NOTICE. —The Harney Jocky Club dechl-1 —Henry Caldwell has rented N.itlce isliereby Kivi* thnron thè IMh dayof AH THERE ! to hang up one purse for u trotting Mart Brenton’s interest in the White Mftv ÌH ’ J I. I p.i l tno UL^uir»»» «iui»u.t »_ M ig iv l, uppointe tffe f. following named À pvr- so!.» depul} stock InBpectoraof Hartley counlv: race Front Livery Stable. Mart thinks John Bridge, of i rune < nek; lltirri'aoii *. Z z IN Alt KINDS OF g» 5? i C Oregon. a. Local News, 5 so tinware PKOPOSA. s FOR BUILDING BRIDGE: —New Stock of Glass, Putty,, « a. 3 *< § a « o Sealed p-oi>e«a!» »ill he received l>v the Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc., at Geer’s. Tinware repaired. (Ï o County Clerk fur I ui'dr g h bridge tier« fp Sil ­ Í» U —Good wheat at N. Brown's *1 No charge for cutting glass if you ■ 5 I vi cp River, on whnt ip known h » the Embrtv p it S' “1 Also Dealer in Fishing Tackle ami ft X. A Road. Harney county. Oregon, ►tiul bridge to per bushel. □ buy of me. J-l T Í» be a RiibaiHinial bridge with guard mi)» and g> Spurting Goods. CL 3 apprvRt hes. Al! pr«»p»»pa.» to be h .■cun!pauied —-Notice the change in W. N. O —Mrs David Moomaw, of Baker a wi hpiHDBand Ppecitictviou». Said prop»>«!> B erns .................................. O regon . Jorgensen'8 ad. be opened by the (Aunty Court, on City, is visiting her parents, Mr. 1st Department, S6 20 40 7M0 140 will Weduvpiav. July H. lvii. The Court xeserving til 40 24 II ■ ft HO the right io reject any and all bid» —Isaac Foster made a hurried and Mrs. Ilembree on Poison creek 2d Department, 112 ;e, Court. Pupils who have been preftent By order <>f the County W this week. ami other relatives and friends in E. G bacr , Clerk. I arní J visit t<» our town tins every »lav, during the t. rm, with« ut lebt» turns and vicinity. —We are incl. ----- <1 to Charles^B . ........ ! Blacksmith shop, with tools. Best Xoliee to Vrctlitorn. Zeigler for some very fine lettuce. — Bob Reed has moved himself b< ing tardy: Flora Williams. Chas In the matter of Swart« A Millet, Insolvent location in Buri s. Imjuire of N Davis, Ben Lloyd, Lin i i Marshal, | Brown. —Neri Ackies. division agent of again, this time into the new resi­ Emma Clendenen ami Bello Citi.-, Debtors. To wh.nn it niav concern: The unrtersiicned hereby gives noticetbat oh tie .o'.im of May, the N. M. ami T. Co., is in Burns. dence lately erected by Will. (»ass. dem n. !. tv»ril A Miller, insolvent debhe's, >f Hnr re. Oiinty. State of Oregon, l .udv. ex, , ute.l —Scroll ami black Vignette pic- I Bob’s awfully lazy, but he gets a The public School at Harney, the a-id delivered to the undertime»! th.dr < ertiiin GREAT HOVELTIE'S tureattaken at Canaday’s Photo., move on him sometimes. lot assignment, eonieiing all their prop coming year, will be graded. /. de< erty, both real anil personal in trust, for the gallery —George Washington died at Mt. course of study has been < utlineiF benefit of their creditors. Now, therefore, all CHINA & JAPAN credit, is and others inter,sted in raid —Hank Leverts will start to Cal-' Vernon