1 i W HYT ADVERTISEMENT BECAUSE IT GOES BEFORE THE PUB L1C TWICE A WEEK rED. era m will be wu • g the gre»t ' on Soothe»* Warner, w er notewoi ly Charlea gin al <lra* ihert for t luitrated ls by Williat ers of pt) IV—Nc 47 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY. JULY 25, 1891. 1 JN THE HERALD ♦ . I agazu TED PUT YOUR $2.50 a Year. Semi-Weekly Herald, July 15 was pardon day at the GREAT RED UCTION IN PRICES ! State house. The governor com PUBLISHED VEERY WEDNESDAY muted the sentence of four prison AND SATURDAY. Harry Curtiss, a glass worker, ers. The life sentence of Win. B. BY 18 years old, was found dead in Eldings, who was sentenced from Dry Granulated Sugar, $ 9.75 per 1001b I have just received a full and W. C. BYRD a SON. bed, July 13. An autopsy showed Douglas county, for murder in the Salt,............................. 2.10 u u complete Stock of Dry Goods, Nails, ............................ the heart paralyzed, caused by ex 7.50 “ keg. Groceries, Hardware, Tinware P ublishers and P roprietors . Oi’ICS 1 second degree, who has been in pris- cessive use of cigarettes, he having i on since Jam 1st 1884. David Flour,........................... 6 00 ‘‘ barrel Notions, etc., which 1 will sell V been in the habit of smoking four I Cameron from Multnomah, July 13 Omaha Bacon......... 18.50 “ 1001b at BEDROCK PRICES FOR ! SUBSCRIPTION RATES: boxes daily. 3.00 “ can CASH ONLY 1889, sentenced for three years for Coal Oil (Pearl). Onk Year |3.0C H, E. T hompson , Six Mouth». 1.50 )PI.E Yours Respectfully, Mrs. Lucy Pratt, a young widow the crime of larceny. A. Hill con Three iouths .75 i Escriben» Manager. A. ROBBINS Ont Year (in advance) .2.50 of San Francisco, sold 45 square victed of manslaughter, sentenced »léxico. — —-------------------------- - [ inches of her skin for $100. A i from Linn November 8 1889 for ten HERALD CLUB LIST azine Hural, nd Harper'- Magazine.............. S.00 | strip of skin 9x5 inches was cut years. The fourth was R. A. Bur nd Dece Herald anil Harper’s Weekly .. 5.20 from RETAIL ! ! her body by surgeons and neys from Multnomah sent up for WHOLESALE ! e is spec' Herald and Harper’s Buzar 5.20 die Num Herald and Harper's Young People 3.75 ! grafted on the leg of William Dag- I eight years for arson, has been in o. der. CO- Herald H tskiJ and Alden'a Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia, < yi lopedia, z.JO I get, who was injured in a railroad prison since May 5th 1887. ■r's Magai „ - Each additional volume after Vol. I, 55 e cents; HUNTINGTON, >0 cenm extra uer volume, inigtage. lotli bindi accident ............... OREGON. The immence body of water only j , on receij opieBof nil the above works can be ex A singular character resides near held back by sand ridges may , for bin a-nined at leisure in the Reading Room paid. Irasburg, Vt. She has not allowed force a new stream across the great izine, All Engineer Hay J Publishers of perlouieHls are solicited a human to look upon her in day Colorado desert led, for V to sell} clubbing rate», a copy of their work for light. for forty years. Her name is wood. says most of the water in the me, 1S501 --------------- -- ------------- ._, with _____ t_______ We are now -------------- located --------------- in the ------------------ New Brick Block, plenty J of room, our Free heading Room—We file, and bind the H-t» latter at close of every half-volume, end v“v u Ann Deunis, and she took up this vicinity of Snlt«n is now south of t he occupying three floors, and each lloor loaded With gOO^S Hide bv P. eopleabv advertisement. j singular abode of life immediately Mexican line and south of the By .avoid dg —— • i after the death of her mother, Holes country. The flood, at a Will maintain our former rules: Square Dealing. One PllCC» ROTHE! ADVERTISING RATES : whom she accuses herself of killing rough estimate, is 95 miles long by J*FA'’W ! 