BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1801. Semi-Weekly Herald, The swells of New York now drink iced buttermilk. It is taken "straight.,” but is called a butter­ THE NEWS OF THE WORLD AS milk cock-tail for bar-room effect. CULLED FROM EXCHANGES. Our exchanges report Secretary Blaine a very sick man. His phy­ sicians say that he is in a danger­ A series of unearthly noises in ous condition, his voice has lost its the vicinity of a Mount Holly strength, and he easily becomes (N J) cemetery, gave rise to ghost hoarse and coughs very frequently, stories; hut investigation showed bis memory has also suffered very that it was a man with a new bassI much. Rumor among his friends horn. says he cannot remember an event On the 1st, inst., Anduboin coun a week old. A father and son. named John­ ty, Iowa, was visited by a cyclone. son. residing nerr Lakeville, Minn., The damage A crops was very were shot and k lie I, while defend­ heavy. A large number of houses ing their own prop rty, by a notori­ were blown down, quite a number ous horse thief, 3d ins*. A com­ of persons injured and one man panion of the latter also shot and killed. wounded Mrs. Johnson, who rushed i to the assistance, of her husband Horrible cruelties ii Chili are ! and son. Thev escaped, but will b< still perpetrated by Balmaceda; peo­ ¡lynched if captured. ple, without respect to sex, age or Mrs. Mary Ellen Lease, of the condition, who are suspected, are shot down like dogs. The tortures i farmers’ alliance in Kansas, speak to which he subjects his prisoners J ing of the murder of Colonel San j Wood said: “It is the work of this are truly heart rendering. ¡infamous republican crowd, whe Carpenters Union, No. 22, of San ! cannot beat us fair, but take the as Francisco, has learned that cer­ sassin’s w ork in hand to put us out tain employers of their craft are of the way. Judge Botkin is respon­ trying to destroy the eight-hour sible tor the murder ofSam Wood dav svsttm. The matter will le They tried to kill me, and failed laid before the Builder’s Associa­ and now I see by special dispatcher tion, and if the grievance is not that thev are trying to reach tl e mother through lier children. Three abated trouble is promised. times have they tried to put them Ou the night of the 2nd a boy out of the way with poisned lemon­ aged 16, named Charley Proves, of ade, and thrive times Lave they Talent Oregon, hanged himself with failed/ Sam Wood was not the man a log chain. It is said the act was some people hifi^b pictured him caused" by disappointment in not .He was a valuable man to Kansas getting some articles of clothing he His assassins camot kill his mem wanted from his parents for the 4th. Urv. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. BY . C. BYRD & SON. yklBLISIIERS AND PROPRIETORS, j • SUBSCRIPTION RATES 13.00 Gee Year . .1.50 .«■fMouth». .......... 75 T*tee Month« .2.50 Owe Year (in advance) i ------------- . - HERALD CLUB 1.1ST 5.00 Herald and Harper’s Magazine... 5.20 Herald and Harper’s Weekly 5.20 Herald and Harper’s Bazar Herald larper’s Young People .. 