P. F. STENGER. FATH'S AIDE l>E (AMI’ BY LEIGH WEBSTER From New York Ledger: WHAT SHE THOf’GHT. allow himttelf a little relaxation; and directly a pair of gray eves H orses branded rose up before him, now untiling, | Either Right of now jR-nsive, and the obi question ■title: Oli. —’’Might it have been?”—rose once more, as if it had not been settled • ' "forever,” again and again. He finally pushed back his '’hair from ARMERA a . STENGER before the fire, and began impatient­ V > ¿*5 C atti .» branded ly walking back and forth in the u Left »ide; circle room. A knock on the door, and the pill in ex ih elevator bov passed in the last mail Combines the juice of the P’ e I for the night Two or three business California, so lax. ■< a«d i>utt _ with the mediuoal virtues of pla Range—Harnjy andGrant county Oregon letters and a little box. The letters p. o.—Hurns, harnov county. Or.______ known to be most lenecM .1 to, th were thrown carelessly down on the human system, forming •■«<)*' ■ ; ’ ' FECT REMEDY to >e table; the box he kept in his band promptly on lite T THE DISABILITY BILL IS A in some curiosity. It was small KID1IETS, LIVE? AND EtM LAW and light, and sealed at either end Soldiers disabled since the war are carefully, as if it contained some­ Entitled CleansetbOvy^-''^‘CG‘t’3'^’ Dependent widows thing precious. Being a man he and Parents now de- — SO THAT - pendent whose sons died iron» the efleers <>f did not spend much time in con­ PURS BLOOD. armv sw. Every < ’.e is »¡sing 11 In much supprise he took ofl the a. 1 ; Il are .’■•IT' fei! v A^j! . A .k you« cover to find the box apparently (Irngi.’ist for S\ !rOpiu:n,ertlirough yu ;uaul in ii^rre- 1 will admit it to myself; I should ’¡••i», OV’T In lukcnco, Ao ,CUCh an Loxof 1 rafti »■ »wer, Wti'.’ f 'Ines*, I ear.i.Tdov.u Palnsiu tho k. Sem -t.il Wcakncf••, liy. te: 'a, Ncrvous i’r *s- be glad, glad to know that he loved >-.■! t ation, S ■ turr 1 E'ni •> :o;;s, ] .* corrha a. ldz- Mcwnor,’, I«n“i c f Pov. crand »mpo- me. But even if he does, lie will ?:n \V tpncy,wh! hi! u Jeetc 1< . lcadto prematuro ? an ! insanitv. Prleo $ .CO abo-, tiboxca never t< ]| me so; perhaps it would i r ' >r 1 j h > ” io. ent hy ma 1 o-iri roh ' < • p* ice* a v ’m irr; ci’Ai: »•’. i.« given for spoil tlie charm if he did Rut I • <<•• '-T r • 1. ;i’l the i'wncy i' a rerinnnwut eure is Tu t cfTeetcd. ha' O would lie will'ng for him to try it. t ..ei a : 'sof testimoniwls f-i in old an«1 We yovnr, » f both t'c. ’ .i s, who hav< ‘ bo*n per nnontly c 1 Blushing! Well, I should think I 1 y thouse of Aphroditinö. (’ircular free. Add ’.’.r» re ü THF APHRO MEDI^INF ro might, after that. 1 wish I did not ««tern Prauch. Ilox 27. PoBWkivD. Uü. think of him so much. lie doesn't For Sale at \V. E. Grace’s Drug know that 1 heard what he sail! to Store Mr Carter, the other night, that ’a man who wilPlet his wife cut a wav through th<. world for him with lu r R lieve Suppre«8o< money, is nothing but a parasite ’ Menstruation. I sed ß irCißatulljF by Iti ou m - W <1!, I might ns well realize the an ís of prominent la OTs inonth'y. Th*r- fact that we are as far apart as the ongbljr reliaole ami sa e. W< ri h t wen tv t wo poll ■«, a nd shall never come near i mes fluir weig’ t in gold for female irret/- er l>v motion of hia. How that would ularities. Never known to fail. sound to any one—just as if I con­ Sent by mail scale . for i#*«J. A duress templated making a move myself! The Apbro Medicine \\ hv is there not something that it • COMPANY, he right for me to du? Must I see Wentern It ranch, the best gift which life could give Portland, Oregon. me drift awav, and not move a tììì For Sale at the (»race Dru Store ger to stay him? 