1891 Master’s Magazine P. F. STEN« i ER BY LEIGH WEHMTEK. WHAT HE THOUGHT from New York Ledger: ty she must lose? I should never amount to anything in my profes sion if I were drawn into the kind of life which sho leads, and I wouldn’t stay at home and let her go alone My wife shall share mv life or I will never have one. But I could have made her happy I know, if she had loved me. She is too good to be wasted in that giddy whirl—but she will be with him. Why should I be so sure that it is all settled? Idiot! What differ ence does it make to me. anyway?” I L L G 8 T R A T E 1) HoKftKü biandcd Either Right ILLUSTRATED. or .......... reCim.I.wlUl”).^ in Harper's Miuazi'ie .lurin : the Krea>er ofthe rear I't'l. -'lie nrtt< !<» <'» bootliern ifornia.bv Charles Dudley Warner, will alK I,,, aontliiued Atnonv 'dber noteworthy«, tractions will be a novel by ( harle, Esbn Crad'loek: a collection of oriirmal .irawlnmi, W. M. Thackeray, now published for the time: a novel written and illustrated by liN du Maurier; a uovellelte by VX ilitain |itl, Howells: and a series of papers of paper, #1 London bv Walter Besant. . In the number atvi vartety^ot lljnst^riite,| .„ th an I other unirli-».) »iihjeelat'f tiin,!j|, V"F li .... i .. tli.. it i-i Vil If *(1 (• < hara 11» i il niû. t . ’er'esc as .... weH as'i'n' the 11 unrivalled ct«'« Ht» blllll'l Slot !Vb. poojns. pio.n.r. rlt-, , „ ........... „ its short stories, , Ranee—Harney county, Oregon. He sat behind one of the great o.—Burns. Harney county. Oregon. pillars in dimly-lighted St. Thoin- STENGER almeda as and looked at a certain profile across the church. It was a pro- C attle branded file he knew by heart, yet nevt r n Left Bide: circle /- lost an opportunity of studying for A -iplU in new light. It belonged to a woman oxi iie’iee forwiiieh iten O o lon«V Combines the < c with innocent gray eyes, which tinguis hed 4fb California, so Lt' [To be C< tilinued j. f plait’s Range—Harney and Grant county Oregon were constantly helving the bits of with the meal I HARPER ’ S PERIOiTCS ;i <0 th--’ p. < Burna, Harns) counts. 1 w known to be mo- t be worldlimss which fell from her Per Year: ■O' I Y PI R- human sv.'item. f r.- Fair Maider.(a summer boarder) ha K ft: It'S MAG AZINE genu. ; yet at IJ tongue from time to time. Thise FECT REMEDY II Alil’KIi'S WEEK l.Y promptly on the ■ A HARPER'S BAZAR....................... eyes had a pathetic, child-like —“How savagely that cow looks at THE DISABILITY BILL IS HARPER'S YOl’NG PEOPLE LAW. droop to them, which had moved me. Po.rage l-'rcc to ill Subscribers i# th, Eurincr Hayseed—“Its your red — Soldiers disabled since the war are fnited States. • 'amula, or Mexico. many a heart, vet just as you were Entitled The volumes of lhe Magazine lwgin sii saying to yourself: "there must be parasol, mum.” Dependent widows and ami Parents now de the Number, tor June anti lleceutbeyg ( pendent * ■ t? i . from — . rhe. 1..fl*.».»« — >0 H T - Fair Maiden — “ Dear me! 1 kiuw whose sons died ‘ fleers of ' l.V UCXV 11 V T» -- --- t eac It year. When no time is specitied.iiui -ome hiden sorrow in that girl’s PUKE BLOOP, army service are included. If you wish -ciiptioii-. will begin with the Number cut. life,’ her lips would curve into a it wan a little out of fatdiion, but 1 vour claim speedily and Miccessfii’.iy prose • reni at time of rec eipt of order. r.EFREi I- ; no sl rp. JAM ES T ANN EK, health r.:-.l t . LENGTH uted, address Bound volume, of Harper's Magazine,i,,, smile, a 1 mischievous ' ‘ ' light Hash up didn’t suppose a country cow would Late Commissioner of Pensions, three years back, in neat cloth bii|ding,i| notion it. — N. . \\ eeklv. Naturr." '• B v. T rv ore ; vsing it WASHINGTON, D into her eyes, a nd you would cry Iw seiil by mail, po-l-paid, on receipt of || , . 