1891. J Kaarer’s Magazi^i P. F. STENGER. The Winterdyne Ghost tea this once?” she asked, with a BY ALLENA AIDLEY. CHAPTER IV From New York Weekly: bewitching blush. ‘ Y oh may will • take the - if you • trouble,” he said, a little coldly. He was already sorry for what be had done in an impulsive moment, and heartily wished his wife was at home. Tea was over—bed time ap­ proached—ami then Miss Gilroy, who had been absent from the room a few minutes, came back with a note in her band, directed to Sir Hugh. He broke it open, and read it aloud. ‘•Dear Sir Hugh: — Lady Mary is ill. and I shall stay with her to­ night. Ralph has gone on to D---- and will not be borne for a day or fwo. >,et Frank wait on you until I return. Your affectionate wife. B lanche W.” ‘‘You hear what she says, Miss Frank, but I do not mean to impose <>n vour good nature to-night.’’ She thought, perhaps.be might kiss her good-night, but lie only laid bis hand lightly on her should­ er as he wished her pleasant dreams, and then went away. She heard him go up stairs, through the hall to his own dress ing-room, and shut the door: and having nothing Letii-r to do she fol­ lowed his example. That was the last night the ghost ever walked at Winterdyne Hous . HOR»E» Either I L L U 8 T R A TEDI braiideil Right I!.LUSTRATEI). or The impoo era America, by Theodore Child, will bei, in iiaiprr'H Magazine «luring the greeJ of the year Wl. She art idea on Bootjj3 ifornia.bv Charles Dudley Warner,»] be aontiuued Among other notew3 tractions will be a novel bv Charles! t’ raddot k ; a collection of original t‘ e of plant.' HARBER’S PEPJOi’ICS springing from the carriage, Sir p. . Burna. Harney count;. ■ " * known to be n-.c-t better nd to tl> • Per Year: human system, fort.lit’i; tie ON I V PER Hurh ran quickly up the steps. HARI-ER’S M IGAZINE FECT REMEDY to act gently yc. l^ensions, 11 ARTER'S WEEKLY Before he could touch the hell promptly on the THE DISABILITY BILL IS A HARPERS BAZAR the two w limit leaves which formed HA Rl’El: S Yof'NG PEOPLE LAW. ' R AND BOWELf i Po-tuge Free to nil Sub.-eribtr; KIDNEYS, LOT the door swung open, ami Miss Gil- Soldiers d’sabled nince the war are ; Tniied States, Canada, or Mexico. —AN O T •* - iov stood smiling in his face. Eihitliid Cleans8tte6;steii' tifsuinHy, The volume» of the Magazine bi Depemlcnt widows ami Ptirents now de- the Numbers lor Jane iimi Dive If lie had expected some one else — 5(l 1 HAT - ¡lemlelit whose >0118 died from the efleers oil eiie h iear. When no time 1.« 'peril to meet him there he did not allow army «irvi<-e are included. If you widi -I ripti.m- will tiepin with the Num PURE BLOOD, v< ltr< laim speedilv ami -ucces-fu lv prose- rent at time of reci ipt m orV.. ■ >tli g iis face. WASHINGTON. I> C. .......... ' . Every one is vuirg it Naturally f Row. be »ent by mail, post-paid, on r. ivii • He would have been unlike most and v i'h it. Ask \ you! . ¡•er volume. t Clo for bin j.f.T Willin'*. in, ft ai Ca-es, .<■» and id! all are ire drlightc.l d druggist for bYlil/P OF A IGS. 2*Iai*U' : cents each—I>v liinil, ixnt-i uid. men if a thrill of pleasure had not Index to ” Harper's Mnpnzine. AlnM --------- .......... ................... & iWi faciui factu e e I I ci < ’ Jy Lv ;Le cal. Analytical, and I la '¡licit. I< r V.