Semi-Weekly Herald, IIESOEVTÌONS. —Ralph Geer received quite a Strayed. supply of tinware, this week. From Burns, on or about the 20th W hereas , It has pleased Al ­ WEDNESDAY. JULY 29. 1891 _ — The ihe Job Press, of D. 1). L. and N. mighty God to remove from our of May, on dark bay horse, branded Grace, is now one of the fixtures of midst our beloved brother, J. T. on left shoulder weight 1,400, AS LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY Burns. shod with team shoes, right hind Nl Silman, and NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. — I he last few warm days has s W hereas , We realize the loss'of • ankle crooks out, 16 hands high, improved the prospect for crops, Local News. a true and beloved brother Odd 8 or 9 years old and very gentle. very much. Fellow, who never failed to do ' Any one giving information of —E. E Purrin^ irrington visited our\ —Bolen Fine, the proprietor of good when opportunity offered, and I whereabouts will be liberally re­ Divii, Monday and Tuesday, of this M. N. F f . gtley , W hereas , Hav’ng rendered our warded. lex’s Resori. invites all that are reek. Burns, Ore. last tribute of respect at the grave weary and thirsty, to partake of STRAYED, —This office acknowledges the nice, cool lemonade and Beer. of our beloved brother, we yet con­ eceiptofan invitation to attend the Strayed from Burns, Harney sider it our important duty to ten­ —We are glad to learn, of restora­ der our heartfelt sympathy to the county, Oregon, on er about the larney races. tion to health, of I. E. McKinney of —Misses Carrie Cawlfield and Ida Drewsev. The many friends of Mae sorrowing relatives and friends of 21st ot May, six head of horses and loberts paid the H erald office a join us in offering congratulations. our deceased brother. Therefore, one colt, belonging to the under- i signed. be it isit, last Monday. , Description and brands as fol- R esolved , That the Hall of Har ­ 8 — I ’ - F. Stenger, the recipient of th le —L. Bosenburg has sold out his i lows: One bay horse, about 16) ney Lodge, No. 77, I. O. O. F., be ■ ''blow bottl on the head from a beer bottle aloon business to Henry Richard- in the hands of James Kennedy, is drapped in mourning for a term of hands high, branded on left shoulder on and Frank Lewis. C a ; one bay horse 14) hands high, rapidly recoveringand expects to be thirty days, and be it further —An excellent quality of ma- R esolved , That the members of with large saddle marks on both out in a few days attending to bus ­ hine oil at Cal. Geer’s Hardware iness. this lodge wear the , usual badge of | sides, branded on the left shoulder tore for $1 a gallon. mourning for a like period, and that IC; one brown horse branded C — \ cry little sickness in town or a copy of these resolutions be eiu 'on left shoulder, 4 years old; one —Dressmaking and plain sewing lone by the Gage Sisters. Cjill vacinity. This warm weather has bodied in the minutes of this lodge, I bald-face bay mare, four white feet a tendanev to cause diarrhea, with and be it further it the Millinery Store. l branded C2\ on left shoulder; one , —Card , Cal Geer has found an- which several persons have been at­ R esolved , That these resolutions I bay mare, star in forehead, branded on left shoulder; one sorrel •therknife, which is now in his pos- tacked, but thpre is noserious cases be publised in the E ast O regon ! reported. jession. Are you'fin it”? H erald and Harney Valley Items, horse about 14 or 14.) hands high. —Dr. Ashford has bought the and that a copy of these resolu- i ; blazed face, all four feet white, j J —L. Bosenburg, left Wednes- L i |ay afternoon to visit Drewsey. He practice of Dr. Orr, in Grant coun­ tions be sent to the relatives and branded (’A on left shoulder and | ty, and will.of course, leave us in a friends of our deceased brother. will be absent perhaps a week. I yearling colt branded G.\ on left , IL M. H orton . I —Lee Caldwell has sold his sa­ short time. We regret, very much, | shoulder, and, when turned out.' B en B rown , L to part with Dr. A., knowing that he Committee lon to Swarts and Miller. They had on a halter muzzle. A liberal is a first class physician. R. E. R eed . ) ike possesion the first of Septem- ■ reward will be paid by the under­ Hal! of Harney Lodge, No. 77, —Dr. II. Bovd announces that er. signed for their return to Burns, or I. O. O. F.. Burns. Oregon, Julv 25, —The Harney Jockev Club hangs he will remain in Burns and prac­ 1891. information given whereby they ut purses to the amount of $1025. tice his profession. We hope he may be recovered. >r the races commencing Septem- will met with success, and save Burns School Suminury lor Term. C harles A nderson . many valuable lives that, without er 3d. For Over I'lfty Yearn. — New Stock of Glass, Putty, his timely aid and assistance, Report of the Burns school for A n old and W rll -T rikd R emedy .