on Wednesday Dec. 14 1799. by the school board,and attheeL sc such estate are hereby notified to present their Age 68, and was laid to rest in the and demands ai-ainat said es’ate. prop GOODS AT ifornia with a band of horses in a of each spring term, those pupils " aims > verified, as by law required, al 'he othi e of family vault on the banks of the completing the course of study and j er few diays. >I e nnderalgi.ed, in Baker city, <>rt ut>n, wiili three months from the publication here.u —No news, vet, from the court of Potomac.—Ulster County Gazette. passing satisfactory examination.! in bated June 1», fib. Dec. 22d 1799. C. W J ames , Assignee. V, Orrji Judge Shattuck, on the county seat will obtain diplomas. Many use­ U.K ND KERCH IEF8, OFF1M STS11 K, CHEAP —Ti.e Harney Jockey Club met ful things will be introduced in our l’rinl- question. TEA, 40<-t« A PACKAGE; AS MANY FIRE­ NOTICE. —An excellent quality of ma­ a few days ago, and elected new public school that will a id to its !» hereby given th»t ou the 15 d»v of July , 1 skill- CRACKERS AS ASMA1I, HOY CAN CARRY WU, at th • hour of 10 o’clock A m . oi paie cut and put highest muir*.! bbld« tu im r, f.»r i.T í cash hbíi in nana, hand, un all ine tiie fol fol- I Vice-President J. C. Buckland ami ceive graduating diplomas, are: ! lowing «lee Rnvel ril'd! ‘ pedonai , nini :........ <• hat t ’ ' ‘ . ... proper!\ r. r . ........ np on the shares: Call at the H er ­ Ira Bovce; Secretary John E. Log- »’ STOCK OF GOODS Cardi, I f . and inilii ’iil all the th ' n«ht, riuht. Htl.Ktnri \t 1 anti title and i»n»»r.»*!t iutereat, M Misses Edith ami Belle Claypool, 1 h teip, s and Gienn w. Milhr, copartners t»a ald office for particulars. ON THE ROAD gan; Treasurer Louis Woldenberg. Emma and Belle Cleddenen, .Mary Su..r *.v«rp A Miller, a firm lvaidents of Kart«»n I Lak* valley, Harn \ county, Oregon, ha i on — Willie Gass,as a bronco buster, Riley, Eva Swain, Hattie Bunvard, reason —Th»? fencing of the Burns cem­ IhekJ'l day >i October, isyo, aud ha\e since had is a decided sueees. (?). Willie did etery will be finished in a few days, Ida Marshal, Maggie and Rose Log- I oi now have therein or thereto, to wit: One hundred airi three Head oi;horpeR, coil . you lpok for a soft place? ’iiiu of mart s. Cviltp, geMinga and piallioua, and the association hopes the good gan, Luella McDonald. Messrs. Fib i uni.eb. milch ( pwf . 1 \eatlii.g heifer, .u —Tex’s resort, Frank T,»-wis sole people of Burns and vicinity will Henry Clendenen, Ben Lloyd. Al­ head of ramp, one l :‘-4 Mitchell wagon, one j Mitch» :! wag .u, two buggies, *4 sets of team [ dispepser «ofcocktails and fine cigars lose no time in buying lots, for ma Davis Robt. Lehman and Alva him esF, one ph oi buggy liarncBR, one mower M oi . i . ie L ehman . ami one hay rake. L ‘ :s in it” and don’t you forget it. which each purchaser will get a Bunyard. Ail of j iid property being now iu the posae»> Principal. Pi.»n (Led. The association desires to of W M Kingsley, agent .»f the under­ — Janus Newc -men called at the A c. signed, iu said