Napier Hemy, “Christ Leaving the Przetorium/'by Qustave Dore. Each of these ' ictures is reproduced in photogravure, .size 21x28, and eminently lilted for framing, and w 1 adorn the walls of the most relined house. Each subscriber his the choice of.any one of these four pictures, which will he mailed him in a tube direct fioni the E xaminer otuce, as soon as the subscription is received. QUOTE Dry Granulated Sugar, $ 9.75 per 100 lb I have just received a full and 44 Salt.............................. 2.10 complete Stock of Dry Goods, Nails,............................ 7.50 44 keg. Groceries, Hardware, Tinware Flour,........................... 6.00 «4 barrel Notion», etc , which I will sell Omaha Bacon........... 13.50 44 100 th at BEDROCK PRICES FOR Coal Oil (Pearl)......... 3.00 4« can CASH ONLY H. E. T hompson , Yours Respectfully, Manager. A. ROBBINS RETAIL ! I WHOLESALE ! o. o. CO. HUNTINGTON, ............................................. general OREGON. CHANDISE, We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room, In the second place, it will give 5,000 premiums, valued in tilt occupying three floors, and each floor loaded With gOO®8. aggregate at about $125,000 to its subscribers this year. If there are Will maintain our former rules: 50,000 subscribers, one 111 ten will g -t one of these premiums ; if there are 100,000, only one in twent' l'/.it no matter how many there are, each and everyone of these premiums—which range in value from 50 We buv Flour, Meats, Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Salt, cents to $6,000—will be given absolutely without cost to some of those who have paid $1.50 for the WEEKLY EXAMINER for one year Canned Goode, and Coal Oil in CAR LOADS. Our Prices are LOW. The EXAMINER is thoroughly responsible, as you know, or as Wells SEND FOR QUOTATIONS ! ! Fargo & Co. or any bank or commercial agency in San Francisco will assure you, and the leading men of the city will see that its premiums CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. are distributed exactly as agreed and that every subscriber no mattei Prprietors Huntington Warehouse. Yours Reepecfullv, where he is located, will receive just what is assigned to him. J. H. AITKIN, Manager. Of course you want your home paper also, and you can just as well as not save a little money by taking the EXAMINER with it The price of the WEEKLY EXAMINER is $1.50 per year, includ ing the premium picture and your share of the $125,000 list of pre miums, which are fully describe! 1 in the twelve page Premium Supple­ Portland Boot & Shoe Store. ment, which will be sent free on application to LUNABU RG & FRY, P roprietors , B urns , O regon . \V. R. H earst Publisher, ’ Cal The EXAMINER and the HERALD, the combined price of which is 3fO OO StorkBoots and Shoes, of the very best duality, just received $4, will be sent you for one year, postage paid, for $3.20. You can get Cheapest Place in Town for Cash, a Pertniunt Supplement by applying at this office. Square Dsalillg. One PriCB. ADVERTISING RATES: »ACB NO. 49. W«. ALTNOW Lytle Howard. Best Ouality. A Iso, Custom work and Repairing neatly dune. YEARS. S ul EXPERIENCE In the Uso of CUi.A- wn Alone own T1YE METHODS, ‘hat and Control, orders of e • • • • • • MEN ® I nr S mitron B I HOME I^Nvnrl Who have week c.r’fK- DEVELOPED.or diseased rgans, wuo ar J suffer­ ing from rpr.oss cr youth on-1 any Hxocescs. rei /cwfcif FGR Ä LIMITED HMiEREE rroarttnfcotc tf vhey tub STORED. r attorci a CL BL 1 C ÉBH o _V.b.a.rc.’.i i-oGsa.. <<- Lfiec. r.tbi i •ornoft. .-ir foiiuwn ; nd the . 011- tempt <1 f •fenda r.nd compon!leads esto all patients, «asr/ßtr et.nt- own tixlueivo liirrc'! will tsr Zucrc i-, tLcn. • EELA. lu • • ZA7? Ï0UE3. Don’t brood over your con&tiec, r ffftx un tn dirpatr I ouMinds of the Worc-t Cm. s have y:-...jed to our HONE forth 1,3 our K’tWfiJCFi’L CC0K whic: r.u Ki sealed, post paid, f ¿-£F, fora limited time. ó ETITT o . cev . Ramembcr.noouai ise has the methods, epplinncir. tu.: experi­ ence that wo employ, an i we claim the ». cnopoiy or cMfcrf success . E rie C o .. 64 N iagara S t , B uffa #, N. r. EÀTMENT, 2,000 References. Hama this paper whan yc-j ferite The Proprietors of the Red Front and White Front Livery Sta­ ble» assure» the public that they are prepared to accommodate in every way in their line of businese. fj^T*Hay and grain constantly on hands, and careful hand». Passenger» taken to all parts of the country. Job Wagon if, connection SMITH A RICHARDSON, Proprietors. I We wish to inform the pub­ a »hare HARNEY U. a. LAND OFFICE: ..J. B. H untington ..H arrison K elley igiater tceiver CHURCH DIRECTORY. JRN8 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH M.D. WILSON Pastor. There will be preaching bv the pastor in each onth as follows, until further notice 1st t a math—Burna—at 11 a m. and 4:30 p m . 2d baubalh—Island School House— at 11 a m . . —Harney—at 7:30 p m MI Sabbath—Burns— »t 11 a m, and 4:30 p m I 4th Sabbath—Harney—at 11a m, and 7:i>#p m SOCIETIES. HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O O T. Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday •**«!“• H, M H ostou , N. G. len Brown, Tress harney pos t no . 4», g . a . r . Meets every 1st and* 3d Wednesday of each lontb, at odd Fellows’ Hall. All Coasrades i Itooditandinginvited. „ M. M. BRIERLY, P. C. ■ as. N xwbll . Ad’Jl. Meh W-lfi V. 8. MAILS. , . — . . burns — v * lb : drives sad departs daily, Sundays exeepled. BURNS—CANYON CITY: T^Jfa"' Wednesdays, Fridays, Can.a •'••days Thursdays a Saturdaysl« 46a>. Mexican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Ik *. A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farm:?’’, f Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective, liniment. * o other application compares with it in efficacy. ..is well-known remedy has stood the test of years, aim«»' generations. ”0 medicine chest :. complete without a bottle of Mum Nt, L iniment . .wcasions arise for its use almost every day. Ail dr. "gists and dealers have it ¡the patronage. lic that we have again open- upplied with good meata I ed at the old stand and The Shop Incorporated N0RTHWES1ERN NAIL AND TRANSPORTATION Company. C. C. McCoy, General Manager, ------ 0:0------- Stages leave Rum», Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsey, Beulah, Westfall and Vale, where Close Connection is Made with the railroad. Good freeh horse», careful drivers, new vehiclea, RATE» OF FARE FROM BURNS TO ONTARIO Burna, to Ontario »10 On I Burna ’• ” Grovecity > 50 ’’ ’’Beulah « «0 I ’’ Pina Creek 2 50 | . - AND INTERVENING POINTS to Vais 1» •10 ” West Fall 7.» •• Dreweey ... ««0 “ Harney LN Baggage, 301b» to each Pa»»enger. Frieght and Pasaengera must be way-bilied. Passenger fare paid in advance. H arry F loyd , Gen. Sup’t. N eri klbs , I> vision Agent. J. M. V ai ’ hgn Rum Agent