— M would succumb to the ravages of W inslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for 'aints, Oils, Brushes, etc., at Geer’s, j the spring term. 1891, beginning over fifty \ ears by millionsof mothers lor their Jo charge for cutting glass if vou disease. children while teething, with perfec t success March 11 and ending June 23. it a »ot lies the, child, softens ine gums.alla*« iiy of me. J-l —Harry comes to the front, this a'l pain, < ures wind colic, and in the beat rem No. weeks taught. 12; whole No. es pleasant to ihe taste —When thirsty, call in the saloon week, with another snake story days attendance, 3188; whole No. Solti by Druu’gis s in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Ils value is incalt n f Lewis and Richardson; these He says when a boy, he was days absence, No of . , 770; ..... _. boys .... „ en- I able Be sure and ask for M'S Winslow’s ourteous gentlemen will serve you plowing, and unearthed a large rolled, 46; No I of girls enrolled, 50; soothing Syrup, anti take no other kind. rattle snake, which, in his efforts lice, cool lemonade or beer. <'<>iisuiii|>tioii Currb. total enrolled in the primary de­ —Every thing in the hardware to get revenge, hit the mold-hoard partment, 39; total enrolled in the A old phxaician, retired from practice, hav ing had plat ed in bis hands by an East India ine, received at Geer’s last week. nfhis plow, and before he could un­ first department, 57; total enroll­ Missionar* the formula of a simple vegetable hitch the horses, the beam of the lemcdy for the speeds and permanent cure of Iranite ware. Machine oil, Meehan ment, 96; average daily attend Consumption, Brom hit is. Catarrh. As Inna ami all Throat anti Lung afiet tions. a so a p. sitive cs tools, Mowing machines, all plow had swollen so much that it ance, 53. and ratiit ai cure for Nervous Debility ami all finds of harvesting tools, cheaper eracK... op. ... Names of pupils who obtained Nervous Comulaiuts, after having Usied iis wonderful curative powers in thousands of —Five families, just arrived, are I class medals: Fifth grade.—Am­ cases, han dirt, for cash. l.-ns felt it his duty to make it known to his fellow* suffering fellowg. Aes, bU) Fowers’ Block, Rochester, iharged for want of sufficient tes- t he place for them to call a halt, spelling; Jack Ragon, History. N. V. and take advantage of Uncle Sams Fourth grade.— Bertie Melvin, Ar- imony to warrant conviction. STOCK BRANDS. domain before the advent of itmetic; Stella Reel, Reading; Del —Every man, who can wield a r. public Kurilin A Riley, untie branded Von left side. ’il-oads. These families, we are Giannini,Geography; Bess Stenger, Horae brand T left aide. I*, u. Burns, Oregon irush, is not a painter, convincing informed, control some capital, and Spelling. proof < f that fact can be easily ob while we do not object to persons During the term the school was ¡ained by examining the work of an i coming here without, still every one ixperienced painter ¡and compar- knows, that some money is requisite improved by the purchase of the ng it with that of an amateui. largest bell in Harney county, a | to the developmentof the country. —Stockmen can now get honest globe, dictionary, charts, and other —Ifa premium were offered for reights bv shipping or selling stock valuable aids to teaching. The it Huntington. The O. C. Co. hav- i liars by the county and we had the promised attendance for the’fall awarding of it, we would, without ngjust completed oneof Fairbanks hesitancy, give it to one George 01 term is so large that additional stock Scales, and arranged a large NOTICE. J cott, who gave the lie to the East room will be needed. If the Burns Noth e is hereby given that on the 15th ut\ 8to( k Inspectorsof Haruey county: made to Harney Valley he rode up school is to placed in t he foremost sons John Bridge, or ( rane < reek: Harrison Kea- —The schedule of Harney Coun- ! to a house and asked for a drink of rank of educational institutions in waru of Diamond; VV M. Hogan of HilverCreek y expenditures was received