Bat loti l ake valley, ami paid SYKU>* OF FIUS. II ebaid oflice this morning, and pay off the indebtedness as speedi­ pale being under and by virtue of an assign iiifliiI to me, made by said Sworts eV Miller, for ly as possible. Produced from the laxative and nu­ the OREf renewed his subscription. Lent .fit of their ereditois. mid of dale Ma\ . iso], upon w hich said there are of record in tritious juice of California figs, eom- —The Saloon of wh • h Bozv is —The committee on program of Harney eoiiuty, «ircgoii, and as liens upon paid proprietor\nd '‘Li^Ji; 1 . hind the the Harney Jocky Club did, we i Lined with the medical virtues of pr. perry these’« hattle mortgages to w it: ri-Rt. given by said Sworip A Miller to bar, is the place to get the boss drink think, a wise act in offering a purse plants known to lie most, 1» ttIjcial to ’. lhe i'ui knvi nt r ik ». o.. on the -Olli (ia> of Octo­ ber, and filed in the oftlte of the Count) tin- human system, arts gently on for a trotting race. That is some­ < lerk of Iiarnev county, on October L4d IM'D f.»r c. or cigar. the kidneys, liver ami bowels, et ­ die min oi <1,; ■•» r I wit h interest from date at —Mrs. L A. Copshal took advar­ thing all should Le interested in, leu u. r cent per at.num. upon which said ilis ­ feetually ceansirtg th»» svstmn, our races should not be as hereto ­ in.•: .gn-’e thert is only a small l.»alan< e due. tage of the H erald ’ s low club rate- given by said Sw.uts w Miller, and sul'scrilted for several papers fore. confined entirely to fast horses, polling colds ami headaches, mi»! to ibesecoud, l»r. I Mill« r. on ihe 1711 t a? of \ovvm curing habitual constipation. :> uni ;ind pt riodica’s. r, I '•■. and filed in the of tiie < ounti let us have something more lik»‘ at, . • . f said Harney count), November IS, lbiiu inalityj —Tn»* family cf \V. W. Johnson annual fair, saddle horses, fine driv­ S tilA i i. -, th. sum ci * . ■ 0 ‘H, iu .i iiuerepi tin reon at t pei a.inuTn from date. Strnveil from l.urns, ILirmy vii i y-.a-.-e- E. and P F. St. ngcr, left town Monday ing horses, buggy horses single and ■ » i ■ ; » (•'. b> said Sw«.r s A Miller, to to i.i'i ■» Wiii onihelcth day oi N'ovem morning, for the mountains to rus double, draft lmrses and also »‘fler comity. Oregon, ui < r about the I ■'!•. ¡' n. and i; .-ms eu in the office of the County a premium for fine stallions. 21st of May, six head d’ hots» s ,u:d ■ ." ik < f mid Har: ey ccuutv, Dereml vr ¡1th. —— ticataa ft w days. o: • r. n 1» c •'■>00, wi h lutertst thereon r a* num from dale —Th»* first number of the Har­ one colt, t'clongiiig to tl. ■ i’.’.c r- at ten up p- af ■: v ent ’..I, |»«. unvment ?2^-The State farmers’ alliance, at of all <PRiKT«bmatilla county, prt sidimt. I' B (■ I k ’« < OUDi ) , t\-W it is high, bran led on icf. ; Iu ul Ur Frti-i Lh< ,’i > I DlSJkb dnier A- ' »> . Ibt —1’ rsons indebt» d to Martin takes the place of the Press, that hum one : a v hc.