1 jt. yo»» per volume, t’h.'h i'ases, for binding,.it| instead: “i she never had a trouble!’’ . . . •' ■•<.'. Fl M-.au- Friend—‘‘So yours was a ease of cent.' each- by mail, post-paid. Index to ll irper - Magazine. Alphabet- i.ictu.i I cnly I., '.' e He knew just how she wa> look - love at first sight ?” i-.il. Analvtieal. and Cla'-ilted. tor volnni;. c/ II N I FIG SYRUP CO. ii’g at this moment, with !.er head I to 7 ii , inclusive, from June, IKaO m Mrs. Getthere—‘ Yes, imb-ed one vol. s vo. Ciotli. $1.00 PERSONAL AND PROMPT tHs/i, «town bent: her «leterminid little fell desperately in love with Y ork . N • Remittances should be made bv Pnstolfrt ATTENTION GIVEN TO PAT Money Order, of I'rait, to avoiil < l>anee«i chin relaxed. H< knew as well as dear husband the moment I loss. ENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE if lie Were sitting (lirectlv in front of eyes upon him. I remember it Address HARPER A B ROT 11 E IIS, X.. MARKS, etc. York. her, how soft «nd tender her eyes, distinctly as if it were yesterday, NO FEE UNLE S PATENT how thoughtful her face; am! he I was walking with papa, on the IS SECURED. CORRESPOND Harner’s Weekly. said to himself: beach at Long Branch, when sud- ENCE SOLICITED. I L LT ST RATE I» e . er ' s W eekly lias never failed to inift ‘■What ■1 fool I am! What a fool denlv papa stopped, ami. pointing STODDART à CO., hie as a “ .luurunl of ( iviJizatior.” ud <! im! | k now I might juSt ;ls ,V(.|j him out. said: ‘There, my dear. is a dime sc v\Hh*a lorstant repaid to th 613 & 615 7th Street, N. w. • 1 pt ssibilit ion ci nseiuHm fs and u higher man worih ten millions.' ’—New in K m UerM ê oriti ard uf artisiic and literary excellent think ot calling a goddess down [Oppo-ite C. s. ratent Office,] York Week I v. BrS'lOs, I.fif. Co., Wifl,, ves iiuluuched no important phase oi lbt trom tlie skv to mv side, as of win- ' W ASHINGTON. I». C. s progicfs, in <1 presvots a iec< rd eqnuh J. r. B- : -_-.»n vouches for tho !oíR Ador» ; nliy ai.ti inierestirig. t»f 11-e notati* .»a. nos y. bo win bufiVriijg troni Vims o verst ns and a< heixenieuis of < ur tint? "i"g her. Ami yet, here I am l.ac- > i *< . >• t form for bout I'., yea-« was I .Supplements will be c< litimieit 11: *r< »Un I-' « <«•:•.• I phyr/<ian-A mí houl etl»*ct hex v. id i.e Ji;erur.>. s< iculitic. «rlislit, again, storing up mis. ry for tnvself. Vv..j ! lio-» of i aaio«* . _ K* enig’s ____ N«rve ______ Tonio t ai. crii if al. It ptRitdiit nl.tr <’< st lipihe sure<l Dim. At h ast, she does not know 1 <•( usd ti n itx <i<*i’.an<i, and xviil tcniii. APHR9DITINE’’ refunded. A k» «•» <>•»•?»«> V. vciigìu ]|<5. flt. s« n ci lie lit arty 11 n nei. tod it u which I.< S old om a here, ami won t He dispising me P c : k C ity . Ut.-ih. Juutt, 12W. ii bestowed « n juifi issues bv the pr».« PüSITIV u e public. As A f a fainllj journal, Ilsrperi I hud itrtu ill ’or r •i .hU e-ii liiomh# with weak. I * dispiHt* myself. Weak! I never ’ edited vilh i heretofore, be QUARANTE! less a d berriblf t ¿»rvouaz.