Ite ni h From Van. —Ike. Baer is in town. —A hay crop to be cut and put AH THERE ! upon the shares; Call at the H er ­ —Mr. Bently.of Baker City, is V an , Julv 16, 1891. ald otlice for particulars. visiting our town, this week. WEDNESDAY. JULY 22.18)1. What Bargains At School commenced in the Wolf — Persons indebted to Martin — Burns items, by reporter, too Creek school house Monday ___ last. Byerly for meat, are requested to ; ~4 R. C. GEER’S; late for publication in this issue. M Miss Claypool, of Harney, is teach­ come and settle up immediately. Offici il County Paper. MANUFACTURER A HEALER —A choice assortment of candies ,* No‘ josh’’about this, he means it. IN ALL KINDS OF just received at the City Drug Store. ing- ILA 8 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY — Harry Thompson will beinhisV Alec Olsen brought two heads SV Kl’I' OF FIGS. TINWARE. NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. new building bv the first of August. of ( lettuce to the Post Office last Produced from the laxative and nu-. Tinware repaired. LXS —Dress-making and plain sewing j Saturday, the largest measured 34 tritious juice of California figs, com­ Also Dealer in Fishing Tackle and Local News. done done by the Gage Sisters. in. in circumference and weighed bined with the medical virtues of Sporting Goods. a little over 3ft»s. The other ’was plants known to be most benticial to —J. T Silman iB on the sick list Call at the Millinery Store. just a trifle smaller. the human system, acts gently on j this week. , \ —E. D. Newsome gave us a call O regon the kidneys, liver and bowels, ef-j B urns — Dr. Ashford and family came « v hi» rnn. vrtsj Liw Haying is in full blast, and emi ­ yesterday, he reports hiB crop of se, home yesterday. fectually ceausing the system, dis- , grain and vegetables doing splen­ grant season has arrived. pelting colds and headaches, and H arni V. A. N. I. T. Y. —Isaac Foster reports haying in didly. curing habitual constipation. full blast in his vicinity. —New Stock of Glass, Putty, GREAT NOVELTIE-S Crane Creek Items. —Sheriff Cow ing’s house will be Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc., at Geer’s. Strayed. ready: to move into in a few days. No charge for cutting glass if vou C h >NA. & JAPAN From Burns, on or about the 20th buy of m< . <* ' —Scroll and black Vignette pic­ JA Hot! I should think so. of May, on dark bay horse, branded GOODS AT lent* tures taken at Canaday’s Photo., — Rev. Horner, once a redsident The crickets are again putting in on left shoulder <3', weight 1,400, gallery. of Harney county, but now living shod with team shoes, right hind Ah. r —The absence of a new school near Salem, this state, is in this an appearance. ankle crooks out, 16 hands high, house is keenly felt by nearly all neighborhood on business. The citizens of this neighborhood 8 or 9 years old and very gentle. HANDKERCHIEFS, OF FINE8TS1LK, CHEAP our citizens. —The citizens of Burns are of the generally are in the hay-field. Any one giving information of TEA, 40cta A PACKAGE; AS MANY FIRK —An excellent quality of ma­ opinion that the town authorities whereabouts will be liberally re­ CRACKERS AS A SMALL .BOY CAN CARRY Mr. P. H. Gray arrived, the 15th. ty, Ore chine oil at Cal. Geer’s Hardware are very slow in taking hold of the with a load of freight for Harney warded. M. N. F egtley , FOR act«. ALL OTHER THINGS AT SA MR fire question and doing or having b Print- store for $1 a gallon. Burns, Ore. RATE. merchants. something done for the protection of —We guess the school bonds are id skill-gOne the board, and the old the town. STH AVE», Miss Houser of Harney is visit-! A NEW STOCK OF GOODS —Mr. Shofner, who resides 12 or ing our neighborhood. Strayed from Burns, Harney building will have to answer for the ON THE ROAD 15 miles south of Burns, lost a county, Oregon, on er about the next year. To make a scandal, take a few I Envel —Go |o Tex’s Saloon and Frank valuable horse a few days since. drachms of falsehood, one of tangle-! 21st of Mav, six head of horses and He was killed bv falling into one of one colt, belonging to the under­ Larde Lewis will help you to a nice cool, foot, one of nimble tongue, a «prig I signed. the numerous wells left open out ­ refreshing drink of the best of beer side of any fence, that thoughtless of the herb of back-bite, a teaspoon ! Description and brands as fol­ reasonor lemonade. persons that do not care, dig and full of don’t-tell-it, six drops of! Dr. Marsden was called, last Sun- abandon. They ’ niare, star in forehead, branded We bada fine dance on the it Long Creek on the 7th inst., ago, he found two petrified fossils, in the Dixie school house. |Ck\ on left shoulder; one sorrel made a successful parachute jump, almost transparent, and of a silicic | horse about 14 or 14$ hands high, o’ Qt it an elevation ot 2,500 feet. <3 A goodly number of our citizens! blazed face, all four feet white, \ ch« aracter. This trip, he writes c* L ‘•Father” Bowen has prune tree^' -that, ..i,. not having time to explore are now ha ving, and none too