Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1891)
Semi-Weekly Herald, WEDNESDAY. JULY 15. 1891 A’. C. Bl'lih, Editor M any years practice has given C. A. Snow A Co., solicitors of pat ents at Washington D. C.. unsur passed success in obtaining patents tor all classes of inventions. They make a specialty of rejected cases, and have secured allowance of many patents that have been pre- viously rejected. Their advertise- ment in another column will be of interest to inventors, patentees, nanufucturers and all who have to do with patents. BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS Scrofula A movement is on foot for the organization of a military company, comprising one of features of the i (n Its Worst Form —‘‘Whitt Swelling” Cured. World’s Fair, to be called Co. A.1 The remarkable effect of Hood's Sarsa First Regiment, United States Blue parilla in the following case illustrates tbs power of thia medicine over all blood di* and Gray. eases. • . •• My son, 7 years old, had a white sweb A short time since, a cottage at ling come on hl« right leg below the knee, Indian Lake, in Adirondack«, was which contracted the muscles so that his leg was drawn up at right angles. Physi broken *nto, and some slight depre cians lanced the swelling, which dis charged freely, but did not help him mate dations committed. Three children were suspected rially. I considered him A CimOrmeil Cripple. and threatened with arrest, which I was iv ont to take him t.iCim inns'l operation, expecting his leg wonld have frightened them so much they at «1, w I-- taken off. »1. I I-«<n giving him Hood's in order to get up hie tempted suicide by taking Paris rec .-111 Sarsaparilla -1 lie medicine woke up^usiappe- ilte. ami s- -m pieces ot bone were dis- green, but fortunately took too charg :iro,nt’ aore, M econtinued with Hood s Sai .,1-arilla. as it feemed to be much, it acting as an emetic, there-, dob isoi harge from the so: - decreas. J. the swelling went by saving their lives. down, t ic leg straightened out. and in a — >» J<1 Dsaler in General Merchandise, B urns . II arnki O regon . VII Ze th« f-.v months li ■ innl perfect use of hl«I«« The electrocution of fourtnurder- He is now aipnrenrly as "ell a’ e»«-jn J ohn 1. ' - t . isav , Notary I ubllc, Ke- ’ ers took place at Sing Sing July 7 vcbswQpd, W. Va. The men were James Slocum for Hood’s Sarsaparilla Representative McMillin, ofTen- killing bis wife Dec. 31. 188ft; Har-, Fold by dr’vzsr’st.«. $1: for$5. Prepare nessee, who is one of the most prom only by u. I Goul) A Co., Apothecarim ris A. Smiler, for murdering his; Lowell, Mafc. inent candidates for speaker of the Ilarnev City, OreJ D. L. «fc N. GRACE. Proprietors, House of Reprsentatives, has no wife April 3 1889; Joseph Wood, a ' too Doses One Dollar While not vet in full operation, is doing EVERY VARIETY of Job I rint ing neatly mid'proiuptly. doubts about the election of a demo negro, who murdered a fellow la- J; URNS ADVERTIS E M ENT S. This office is strictly new in every respect, both type and presses, and skill- : cratic President next year. Here ; borer in May 1889; and Shibuya chii lul printers await employment. PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. stoi are the reasons he recently gave for i Jugi’o, a Japanese sailor, wh.» brut Hand in your orders t . a . M c K innon , believing the rsult of the national ally killed a fellow countryman. For Letter Heads, Note Heads. Bill Heads, Statements, Envel ’The execution of each was in- J W. ASHFORD. campaign to be a certainty: “Look II. BOYD opes, Business Cards, Posters, Hand Bills, Calling Cards, up < A ED at the popular vote oi this country; stantanious and painless. The en Wedding Cabinets, Funeral Notices, etc., Ashford & Boyd, it i« democraiic ovefwhemingly. tire time consumed in executing PHYSICIANS A SURGEONS, All Job Material is fresh, and of best quality. Prices reason. is a Stop and think of the long array i t the four men was 1 hour and 23^ B urns .....................................O regon you OITice in W E Grave'» Dru^ Store. democratic governors now in power, ' minutes. and the number of State legislature! Gainsville, Tex.. July 3—Yes- DR. H. IV!. HORTON disp we control. All this indicates I terday in the Tribal Circuit C >urt DENTIST................ B urns O regon . ‘ 8 * --------------- --------------------- ! » that the country is democratic, and if the Chickasaw Nation at Tisho- Office Rt residence. Prepared to all kind of dental work. TOIL E T ARTICLES. G LASS , P UTT Y , A c. that the doctrine of that party is mingo, Smith Paul, aged 8<) ycars. Teeth extracted without pain by aid of gnss. nearest the public heart and has the his son, Sam Paul, aged 45 rears. T. V. . EMBREE, M. D. BURNS, OREf \V E GRACE P roprietor . OW i - i - h I hi» re.b'eei e <».. the east lile ot Sil p iblic confidence; l ut over and and the latter’s son. Joe Paul, aged vii» Riser. t-t mile» bel.nv Burns. prop above all this, the tremendous up 20 years, all promintnt Chickasaw Town Atturuev, A Large Assortment of Over Herald Olllee bir, heaval of last fall in the Congre.-- Indians, were each granted a di J. NAT. HUDSON, or ci FUME CUL I RY. MOTIONS, Etc. i-ional Elections, voicing the con vorce from his wife. The woman A TTO R N E Y - AT-L A W. Has just been Received. demnation by the people of the re- from whom the Grandsire Paul was Oiliee: BURNS.OR. tage publitan tariff measure, puts the divorced is said fo have been his PHYSICIANS ’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOVM^H GEO. S. SIZEMORE, democratic party in a position from sixth wife, she from whom Sam ATTORNEY, which it cannot be rooted by all the severed himself being a third wife, B urns .................................. O regon . isr e very thing guaranteed pure and of the very best qualitrB^fl Collcclions,* I.and l>u~iness. and ilea PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE .nd 1 republican governors and legi.-la while the young man, Joe, began • Estate matter i romptlv attended to. njon tores yet to be elected. That was in the steps of his paternal ances — ticati W. XV, Cadwell, the first great result of a measure try, the woman he set aside being * - r on V _ T. A W. .1 » ...; li .: _ >i horn power in 1S92. Nothing can whom these divorces were granted Pmeti-es in u", the courts of the State. <LJJt3L Also, before he S. Land Otiice. Pier. prevent our success next yi ar.” are white women —Republic. L and M atters a S pecialty . CHARLES ANDERSON - - - P roi > riet |1T| i |: i Ex - Vice-President, Hannil a' H arney county is rapidly com TOBSORIAL PARLOR, Ibis House has a wide and well knov. n name, and under the rmanJ Byer Danger Maine Ju ing t< the front and her worth as a Hamlin, diiui JOHN 11OBINSON PH,lp. im-nt of the present proprietor it is bound to go further up the ladder! come ly fth. —.<iiiu agiivultural <■.»»»-»- Everything in their line guaranteed attracting «A*—7“—rne outsid< tame and renown. No pains spared to please guests. .Sure to tJ No ‘j He was playing predro in tie I .»• hi railioaus and divers other to be done satisfactorily. tonvenit net s tve are at thistimedcT club rooms w hen his head fell for I®~The only place in Burns you -1 trim: privetl oil. \\ e know this from the ward on his chest. A gentleman can get baths. Store mimerons < omn.unicat ons of in remarked: “The Senator seems to £W“Good table service, and tables furnished with all market aflwi quiry rett-iveil at Hiis otiice, but in teel badly Mr. Hamlin said, "I _____________ are al N. BROWN. making inupries < very one seems to do. ” b«> interested in the distance we are A L E S t T t E^A G E N T The men gathered around him R E HIV situ;; e I from the railroad. line, 1 INuSEII TOWN PROPERTY Now. it is « enough for us to say and he was taken to a lounge. Dr. REAL ESTATE IN Til E COUNTRY H XNDEED Grani Buns-Canyon Stage Line. ON COMMISSION that we are in civilization and 1 our Robinson, who was in the next -................ ics to CORRESPONDENT E SOLICITED I. J ewitt , P roprietor . lives and jiropertv are pro!