1891 Master’s Magazine P. F. STEN« i ER BY LEIGH WEHMTEK. WHAT HE THOUGHT from New York Ledger: ty she must lose? I should never amount to anything in my profes­ sion if I were drawn into the kind of life which sho leads, and I wouldn’t stay at home and let her go alone My wife shall share mv life or I will never have one. But I could have made her happy I know, if she had loved me. She is too good to be wasted in that giddy whirl—but she will be with him. Why should I be so sure that it is all settled? Idiot! What differ­ ence does it make to me. anyway?” I L L G 8 T R A T E 1) HoKftKü biandcd Either Right ILLUSTRATED. or .......... reCim.I.wlUl”).^ in Harper's Miuazi'ie .lurin : the Krea>er ofthe rear I't'l. -'lie nrtt< !<» <'» bootliern ifornia.bv Charles Dudley Warner, will alK I,,, aontliiued Atnonv 'dber noteworthy«, tractions will be a novel by ( harle, Esbn Crad'loek: a collection of oriirmal .irawlnmi, W. M. Thackeray, now published for the time: a novel written and illustrated by liN du Maurier; a uovellelte by VX ilitain |itl, Howells: and a series of papers of paper, #1 London bv Walter Besant. . In the number atvi vartety^ot lljnst^riite,| .„ th an I other unirli-».) »iihjeelat'f tiin,!j|, V"F li .... i .. tli.. it i-i Vil If *(1 (• < hara 11» i il niû. t . ’er'esc as .... weH as'i'n' the 11 unrivalled ct«'« Ht» blllll'l Slot !Vb. poojns. pio.n.r. rlt-, , „ ........... „ its short stories, , Ranee—Harney county, Oregon. He sat behind one of the great o.—Burns. Harney county. Oregon. pillars in dimly-lighted St. Thoin- STENGER almeda as and looked at a certain profile across the church. It was a pro- C attle branded file he knew by heart, yet nevt r n Left Bide: circle /- lost an opportunity of studying for A -iplU in new light. It belonged to a woman oxi iie’iee forwiiieh iten O o lon«V Combines the < c with innocent gray eyes, which tinguis hed 4fb California, so Lt' [To be C< tilinued j. f plait’s Range—Harney and Grant county Oregon were constantly helving the bits of with the meal I HARPER ’ S PERIOiTCS ;i <0 th--’ p. < Burna, Harns) counts. 1 w known to be mo- t be worldlimss which fell from her Per Year: ■O' I Y PI R- human sv.'item. f r.- Fair Maider.(a summer boarder) ha K ft: It'S MAG AZINE genu. ; yet at IJ tongue from time to time. Thise FECT REMEDY II Alil’KIi'S WEEK l.Y promptly on the ■ A HARPER'S BAZAR....................... eyes had a pathetic, child-like —“How savagely that cow looks at THE DISABILITY BILL IS HARPER'S YOl’NG PEOPLE LAW. droop to them, which had moved me. Po.rage l-'rcc to ill Subscribers i# th, Eurincr Hayseed—“Its your red — Soldiers disabled since the war are fnited States. • 'amula, or Mexico. many a heart, vet just as you were Entitled The volumes of lhe Magazine lwgin sii saying to yourself: "there must be parasol, mum.” Dependent widows and ami Parents now de the Number, tor June anti lleceutbeyg ( pendent * ■ t? i . from — . rhe. 1..fl*.».»« — >0 H T - Fair Maiden — “ Dear me! 1 kiuw whose sons died ‘ fleers of ' l.V UCXV 11 V T» -- --- t eac It year. When no time is specitied.iiui -ome hiden sorrow in that girl’s PUKE BLOOP, army service are included. If you wish -ciiptioii-. will begin with the Number cut. life,’ her lips would curve into a it wan a little out of fatdiion, but 1 vour claim speedily and Miccessfii’.iy prose • reni at time of rec eipt of order. r.EFREi I- ; no sl rp. JAM ES T ANN EK, health r.:-.l t . LENGTH uted, address Bound volume, of Harper's Magazine,i,,, smile, a 1 mischievous ' ‘ ' light Hash up didn’t suppose a country cow would Late Commissioner of Pensions, three years back, in neat cloth bii|ding,i| notion it. — N. . \\ eeklv. Naturr." '• B v. T rv ore ; vsing it WASHINGTON, D into her eyes, a nd you would cry Iw seiil by mail, po-l-paid, on receipt of || , . 