1 wk 2 Wk j 1 mo 3 ino j 6 mo ; by giving an over dose of some «50 miles wide, this immence body Best Ouality. l-LT no $11.00 $15.00 | opiate. 00 We buy Flour, Meats, Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Salt, 11 50 »2 50 I of water is held back from Salton 'eekly 2 ' Inch 18.00 28. CO 3 Ü0 j oo 6.60 12 U 1 “ basin by sand ridges through it has 5.00 I 24.00 8.00 15.00 40.01» Canned Goods, and Coal Oil in CAR LOADS. Our Paices are LOW. 3.50 3 ’ • I Mrs. Jane Leland, a woman of TEI». ' 4 “ 4.50 t; oo 10 00 20 00 32.00 50.00 er failed 48.00 Ò4.U0 60, and connected with some of the been making its way and is grad- Ci 00 9 00 15.00 28.00 'Î “ i vili Mt if- 80.00 120.00 i best families in Pennsylvania,lies in 1 ually covering that basin- 12. V0 16.00 28.00 4« 00 SEND FOR QUOTATIONS ! ! mt reuen ? 1 “ 20 00 :i0 00 40 00 60.00 110 00 140.00 nt ss und ; the Erie county jail, raving mad. Flagstaff, Aris. July 14 — A sheep CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ■i ary ex< H i t son was recently sent to prison herder who arrived last night says | lam phar ’ s a recercas JOB WORK l’rprietors Huntington Warehouse. for stealing cattle, and the mother that the Navajo Indians are gather Yours Respecfully, , of the Q .1. IL Al'l’KIN, Manager. Of every description executed 1 with neatness swore venganca upon all who had ing in vast numbes, preparing to and despatch, at reasonable rates. anything to do with his conviction. resist the attempt on the part of the M ieuiific. nl, < rite Circulars. Pamphlets Posters, Witnesses and jurors since then government to arrest the leaders for Letter Heads, Bill Beads. and «jt Envelopes Cards, Ticket 8, Note Heads, it enciiii statements. have been pursued by a common ¡their mauradine raid on the ranges. Dodgers, Etc. Invitations. iues Evil Memoranda. nemesis and their horses and cat The governer has been asked to send jourrill.t THiilEKALi- is kept regulerly on file for re e editG ij ’ Portland Boot & Shoe Store. by poison. troops as trouble is feared. ference. in the Geo. 1’. Rowell Newspaper Ad tle have been killed that ertising Bureau. 1U Spruce at.. New York. Suspicion resulted in detection. LUNABURG A WRY, P roprietors , B uknh , O regon . The large sfi* mill of Max Mrs. Leland and her daughter, j Friendly, at Corvallis, was entirely $3,000 Stuck BooU and Shoe», of the very lient Vualily, just reeelvud OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. I when arrested, fought desperately j destroyed bv fire, m the night of with axes, but were overpowered. ' July 14th? W Cheapest Piace i’n Town for-CTash, I of illuetri jeetsof tli ailed chat , IlAKt-F.ll uiu that i 0 I QUOTE YOU- c Ì Aaai.u • /.V t *■’, lit r< .n G. »71 M It Is* r«tD' NA J'lONAL! Benjamin liar riso I »’resident Levi P. Murton Vice-President James G. Blaine Secretary of State Charles Foster. Secretary of Treasury JohnVV. Noble secretary of Interior Redfield Proctor Secretary of War Benjamin F. —raeei Secretary of Navy Jeremiah M 1 Rusk secretary if Agri, ultnre Wm II. r Attorney General . ..John W an^n „lie Post master General ( » STATE—OREGON: aza r ei a for ( ongream ’ n n . Governor -eeretwy oí State Tres»urei R Sept. Publie Instruction State Printer Supreme Judges R. ) 1)K| (D) I 'ÏV Í [»IAHNKV IT. ». LANI1 OFFICE: Receiver ■ in » CHURCH DIRECTORY si« • !t»r. uion ftii»* URNS METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH M.D. WII.soS Pastor. There Will be preaching by the pantor in each non th to rtllowt, until further notice Bax* M*aB>ath—Burna—at 11 a m. and 4:30 p m 2d Stitt»th—Island School House— at 11 a in — Harney—at 7:30 p m. iXC*’’. . •tb —I'.iirii*—at 11 a in. and 4:30 pm «th—Harney—at lia ni. and 7:30p m SOCIETIES. iEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O O F. t Odd Fellows Hall, every Saturday H, M H ortom , N. G. rn, Trent kRNEY PO8 T NO 4». G. A. R