« eled OFFICE AT N.BROWN ’ S STORE. kinds Burn« on Mondays, Wednesday», and Fridava at 6 a m h re just the same ; as if we had a room, attended him. and afterwards R»™».................................... Oregon. f»“Coiiuecta Leave» than < wirt. the Ontario, Prineville, and Lakeview itages. at Burns, Good ac ecw tloZt n railroads i in our midst, and Drs. Mason and Philips were called tious for passengers. turther-more we can I safely assure Finally he revived somewhat and ............... weigh W- N. Jorgensen ail parties contemplating pulling managed to articulate freely. The at Hu up stakes in the old inhabited por doctors worked over him faithfully I ingjui I tons «if our government and emigrat Stock and his family was sent fi r. AH ing, that erelong the iron horse will corral was done for him in human power, !><• snorting «»ver our valley, and i e . M c e K inney , - '‘ roprietoi W0’S^ _., — nvzir » o * ww- parties coming now certainly have but tailed, and he passed awav Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors-Whiskies, Rrandi« .. — 1 greatly the advantage of those who peacefully at 8:15 p m. may come utter the advent of the Wines. I-aney Drinks, etc.. Cigars, etc., always on hand when Keeley, the metor man. was re raihoad. For in.'tanee parties buy you call on “Mack, at Drewsey, Ilarnev county, Or. Ameri ing or taking up land here at its cently interviewed bv a New York Watches: will tr I resent value and after the expira reporter. He said: "I am making """" c.loi ide tion of one or not m< re ti a i two a sympathetic harness for the polar ilinmii I have Gold J«w?lry in great va- years the coming of the la.lroad terrestial force—first by exciting riety, Gazett _ , and handsome enough to enhances the value of the land ;'»(> the sympathetic concordant force please anybody. Also, a large stock ja,r«'«,nt. and the man who is in ... e* »»vu j , and mm ordinary oi uinai V elry, NEAR Rl’RNS.-OREGON. 15 mH- business here at the time suddeuly th at exists in the corpuscular inte - ........ — — Plate/ a paint finds his venture worth double or stitial domain which is concordant plate, ami a few cheap articles in JNO W. SAYER She we it may thriblc, and the stock gian to it; and. second, after thekConcor- gilt for the children. Also, Silver PwopRiirr<it. and ci finds hims« It |'osses.-ed ofland U|H>n dance is established, by negatizing Bangles and other jewelry. I can not enumerate all, but I try to have shi<*d a which to pasture and rais« final for the thirds, sixths and ninths of this everything usually kept in this line, anytUii his stock which cost him a mere Keeps eons-.ntly on hard . l.,€t , k thrown trifle in compaiison to its value concordance, thereby inducing high and all at prices as low as will af ford a fair, living profit When arm bi »•bin the railroad gives him quick Velocities with great power by in purchasing jewelry, call in. hurt, t-ft'ispirtation to market. .. termittent ........ . ........................ . negation, as associated Call and see me Always at mv Th ' volie of a com try and Its with the dominant thirds, -We ................ - Again, post, in N. Brown’s building. udmntag s are quickly seen, felt to San n 11 p re«-iati d after« nterprise and take away the sympathetic latent a or nave tlevel«>p«*d it, i ut then force that all matter is impregnat- imily nuwb i it wi I I«« t o ! ite fi r a gn at many ••<1 with, the connective link be- I r<•»■»!...nir z. 1 UUllUill ’U" rtte ...... ... — - — - _ Hou. Daniel F. Beat he d K- who will vainlv regret th«*ir want of tween the finite and the infinite L». M »»hinicton. A<1<lrv»a, New Jersey. riitlieient ton-tl ought or know ltnlge would be dissociated and gravity s the | ishelj: « to take advantage of tl»«- opening would l>e neutralized, thereby bring p -In 11». \VhVrr when it was in their power to do ing all visible and invisible nggr> - Utaf: gations back it;!«» the great eth-n. U _ - _ 1 l L ’ VJ < Jw ___ .... r tie so. ' t M r . or I'aclel F Beam realm "—Blade urialLf N THE NEW BOOK & JOB OFFICE DRUGS. MEDICINES, PAINTS, BRUSH Attentive and T he D rewsey S aloon The Sa-wTLXtll.