Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1891)
Crane Creek Iteiria. F inal proof : —Bart Cronin reports his crop AH THERE .' ----------------------- ------------- looking splendidly. The amount of rain we are hav LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON, JULY 8. 1891. What Bargains At —Corvallis is going to have a ing this summer, reminds one of Notice in hereby given gi.eii that TliHt the following followiim BATCRDAY, JULY 18,. 1189 named settler litis tiled notice of his intention Webfoot. carriage factory.—Gazette. : B, C. GEEB’S; : to make final proof in support of his claim and bind vroof will be made before the Regis MANVFACTVRER a V DEALER Our mutual friend has the dumps that —N. Brown will start in a few ter ami Receiver, at Burns, Oregon, on August U 1891, viz: ci il County Paper. days for Calif., with a drove of well since the 4th. IN ALL KINDS OF William 1». Buclianan. broke horses. The ermkets have done our Pre. DS No. . for the h’» of W‘, of See 9, tinware Tp 22 S. R . .. E W M HAS LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY —New Stock ot Glass, Putty, neighborhood a great deal of dam lie names the following witnesses to prove Tinware repaired. his continuous resident e upon and vulth at ion NEWSFAPEK IN THIS COUNTY. age. of. said laud, viz* Charles Roper. Reulen Clay ---- ------------- ---------- Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc., at Geer’s. Also Deal« r in Fishing Tackle ami Thus. Poller and Tin s Vickers, all of No charge for cutting glass if you The wet weather is damaging the pool. Haruey, Oiegun. Sporting Goods. Local News. buy of me. J-l hay crop very much. •J. B. H untington , Register. B urns ................................ O regon —Loyd Culp ami his father have Mr. Gray has been absent, on —Our d—1 says “the weather is been kept very busy for some time, the road to Huntington, 21 days. warm ’. Notice to Credit or*». in our town, painting old and new The family getting some what un —Goed wheat at N. Brow n’s $1 buildings. easy at his prolonged absence, his In the matter of Swart« dr Millet, Insolvent Blacksmith shop, with tools. Best per bushel. —Go to Tex’s Saloon and Frank sou has gone to ascertain the cause. ! Debtors. To whom it max concern: The undersigned location in Burns. Inquire of N —Henry, how much bulk does Lewis will help you to a nice cool, gives u««u<*ethat un the -Nd«lay of Max, The Crane creekers had a glori htweb.x Brown. ¡8J1, Ewarts a V Miller, ii:s.»l\ent debtors, of Har eight pounds of lamp black make? refreshing drink of the best of beer ous fourth, at Harney, eating pea nev County, stale of Oregon, ma»ie, execute«! deliverer! loth«* undersigiie*l I heir « ertain —If you want to hear a good sun or lemonade. . nits AND SHOOTING FIRE-CRACKERS. and deed of assignment, eon\ejing alltheir prop flower story, call on Geo. ¡Sizemore. both 11al hih I personal m trust, for the GREAT N0VELTI3-S —Assessor Alberson reports gram What’s the matter with the good erty, benefit <>f their t reditors. Now, therefA»rc, all cre«iil«'is and others intvreste«i in said —Jordan Horton received quite crops looking well, but thinks the people of Harney? No liberty car, such & JAPAN estate ar«* hereby notified I a » present their CHINA a supply of Drugs and notions this crop will not be as heavy per acre no horseback parade, no brass claims and tieniaiiils agaii s’ sui«: «sate, prop verified, as by saw re«juired, at the otfiee of week. as last year. band; for shame! Harney must do erly i he undersigned, in Bilker Citx, Oregon, wi«h GOODS AT in three months from the pubiiraii«)n hereof better next year. —Our worthy Sheriff is expect —The Robbins mercantile house Dated June 19. I 9t. The people collected at the school C W J ames , Assignee. ing his house to come in on "wheels” received, this week, a splendid as Sing s: to-day. sortment of the latest styles and best house where the procession was Il A Nil KERCH I EES, OE Fl M STSJI