1 jt. yo»» per volume, t’h.'h i'ases, for binding,.it| instead: “i she never had a trouble!’’ . . . •' ■•<.'. Fl M-.au- Friend—‘‘So yours was a ease of cent.' each- by mail, post-paid. Index to ll irper - Magazine. Alphabet- i.ictu.i I cnly I., '.' e He knew just how she wa> look - love at first sight ?” i-.il. Analvtieal. and Cla'-ilted. tor volnni;. c/ II N I FIG SYRUP CO. ii’g at this moment, with !.er head I to 7 ii , inclusive, from June, IKaO m Mrs. Getthere—‘ Yes, imb-ed one vol. s vo. Ciotli. $1.00 PERSONAL AND PROMPT tHs/i, «town bent: her «leterminid little fell desperately in love with Y ork . N • Remittances should be made bv Pnstolfrt ATTENTION GIVEN TO PAT ­ Money Order, of I'rait, to avoiil < l>anee«i chin relaxed. H< knew as well as dear husband the moment I loss. ENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE if lie Were sitting (lirectlv in front of eyes upon him. I remember it Address HARPER A B ROT 11 E IIS, X.. MARKS, etc. York. her, how soft «nd tender her eyes, distinctly as if it were yesterday, NO FEE UNLE S PATENT how thoughtful her face; am! he I was walking with papa, on the IS SECURED. CORRESPOND­ Harner’s Weekly. said to himself: beach at Long Branch, when sud- ENCE SOLICITED. I L LT ST RATE I» e . er ' s W eekly lias never failed to inift ‘■What ■1 fool I am! What a fool denlv papa stopped, ami. pointing STODDART à CO., hie as a “ .luurunl of ( iviJizatior.” ud i *< . >• t form for bout I'., yea-« was I .Supplements will be c< litimieit 11: *r< »Un I-' « <«•:•.• I phyr/. s< iculitic. «rlislit, again, storing up mis. ry for tnvself. Vv..j ! lio-» of i aaio«* . _ K* enig’s ____ N«rve ______ Tonio t ai. crii if al. It ptRitdiit nl.tr <’< st lipihe sure•»•?»«> V. vciigìu ]|<5. flt. s« n ci lie lit arty 11 n nei. tod it u which I.< S old om a here, ami won t He dispising me P c : k C ity . Ut.-ih. Juutt, 12W. ii bestowed « n juifi issues bv the pr».« PüSITIV u e public. As A f a fainllj journal, Ilsrperi I hud itrtu ill ’or r •i .hU e-ii liiomh# with weak. I * dispiHt* myself. Weak! I never ’ edited vilh i heretofore, be QUARANTE! less a d berriblf t ¿»rvouaz.>>i •/. nen I com- « . . r the qua’itieF that make it i to cure aar form (imiiced takiug ■ r iiiediclijo, Pant or hoonig’s realize)! how weak I could be. to e Vcry home. • ¡'nervous ulseaao .\t» ve Ionic, and i pviy for Pastor k<»e- or any disorder of •a’g a.-« think ’ veoid '¡ot have li^ed without Didn't I vow hist Thursday that I PEK yeah : the gen rativeor- ips i:iedi«ii!io. Th«- pecpl* here bar»» soen the gu in «>f cilhcrsex.X HARPEKWEEKLY would In ver see her again? And i, "»«l which I «L-ivt-tl from it, anti Kuv. Gal­ whether arising y H A EPEE’S M AGAZINE fr ■mthoexcesBhe/ ligan iocomo ett: h i no highly thti it is now HARPEKS BAZAR...................... lien1 I am, three •lays later, hann. AFTER BEFORE u - eof -- b.onulanu, . ......... ... gdttiGg very popular. HARPER’S YOUNG. PEOPLE >< i Opium, or through j outhful in; i^rre- JULIA AGN£H BYRNE. PoaCage Free to all fiubgoriherB in the UDiM mg her elturch. How can a w.m ‘ ‘¡t ic ov< r in iuh . nee, Ac «íc , such euch ns Loss of Brain States. Canada, or Mexico. cu r, G t . ? iiaess, la arurgdown l’uinsintho !"•«!