>>i •/. nen I com- « . . r the qua’itieF that make it i to cure aar form (imiiced takiug ■ r iiiediclijo, Pant or hoonig’s realize)! how weak I could be. to e Vcry home. • ¡'nervous ulseaao .\t» ve Ionic, and i pviy for Pastor k<»e- or any disorder of •a’g a.-« think ’ veoid '¡ot have li^ed without Didn't I vow hist Thursday that I PEK yeah : the gen rativeor- ips i:iedi«ii!io. Th«- pecpl* here bar»» soen the gu in «>f cilhcrsex.X HARPEKWEEKLY would In ver see her again? And i, "»«l which I «L-ivt-tl from it, anti Kuv. Gal whether arising y H A EPEE’S M AGAZINE fr ■mthoexcesBhe/ ligan iocomo ett: h i no highly thti it is now HARPEKS BAZAR...................... lien1 I am, three •lays later, hann. AFTER BEFORE u - eof -- b.onulanu, . ......... ... gdttiGg very popular. HARPER’S YOUNG. PEOPLE >< i Opium, or through j outhful in; i^rre- JULIA AGN£H BYRNE. PoaCage Free to all fiubgoriherB in the UDiM mg her elturch. How can a w.m ‘ ‘¡t ic ov< r in iuh . nee, Ac «íc , such euch ns Loss of Brain States. Canada, or Mexico. cu r, G t . ? iiaess, la arurgdown l’uinsintho !"•«!■& P" P -A Valuable Hook on Nervous t<> s<‘e her after that vision in th The Vo'times of the Weekly will begin ,Hysi a, Ncr\ oub Pr ju 1J L L DiseitMO^ sent hwe to any address, «WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. the .................. first Number for J hdur »’\ of . rn< ti yen t?G .on. N ririuil Eml - 1 e morrlio a, Diz- IT H g f and poor patients can also obtain e«»ii8)i viitory ? When do time i. is mentioned, ' pul.FCriptioiiííuiil ___ _ _ . G’ \ M-norv, J.vsof Power and Impo- K a a &0« Era* this medicine free of charge. begin with the Number 1 urren' at time of re This remedy bus been prepared by the Reverend Í ■ . y v. i: h it r«.’!'l “cted often had to premature ceipt of order. ■ Hon I hute that Blake, c 'I c ’ ’ a!> i i" tii'.t“. Prit-o LlOa box. 6 boxes Pastor K<»entg. of Fort Wav tie, Ind., since LT*5 and uiiiow prepared under his direction by the Bound Volumes of Harper's Weeklv fortbr« •........... tofpries’ cverytl iitg as if it belonged years back, in near ( loth binding, will be sent I v ’ j • i IX C’ Alt A? 1 IE i.i given for KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, ill. by mail PostHjre paid, or by express, freeofex •ry<'• \ r rc'e’-vcd, t > rr 'oml the money if —even her love, I don't •.• * < i !• - i....... J. Ws m VS pense provided ihe freight .loos noi exceed 1 X n « • Sold by Druggist’ ai «t per Bottle. 6 for $5, HHi -a.i ,ii ti'Xiiiioniala from old ami young, per volume) for |7.tM) a volume. ; , x .. .i v. ho h*i '<* bc«*n prrmatiently cur» 4 H< r love! that, would ha ' oth < ast s ea< h Volume, sui ■■ ’ £411*^0 Size, SI.75. 6 Bottle- tor ! y theus? <»f .\p!»rot!itine. Circular free. Add re a binding will be sent by mail post-paid, oh re bled me to the earth! B< ceipt of |i. THS APHRO MEDICINE CO. AGKtiOWLEDCED THE DEST Remittai;'es should be made by Post Offict Box27. F oktlxkd , O r , Sfe fl ■ an ^fe“AX\KFSIS*’gtvcsins*nnt for Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroads. Money eiilti voted; sings like a sii ren—con- \\ 'tern Order or L'rnft.to avoid chance of low i’Lit l.SI . i'l’C! 1'. Sub! by dealers. FREIGHT I A IIL Address: Ü ■ N M Q ■ '■relief ami 1« an infallible HARPER A BR >THERS, New York For Sale at W. E. Grace ’ s Drug E h ■ S S- (uri* l’or Piles. Prieejl. By ’b u i: > , ys i uri.nn m i hm », n ?* hub *. found him! I heart! her say her- B» B ■ I >' i r istsor mail. Siiint'leo N< - .»BTH ! No ‘onrgjExtra llvpvy H c I vhj [ v . Ston 1 IB ■ ■ai'ne..V)l<liv's"AV IKfSiS.’