® »hot through his veins at sight of I tu 70, inclusive, from June, l-Qito'J CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. llis wife' s friend. who had become S an F rancisco , C ’L. PERSONAL AND PROMPT issò, one vol. 8 vu. t loth, $4.»JO * Y ork . N * Reniiitiitiee- sliould be made by I‘o Lo' TCVT» ' • ; »is own friend ns well. ATTENTION GIVEN TO PA I- Money order, er Draft, to avoid • lu.J TRADE “1 am so glad vou have come! ENTS, CAVEATS, Address HARPER A BROTIIE J MARKS, etc. ► he excl a’lned, ii i a clear. ringing York. I NO 1EE UNLE S PATENT oiee. “1 told Lady Blanche you Harder’s Weekly. ? IS SECURED. ('OU RESPOND- would surely be here to supper, blit I LLTSTR ATED.B ENCE SOLICITED. ► he would not I eli< ve me. Blit i’ eh h W eekly nasnever failed Jile H8 a *J«iu: r al of ’ ivihzatiefe^H STODDART & CO., < ome in to the fire—you are cold! thill* 80 Ml h*U (O)FHLt ICMlfd ^K ve T o H^ G13 £: 615 7th Stroot, IL T7, il p, fhibili’ it 8 of r sfluilr.t 88 and h '-■/ And. with her two white hands h :«1 «»f arli8.it* tiud Jiteiary lt« V» *•<•*•< Ferit/. [Oppo-ite I’. S. Patent OtUce.J \ t k ntifi nt he. C. Pov. J. ><•■rpen vuUciie« for the foib •• ing.. : ’ t furitt i • tboui i1 ve r*. v ns- i m ] pit n.i ill.- ill be <« ntii.»| of i ti her nto the library, and shut the door. rt: i«'i ny e v» i.»l pi*v > ihks x j l.'.u; e’Dct t*. ai d wlio, hei ui’ll»* li ernrv. 8< it iitific, A.-trieusly, L’wo » L j oi la .ur Ü «uig’s Narvo louL < tn. < i iiD al. !< p< uihb.it a 1. or < I do not pretend to s iv whose Th Celebrated French Curo, 'ure i üiiti. •• Multar« ti < < i 8 < n it »«\ «.».it aiiti. and Milli^H n I so furnish H-rscilt* hi a civ < i r L t. l.t'biit n^H Ot e, lini Miimunt. A i•. col the qua’ithp ihut Staten color coming and going in her ueati CUARANTC j.«»x -1 e<>. .• t«u»iw4;>. .T aíííih ' u n. «11 . mhl . l ■•• r ii.- 1 •• ! xstor kcenig’s to»* vvr\ home. Memo to cure any foi tiful face, her lovely eyes raised Ne.ve ¡0 ii’id l tr v f. r Pastor Koe ( ’ t lie r v’üi. > di PER YEAR: Du' h - 1 tbiflk ; • ■ jfi DoT j- ivo lived wi l ’ OUt craav disorder uf HARPER WEEKLY ■ tiniidlv to meet his own, he lead ( • ■. • I Ihr the generativo or- HARPER’S MAGAZINE #n»d WiticD 1 ticrived fr, • j it, and Gai oí ciibersex. the secret -he no longer eared t< A, Mi. ! f HA RPEK > B \ 7. \ R. . ■ A.het'ier ari-sinu liua r»-.'!-t;:i■ »>ti. s i bo tL/.c it la ncv. HARPEIC' YOI Ml PF »PI E ■ fr.'Ei'. L ^excessive very p, puUr. hide; mid. bendin g toward her, lie - . A f 7 £1 I’oatnxe Free to all 8uls< ribei8 in the v L'LIA AGNL4 BYRNE. y< a .Ai.rOplu n.orthruugh jojtnful iu i'«rre- Stn»» 8. ' annda. or Mexi» o. put ot e arm around her slender , <,\• r i.uuil ■ ut-.\ Xc h us Low of i rain Valuable Bonk on Xervonr X' o I udks of the Weekly will ■.1’irtE ROPE SELVAGE. »he The firet i . er. V . !\-ur : r down t ains in the 1- I J JL JL Number f»>r .lauuarv of eailSM JH-e.ise'» > .T freie ?o any aG tre-.-. waist, am) kissed her full on her red u. a . t iial Weak:i >s Hj>tera. Nervous Fr s- rFTa a ti poor pnienis < an ai •> obtoiu \\ hen no lime ia mentioDed. aiit-H rip’iu«M *: A • , s • jtdu I 1. ni -uon«, to corrban. biz- 3 RftLwia* thi.. >ne«ii< ir.c ti«*e <>f «-’»»wye. Detiin with the Number current at iips. 1 of ] oi ’ and in) - Preaid Thts rei *1' ’.!