■& P" P -A Valuable Hook on Nervous t<> s<‘e her after that vision in th The Vo'times of the Weekly will begin ,Hysi a, Ncr\ oub Pr ju 1J L L DiseitMO^ sent hwe to any address, «WIRE ROPE SELVAGE. the .................. first Number for J hdur »’\ of . rn< ti yen t?G .on. N ririuil Eml - 1 e morrlio a, Diz- IT H g f and poor patients can also obtain e«»ii8)i viitory ? When do time i. is mentioned, ' pul.FCriptioiiííuiil ___ _ _ . G’ \ M-norv, J.vsof Power and Impo- K a a &0« Era* this medicine free of charge. begin with the Number 1 urren' at time of re This remedy bus been prepared by the Reverend Í ■ . y v. i: h it r«.’!'l “cted often had to premature ceipt of order. ■ Hon I hute that Blake, c 'I c ’ ’ a!> i i" tii'.t“. Prit-o LlOa box. 6 boxes Pastor K<»entg. of Fort Wav tie, Ind., since LT*5 and uiiiow prepared under his direction by the Bound Volumes of Harper's Weeklv fortbr« •........... tofpries’ cverytl iitg as if it belonged years back, in near ( loth binding, will be sent I v ’ j • i IX C’ Alt A? 1 IE i.i given for KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, ill. by mail PostHjre paid, or by express, freeofex •ry<'• \ r rc'e’-vcd, t > rr 'oml the money if —even her love, I don't •.• * < i !• - i....... J. Ws m VS pense provided ihe freight .loos noi exceed 1 X n « • Sold by Druggist’ ai «t per Bottle. 6 for $5, HHi -a.i ,ii ti'Xiiiioniala from old ami young, per volume) for |7.tM) a volume. ; , x .. .i v. ho h*i '<* bc«*n prrmatiently cur» 4 H< r love! that, would ha ' oth < ast s ea< h Volume, sui ■■ ’ £411*^0 Size, SI.75. 6 Bottle- tor ! y theus? <»f .\p!»rot!itine. Circular free. Add re a binding will be sent by mail post-paid, oh re bled me to the earth! B< ceipt of |i. THS APHRO MEDICINE CO. AGKtiOWLEDCED THE DEST Remittai;'es should be made by Post Offict Box27. F oktlxkd , O r , Sfe fl ■ an ^fe“AX\KFSIS*’gtvcsins*nnt for Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroads. Money eiilti voted; sings like a sii ren—con- \\ 'tern Order or L'rnft.to avoid chance of low i’Lit l.SI . i'l’C! 1'. Sub! by dealers. FREIGHT I A IIL Address: Ü ■ N M Q ■ '■relief ami 1« an infallible HARPER A BR >THERS, New York For Sale at W. E. Grace ’ s Drug E h ■ S S- (uri* l’or Piles. Prieejl. By ’b u i: > , ys i uri.nn m i hm », n ?* hub *. found him! I heart! her say her- B» B ■ I >' i r istsor mail. Siiint'leo N< - .»BTH ! No ‘onrgjExtra llvpvy H c I vhj [ v . Ston 1 IB ■ ■ai'ne..V)lrs<‘U y. ill treat of “Sanitary Living,’' and a’1 \\ for S9« Address t*aid to herseh': j i SagT: Cu i’- ’ - (it : fee not due till patent is secured. iniervsiiiig sm i essiou oi papers on “Woman I* «3 ! i/tTTA.V.vfirS-, : A T molded. “How to Obtain Patents.” with The Aphro Medicine £ ’ \rt ami History.” superb! v illustrated, will!* Poor fellow, he h is II hard name« . -f actual clieu't* iu your State, county, or furnished 1 by Theodore ( hihi. l he serial s’orM town, sent free. Adaresf. COMPANY, will be by Walter Bvsant and Thomas Hard) turn—a struggling young lawyer ____________ Western Branch, JïfauâWw:. HARPER’S PERIODICALS It he Immages to go into soviet v C.A.SNOW&CO. l'ortlatol, Oregon. ¿HICAM, r» UHIOO CÇVM£. N. r: Opposite Patent Office. Washington, D. C. Per Year once in a w hilt- he ought to have a ««««— FOR SAIX QY HARPER'S BAZAR HARPER'.* MAGAZINE gootl time. I will remember to PENSION. POSTAL. LAND ami HARPERS WEEKLY NEW HOME SEWING MA­ HARPERS Vol NG PEOPLr. «ay a pleasant word to him !