i*' « 1891. P. F. STENGER. Policeman—“I don’t see how a little woman like you could succeed H orses branded on in capturing and holding a big BY ALLENA AUDLEY. Either Right or L burglar like that.” »title: OK. Little Woman (weakly) — “ It was CHAPTER V dark and I—I thought >t was mv From New York Weekly: Sir Hugh had thrown himself husband trying to—to elope with Range—Grant county, Oregon. (».—Burns. Grant county. Oregon^ down on a couch without undress­ the servant girl. " a LMEDA a . STENGER. ing, and was in a sound sleep, when Mrs. Brick row (after the annual something stirring in the room moving) — “The family jwho last C attlb branded awoke him. n Left »ide; circle- lived in this house left it in a per- He raised himself on his elbow, fectly horible condition.” A Split in tilth r. and looked around. Yes, there it I Mr. Brickrow—“The agent told Combine» the juice of the Bate Ftgso was, the ghost of Winterdyne, who me it had stood empty ever since we California, so laxauv ami nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plant- I Range—Harney and Grant county Oregon had twice brought him warning of lived in it before.” known to be most D[ne!'.'‘!,v’ P. u.—Burns. Harnev county. Or._______ I bis wife’s unfaithfulness: had twice human system, forming the OM A 1 I K City Editor — “ The street is all FECT REMEDY to »c« gc“’1/ >e left a three-cornered note on his I^ensions, promptly on. the bureau, written in a cramped al­ excitement. An electric light wire TrIE DISABILITY BILL IS A most illegible hand, accusing Lady has blocked traflic, and no one KIBHEYS, LIVES AM BOWEL? LAW. Soldiers disabled since the war are Blanche of being secretly in love knows whether it is a live wire or Cleansetseiijteii’Effsctually, Entitled with her cousin Ralph, to whom not. Dependent widows and Parents now de — so THAT - Editor — “ Detail two reporters to she had been engaged before her pendent whose sons died from the efleers of c»UHE BLOOD. go to the wire immediately—one to army service are included. If you wish marriage. KEFR&U.WING SL. EP, vour claim speedily and successfully prose- feel of it and the other to write up JAMES TANNER, HEALTH and STRENGTH uted,address See, the face was turned away, Late Commissioner of Pension», N.tun ” v follow. Every one is uring it WASHINGTON, D C. but the snow white robes swept up the result. -n i 'I * deluihte.l with it. Ask yout Mrs. Degree—“How did vou man close to the table, and he saw the .Iru^i'tiorrvYuUFOF FIGS. Mar.u factum 1 only by the oddly shaped note drop from aghost- age to get home so early to night? CALIFORNIA. FIG SYRUP CO. ly hand. You Said there were to be a num­ F rancisco , C al . PERSONAL AND PROMPT Slowly the figure turned, and ber of enitiations.” ATTENTION GIVEN TO PAT­ Mr Degree (prominent Mason) would have passed again through ENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE the half-open door bad not Sir — "The enitiations had to be post­ MARKS, etc. Hugh at that moment sprang to his poned. All the regalia, draperies, NO FEE UNLES PATENT etc., had mysteriously disappeared feet and pursued it. IS S ECU R E D. CO R R ESPOND- The door unheard had swung to­ “Aha! Now I’ve found out ENCE SOLICITED. about you Masons. So its true gether. STODDART & CO., and you said it wasn’t. That night. from some unaccount­ ter “ all, 613 Ci 615 7th Stroot, N. W. What’s true?” able impulse. Sir Hugh had opened [Opposite U. S. Patent Office,] “You keep a goat. B enj O w . L hi . C o ., Wis., I>j a window looking out into the road, WASHINGTON. D. C. Rev. J. C. Bergen vouches for the follr»vmg: Tamos ” »onev v bo was ^utftr’ag from Vitua which had not been open tor months l>a: ce inis worst form for ibont ye: »-a, was A i t..N I? ! I undertake to briefly an . fairly intelligent p. of either if , | «•** teach .rented by s verel phyg’. ians uiiLoul eil-ct x, vh-> irmi mid w rite, and who, before. The shutters were flung Ths Celebrated French Gure, fwo i l II um of FasiGi* K« enig'a Nerve Tonic n jaftiT iiI'trm tie :,wiil work industriously, •nred him, t..»u -• rani ’!!ree 'I l.ei.-i.im bollar» a wide open, and the window, which Year in their own !<>• aii: n-r Hiev HveJ will alaofurnläh ^“APHRODITINE” „ A Un crenel ||. the sifiiHlio» ur i b ' > ii can earn that amount, No money for me uui la S ol » ox a unless stt< cesatili tis ab».re. Easily mid quickly <>]>en< <1 in the middle like a door, PxKK U1TT, Utah. Joue. liW9. I deaire but ? worker from euch district or county. I POSITIVE 1 bud I»een ill for eighteen mouth« with weak- learned. have already (might __ with ____ employ ..... d . ... provided ment a liirjre was partly unclosed. »Mi » vim -.......... rn e ea.l. I«MAV C’JARANTCE less ai d terrible m-rvonane^i when I com- number, o lio are making over *3( ■ ------ nd --------- SOLI 1». 