-se 1 I '. l.u>. . ! . /: UpvU lì eir n se, mortgage, piim ipal ami inter lEamaByerly ibr meat, are requested to was, but is now defunct. It as­ w,ih l'irge s oid. ■ miirks on b <6f. 2d The balance. If any there 1 e. will be ap ad(itt^com»#and settle np imiiK diately. sumes al! the unexpired subscrip­ sidvs, braD'.i.'.l on thc i- .1 ' oi Id s i bfi ng the Dr.’ B. E. Miller mortgage tions ami contracts for advertising - it. • » ere»’. priu th ip. lie means it. to M " ‘ j*>bl‘” ¡B out 1. - 1 • i v li any there I e, will be np not filled by ti.e Press. We cer- (’; »'iie 1 rown itorse i.t .U'kd c i i- s s m s .re Henry .\^ illiau.» niort- —nave you seen th ■?'.• lovely tainlv. as a neighbor, heartily wel­ on left phoul i» r, 4 yi c.r- ■. I •»i ' 4 ai a’ d in vt st f . Far to (».El/lienee at the hour of JO trimm <1 hats at th Millinery come the Times and wish it success l.si1.1 fii'c bay m'irc. i »ur w : , • k. • j hi mid and continue from time to Store? Not v< t; but intend to get l>r:t'i'lc(i ( on i i .Cioul , >>>■' u .il all of said prupi rty, or sufllrient —The following sheriff’ notice oi I>a v miire. si ;r it> ter • : m.' 1 ln.e;« ‘ < s . s Hold to satisfy said mortgages tind t ,>:!<■ or*® i,fi ' ' sale appears in the Ulster County (' \ s. OH V of SwortP V Miller. It solvent Det.tms ’ —Every !' ; g jn i];(> hardware t ¡azette of D< e. 22d 1799: “By vir­ b» t -i' iibc.ur 14 er 14.1 tue of several executions delivered line, n '» iv d :it. Geer’s lest week. to me, I have levied and taken the : 1:." <1 i ice, ail iuur SHEKifl N"T’< T OE FOR< Lost’RE AND L Granite u ire. Machine oil. Median goods and chattels, lands and tene­ ( KD) i- OF »‘ Alf. ies tools. Mowing ma’chims, all ments of Jonathan Preiltier, which bt.'in'ktl CA on 1. ft. t houhler and i» m ’I re ■ ■ there j ”i pen s. 1 1 »'.rltog toi< l r inJ l <1 Cz\ on hit f • . - a ¡et s » ‘ the Cire ui’ Cut kindsw.f harvesting teols, cbeap»‘r » (regur. f« r Harney countJ , I shall expose to sale as the law slioulib r, und, wl.t n turned out. t»f \. I •< e thi ’- ~d day uf than dirt, for eash. directs, on Monday the 17th day of luul en a halte r nnizzh* A libe 1 ' hervú» Jx hi" rat. < • UTpp V- ff> ,e d. 1 . 2! —Stockmen can now g. t h 'i< st February, at <,ne o'clock in the af weight.- by shipping.,r -< '<• s'eek ternoon, at the house of said Pre- reward will <■ p .id bv the undt r sign» d for t’mir return to Burns, m at Huntington. The O.l Co. I'.av- flaer in the town of New Paltt. information vin ni y thev ingjust eompleteil oneof F i < ■ :..nks P eter T en B roeck , may be r.covered. StockiS» al» s. and arrang' d a large Sheriff. C hari fs A ndf . ii 8»^ n . corral for the purpose. Certified c weights given. 4-24. l\tr O m - i * I A phi - si rajrril. STH H W ell -T ried R kme —Tl e sun is now setting. Alas! « hr» idi» Ö Fioni Burns, on or about th»-20tli the son < f glory has set forever. xteen (In; In T»»w iip B en No—the name of Washington—ti e of Mav, f i».ur' FPi«»n Burns, Or»- J. r. Foley, raUle b»-and — on rfgbt t i I< ip«Tty of ibvpald Frank M. Jurd«»n a i»«.irlfid accident,a f*w days s:nce. Horae braml — on !« u ahouldcr. •rd«.n. h'e wifc. aml Frni k Br« a’ WiUfan a A; Wiliian f rattle brand < f' on >f She wmis riding a very gentle horse .