soon, now bearing fruit, the prunes are the field thoroughly, he procured as the grasshoppers are taking the branded CA on left shoulder and Cl large as walnuts, hut what is three or four fossils, of the same grain and fears are entertained that yearling colt Branded C\\ on left they will soon begin on the grass. shoulder, and, when turned out, lingular is the fact that the trees character above mentioned, and one < had on a baiter muzzle. A liberal ualityire blooming the second time. tooth, supposed to he the tooth I of The ranchers,in our vicinity, will reward will be paid by the under *■ —Every thing in the hardware some water animal. not reap more than a half a crop, signed for their return to Burns, or ine, received at Geer’s last week. this vear. information given whereby they " Granite ware, Machine oil, Mecban- Gov James E. Campbell was re CD The Dixie school will commence may be rjeovered. cs tools, Mowing machines, all nominated, on the first bailor, by C harles A nderson . ;inds of harvesting tools, cheaper the democratic convention of Ohio. on the first day of August, G. 4 Jillhan dirt, for cash Hendricks teacher. For Over Fifty Yearn. It is possible, that the Emperor A n O ld and W kll -T rird R emedy . —Mr* priet —P- F- Stenger arrived home The pugilists of this vicinity are Winsluxv'a Soothing bvrup has been used for ast Saturday evening, bringing with and Empress of Germany, may vis­ on the war path. over fifty xeara by niillionaof mothers for their it the United States. children while teething, with perfect success niamiim from the British Possessions, it s >«>lhes the child, softens the gums, alia s Mrs. George ’ s little baity died, on a'l pain, cures wind colic, ami is the best rem adder« ^ne Pete, declares there Fifty white families have been for Diarrhecea. !s pleasant to the taste t »n’t but very little Canadian. Eng- arrested in the Chickasaw nation the 4th, and was buried the 5th. ed\ Soid by bruggiB s in every part of the world. ent) five < enls a buttle. H r value ir incaleu sh or French ajout the urchin. and put across the Red r;ver into She has the sympathy fcof friends Tn lable Be sure ami ask for Mrs Winslow’s and neighbors. Soothing syrup, and take no other kind. —Stockmen can now get honest Texas, with orders not to return to 'eights by shipping or «elling stock the territory under heavy penalties. James McCuen and fami’v have STOCK HUA NDS. t Huntington. The O. C. Co. hav- returned, from Crane creek and Hardin A Rilex, . Riley. 50 —In the county seat action he­ very probable. Horses brunded )•( on left stille, ( alile brami they are very proud. re Judge Shattuck, a motion to ed > ( od left hip. Marion liunyard, PO Burns Exchanges report, that when the rike out the writ by sections, was A train of immigrants are camped < «•»(stained by striking out the whole coflin lid was removed from the cof near here. They will probably lo­ it. The plaintiff being allowed fin which contained the body of cate in our country. 1 days to amend petition and file Smiler, one of the men executed at NOTICE. aew writ. Sing Sing recently, the face had Parties, living here, who celebra­ Notice 1« hereby given that on the 15th day of c —N. Brown started his band of been burned and seared bv the elec ted in Burns report having a good Mav IS'.H, I np|*uinteer8 generally have formed a socie- western part of the state, but power of William II with his peo­ ty, called “Christian Endeavor”, F inal proof : iey ViUb y and its intelligent ple. anti incidentally contridutes The object: To compel the World’s LAND OFFICE AT HURNS, OREGON, JULY 8, 1MU ing citizens, were so far superior many facts regarding his life. Notice I* hereby liven that the following Fair to close on Sundays. namol settler has hied notice nf hie intention This number of The Century will ay individuals i or country he to make final nr.Hif in aup|H>rt of hie claim and Coroner of, New York, de­ that said ttrool will be made before the Regis there (L it it was hard torecon- be especially rich in illustrated ar­ and Receiver, at Huriia, Oregon, on Aligiiat he bet with the impression ticles and complete stories, and the clares his intention to have the ter la itntl. vis W llllarn It. Kuchanan. » at U nu . time that this was a illurtrations of Mr. Bigelow’s paper body of Smiler, who was executed Pre. DS No. KtM, for the EJv af W', of Sec », on of Or «gon. _ ______ With a sigh he will include a numl>er of views of at Sing Sing by electricity, ex- Tp 22 H. K :<2, F. W M He namea the following wltneaaea to prove Idered the much dilapidated the palaces at Berlin and Potsdam, humed. The object is to ascertain, hia rontlnnoua residence upon and cultivation said land, vis Charles Roper, Renben < lay- lure * called a coat and went and engraved portrait» of the Em­ if possible, if death by electricity is of, teiol. Tb.* Potter and Tli.ta Vickers, all of he ■ saloon to bum a peror and Empress will form a painless, as the law says no torture llaruey, Oregon. J. B. H untington , Register. shall be inflicted. double frontispiece. Semi-Weekly Herald, 0 Ö