K.l'HEA I formed, with about 14 dogs in the —The I. O. O. F. lodge of our quality of hats. pro- rear. From this point tie- TEA, 40<-tn A PACKAGE; As MANY FIKI J r hereby given that < u the 15 «’nx of Ju’x t — Irwin Geer left Barns yester town have treated themselves to a up cession slowly meandered l^'l. nt the hum «»f lo o’cl.x k XM.uinHi.l < :ix . day morning for Huntington, to at tine outside lamp. the un<lernigi e«t will pell at the ««»irii M of CRACKERS AS A SMAI L BOY CAN CAHIM anti Miller, at their reflitleiit e in i ari.»n , tend to some complicated freight 1 Broadway, to the store of Mr. Sxx<»r:fl l ake val’ey, ilau.ex county, Orey\»n, to the j FOR-'.«:,. ALL OTHER THINGS AT SAMI —Scroll and black Vignette pic- matter in that town. Burdick, there the officers called highest biU«i«r, for «ash in hand, all tin (.-!-' . a halt, everybody stopping and the low in ■ <it p rihe«i perhotial pr<»|er< \, ami i hat , RATE. tures taken at Canaday’s Photo, tela, and and ail th«* right, title anti interefli, M — Harney county wool has begun gallery. dogs came to the front. The pho anil Glenu \\ . Miller, c.iparinei’H uh 4 A NEW STOCK OF GOODS to move towards the railroad, sever tographer leveled his camera at the x.vorh S aa . i ’ h Milicr, a firm residents of Barton . —An excellent quality of ma al loads passing through town late ON THE ROAD I. ake valiev, Harney count), Oregon, had on i procession, including the dogs, and the -i ll «lax •!' «)« tober, is 0, and «• pint e ha«l chine oil at Cal. Geer’s Hardware ly Granty County News, ot now have therein or thereto, wit : took a negative, of which we know One hundred and three hva«i of ¿h.» if « f . con I store lor $1 a gallon. —The well-known democratic aa ar- he was very proud. We were pipiiiig of lnarffl. <-oltfl. geldinpp ami f »«Hi. up, I 1 mules, a milch 1 x earing heifer, . oi —A hay crop to be cut and put horse, Wm. M- Townsend, is now then ordered by the marshal, Mr. heinl of ramp, one : • -,4 Mil«*hell wagon, one ;»•„ up on the snares: Call at the H er editor of the Lakeview Examiner, Tom Houser, who, in (lying colors, Mitc hell \xugoti, two t Uggivp, ;4 p «» f of train j hnr. eflfl. one set of buggy harness, one ino xei ' ald otlice for particulars. hay i ake. II. C Bench having retired. headed the procession, to take up ami Ail one i ch said property being now iu th«- p< ss. s- | —The Prineville stage must be —The Commissioner’s Court re the line of march for the picnic pi.nofW M K idkh I vv . agent ,»t lie under - e«L in said Ballou i nk«- xalley, and said , c on its “ear” this trip. It came in let the contract for building the grounds, where we had singing and t-.g' sale be’ng under unit by virtu«» of un assign ' meut t«> me, made by Fait! SwoitpA: Miller, for ; at 5 o'clock this morning instead bridge over Silvies river near l)r. speaking. .Ml the proceedings of the benvtii *Z of llieir cieniiorp. ami of tiiiie Max ! of 5 o'clock this evening. Embree’s. E 11. King. R. F. Clay tlie day had a funereal appearance, . i Ji. upon \v hit h paid th^rc are of re« ord in I iiu-t ey < ounty, Oieg-*n, ami as li«*np up,m paid I —Our flouring mill is now mak pool ami T. J. Hellen were the final or expression that was truly gloomy pimpem tlivhe'chattie morlgages. to-\\ it e* The first, given by said Swoits <k Miller to The dinner was excellent. ing a very good grade of Hour. We contractors. Price, $804.60. J. Dill kheiliivi x l«1., on the -Oth «lav of Octo- ' M. E. her, 18< • a ii ci filed in ¡lie otlice of ihe ( .»untx , know this for we are using the flour —The fact, that physicians pro i ( ierk of Hai nex c ounty, oil Oct»»l»«*r - bl 18'j.i for I lately made by the mill. the fl’.»m of |l,-k>9 : I with interest from dale at nounce, drinking much water in SYISl’1- OS' I U.S. ' ten ncr cent per tiuuum, up«»n v» hi« h said ' —Persons indebted to Martin hot weather, very unhealthy, has Produced from the laxative ami nu i . - ....... rigage “ l here u «»niy a small ha am «* iiUt*. ’be sec«»nd, given 1») Raid Swoitfl .V Mill«*r, n* Byerly for meat, are requested to not been forgotten by Bozv; he has t ritious juice of California tigs, com > to I Dr. ii. E. M iller, on the 17th da of ,N. vein- o IS'.