very 1»< and* 3d Wednesday of each C odd Fellows' Hall. All Comrades landing invited. M M. BRIF.RLY, P. C. ’j’t. Meh IB-1« S. MAILS. BCBNR—V»Lt <1 depan» daily, Sunday» ex< «-pte«1. ■rax»—< aNvox citt nday» Wrdn«-»lay». Friday», tpm.a i>a Thuixl»)» a »aivrday» 10Con. YEARS. S?ul EXPERIENCE TIYE METHODS, In the Use of CURA. we Alone own for all DIs- and Control orders of BAILEY A CAI DWELL, *ITH3!r Who have weak ovur/. Dr. VEU0PED.OT dt- :u.. ,,-r orsans, who are suttei -3L lug iromtnitnpsOF rot1' oiia any T’.xc :sa.s, cr c( H 0 M E y .... • MCN « - whoare,v£SK>i>,?m:d;t;. . Jp'i’-^yjtbesccr” flu« >r tempt of friends r.nd coinuoniotiF, lends it < so FOR À LIMITÉ STIME EWE rl guarantee to 3 if they cat 1 stoped . o\i. - method ard np- aiiurd a UUIkcA UTiA. s 11 patients, POSSIBLY BE BE jwn Lie • usi ve li an cob Kill There!;, then« >I hope FOR • • • AhZ- YOURS. Don’t brood O'-eryciir ee-.dltlon, rn«- rl’-'e nt in despair I r - ThouwirdM of the V< r- l C us , i • ,y.. i.ini to our h‘0M£ * TREATMENT, as- t tert bln <-r ivONM/irut. BOOK, will, h wo Hl send mm led, I«*:.T,n:-1, RHEE. I r a limited tiro. G l T 1] TO-DtY. »Bcmcwi’. -, noonociaen-istb - luetiiods,appliances oun exp< ri- H encn tiiui. wo oat 1 ', and we claim the hjkophly or tiHiruw ra svcctis. E ric C o .. 64 H iaga / u S t ., B uffalo , it. K. The Proprietors of the Red Front and White Front Livery Sta bles assures the public that they are prepared to accommodate in every way in their line of husiness. fW“llav and grain constantly on hands, and careful hands. Passengers taken to all parts of the country, «lob Wagon in connectic ■. Burns jXZToat JXZEaarl^ot 2,000 References, Wk. A ltnow Lytle Howard. J. B. H untington ..H akkison K blley Hegi»t«r /sp— kl»o, t'uitoin work and Repairing neatly done. eta. .MEN, • with ’ ” liintr»» K «i \ i ¡i • ■ i ruppl' >uie ir District Judge No r District umorney to atm Joint Represent ut i ve ,er rt'’ Joint-Sen mor •on»!»• oui « < i 'IS TV IIAKNKV : County Judge (D) W 'M. Mll.LEE itm*j , lerk .W E. G II AIR nil!» Treasurer T. H. R oberts ifort» >urveyor I »'’1’", sherirt A. A. CO»ING ’ 0<L. AwHwmr M E. A lhkkhon school Sup erintendent . C has . N ku hi . I. •toeklUB)" '. ' Tilos. G. D obson «»mrnial"' er» i • • e J. N. Dolph i J. H Mit< ban Binger Hermenu ' D.Sylvester Pennuyer K Geo. W. McBride Phil. Metschan. J. IL McElroy R Frank Bakei K K ». Bean. R 7 Wm. Will. P. 1.01 Lord R > w w rba ?er R Rhcubin S. btrahin I » 1ST K KT : M. D. C lifford » C has . F. II y de ). D. 8. D ustin K lì. S. Senators - - ’ ¿ame this paper when ycu write i Mexican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Ik«.' \ long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, th” Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment. \ > other application compares with it in efficacy. ...s wt.’¡-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. . > pxipgiic cut i omplrte without a bottle erf M ustang 1 INiMENT. ,J. a s ;.ri-< for As use almost every day. '!! <ir and dealers have it. SMITH & RICHARDSON, Proprietors. VVe wish to inform the pub- patronage. he that we have again open- upplied with good meata <*d at the old stand and The Shi p Incorporateti NORTHWESTERN ¡ TRANSPORTATION Company. C. C. McCoy, General Manager, --------- O-:-o--------- Stages leave Burns, Oregon, tlailv for Harney, Drewsey, Beulah, Westfall and Vale, where Close Connection is Made with the railroad. Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehicles, RATES OF FARE FROM BCRMS TO ONTARIO AND INTERVENIN'«» POINTS ftt.50 Bnrn«. to Ontario |10 <9 I Dumi to Val* Weal Eall 7.M Grove City M •• “ Pr»w»ey t OC •• •• Beulah tí W ’ • •• Harney IOC •• • Pine Cie«k 2 M | Baggage, 30lbs to each Passenger. Frughi and Passengers must he way-billed. I’aiOM'ng'-r fare paid in advance. N eri klrs . J M V auhow H arry F m » yd , D vision Agciit. Burn Agent Gen. Hup’t.