•» “t- n piepar-d bythe Reverend ceipr of order. i y, M.i ’ ' De-rlcrte lei ten 1 n l to prcrr.atnro ’ >► ■ r f-.. < ntu. -x 1- , 1 W.»\ »•-■. Hj..ce B *! and , bound VoluincB of Harper’« \Veeklvfff|^B Viee-P A thrill of delight ran through . I .......; . 1 ii’ anlt”. rri°o J? .i>'ab’, óboxca atiiuw i»r». parvd nnder bis uirictlvu b.v tau Heeren wars Im'k, in neat cdo’h bindinu, ’Aill »9 ’It ì V 1 • N VI T-‘- ‘ C! p’ i o* Heeren by mail I*, slag«* paid, or by express. r,er vt ins, hut she did not forg-t her a v T 11»? ng ; \¡: a ? ; i r. » giv n for KOEh’.Q MSD. CO., Chicago, IH. pons-.* provided ’ he iri-ight do» s notex«^9 Secreti • i1 r i ■ • v 1.1 • r t'.cmoney it ¡»er volume) D:ri7.0D n volume. [ Secreti .¡art. She knew he lovi d his wife i i’e/n '.i»ent erro i « r< . eCct d. V. <« 1 q c Schl by J"isis «: per Ftottle. 0for8J. clo’h Cases f »r eat-h Volume. raitti^9 Secret« i«).; -i’-iof k ' a ■ -q v’d nn>l you»;»!, I»Si <-c. . 7 ■*>, U üot ’ 1 »r ^»9, in».ding will be sent by mail p» 8t-psiii^9 yet—a thousand times Letter than b.'* i ?\ ••», u ha be«' i ; .•’•'••an:,ntly r Attorto of |t. ; iibe i» < t nhroditiue. Cintilar ¡ree. Àddre-s CKNOWLEDCED THE £• ESY ceipr Postina ICcininaut»s sh-iu’d be made by .my other woman. for iawits, Gardens.lams, Rauches and RaurMCi Mobev t irtltT »-r braft, t4> avoid (-}:ance<*ii^9 TMr Al,HRO CO. 4Ä“AY»KSlS”irivcsfn«t.int . 1.. 1.1 > .! I.J . Fia.IOliT 'AII> \ddr» F8 HARPER A; BR » P:I ER<. Xewf Box27- l’ouTi-kM». U h . "Ilow good in you, Sir llu-h.” X\ extern brauch. H ■relief und is an lufiilld te ■>. '!!,.I I.',-V , ,)| lain M.I'TIXG. Xe» I’liiiiK t>. 8. 8< M Car» for Pitm. Price jl. Hy ■ X Extra lleary Sc-lrnee. For Sale at \V. E. < race ’ s Mk Dntgyof . .rmnii. S-iniolA ► he said, w ¡th a quiver of the lips Conterei lie M.i.'illen V, oven Wire Fence Co,, Cai-ago, Xli- Harper's Baza H ¡Hfrce.ddn IK! sis,’’ Store. H occhi N-Jz .iiox ~Uó, New Leu t .iy. t hat had tempted him. “If. instead Secreta l L I. U S T II A T E D Trenini rN-'W 5 of being alone in the world, ton Hupt. F T! hiper s B azar is a journa f»»r th* State • *i\i:ig the la ebt infvrr.iat’on wi h « I Ull UlU » IlfK acre my—brother—how happy I tbe r.’ishi.a s. i k numer. H8 illUBtrHlk»:» R lievo SuppreN«» . hut pui eF. n:iG pattern 8heet nupplein could be!” MvUHtruatiun. I >ec indi8pri.Fable alike t»» the home ‘ .-h 88 h .-i’ modiaie. N«> ex, t Ì She had said just enough. That ands of prominent la is spared in intikin# is artistic aftracii- du s mkjw »A y Thor <•! it.4* highest order. 1’8 clever short* one little sentence bad stilled h>> Caveat?, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat­ oyghly reliable and District par.'r plH'8. and ih»>ui.htful efsa>8 MM at e. " \\< nil tweuti ent bufo» !•? . I'nducted for Moderate I ees. Diät riet lis t s. amt V8 fast page ia famous ns *9 conscience. . umor lit i s weekly isssrt9 Jotnt-K Our O.iire is Onoosde U.S. Patent Office, tunes their wetgt t in and we tv - ch “ « r-»tent In less time than those :hing is im bu ed which is of interest to*S| Joint-ts g*-id /or irrrjy- He drew her nearer to him, fold t< !•.' *s. Sever known W • n Duriug 1M»1 vic-8 u. ortusbee will wnM9 Send mouei. drawing er photo., with descrip­ to fail. of articles on *The House (4 »in fort able j| ed his arms around her. and, while tion. We a 8’it.u stu - • 88’- it <»: papers »»it “WlO| County he felt her heart beat faster and ’ ■J»TTAeh.'