too water and was informed by the head East Oregon, the work should be F. G. Blume of Emigrant Creek; George Mor­ gan, of Drewsey. ate for the publication of the whole of the family—which he says con­ Thos. (». D o B mon , Stock Inspector of Harney county. if it, in this issue, and we thought sisted of ten children, eachly. sev­ begun now. and a larger and better N' d'K E tO < RE DI To RS >etter to defer the publication for erally, separately, individually and equipped shool house is a necessity. hvrebxiven ihat the undersigned F. L R oberts , Principal has Noticeto Saturday’s issue, when the whole of jointly we guess—that the supply been appointed adminisirairix of the o t will appear. late of Calahill M. Caldwell, deceased, by the for the day had not been brought < oiintx Court of Harney county, Oregon, and Poultney Bigelow, who was a all p<*rs.»i a having claims agaii st said «state —Enterprise and energy will and they hauled it a distance of herehv notified to present Ihe same, prop­ nn, no matter where it is exerted, thirty miles, and had lived there schoolmate of the German Emper­ are erly verified, aa required b\ law, to me for al lowatice. at I urns, Harney r..nnty, state of business men who know the value for thirty years and hauled water or, will contribute an article to the Oregon w Irhin six months from this date. 4 printers-ink, and are not too stin­ the thirty miles every day during Midsummer (August) Number of Dated this 27th day of July, A 1» 1*91 M arv C ali » a ell . gy to take advantage of their that length of time. We venture to Adminiat ralrix, mowledge, will get the trade in assert that chagrin had all to do The Century on the first three years A W. Waters, attorney. iroportion to their liberality in that with little George inducing him to of the Emperor’s reign—the third Not lee to < ’ml it or*. In the matter of Swart« & Millet, Insolvent ine.—Harney Times. N tell that lie to the East Oregonian, anniversary of his ascent to the Debtors. To w horn it may concern The undendffned —Willamette valley is being flood- he saw so many people in Harney throne having taken place on the hereby gives notice that on theUtdday of May, d with Eastern Oregon horsoa and doing so much better than he ever 15th day June. Mr. Bigelow l>e- 1891, Swarts de Miller, insolvent debtors, of liar < oiiut), btate of Oregon, made, executed t is almost impossible to sell them, hoped to do, and so much better lieves that "since Frederick the ney and delivered to the undersigned their certain deed of Mraignmeiit, come* mg all their prop­ o says every one coming from there, looking people and possessed of so erty, both real and personal in trust, for the ’he Fopiani horses that passed much more common sense and in­ Great no king of Prussia has nn- benefit «»f their creditors. Now, therefore, all such creditor« and others interested in raid em- derstood his business like this hrough here some time ago are telligence than had fallen to his lol estate are hereby notified to present their claims and demands against anld es ate. prop or perhaps the poor fellow has no neeting with _ a dull ...... ........ ........... . peror, ” and in this article lie gives sale. When erlv verified, at* by lav* required, at the otfiee of uch horses as those were cannot be little ones to call him “daddy” or what he considers the secret of the the undersigned, in Baker <'it.v. Oregon, with three months from the publication hereof old readily, there is not much use it may be he is a single man and power of William II. with his peo­ in Dated June 19. 1*91. C W J am km . Assignee. the girls of Harney gave him to un ­ f trying to sell an ordinary band ple, and incidentally contridutes derstand he was a small"frv or per­ orses.—Ochoco Review. F inal proof : —We publish, this week, the re­ haps one of his ten-head family was many facts regarding his life. LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON, JULY This number of The Century will port of the Burns school for the a young lady of intelligence and 8, MM. Notice i* hereby given that the following pring term. This school took a George made a "break" that convin- be especially rich in illustrated ar­ named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final pr.x.f in supf»orf of his • laim and ong step to the front this spring. ed the young lady that he was a cab­ ticles ami complete stories, and the that said nrooi will be made before the Regia n <1 o w a tì c H O X rn (C X