'All things :nav come to him who wait.«,’ but they don’t to her. I don’t know whv I laugh Its no laughing matter. Perhaps I had better give up think- ingabout it, and listen to the ser- mon. I might—oh. St Valentine's ■ n II« or 1*1 IOrili '»ay! Whv couldn't I? There B», vi on . Laf Co., Wis., J wouldn't be any harm in that, 1 tl«v. .1. C. Bvigen vouch« u for tbe îo! t’ a :t . Jkiiiwi II xitii'T, who w*» Mitrar ig trou Vitu» will!'’ !>n cv in il« word form for »boui 1‘4 v®\ - wn» TIIK CONsEql’P NCK Sum«, diivn Litter. 1« voting man t*at unioking hia after dinner cigar in hi« lonelv nnun ('onvincvd that he had been cherishing a foolish dream, he hud undertaken to cure hiniM-lf by hard work, and had «uc c«'i «!ed very well; for h«' w as thor­ oughly inteivtted in his profession, and did not tind life a waste after all Tonight, just through with an ini|M>rtant ease, in which he ha«l been allow«**! to share the honor as well as the work, he felt dis|a>scd to lr«»nud uv «i verp| phya « itui» *i he.«; eibvt Two I h uio « of i B-sior K euig s Nerve ionic curvai him. < Krvrrrw«! li. P irk Vial» Jvu«, k'H). 1 htui f«w»n ill for ei»;hen«'e«i taking \ tutr lu-d’ihie l äster koeuUt** Na. ve leie anti I r.ieu pr*v for Paster hoe* nig a« l think 1 trot have li'«ti wl’hout lb • mtilieftMk T' i ■ i v«»ple here !.ar «aen the puni which I derived frmn ft, and Kav Cral- ligau rvc.Muii eu »« i: »0 highly it 1» now gviung wary popular PATEN WASHINGTON. I». C. . ! 1 Uii’h gake to hrlpft/ y iotelligi nt | ■ iM ii ui cither »■«•»•«I .-iiid v«rile, and who, . v. ill w i k industriously, 11 ret1 'I I «• r i-tliv« live.I will al.-ofurnish the situili¡<>11 or < ut: .vinelli, ,I > !.. Il < >11 . un « uni tlmf lllliount. No monos f,,r inc unii sa sue ■cs«tu ->•» iibove Easily timi quickly Barm <1. I «!•■ b-it , e v. ok, i- ti. ii e ,, h district orc imty. I have already taught mid provided with tniplos nii-ut n lin go nuiiili'r. < Il ' >|. l ie vin^.- OS I !?:u (■*’ ’<:i tarli ItsXI.V»' and SD • . ' F i. i i . ’> reus Al Olire. Is. ALLE m . k-«»x 4^0, Atiu'tfeUt, Maine. 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Mining. <5^ ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST Lawns, Gardens. Farms, Ranches and Railroads Pre elution and Homestead ease« for PlliCESli. KCCEP Sold by deniers FIU.K1UT l’AID McMI 1.1 IN S 1 tH LT11V NETTING. Sew tiling ! Prosecuted before the (renerai land No Higginr' No bngglne* Extra Heavy Hetxnae. . ’ he M Mullen Woven Wire Fence Co., Chicago, III oflice. Department of the Interior and the Supreme Court JVLIA AGNIM BYRNK KOENIC MEO. CO., Chicago, III. WOVEN WÎRE ^FENCING 1891. ’ ' -i ÍR cVikf- in rm woRi.n. It «-sarin. 'lus itiM .te u-.-iirpaaukd. ertuaP, .1 t wo F .rt of Mycltwr brxrd N < ,rnd k Inrsa . ■> J Restaw th« M-Mtk ..mi, '■ nL ®*.Appe-. I .îtel ye t re I Ron««, tuns« and r*c tv» n « >rva. r.nlirmnnth«mini -- -----------------------------------------’ ! ' - ! ‘"•/ri. / * I A B f”* " . ”;na ■ tl !■« oni, .a i • , ,L "!*• •« em»n.--Ms. 2Ï•.r«'«"''->t» "f O-e onstn.l B, MlnTeo.-V” •‘«"•’’«t B,«?. ^ART,ER ? PTTLE LIVCR PILL«\ ( a». HART.- rSOIC"m¡ CO 1 u'u^ BEST. 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