- », mid fiied in th-’otlice of the* <'< i«iit> <-•- come and settle up immediately. beer on ice and various other nice I ined with the medical virtues of « her. -t ’ivrk of Raid lia. iiey ( oiiuty, Nov«*ml « r t.s, is'.t • oq No “josh” about this, be means it. cooling drinks which are healthy. plants known to be most b -ntieial to for I in* Ftim of ¡f-,'» J 00, mid interiH! thcreou a: M leu percent permmum from «tale. Í’ the human system, acts gently on Several loads of emigrants passed The third, given b\mid bv..-rs iV Miher, 1« —Have you seen these lovely <4 i to ilenr.» Wiliiamp, on theLflth liny of Noxem the kidneys, liver and bowels, ef- trimmed hats at the Millinery through town last Monday, geim her, 1anti tiled in the otii< c of Ihe ( oliutx Jerk of said ilnrney coiintx. Dvrrml «*r Uth. Store ? Not vet; but intend to get south, their destination being Har fectually eeansing the system, dis- .« for .the sum of |8i<s 00, xxiih liiteresi then on •n pelling colds and headaches, and ney county. Harney is prospering ai ’«‘U per « ent ¡ er annum fr»*ni «nite one as soon as possible, before they Thai alter ihe pa.meut of all «« r r ami ex curing habitual constipation. this year, and can doubtless main 't are all sold. ptusrR invurred in g i hering mi l seiliux pai . tain a large immigration. — Grant h«>ifli r . I he prut ectiH of Flic h Hille x\ 1 ] e, l»y nu- S 1 ’ 1! A Y I-. •. —Left at the Saloon of L. Bosen- app ied iu paying anci fliitiflf.ving said m. ri gages in t heir or«;ei ms Ih«*x appi iir of recon! in Strayed from Burns? Harney Fuid I breg s, threepairsof childrens shoes County News » liarnuy < utinix, to->»it N — U. S. Hal), President of th< county. Oregon, on i r about the 1st The baiam e cue«J . l)ui kheinivr A- Co. andkme pair of ladies. The ow ner 0 upon their note, inotigage, principal mid inter *T3 Missouri State Alliance, in a speech 21st of May, six head of iiorscs and can get his property by paying for (.8 . W *-4 l almiee. if any there be, be. will be !>«* up made in the Texas Alliance conven one colt, belonging to the under 2d. The balmier, thisilocal. tr piiea iu billist*. ing I he Dr. B. E. Miller ntorgag«- tion l ehl at Fort Worth, said that signed. principal ano in c*u pl. 0 —Parties are still busy working, Dr. McCune had sold out to tin if any there I e. will be up w Description and brands ns fol plie«l lit The put balance s> inf', ing the Henry Wiliiitii H 111.41 tbe prospect for gold on Soldier protectionists. He said it was nr prim ¡pal and interest. Creek, in this county, feeling confi disgrace that McCune had gotten lows: O iii - bay horse, about 16.) gage, ce >aiu sa e l«» coinineuee at tbe hour of 10 hands high, branded on left shonhier o’clut k. m'« r« paid.amt continue from lime* to dent that ttiey wilTstrike it rich time, until nil of said proper!) , or ku IF i ienl into the Alliance, but it would be ('A! one bay horse 14.1 hands high, thereof, ip Fold to putipiy puid ntoi'igMgcfl und when they reach bedrock. come a disgrace if so dishonest :: with large saddle marks on both in ert pi. —Everything in the hardware I man was not immediatelv turned sides. Branded on the left shoulder i'ateii tint; Hd da of July, l>’il. ( . W. J A M ES, line, received at Geer’s last week. out. It is thought that the out ('; one brown horse branded (’ Assignee of s.vortR Miller, ii s.»lvvnt Debtoip Granite w are, Machine oil, Meehan come of the convention will lie a on left shoulder. 