1891. P. F. STENGER. BY LEIGH WEBSTER. From New York ledger: “Eate hoih J b you this circlet With a tank that in Bweet— T«»acar< h the world over. And make ii conip’ele. Thistask once ae<*Minp>iBhed—whenever ft be— Rcveuicth, Oh, Seeker! thy true love to thee,“ 4 1 His first sensation was one of an­ ger. “Some joke of the fellows, I sup[»ise. It’s pleasant to think I’m a laughing stock to the crowd! I have been rather unsocial of late, but this is going too far. St. Val­ entine’s, eh! So it is! Rather an expensive j< ke—this thing is the real thing—odd, too,” and he held it up to the light. “It is only a part of a ring. I can see that there must be another hand with a clover leaf set the other way to fit into this. Two four leaved clovers ma­ ted—pretty idea! It omjht to he a lucky combination Now, whocould have sent it to me? The address looks a little like Temple’s—at least, as it might if be was trying to dis­ guise his hand. Well I could stand it Better from him. Search the world over—there is only one place where 1 care to look, and not like­ ly to find it there! “One thing, though; I really ought to cal) on her before I leave town. She has always treated me well, and it is hardly the thing to drop off so slid deni v and completely. Might arrouse her suspicions, ifsiie happen <1 to think of me. She will have heard of this ni.p, and 1 11 ap­ pear w«*dde<| to law—absorbed in my work. Speak in an easy wav of Tom’ Blake, and make a graceful exit from her life. Whv haven’t 1 thought of it before? I’ll go toinor row night. Tomorrow! Why, that is St Valentine's day! Well, I hardly care to go there that night Somebody elfle would be there—he would any night, for that matter— and it is the last opp triunity, if I leave town next morning, “Parshall, you have some super slitious nonsense sneaking through your head, but we’ll put a stop to that 1 won’t go at all.” St. \ alentine’s Day—a whirl of snow. Noone could go out amt |perhaps| no one come in. Toone girl it was the longest dav she had ev» r known, as she wandered, rest lesslv, from one room to nriolu r disdainful of t he dainty concoct ions, of lace, bon-bons, and t nder senti m< iits, witi, which the good saint I had favored her She drew a sigil of it liel. when, nt last—dinner ov» r —her guardian departed to his club and she was free to partake herself to the little drawing-room, which was her special nook The soft lights—the |>erfun.e of flowers— soothed her spirits, and she laughed a little as she noted the work thrown ciirelesslv on th«1 tatde. “How many tilings I have tried to do to »lay and what a farce it ha> all lieen!” She moved about the room—a graceful figure in her dull green gown, with its touches of silver. On her left hand w as a curious ring, which she paused »»ffen to study— then with a sigh, sunk into a great chair I m fore the tire and steadily contemplated both hand* * ith the deep-st attention. The firelight show«»] an anxious ami troubled troubled face. “How could I do it? If he comes, what a false position I should be in What untruths I shall baxc to im ply. It he wert* to find me out, I should I m * over« helmed with shame. I low could he suspect? Did 1 not take every precaution? But, then— / he won’t come. I feel sure of that. (A ring at the bell). “Yes, Katv —taking the offered caid—“vou may bring him in here. W hat shall 1 say? I must go through with it now! "Good evening, Mr. Parshall, IIow good of vou to come out a night like this. 1 asked you to come in here, the drawing room is so big an 1 cheerless Do t ike this »eat near the fire. I have been fairly scorching my face all the evening, and will gladly resign my place to you.” She turned, picked up a fan, and carefully seated herself with her hack to the light. Her guest had been, apparantly, struck dumb; for now that there was an opportun­ ity, he had no word to sav- He mid sink down obediently into the warm corner pointed out to him. and was gazing fixedly at the hand which held the fan. Could he be- livehiseyes? It was half a shadow. Vet, when she had held out her hand in greeting just now, the ring look ed so familiar it bad taken his breath away. Seeing her eyes fol- ’ow the direction that his had taken, he said, boldly: “W hat a curiou3 ring!” IT.» be Ci ntinue.l j JIB PRINT, lobratcd Frosch Cure, APHR3D1TINE”?ST . IJ COL» Ct A { C’JARANTÇZ ) to cv.ro any form Xi/’ cfnervo’.HdiscuiO 'J c r an / d isorder of the Exonerative or- gansof cither »ex, v.hjt’cr orl»iu. frollili vcxceïshc u. ouf b. nuluut., AFTER REFORE \>1 -«i* >orOpiu. i,crthrough\o ii.iiulni :>rrfr- ioii, ovt r indulgence, rv f ' 0 on’orre^clvn'i, tiro'” nd the money if * l’ermrioont c ro is lwt cCecd d. 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