Semi-Weekly Herald, Burns Items by Reporter. THE OREGON PACIFIC H K. SYRUP OF FIGS. AH THERE ! on the Affaire nt thie Produced from the laxative and nu­ And I went abroad in the land, A Little I.lRht (dmpnnv. tritious juice of California tigs, com­ even unto the future C ounty S eat , SATURDAY, JULY 25.. 1H91 What Bargains At Thursday ’ s Oregonian shows bined with the medical virtues of of Harney county, the town called some light on the affairs of the Ore ­ plants known to be most benticial to Burns. R. C. GEER’S; : gon Pacific Railroad Company. Officili County Paper. the human system, acts gently on : I saw a beautiful landscape, and The New York Herald says that the kidneys, liver and bowels, ef­ MANUFACTURER 4 DEALER many intelligent faces of both men war has been declared among the IN ALL KINDS OF fectually ceansing the system, dis­ Local News and women. bondholders of the Oregon Pacific pelling colds and headaches, and tinware I saw lovely face of maidens and railroad, and asks where are the Tinware repaired. —Prof. D. L. Grace moved back the happiness of their companions bondholders of the $11,000,000? curing habitual constipation. o Burns, last Tuesday. Strayed. Also Dealer in Fishing Tackle and depicted upon their countenances. Bondholders Joseph Wharton, S. Sporting Goods. —Mrs. Frank Lewis is on the sick From Burns, on or about the 20th On the Sabbath day I found mv i S. Sands, John I. Blair, Alexander ist, so we are informed by Dr. Mars way to the one small church, won j Brown and Dillwyn Parrish printed of May, on dark bay horse, branded len. dering how it could accommodate an advertisement calling upon all on left shoulder c', weight 1.400, B urns O regon —Thornton Williams and family' the number of persons wending other men who held the company’s shod with team shoes, right hind; .re stopping in our town for -the their wav in that direction but soon bonds to join them in an effort to ankle crooks out, 16 hands high, iresent. saw that the church was nottheob- oust Receiver and ex-president T. j 8 or 9 years old and very gentle.1 Egenton Hogg and his associates Any one giving information of —Mrs. Palmer, a sister to M’s jective point. GREAT N0VELTI3-S from control of the enterprise. The I whereabouts will be liberally re­ A. C. Worthington, is ill and under The congregation was small, and warded. M. N. F f . gtley , CHINA & JAPAN ;he care of Dr. Marsden. the earnest tones of the minister i advertisers claim that $15,000,000 Burns, Ore. j ' worth of bonds have been eaten up J —An excellent quality of ma­ warning the few present of the in­ STK VIED, chine oil at Cal. Geer’s Hardware evitable consequences of sin. was. ■ , in the process of building and equip- ! Strayed from Burns, Harney ' ping less than one-fourth of the J alas! frequently interrupted by ■tore for 11 a gallon. , railroad whose total length shall be county. Oregon, on cr about the whispering, and even an occasional —Dress-making and plain sewing i 600 miles whose total cost was es 21st of May, six head of horses and done by the Gage Sisters, Call giggle from thoughtless lips, not yet timated not to exceed $15,000,000. one colt, belonging to the under­ II A NDKERCHIEF8, OFF1NE8TSII K .CHEAP conversant with the proprieties of TEA, 40ets A PACKAGE; AS MANY FIRE at the Millinery Store Both sides have settled down for a signed. life —New Stock of Glass, Putty, Description and brands as fol­ CRACKERS AS A SMALL BOY CAN CARRY long siege. At present the eastern The growth of western towns, terminus of the road is the new lows: One bav horse, about 16.) Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc., at Geer’s. FOR25et». ALL OTHER THINGS AT SAME No charge for cutting glass if vou is proverbial, but where is the town city Coe, 140 miles from Yaquina. hands high, branded on left shoulder RATE. buy of m<. J-l in the west, except Burns, can boast The 460 miles of road still to be C \; one bay horse 144 hands high, of receiving buildings, bodily, from —Go to Tex’s Saloon and Frank a distance of 14 miles, and people built between Coe Or. and Boise with large saddle marks on both I A NEW STOCK OE GOOD8 ON THE ROA1) Lewis will help you to a nice cool, who are compeled to forsake the City, just across the state line will sides, branded on the left shoulder C; one brown horse branded C refreshing drink of the best of beer town of their choice and come to be easily accomplished it is said. nr lemonade. , \ Burns to transact bns'ness. The Oregon Pacific railroad com-j on left shoulder, 4 years old; one ! pany was organized in 1880 with a bald-face bay mare, four white feet —The hay crops of Harney va 1 v The Burns rooster should spread will not be so heavy this year as his wings in immitation of the great I capital stock at the rate of $30.000 branded C a on left shoulder; one last but the quality of our wild hay American Eagle and his voice be i a mile. Colonel T. Egenton Hogg bay mare, star in forehead, branded | ; has been, from the beginning, one C' a on left shoulder; one sorrel is improving very much. heard through the length and of the prime movers in the enter-; horse about 14 or 14$ hands high, —D ied —This morning, between breadth ot Harney valley. 1 prise. He was largely instrunient- blazed face, all four .feet white, the hours of three and four o’clock, I've heard Burns is threatened ) al in obtaining the land grant 850,- L at his home in Burns, J. T. Silman with a savings bank, so save up branded CA on left shoulder and • MX) acres on which the $15,000,000 The particulars of his sickness and your dimes ready to deposit. yearling colt branded on left ! worth of bonds has been issued. death we haven’t learned,but in our shoulder, and, when turned out. 1 This grant was originally owned bv Why not organize a church choir? next issue will give full account also a rending club. Let U3 have ¡the Willamette Valley and Cas­ had on a halter muzzle. A liberal —Arrived in Burns yesterday singing, with this purpose in view, cade Mountain Wagon Road Coni- reward will be paid bv the under­ •fl afternoon, on a visit to Mr. and Mrs immediately after Sunday school j pany, who gave the Willamette signed for their return to Burns, or <). 1). Rusk. Mr. and Mrs. Cloud next Sunday the 26th inst. Valley & Coast Railroad Company information given whereby they and their daughter. The former ur the right to become owner of the may be recovered. R eporter . o the moth r and step father of Mrs. C harles A nderson . c-e lands on payment of $600,000. BURNS LIAliN. busk, and the later her half sister. This payment has never been made For Over Fifty Yearn. —A difficulty occured, yesterday Fur T he H erald . although a tender has been made. A n O ld and W ill -T hird R emedy . — Mrs I was present, last Wednesday Thè Oregon Pacific Railroad Com­ WI dp I ow ’ b Soothing syrup bus I ven used for afternoon, in the saloon known as fifty xears by milliuuBof mother* for their Tex’s Resort, between 1' F. Stenger evening, contributing as well as pany owns more than seven-eights over children while teething, with perfect miccet»* It b »othea the child, softens the gunuc. alla'H and James Kennedy, in which the listening to the most enormous—if of the capital stock of the Willam­ a'l pain, cures wind colic, and in the beat rem vdv for Diarrhetpa. In pleasant to the taste former received a broken skull, ette Valiev & Coast Railroad Com ­ by DruggiBiB in every part of the world. from a beer bottle in the hands of not interesting—fibs, it has been pany The 140 miles of railroad Sold Twenty-five < enta a bottle. 