3.75 Herald and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia. 2.90 Each additional volume after Vol. I, 55 cents; IS cants extra ver volume, pottage. >egin ■emb citiei mb« gazu» idinj ■eipti limiil ffBpx’opiesof all thealaive work« can be ex »■ained at leisure iu the Reading Room. Publisher« of periodicals are solicited Io sand clubbing rales, a copy of their work for >oto. r Posit . •FACE ed to il ion !M1<1 nd a ex< e base » i.rü eq ìe f util tic, eta Uli nil. 1 wk KATES: 3 mo J 6 mo 1 1 yr Inch fl 50 12.50 |5 00 |A DO 111 00 115.00 8 Û0 1 00 0.50 12 VJ i IX.00 23. CO Ï “ 40 0o 24.00 3 ¿>0 «5.00 X 00 15.00 S “ 4 1 1 “ •• 4 6 12 1 20 «50 6 00 9 (Ml 00 90 16 00 00 30 00 10.00 20 00 15.00 2X.00 2X 00 IS 00 40 00 60 00 32 00 4X00 xo.oo 110.00 50 00 54.00 120 00 140.00 JOB WORK Of everv description executed with neatness asddsspu! ■h, at reasonable rates. a, ts, V th il, H ltd h . 1 2 wk j 1 mo Posters, Hill Heads, Note Heads, Invitât ions. Pamphlets l etter Heads, Cards, Ticket«, Dodgers. Ete. TMI H erald in kept regularly on file for re •———“■ in the Geo. r. R»we!l Newspaper Ad Bureau, 10 Spruce at.. New York. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. I national : . Benjamin Har riao Levi P. Morton ident............... JamesO. Blaine r of state ......... Charles Foster. r of Treasury . ... JohnW. Noble of Interior Redfield Proctor of War Benjamin F. If . «pl Trace\ of Navy Jeremiah M 1 1 Rusk of Agriculture. Wm IL H General fUilltl .. ..John Wau make r General . paid.«] STATE- OREGON: iMtoiL Dolph R | J. J. H N. Mitchau tors me oil« 1 Near; 4 iao R. Binger Hermelin D.Sylveeter Pennover W. McBride of State R . .Geo. .......................... * a R t’hil. Metsihan. I). | SURt. lie Instruction R J. B. McElroy ter Bist« R ........ Frank Bnkei r lhe k R » K. 8. Bean. h r«* supreme Judge« / Win. V. I.oril K til lot * 1 ■bJiCTgS R > W. W. Thayer Ietn«» Rheubin 8. Strahm dri »it i exp«' , . B I1XTH JVPK'IAL IUSTH1CT: irH. ii'i District Judge D M.D. C lifford hort r> District attorney II .D C has . F. H yde k »W JoiDt-JUbn reBeutative (D). 1>. 8. D ustin as » H Juiat-Seaat itor .(D) H enry B lackman l6SUUff * — bi to : AillfH- . m , COUNTY—HARNEY ID) W m . M illee ' ul.le”; County Judge Clerk . (D) ,W. E. G rach ; ■ ivoa Treasurer ...... (D) T. H. R obert « i (D) T. A. M c K innon i t«i. ’ S23’*- .(DI A. A. cowing ¡ «erial »■•■■■ .(D). W. E. A lberbon ; us Hat* rinteudent (R) C has .N ewell ; ctor T h os. G. D odson j CAL' I (D) è W m . A ltnow I ......... '!>) ( Lytle Howard. : RSÏwïr UNE Y O. a. LAND OFFICE: .. J. B. H untinoton ..H arrison K elley WMI IStMc H V RC H »ill lb ■ DIRECTORY. -------------------------------------------------------- leaf * VRNS ■ ETHODI8T EPISCOPAL CHURCH loft '£■ M.D. WILSON Patter. 11 be preaching by the pa«tor in each tllow«, until further notice h—Burna—at 11 a m, and 4:30 pm th—Island H hool House— at 11 a m —Harney—at 7:30 p m. Ith—Burna—at 11 a m, and 4:30 p m ath—Harney—at 11 a m. and 7:30p m SOCIETIES. i» II LODGE. NO. 77, I. O O F. . Odd Fellow* Hall, everv Saturday F. M JoRbON, N. G. an » tom , Treaa SARNEY POS T NO. 4», «. A. R •cry 1st «nd* 3d Wednesday of each •I odd Fellows' Hall. AH Comrades ■anding invited. M. M. BRIERLY, P. C. ■fEWXLU Ad’j’t. Mehla-II U. 8. MAILS. Bvasa— vale : departs daily, Sundays excepted 1 I scaws—casTow CIW: ida\« Wednesdays. Fridays,«pm a >» Tbursdaia a Saturday« IS :4te. J* I NEWS IN BRIEF. I $2.50 a Year. GREAT RED UCTION IN PRICES! =1 QUOTE YOU^s- Dry Granulated Sugar, $ 9.75 per 100ft» I have just received a full and if Salt............................... 2.10 complete Stock of Dry Good». Nails,............................ 7.50 « keg. Groceries, Hardware, Tinware Flour,........................... 