* ‘."b.-i McMullen Wovsn Wire Fence Co., Chioago, Ill Harper’s Baza ■"'¡I that he has charming inanners. B fl fla V p. X 2Hl), New York City. But 1 could No wonder I k 1 wins • ILL II S T R A T E D . - H arper s B azar ¡ b a journa for the horn* stand it la tter if he would not take • iviiig :he Brest information with regard to R ¡love Sunpr* st» 1 h».* I'asliions, i s numerous illustrations, it ns a matter of course, I know Mt iistrna 11 o n. I st d ’• hi phit‘ 8, ii’i'i iiattern-sb.cet supplements an* e• stieccssfully by thous imliFpensahle alike to tin* home <iress-niake now timt I had i grain of ho|H- un atiils of prominent la- ii’ Ii'1 Dr.-frssioiiHl modiste. No expense i» dlee iH.»;1'-1)'? Tii-? i* Hmired in making its ariistic attractive!»«» tilt hen. Sht* w as so sweet aud OHghly reliable and ■ ' ’hr highest ord< i. I s clever short s’ori« î OivetdA. find Trade-Miirks obtained, and all Pat- part..r pla's. Hiid th«amhtful essays satisfy#“ s»iie. Worth twentv kind, I thought that perhaps she eut ■,'Hsin<-4 conducted for Moderate l ees. times their weight in lasas.Hnu i»s last paire is famous.as a btuig’*1 gold for female irretf- Our Oi'ce is OppositaaU S. Patent Office, of wit ami humor In its vveeklv issues every knew how I felt, ami did ,.,.t not resent ana w o ran secure jmtent in let*tj time than those thingis inclu'.'ed m hich is of interest to wotnrii «.J ularities. Never known remote from Washington. to fail. ‘■CH! J*. During 1S91 .\guys 1 ormsbee will w rite aseritf it. Fool! fool! She lind.iubtedlv Send model, draw inn or photo., with descrip of articles on “The House Comfortable,” JulM Hvut by mail sealed ¿X' tion. We advise, if patentable or not. free of <\>rs<‘U y. ill treat of “Sanitary Living,’' and a’1 \\ for S9« Address t*aid to herseh': j i SagT: Cu i’- ’ - (it : fee not due till patent is secured. iniervsiiiig sm i essiou oi papers on “Woman I* «3 ! i/tTTA.V.vfirS-, : A T molded. “How to Obtain Patents.” with The Aphro Medicine £ ’ \rt ami History.” superb! v illustrated, will!* Poor fellow, he h is II hard name« . -f actual clieu't* iu your State, county, or furnished 1 by Theodore ( hihi. l he serial s’orM town, sent free. Adaresf. COMPANY, will be by Walter Bvsant and Thomas Hard) turn—a struggling young lawyer ____________ Western Branch, JïfauâWw:. HARPER’S PERIODICALS It he Immages to go into soviet v C.A.SNOW&CO. l'ortlatol, Oregon. ¿HICAM, r» UHIOO CÇVM£. N. r: Opposite Patent Office. Washington, D. C. Per Year once in a w hilt- he ought to have a ««««— FOR SAIX QY HARPER'S BAZAR HARPER'.* MAGAZINE gootl time. I will remember to PENSION. POSTAL. LAND ami HARPERS WEEKLY NEW HOME SEWING MA HARPERS Vol NG PEOPLr. «ay a pleasant word to him !<>• INDIAN DEPREDATION CHINE CO.. 725 Market St.. Postage Free to all subscribers in States. < anada, or Mexico. night ’ CLAIMS San Francisco, Cal l’aiefic Department. The voluTr.es of the Bazar begin with the fi«1 "A year from now she won't re Dumber for January of each year. When* is time is mentioned, subs<‘rip*tiou will member my name even. I low vx ith the Number current at the time of rectfr of order. could an honorable man. situated Bound volumes of Harper’s Bazar for thr* «• I «111, dare even to think of her? year in neat cloth binding, will be sent by i®11 I ' Siau'e paid* or ¡»y express, free of expens It only I were not connected with provided the