t burns advertisements I Semi-Weekly Herald, HEIllI.b’S WASHINGTON LETTER. Scrofula W ashington , D. C. Julv 3, 1891. ta Its lForst Form — “ JThlte Swelling'* Cured. Mr. Harrison's enjoyment of his The remarkable effect ol Hood’s S«r«a- vacation will not be enhanced by parilia in the following case Illustrates tb. W. <’ BYRD Editor the knowlenge of tie fact that he power of thia medicine over all blood di» eases. M r . I ngalls calls himself a has mane a big mistake in bargain­ " My «on, 7 year« old, had a white «wel­ ling come on his right leg below the knee, statesman out. of a job. If his ing with Senator Quay for the Penn­ which contracted the muscles so that his statesmanship ha. PuopKim ar are; ( HARLES ANDERSON Fair Commissioner, which was em­ of Secretary Blaine, and they came W. W. Cardwell, This House has a wide and well known name, and under the ^manr his inently improper. It isn't probable | here for that of Mr. Harrison, ami A T T O R N E Y - A T - L A W. •nent of the present proprietor it is bound to go further up the ladder! nex in view of circumstances, that Gros­ i there is reason to believe they got B urns , O r . venor's visit to Europe will beofthe it. The scheme is to lay a cable l»e- Practices in all the courts of the State nine and renown. No pains spared to please guests. Sure to » bloc lian la-fore the I’. S. I.uiul Office. slightest benefit to the World’« Fair. j tween 8 >uie point, not vet decided Also, L and mov M atters a S pecialty . It is mneh more likely to prove to upon, in the United Statesaml Bra- be an injury TON SORI AL PARLOR, | ztl. and the expectation of the pro !ood table service, and tables furnished with all market afife1* is“] ____ I 1 inoters of the project is that the JOHN ROBINSON P rop . T he Presidential struggleof 1S92 subsidies that will be obtained from Everything in their line guaranteed it is to be done satisfactorily. Ims al-emlv commenced. Se«e>’or ' this Government and that of Brazil he » Burns I^hotgranh Grallerv, The onlv place in Burns you Brice, chairman of the national will be mon» than enough to lay the can get baths. W. II. CANADAY,................................................. P roprietor . democratic committe, has written j cable. The idea is to be popular­ the i ized by giving out the statement a »Sa on t n letter of warning to his fellow that the cable, like the subsidized 0------ 0 Johi F. BROW F, members of the committee, advis- steam-ships, is necessary before we Nothing but first class pictures leaves this Gallery. D uplicit« Ella qig instant organization of demo- can receive the full benefits of re­ R E A L E^'Tl’ lckets of beneficiaries of the mo- business in the store keeping of to.! wete nnpoly policy. He urre« immedia e «lay. It’s to excess’ve. Or t«>’rel-j at H action on the part of the democrat octant. Half the time it means >ngj »toe ic party, ami an extensive system noth i«g. \\«>rds—onlv words. of voluntary dubs in every neigh­ This offer to refund the money, I E. McKINNEY, ----- « '• ’ hopri RN] ro PKIBTO 1 welg borhood,for the defense of the rights or to pav a reward, is made under Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors — Whiskies, Brandi* the hope that you won’t want your and interest of the party. Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always on hand when ■ money back, ami that you won't Watches: you call on “Mack.” at Drewsey, Harney county, Or. C ompare the world of 1791 with claim the reward Of course. I have a small but select assort the world of 1591, anti the inde- So, whoever is honest in making ment of Diamond jewelry, both dia­ jaiidenee Iwlls of this year should it. and work’s—not on his own repu- j monds alone ami with rubies, pearls, garnets, etc , all in fine gold. Fin­ ring with a mote jubilant peal. tat ion alone, but through the local ger rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc., George Washington. indeed, was dealer, whom you know, must have for the ladies, and studs, cluster then President of the Unittai States something he has faith in back of and scurf pins, etc., for gents, with JNO W SAYER Con PHOrRIKT”» lut Louis Sixteenth was brought the guarantee. The business would diamonds and other stones. Call and see me. Always at my back a prisoner to Paris, ami the nut stand a year without it. post, in N. Brown's building. Terror was at hand. That free in­ What is lacking is confidence Back stitutions noir overspread Christen* of that, what is lacking is that clear dom is chiefly due to the United honesty which is above the “aver­ States. It is not, indeed, an auto­ age practice.” Dr. Pierce’s medicine is guaran­ matic Republic. It depends whol­ DI ly upon the intelligence and moral­ teed to accomplish what they are L ity of its citiiens, and they are not intended to do, and their makers W» for*««» »TOTtlMW W. AH kind. ef snrfaee lumber ,h„mnthlT for hntl •’ ? If'V L * I K f t BEATTY'SORGANSl ’ak*tmr on. Adtlrn». v c»r . «•a aahiugt New Jersey. Hon Daniel F. Beat X V « money ; TLuLertio. i