600 st barrel Notions, etc., which I will sell Omaha Bacon........ 13.50 «C 100 th at BEDROCK PRICES FOR Coal Oil (Pearl)......... 3.00 <1 CUll CASH ONLY H. E. T hompson , Yours Respectfully, Manager. A. ROBBINS RETAIL I I WHOLESALE ! O- C. CO. HUNTINGTON, ............................................ OREGON. G eneral M erchandise , We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room, iccupying three floors, and each floor loaded With gOO^S wiii maintain our former rules: Square Dealing. One Price. 3est Ouality. We buy Flour, Meats, Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Salt, Janned Goods, and Coal Oil in CAR LOADS. Our 1’dices are LOW. SEND FOR QUOTATIONS ! ! CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. I’rprietors Huntington Warehouse. Yours Respecfully, J. H. ATKIN, Manager. I Portland Boot & Shoe Store. LUNABURG & FRY, P roprietors , B urns , O regon . 4 Stock Boots and Hboet, of. the very jnaf received c*uality, Cheapest Place in Town for Cash, Alto. Custom work and Repairing neatly done. YEARS CURA. X'Xa EXPERIENCE TfVE METHODS.^ and Control, orders of • • • In the Use of we Alone own for all E • • • Proprietors. • M who nave wear ar UN­ DEVELOPED. or diseased organa, who are suffer­ ing f rom tmtors or youth Tr*’«»' WhcaiYvcerotmod rorr.r.thee. orn of their fellows and tho con­ tempt of friends and ccmirtini leads usto FOR a LIMITED TÍME FREE nice to all patienta. icy cun afford a CURE 1 ■ e e BEA • • a HOPE«* YOU 'AND TOURS. Don’t brood over your condition, nor giro up !n despair I Thousands of tho Worst Cases havo yielded io our hOME TREATMENT, ns set forth ta our wonderful BOO r. which we tend sealed, post paid, FREE, for a limited time. QETITTOJiM. Itz'menilier.noonoclsehastue methods.appliances and experi­ ence that we employ, and wo claim tho hqhopoly or 'J hipohu twxtn. E rie M edical C o .. 64 N iaqaaa 8 t „ B uffalo , n T y . 2,000 References. Name this paper when you writs Mexican Mustang Liniment. A Cure for the Ailments of Man and Beait A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Fanner, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of M ustang L iniment . Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it The Proprietors of the Red Front and White Front Livery Sta­ bles assures the public that they are prepared to accommodate in every way in their line of business. fWHav and grain constantly on hands, and careful hands. Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Job Wagon in connection. Burns Meat SMITH 4 RICHARDSON, Proprietors. We solicit a share of SVe wish to inform the pub­ Shop lic that we have again open- the patronage. ed at the old stand and upplicd with good meat» The Incorporated NORTHWESTERN MAIL TRANSPORTATION Company. C. C. McCoy, General Manager, ------ O-:-O------- Stages leave Burns, Oregon, daily for Harney, Drewsty, Beulah, Westfall and Vale, where Close Connection is Made with the railroad. Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehicles, RATES OF FARE FROM BURNS TO ONTARIO AND INTERVENING POINTS lo Vais I’ V Burna, to Ontario |IO oo I West Fail 7..W '• •• OroveCRy * M •• Drewsey . 4 SS “ u Beulah . . <1 0t 1 •• Harney I OS •• “ Pina Creek 2 M I Baggage, 30!bs to each Passenger, Frieght and Passengers mu el way-billed. Passenger fare paid in advance. N eri A cklks , J. M. V aughn H arry F miyd , Diviaion Agent. Burns Agaw* Gen. Hup’t.