*-«T5: A P ”*chlet. ••Iiow to Ohti P.uents.” with Art and Hist.irx.’ supcrblv illustrated.t^H Clerk name« of »- •*. il chert« in your State, county, or furnished by 1 hv.itiore< hild. Theserii® Treasu: - The Aphro Medicin :T»e.f IA£ST: faster against his own, he kissed town, eent free Audrey*’ a ill be by Wal er Bvsatit and Thomas y» WOODWORK COMPANY, ■■ ■ » her again at d again, until In* began 11ARBEK’S BERTODICAM C.A.SNOW&CO. »Ve.tern Branch, to feel a if he could never let her Opposite Patent Office. Wash.nqton. D. C. £„<-«»0. n iste* r$u«£.f« v »*>'■ '■. Per Year I'ortlaii.1, Oreffou. llJà« •s»T0«.*<«»a «OU.-A.C«. HARPERS BAZAR K FOR SALE BY yo out of bis arms again. •r R ’ S M IGAZINB . ir •• t r ne*hav- t f‘ n marteav w> A f. r I.«, I" Anna 1' g*'. Au«rin. HARPER’S WEEKLY "Ah!" and she drew a long, long PENSION, POSTAL. I AND ami NEW HOME SEWING MA­ Tria«, at , . R. nn. I vleelo. < ■!>•.■ H A KPI-It’S Yo( N«. PEOPLr. See cut. Vi hers are d -ing a» well. Why Ptfsraue Free to all buds -ribers in the INDIAN DEPREDATION CHINE CO., 72Ó Markit St., hot y 'U .' Some mm over #30«. IM» a States, < anada. or Mexico. breath of delicious pain, “if Volt Month. Y -u can do the work and live at home. v» h*-r ■» rr you are Even be- Sait Francisco, Cal CLAIMS. would let me l e your sister. Sir The volumes of the Bazar b»»gin with i’nner* arc eas > earning from Si to I ’a «lay. AU arr«. We show you h w number for January of ea<*b year. Paicfic Department. Hugh!” and «tart you tan work in rv tin»« is time is ir.euri.»ned. subscription siC^B or all the rime. Big money for vaork- with 'he Number current at the time of fl er». f ii ah m «¡none them. I \W OFFICES OF “1 will let Volt la* any tiling you i M'W and wnnderf'tl Particular»free. of order. Boiiunev order or Draft, to av«»id cbanij THE ONLY TRUE Adrvss: HARPER A BKO I NDER 1 Hi: DIRIA HON <>F she sahl. merrily enough, though f"~ »? Kfl-NVws; •sr«T, are not to copy W. R HE ARST. (Editor and Pro ­ « *4‘ the .bow aitvertiaenienia inderneatli the < arelvss words her h-z • xi - ?>. ..rr.vr of HARPER A. HKOTa^H — 4 heart was in a tumult, "I am sure prietor San Francisco Examiner.) et vf ‘cf ipmsrlcn and ct>- I i .►* >s tl«»w io you are hungry after vour long JOHN WEDl'IT.l I KN. M in _■ r I . nu, < arsita, Trade _ «, < »H* Ma, **t /r**- dis F. Street. Northwest Washing- •ide.” ’.« ¡. UM Ä CO H mnrfuHf ton. 1*. C, She had reached the \ » Urk. Will prs«tH'V in XV ’ F»-*“v 'W WWT; •• • he called her back. L »*r nau BM»»»» «nd E*»t»r» t..8 tnil« >ta’tn, ihr « M r MO i »«4 l»y«(>*OMK r »< f th« Distri C THE SEST , Wart of Api«*’to, ln-D * L-ck cf btr»r<-h an f Tir*4 8 Illustra. -, I)e«npiivc atni Pixw I *• ¡wi*h«4’it«lrrMr* her, ami I think •h» intended to l’re eintion at.d llm.it stead e.i- - €• 1 I j iky c-'i . •» n. Fr*-n«. » et8Tn-.-«»tc»A-i.i*’.".k a / i-'.-TT I I m only . 1.1 • i-*v nt y of er»cin«l D» so« *•!•* ml »«'4 ar t> a^a vf any orbar brar.it N c Bill she si«td we should Uet wait it office. Department »f thè Interior h, CÍTROIT. n CH. ■ H»,D k« I n »*» bma B»w « ■ . 1 I li I 1.1 M IM Bs • s»« F she was not here Can I not |s'ur and thè Supreme Court I . .UM KMJ.T. Jer ■* 1 AZERAS& vt Dr. HART» GP UUúi K»