4 years old; one ics tools, Mowing machines, all split in the State Alliance. bald-face Lay mare, four, white feet <>F F iU< Lost RE AN!' kinds ut harvesting tools, cheaper branded C a l«-ft shoulder; em SHERIFFS NoTICK — One King — we. have forgotten OKI I.R «>F SA EE. than dirt, for cash. his init’als—came to this otlice, ii bay mare, star in forehead, branded Know all men hx Ihese presrii r , That pursu —The Sher'fT from Goldendale company with .John Barr, whom we C a on left shoulder; one sorrel uut to a «let tee of i he < i r< nit t oiiri <»f i lie state < iregoii. for Harnev count , mad«* and en Wash arrived here this morning have been acouainted wAh forsoim horse about 14 or 14.1 hands high, of tered on I he ’.2<1 « a*, of May, A. D. 1 • •<.. i t- a «nil herein Johanna ( . «'rump exit* p'liinlifl and and pronounced the persons being time. Mr. King left a communi blazed face, all four feet white, xx Frank M Jordmi am« Tillie Joid«>n, his u if«*, and I rank Brofl’ Implement Co.. wc;re defrnci- held here awaiting his coming, not cation for publication, which we L fl lor Five hundred ami Rt \enl< »¡even aim tbe parties wanted, consequently supposed, from the explanation branded CA on 'eft shoulder and a:i I* -1 • '<) «lol I ms and inter« Ft from I he Fa id 2.« I <ta\ of Mav. tS'.'l, nt I" per « ent pc i nunntn mid they were immediately released. made bv the gentleman and sane yearling colt, branded C \ on left Fif'. \ p«’ \ A. en D. <;’7/doi atfl at torn«* a let f and c•« f f mol diBbuifleip«*ntR of ' nr a«*' ion tax«■ I at thh x out. shoulder, and, when turned —St rckinen can now get honest tioned by our acquaintance, Mr seven and -1« 0 . i 'iM-ltOpiulhi t r a t.d for 1h«* lot <• weights bv shipping or selling stock Barr, to be a josh on some intimate had on a halter muzzle. A liberal < h sure of a « er »1 i. real nt« r gage *4 dati ’h <Ja> of Noveinbei, A D 18'*o, and n ace l»\ at Huntington. The O. C. Co. hav friends ami associates. All sheep reward will be paid by the under 5 Ruhl de •• 'mi F. Fra; k M. Jordon mm 11111« Jordon, hid wife, to the paid J• hmm a c (’rump signed for their return to Burns, or ing just completed oneof Fairbanks shearers know the privileges taken upon he* I- hr ' hali of the Notihwc..« quarter Stock Scales, and arranged a large in sheep camps, and for ns to re information ghen whereby they moi the W c * r ha'f of th«* Northern«' <|um*ter of t- ' • ' !■ in t.bhip T < ;H \ corral for the purpose. Certified fuse to publish his jokes, we tho’t, may be recovered. RoUtb Range thirty-tw*«.mid a InDfG/j .) » W M. containing l< «> arr« R. ail lying and being ( iiari . es A nderson . weights given. 4-24. would have been an offense to the ’ii rlarncx county, orngon, and dire« ling me to s l paid ’ m < r to flatiafv Raid dec ree uh n n\ be. whole sheep shearing crew It —E C Taylor, who was first l-’or Over I ’ifiy Year«. No w. t h«*«efore, I will otTer and Beil the fluid AN O lo ANh W ell T ried R emki » y . — Mr- award- <1 the building of the bridge comes to light, since, that Mr King Winslow la1 »1«. to u ii: Soothing " rnp has been used f. r The E’ ..»f the NW, and tlie W’, of the Nl \ across Silviesriver at Dr. Embree’s was almost an entire stranger to over fifty ’s years by millionsof nittilit rs for their of .» fi 16 Tp’.-»-, R ■ -’ > EW M, <■obtaining b children while teething, with perfect sweeps a> re« h ing and being in Hame\ <• giiiu < tregon, the gentleman lie alleged to have place, when summoned before the it Boothes the t bile, softens the gums, alia s together wlib all, and dingular. the teniuiientt. left the camp at a double quick a'i pain, < tires wind («»lie. ami is the best rein he ■edi'nmeii R appurlenanc c fl.ih«*r« unto bcloim X courllto aive bond, reconsidered his v for Diarrhea*«. is pleasant to 'he taat«* ing. or in any manner apporimning to paid bid, informing the court that tbe pace for fear of a pretended detec ed Sold by Druggis t in every part of the World. Imidd, amt a i i he right, title, Inioreflt and « r o rents a bottle. Its value is im ah n tat* fran hfR»*fl, pop*« dflio’i, right «»f por-N« pflioii price was too little, and threw up tive. We are sorrv to lose confi Twenty-five lable Be sure ami ask for Mrs Winslow's ami