11 h value is incalcu­ my privilege to hear for some time. i now in operation was built hv the lable Be sure and auk for MrB Winslow's the latter. Soothing Syrup, ami take no other kind. —Every thing in the hardware One party present declared he had Pacific Construction Company, it is (’< 11 mu inpti«.n Cureb. line, received at Geer’s last week seen, in Missouri, weeds grow so I understood. A old ph) sician, retired from practice, hav­ ing had pla ed in bis bands by an East holla Granite ware. Machine oil, Meehan large it was necessary to split them Missionary the formula of a simple vegetable A Slight Mihunderatantling. remedy for the speedy and permanent ( lire of ics tools. Mowing machines, all for fence posts. Another had seen (on sumption, Brone hills. Catarrh. Asthma and It is almost an affliction to be deaf; kinds of harvesting tools, cheaper Throat ami Lung affections. as.» a positive in the same country, hemp stalks anyhow, it is a little embarrassing all ami radi( al cure for Nervous Debility ami all than dirt, for cash Nervous Complaints, after bavii g tested its curauve powers in ibonsandN of —Stockmen can now get honest grow 30 feet high. Another said it at times. A certain city editor went < wonderful asea. has felt it hiB ciuty to make it known to out to report a party, the other eve ­ was very common for . the hi» fellow Puttering fellows. Actuated by this weights by shipping or selling stock motive and a desire to relieve human suffering at Huntington. The O. C. Co. hav­ farmers of south Missouri and Kan­ ning, where the home was blessed I u ill Head, free of charge, to all who desir«* it, a new baby. Accompanied by this recipe, in German, French, or Euglisb, ing just completed oneof Fairbanks sas to make their winter’s fire wood with with full directions for useii.g sent by mail his best girl, he met the hostess at addrvHFing with sianip. naming thia paper Stock Scales, and arranged a large of castor bean stalks and sunflow­ A W. Noyes, tikO Powers ’ Block, Rochester, the door. and. after the usual salu­ corral for the purpose Certified ers, the sunflower stalks frequently tation, asked after the baby's health. N Y weights given. 4-24. STOCK BRANDS. growing to the immense size of six The lady, who was quite deaf, and —Knapper, who formerly be­ Hardin A Riley, rattle branded Von left aide. was suffering f rom the grip, thought longed to ex-Senator Hamilton, of or eight inches in diameter Then he was asking anout her cold, and Horae brand T left side, p u. Burns, Oregon Grant county, was second in a | the editor of T he H erald , chang­ told him, though she usually had J. Foley, rattle brand = on right aide. mile dash, at Hawthorne Park. ing the nature ®f the stories, re­ one everv fall, this was the worst Dorse brand — on left shoulder. Williams A Williams, cattle brand < B on left Chicago, recently. The winner got marked that his old cat (Blinky one she ever had; it kept her awake hip. Dorse biaud. |1 on right stifle. I*. O. Riley. by name) brought in, the day be ­ there in 1:15. and knapper was on­ Dorses branded )•( on left stifle. < at tie brand nights a good deal at first, and con fore, a blue racer snake, 5 feet in fined her to her bed. Then, notic­ ed ) ( on left hip. .Marion Bunvard, P<> Burns ly a neck behind.—Eagle. Cattle diamond on left hip; homes <‘V on left —Parties, living where hay will length, the snake not yet dead, ing that the scribe was getting pale sh«.tilder. Charles H Voegtley. Burna Oregon. bean object the coming winter, and turned it loose in the house for her and nervous, she said she could tell LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. own stock, adjacent to our county, kittens to play with. Just then a hv his looks that he was going to well known phvsician of the town have one just like hers, and asked I who have to by hay. should visit notice . Notice I b herebv given that on the l«th day of our section immediately, and make stepped up and said, gentleman him to go and sit down. The paper Mt) 1*91. I apjtuintei the following named per­ arrangements for wintering their that’s no snake story; I can tell was out as usual that week, hut sona deputy Stuck Inapectoraof Darnev county you one far ahead of that, which is John Bridge, of Uraue Creek; Harrison Sea­ the local editor has quit inquiring I stock, which can Be done here very ward of Diamond; VS M. Doga*1 of Silver Creek a fact. A short time since my un­ about babies.