1- nil j. trticular« !■' 1« 1C K, — ... _------------ 2Z. Address at once, to euro any form jmneed taking your Luodi .due Pastor Koenig’s B. C. Alais&Ai. Bight on. in the terror of the mo­ 430, Augustas, liuiuv. ofnervo'n ulseu. o Ne; ve ionic and 1 <-»ien pr iy for Pastor Koo oraujr di »order ot ment, in the horror of being discov­ nig aw 1 tlant. 1 eoui'.l not have lived without tho generative or- tins medicine. The poople here have seen tha pnnsi of cilberBex, ered. the frightened creature ran on good which 1 derived from it, and Rev. Gal­ V.het’ er arieiu;: ligan recotu oom h i so highly thti it is now frotn itnexccssivc/ to the open window. got Ung \axy popular. BEFORE u oof oot s..:nulant>, s.iniulanu, AFTER roha<*<»o or Opium, or through j outnful indlscTe- JULIA AGNEH BYRNE. It was dark, and Sir Hugh could i >n, gm r indulgence. .Oordor roeelv'* I, t »remind the money if shadowy bands, a vain clutch at i Permanent c’u-e is not effected. We ha\o Sold by Druggists at 91 per Bottle. Gfor 95. testimonials from old and young. empty air, a wail of despair, and < f i »usa’idsof sexes, who have been ¡»ermanently cure 1 Karge Size, 91.75. 6 Bot 1 les for 99. I y the use of Aphroditine. Circular free. Address the tragedy was ended. TH«=: APHRO MEDiriNP CO. ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST Box 27. P ortland , O b . ■ ■ ■■ ^^“ANAKESIS-’givntirwtant for Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroads. A heap of white garments on the Wv-tciu Branch. lH f and is cm infallit.ee I’KXT.S l;..l>rcEt>. S..!d by de.y'rers. FUUGHT PAID. For Sale at W. E. Grace’s Drug 9 ■ ■ ■ ■ (TBrc tura fer Plie». Price «1. By WeXlLiEN’S KllLTKY M fTINli, New’IMng! stone walk and the figure of a wo- B — 1 ■ Itruggistsor mail. Sceneries No .reglnKt No bagging! Extra llravv Store Th. McKullen Woven Wir, Feu.e C«., Chi 3 s fi S ■ 9free. A.kirv IKl.MS, ” man Hying up the avenue of leaf- I I ■■ ■■ W^Dox 2*Mi New Y yak City. less trees was what Sir Hugh saw when he reached the window. Lady Blanche had made her OR- R lieve 8nppre«ser Meiiatruatiou. I’scG cape and came home through the b icciMfully by lho».N an ts of pr>«miueni la dies month1 y. Thor­ starless night.to see that mad leap oughly reliable and Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat­ to death sate. Worth twen’v ent business conducted for Moderate fees. times their weigi t in Our Office is Onoosite U. S. Patent Office, gold /or /¿male irre^- Half frozen with horror, the and we can secure patent in lees time than those «laritieB. Never known remote from Washington. to fail. united husband and wife looked Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip­ Bent by mail aeale I tion We advise, if patentable or not. free of for •£« Addreaa the face of the dead. But the se- ■Tai:Se£)T: charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A P .mpnlet. ’‘How to Obtain Patents.’’ with cret Sir Hugh had read that night \ The Aphro Medicine I THtp-INfST; nain» - of actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent free. Address. COMPANY, in eyes that would never open again Western Branch, he kept to himself. •to seWlDGMSCffii'ècï.o^HGf. Nú- C.A.SNOW&CO. Bos »7 Portland, Oregon. .MICA.O, H UMICI SÇUARL H. V ............. Ooposit, Patent Office. Waehington. 0. C. 1 he whole household knew that .. •»•TO».««» « tl »» t * «a FOR SALE BY the ghost was Miss Gilrov, hutthev PENSION, POSTAL. LAND and >nuK little fortunes hare been made at wotk for us, bv Anna Psge, Austin. NEW HOME SEWING MA­ Texas, and Jno. Bonn. Toledo, Ohio tliought, as did every one else ex INDIAN DEPREDATION kee cut. Others are «L ing st well. Why CHINE CO.. 725 Market St., ot you? Some t am over «1 ♦ the ¥. .. .1 unrivalled 11 rt 1' «allori chat .. : well .. a»in it» it, short »torie», itorie», pootn». poomi. etc , HAarr.» Haarr.» zink will continue to maintain that t axcelie'ice forwhich iten «« o tinguia hed «Ç HARPER’S PERIOiTCS Per Year: HARPER’S MAGAZINE HARPER’S WEEKLY HARPERS BAZAR................. HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE Postage Free to all Subscribe United States, Canada, or Mexico. The volumes of the Magazine the Numbers for June and Dece eac h vear. When no time is speci scripdons will begin with the Num rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper's Magai three years back, in neat cloth Hindi be sent by mail, post-paid, on recei| per volume. Cloth Cases, for bin, cents each—by mail, post-paid. 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