the property of ih«'fluid Frank d. J. idon "0 dence in an individual, lint Mr. -■»o' i-ine ! up. >1' 1 h D- 1!.. .iilio k ,II'! the contract. and TIDte Jord«m, bld w if«n and I rm k Bn a’ I mpiein c * ti t < o in mol to flahi Imid« an«l n*l —The report that I)r. Ashford is King certainly could not expect an » n< h ami ever-, part and parrel thereof which STOCK BRANDS. h Ha, of Hardin A Riley, «atile branded Von left tide. thev lherain or thereto Lu*l <»n the not exp-cted to come back is false. other communication from him to Horae November, \ D bw for raah to th»* highenf brand t left aide, r u. Burrs. Oregon appear in our columns; it would bidder, at public aii»*tn»n at th»* <’«»urt He ha been sick, and will return | door in th«* t««w n of Burna, Harn«*\ «• nnty, i)r as sooi as he is able to travel. In most assuredly find its wav to tin- J. C. Foley, ca’tle brand son right aide. «•gon, commei'rlng <»ti Mot «tax. the -« th »ta* « I I Horae brand — on left shoulder. July, A D 1*91. at two o’doc k. P M. of mil«i «lay the me inti me his partner. Dr. Boyd, waste basket. Williams A Williams,cattle brand. CBon l**ft ar««1 ar»y overplud there mav be, af’rr *-aiiflfylng R I >»• f>f can fllways be found at his oflice in hip Horae braml, i 1 on right «title. P, o. Riley. «aid d«*cree of | «77.1O *fi«l hit<*r«*M her«*«>n and Si rayed. the I ->7.«a»att«>r’ir' « !«•«•. m«*nt|.»tn-d th«*r«*ii< and J day-tit le and at the sheriff'« oflice Horses branded j Ton left stifle. Cattle I rami the »oat« and «liid urp«n:eniR of f. 7. > and a< ruing roa a and exiwna« a «»f ea r. will be »«¡. •n the room of M. R. Biggs at night. Fiom Burn«, on or about the 20th ed ) ' on left hip. Marlon Bnnvard, PO Buri.a < plied, ar « ordlng t«i Hie tenor «»I rh !«I deer« «*, t > y.,ur the paj inent of the decree «»f Frank i.rofl' Irn —Th»- Grant County News, this of May, on dark bay horse, branded f¿i LEGAL A D V ERTI8EM ENTS pl«'m«*nt <’>•., therein meni !«»!•«• I < .»>.*•. and nr I iii’«r« fit tin- . fl from . .4 ».a \ «if Max. week, gives a pointer to beware of on left shoulder c', weight 1,400, \ D ¡Mil and >: > i>U at «»rnr) fee mentioned n ri.tu 1 R I i: .< < o.» « <* *»«« ageBtt- who claim to be working for shod with team shoes, right hind therein and arcruing co«’« NOTICE. \n«l any over pmi ternainh g after aatlafving ankle crooks out, 16 hands high, tbe WP- < fit of the farmers in a pro- Not lee is hereby given that on the ¡.'»th day of the two decreed, above nient.«»r-ed. to b«* paid May 1891,1 appuiiite I the following named per toth* Clerk of thia r«»ui»ty, aiibjerf tv the «>r»ier tectir« association. They promise 8 or 0 years old and very gentle. sons depot) stock inspectors of Harney county: • •f Frank M. Jordon and Tillie Jordon, km wife, to sell goods very low, but they are Any one giving information of Jobs i. mi » v . oi < rane 1 reek; Harris*»». Bee after de«lu<*ting all legal <• r r and expenara ward of Diamond; A M. Hogan of silver« reek then accrued «»r which max «»erne bogus and any money paid them is whereabouts will lie liberally re F. G Blume of Emigrant Creek; George Mor in witneM whereof. I hav«? hereunto act my gan, of Dre*«ejr. th M. N. F bgtley . I heridihia 19th day of June, A Dlttd. n away so far as any benefit warded. Thus. G. Dor»aow, A. A. < owing , will crue to the farmer Burns, Ore. Stock Inspector of Harney county. bberlff Harney County, Oregon. Semi-Weeklj7 Herald, I . : I ■t- Ä f '«n «t "in M " ■ I I ■! 1 W rni : I y WV 1 I I Jy ■■ W ec h r »r •. . - .ilt.if - r <.1.1 «ii.>1 in »»• *» ■Wl B I W ■ ■ .,»« n I « / Ii »- .«»V ■ ■■ W ■ W lui ■ Wt furni«h e»*rvihinr W*> .tart « u So r1*k X . «n dev©’ y->«»r apar» «!>■•»»»•«»»«. < f all time «o th» I hia la a- entfrrly u- w lr.<<1,4t»>l bunga »• ondi rful at........... .. . »»»» wot«»« Br^lnnara ar» »am<ng f. m Io f .»«• p r . an I iij want» • nd mor» after • Utt ta et i.rri-n. » W» ean furw- -1» yon «ha »r» «i .»»»»•■ii« and te», h y- g lit«. So aj barn. F»» t