—Ex. F. <». Blume of Emigrant ( reek; George Mor cheap. cle, with his family, left town one JT« Thox. G. DoDfMiN, —We visited the ranch of our old ‘ Mondav morning, to rusticate a few Poultney Bigelow, who was a Stock Inspector of Harney county. friend, Chas. Ziegler, yesterday af days and did not discover until schoolmate of the German Emper ice to < 'red 11 orh. | ternoon. His grain is fine, his hay when stopping for lunch, that the or. will contribute an article to the In the matter of Swans & .Miliei, insolvent excellent, and the same can be baby’s rattle hand been forgotten. Midsummer (August) Number of Debtors. To whom it miv concern The undersigned gives notice that on the ...dday of .May, ?aid of his garden. To the doubt- The baby did the one thing all The Century on the first three years hereby 1W1, Swarts Ac Miller, insolvent deMora, of Her I ful. who doubt the future prosper­ babies do, similarly situated, set up of the Emperor's reign—the third ney f onnty, State of Oregon, made, executed and delivered to the undersigned their certain ity of Harney valley, we say, visit a squall, which convinced the fa­ anniversary of his ascent to the deed of assignment, con vey ing all their pr<»p both real and personal in trust, for the I ’he farm of Mr. Z., and see what in­ ther that the only thing to do to throne having taken place on the erty, benefit of their creditors. Now, therefore, all dustry and good management, can keep peace in the family, was to go 15th day June. Mr. Bigelow be- such creditors and others interested in raid estate are hereby notified to present their accomplish. back to town and get the missing lieves that “since Frederick the claims and demands again«’ said «-s ate. |»rop erly verified, as by law required, at the office of un* Great no king of Prussia has —T he Ochoco Review gives an peace link—the rattle. This he de­ undersigned, in Baker ( Ity, Oregon, with ero- the in three months from the publication hereof account of another shooting affrav termined to do. A rattlesnake be­ derstood his business like this Dated June 1». i"Ui. C W J a was. Assignee. | in Prineville. It occured in Linn ing in the immediate vicinity, hear­ peror,’’ and in this article he gives what he considers the secret of the ing the cries of the child, and, from "node saloon, on the night of the power of William II. with his peo­ F inal proof : 14th inst. J. G. Stewart, of Cali­ the conversatoin knowing the cause ple. and incidentally contridutes LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON, JULY fornia. shot C. M Carleton, with a come from its hiding place and very a, iwi. many facts regarding his life. Notice is herebv given that the following l'>s caliber. Smith A* Wesson, revol- calmly, peaceably and without named settler has filed notice of his intention This number of The Century will to make final proof in support of his claim and fvr, the ball striking the breast ostentation, back* d up to the child, be especially rich in illustrated ar­ that said nrooi will be made before the Regis­ '"'ue. following around the left side. putting it* tai! into the little one s ticles and comp'.-te stories, and the ter and Receiver, at Burna, Oregon, on August J dging in the shoulder. The lap and allowing it to play with its illustrations of Mr Bigelow’s paper la 1W1. visHilliavn l>. Huchansn. Pre. D^ No 3i>4. for the Elf of of j*ec 9, pound is not dangerous Stewart rattles until the father returned. •*. B 32, E W M I didn’t wait to learn if his un­ will include a number of views of Tp He 22 names the following witnesses to prove *** arrest 1 and at the hearing lie- the palaces at Berlin and Potodam, bis conrir u«>ns residence upon and » nltivation ore the Justice was held to an- cle murdered the creature—we mean and engraved portraits of the Em­ of, said ¡and, vic Charles K- per. Kru!>en < ¡ay pool. Thou Putter and Tb*xi Vickers, all of the rattlesnake — or let it live to per in the sum of $300. Bonds peror and Empress will form a Harney, Of egun. amuse some other man s baby. Pere furnished before Stewart left J. B H untington , Register. double frontispiece How’s T hat ? Fhe court room . GOODS AT All 0 a c -I o m (I) z