freight does not exceed one do! lai per volume) or |7 a volume. the tirm which manages her l«usi- Cloth c ase« fu’each volume,suitable for btM lng will be sentby mail pospaid on rec eipt> neaa! Ot eotirw, I know just how |1 ea< h Remittances should be made by Post Ofl** milch money she han, and she Order or Draft, to avoid chance of 1<* THE ONLY TRUE I Money Adreai: HARPER d: BROTHERS knows that I know it 1 can iin- W K. HEARST. (Editor and Pro IWk- ''ewspapers are not to copy any one. * a of the above advertisements without t* igint* jtiHt how that ohl guardian of prietor S.-m Francisco Examiner ) express order of HARPER * BROTHER.’* •t -»r herx—how < ,n <•!)<• leirtoltve with JOHN WKDDKRBÜRN, M -»V' 4 i: •» e • st m sut.«, I'm i - HU, ar t fr* hiiii '’—wotihl |,ivk m me if 1 «hould rtis F Street. Northwest Washing- M’.’KN A CO. walk m aome day and ask tor her ton. Ik V. " ill practice In the *uprvmv • .•urt rf the hand. She, heraelf-—if the words I mtr I rtit« the < '«mH o. «'lalmt. the several TK ' F>' *• •»• r-sr ’ » - • bHS THF* the District <»f Columbia. before Com «4 fortune hunter' should come into ('«»urtaof luitu w of t'ongrvMi. and the Executive Dcp’ln : BEST L-eli of btrrn.ath ant lir-4 her mind -it would vhow in her ÌERKV & Co*« We obtain Pensions and Patents. F-* ^.««b^y.ut^lyc irwi l » cm rip.itc and Priced Sua w and nerves r*c i.e eye« in a minute Ah, well’ I Indian l'> predation Claims and all o » ! ree. Fnltrenalhe» D ANNUAL ________________________ ’ ' cou.d never have Naked hertonhar. class. of Land Claims, Mining. 1 W» i I e r.uoied FREE! LADIES .«• ; ■ I m }.'-t senso*»*»] auch a lioini' hr I could give her. Pre emtion and Homestead cases oi'uet..) ihauever.l »nt ■ - ... -'.....At', .J and I would not let mv wife provide I’ro-vcuted Infor»' the General land r %r i> TRK woRin t r . * 4«*Z« er It T J * qua Dt^aFncnintnMMMd. actnnt ’ y < ■ her own. Then what could i have office. Department of the Interior . < « 0 « mi of ixayoth«r brand. Sv. RV CO. ■ L..)l^‘ nr. .. > Lft.oZ.iV» •11 I tHKUF.Sn IM given her to make up for the Nocie- and the Supreme Court ■ isti f stufi . irtaoFxr.fcALi.Y ty>- dr. MART J MCOICISS CO uulu, X» ZIS1. v, ili (..Ulti, il.- h> II1H1UIHI" tlail Staimi a ‘. i> T ■ • a . — 4....I... I... 1 : PATEN Th Celebrated French Cure, if vviv.li v.tii k a Î i un-.'ci tak»-to l.ilefly • • bg. tn p. isonnf » ¡liter ■I I'd V ile, and who, •. '» ih I \ i.>di..-trioudlyt • < : ■ » n Hollars a -Hilli.S.U ll< . n.e. ihe.l w ill nlsofurnish !-.y Uiobf.Ht ! ; ii< in > ,m that ¡mount. 11•-■•.s snce»-*MI:i c. • Easily nuii iptickly i o-ie wt»rkcr iiv : • neh distri« l ori • riity. I : mui pro • .. eu. I, It s X i tv >n itici: b' -' l1’ C * I '. Addrmai oii p uuiiMM, Biniti«*. » 1 J; . WO JEN WIRE TrkitFENCINQ Faber’s Bciden Ferais Pills <11 ¿•hi ilol •1 HA D/.UAi.- tx. Sb- tr I'-1.- f .r- nr« hare been made «x woih t. r u«, h» Ai.in« P«ge. Auatin. I exa«. and Juo. Bonn, Toledo, Ohio See cur. Other* nr»-doing as well. Why not y<m? Some • urn over #500.00 a month. You can do rhe work and live at home. « here ver yon are. Even be- iriniu-r« arc eaailv earning from fS to #10a day. All a|res. We show you h«^w and start you. Can work in «pare time or all the time. Big money for work ers Failure unknown among them. NEW and wonderful Particulars free. .,!»•& I*«*ri In nd, Maine IRON tirnu Ju*J \ W \ ork. I »T \Qj nU)] Re.ter* tb« M*»Ith b O«tfr.f )e«th °f Udtg«Mf n. ^ZER g I^. * ä J