♦ , h: and tu Raid iamln and all The Dominion iIIiu*trated. hip Horae bra ad, p right «title. I’, ' i'.i v •r- j nrt and parrel tb« rt of whh h and carrying a baby. The horse *>r her«* •» La ! on fhv ''h grv <»f Huntes branded )•( on left »title. Ca'tle brand i' j- •■. für < hr ! i tu 11 Mab« r * shied knd the* lady not expecting The demand for the issue of The «- ’ :•( on left hip Marion Runvard, P'» Ku r p bHc nu'tion a’ the < oiir’ Houae anything of th»* kind, they were Dominion Illustrated for.June 20th, own oi l'.urnp, Harney r«»utity, Or '»ru ii’goi Mond»). ?h«’*<ÄMh da» of thrown off, Mrs. Harkin ss had an devoted to a splendidly illustrated 9!. at rwo o’clo' k, F w, of Faid day rp;iiR fh*»re rnay f r. after .«atiafying arm broken, tiie » hihl was m.t account of the funeral of the late W B I I1!! an hointM at ot>r WF W IlneofwnFk. r* »* ot k>77.10 and IntenMt ihereot» and ■ ■ ri I 1 Al 1 W - •!. 1 I. •» 03»,¡y t,y «»I U ’ inal proof : hurt. WV4 I I 111 Va ■ * ’ ■o»l In (hr r atturnr»» fee. menij«»j»ed »herein and Sir John Macdonald, far exceeded Swlftf illl ■*•«•■» » I.. Ii»y II»» A »' 1 < Ria and diafiurtemenia <>f |87.f»* and ar "4 ackr.owL d .'c our obligation the supply, though a very large edi­ I IMI OFFICE AT HI RNS. OREGON, JV!A ■ ■■Vinks ■ <«« an «., th« •< »te May to laem. op • and exp«*n»et uf aale, will tw ap- fami«» »vjfythlnir. W, atar» y»»«, boriali Y-.u ras «favo«« 3. IX!. rding tu »he ten. r <»f »nid decree. tu W« y«H»r apar* «n-.mem«, or all your tima to th* «< rk I hie la an to Sai' on» 1 King for the loan of a tion was issued. 1 he work of this J. h«*r***v ¿ben tha» the fflî it. ffhe uf Trank Br■» »2« lo f !• |>< r «» •k an»l a( war•«< t<> riplain barn F nil er.-•/ will amily | heir 1 aim. It is al«>ut oue- and refit» ts the bight st credit on the rnt y f« »• merdfor ed nuj <(« MB »Ubb. I KI 11 .< 4 O.a A Cl HIA, BAlbk. R >•’ elver, at uri.r. Bundle li years sim'e it came frooi enterprise of the publishers. The 1 • «HNWI «NI a yrar la bring mada by John H vis (ioodwln.l r»»y ,.\.i ntnk h»r ua. Hr«w t«» rant from »4 tr> s the 1 lister County Gazette pul»- that tleserves a wide and generous »Iba .lay tba «'art, and mot* aa yon go or». Ho«b •*»•*•, all agra. Io nay pari of I I, the f.iBn ished In the aforesaid c»»nntv and support from the jreople of Canada hip 1 > » tfi ìimup repi»»e ¡Amrrtra. yow • an e-mtMtm«-* at l»œ«a, gl» «•5*1 » r M lug a». >» wr litt»r,<'( apare mvaMsat only to ri .and, vii* Charh-a h to »et my th* work. Ail is t»»w. G »rat pay M MK fra tateol N. V. It is a copy contain- It is the only high class illustrated . f. F . Tbo» !•»» A b«Ft* í. Í hl * hl Potter and Tu< ■ rvary other W r atari you. forriiahlng ibi» u'th of June, A b tvriyil.inr ' ABU V, n| | t Ml.Y framaZ accnunt i f the death and journal published in the Domin­ Haruey, Oregon. PA» I I« ' MIK Hil l A.Mraaa at »mee. bherifi Harney < J B. H i ntington . Register ninni» a tv., bOMTLAb», »AlAb. uri kf Georg»* Washington. ion. Semi-Wee?. 1 y Hera' •'. a . For Trloxxt. -A_Tx Sing-'s; a co u y