<>• INDIAN DEPREDATION CHINE CO.. 725 Market St.. Postage Free to all subscribers in States. < anada, or Mexico. night ’ CLAIMS San Francisco, Cal l’aiefic Department. The voluTr.es of the Bazar begin with the fi«1 "A year from now she won't re­ Dumber for January of each year. When* is time is mentioned, subs<‘rip*tiou will member my name even. I low vx ith the Number current at the time of rectfr of order. could an honorable man. situated Bound volumes of Harper’s Bazar for thr* «• I «111, dare even to think of her? year in neat cloth binding, will be sent by i®11 I ' Siau'e paid* or ¡»y express, free of expens It only I were not connected with provided the freight does not exceed one do! lai per volume) or |7 a volume. the tirm which manages her l«usi- Cloth c ase« fu’each volume,suitable for btM lng will be sentby mail pospaid on rec eipt> neaa! Ot eotirw, I know just how |1 ea< h Remittances should be made by Post Ofl** milch money she han, and she Order or Draft, to avoid chance of 1<* THE ONLY TRUE I Money Adreai: HARPER d: BROTHERS knows that I know it 1 can iin- W K. HEARST. (Editor and Pro­ IWk- ''ewspapers are not to copy any one. * a of the above advertisements without t* igint* jtiHt how that ohl guardian of prietor S.-m Francisco Examiner ) express order of HARPER * BROTHER.’* •t -»r herx—how < ,n <•!)<• leirtoltve with JOHN WKDDKRBÜRN, M -»V' 4 i: •» e • st m sut.«, I'm i - HU, ar t fr* hiiii '’—wotihl |,ivk m me if 1 «hould rtis F Street. Northwest Washing- M’.’KN A CO. walk m aome day and ask tor her ton. Ik V. " ill practice In the *uprvmv • .•urt rf the hand. She, heraelf-—if the words I mtr I rtit« the < '«mH o. «'lalmt. the several TK ' F>' *• •»• r-sr ’ » - • bHS THF* the District <»f Columbia. before Com «4 fortune hunter' should come into ('«»urtaof luitu w of t'ongrvMi. and the Executive Dcp’ln : BEST L-eli of btrrn.ath ant lir-4 her mind -it would vhow in her ÌERKV & Co*« We obtain Pensions and Patents. F-* ^.««b^y.ut^lyc irwi l » cm rip.itc and Priced Sua w and nerves r*c i.e eye« in a minute Ah, well’ I Indian l'> predation Claims and all o » ! ree. Fnltrenalhe» D ANNUAL ________________________ ’ ' cou.d never have Naked hertonhar. class. of Land Claims, Mining. 1 W» i I e r.uoied FREE! LADIES .«• ; ■ I m }.'-t senso*»*»] auch a lioini' hr I could give her. Pre emtion and Homestead cases oi'uet..) ihauever.l »nt ■ - ... -'.....At', .J and I would not let mv wife provide I’ro-vcuted Infor»' the General land r %r i> TRK woRin t r . * 4«*Z« er It T J * qua Dt^aFncnintnMMMd. actnnt ’ y < ■ her own. Then what could i have office. Department of the Interior . < « 0 « mi of ixayoth«r brand. Sv. RV CO. ■ L..)l^‘ nr. .. > Lft.oZ.iV» •11 I tHKUF.Sn IM given her to make up for the Nocie- and the Supreme Court ■ isti f stufi . irtaoFxr.fcALi.Y ty>- dr. MART J MCOICISS CO uulu, X» ZIS1. v, ili (..Ulti, il.- h> II1H1UIHI" tlail Staimi a ‘. i> T ■ • a . — 4....I... I... 1 : PATEN Th Celebrated French Cure, if vviv.li v.tii k a Î i un-.'ci tak»-to l.ilefly • • bg. tn p. isonnf » ¡liter ■I I'd V ile, and who, •. '» ih I \ i.>di..-trioudlyt • < : ■ » n Hollars a -Hilli.S.U ll< . n.e. ihe.l w ill nlsofurnish !-.y Uiobf.Ht ! ; ii< in > ,m that ¡mount. 11•-■•.s snce»-*MI:i c. • Easily nuii iptickly i o-ie wt»rkcr iiv : • neh distri« l ori • riity. I : mui pro • .. eu. I, It s X i tv >n itici: b' -' l1’ C * I '. Addrmai oii p uuiiMM, Biniti«*. » 1 J; . WO JEN WIRE TrkitFENCINQ Faber’s Bciden Ferais Pills <11 ¿•hi ilol •1 HA D/.UAi.- tx. Sb- tr I'-1.- f .r- nr« hare been made «x woih t. r u«, h» Ai.in« P«ge. Auatin. I exa«. and Juo. Bonn, Toledo, Ohio See cur. Other* nr»-doing as well. Why not y