1891. P. F. STENGER. The Winterdyne Ghost But before he could say anv more Ralph Odell made his appearance, and Miss Gilroy took his arm, and, BY ALLENA AL'DI.EY. with one long glance from her bright eyes in La,lv Blanche’s direc Prom New York Weekly: Winterdyne House was one blaze tion, she had moved away, and was of light. Its magnificent rooms— lost amid the throng of people. parlors, library, music, and recep She had been rewarded, however, tion rooms— were brilliant with by seeing the rosy color leap a^ain bright faces and gay attire. to the cheeks a moment before so On the lower stair, under the pale, and the languid eyes grow light of the great chandelier, stood bright with an unwonted excite a charming young woman, gazing ment. I with vivid emotion at the scene be- The evening was at an end at , fore her. As the crowd swayed last, and Lady Blanche had re back and forth she obtained an oc- tired to her own room. There was casional glimpse of her friend Lady a light tap on tiie door, and, open Blanche Winterdyne, who, attired ing it, Frank Gilroy stood on the in pale lilac satin and pearls, was threshold. “May I come in?” she receiving with gay smiles the guests said, softly. invited in honor of her home-com “You need not have knocked to ing as a bride. ask that,” Lady Blanche said, Sir Hugh, who was fifteen years throwing a shawl over herentbroid- older than his wife, and who detest ¡ered wrapper. “You know you are ed parties and crowds of evtry de i welcome.” scription, hail assumed for the oc “I confess that I guessed as much casion an expression of contempt, 1 have only just left Ralph! You which deceived every one but Miss would hardly guess what he has Gilroy. Even Lady Blanch felt been showing me?” bored at last, but at that critical “No,” Lady Blanche said, sighing moment, when she began to weary wearily. of the endless procession of new “It was your picture, darling— faces, she caught sight of that pret | the one you had painted for hili) ty f ice on the stairs. Contrary to all rules, she laid one j when you were first enga------ ” 1 Haater’s Hoaezs Either branded on Kight or The impo<i ers onj : ’ America, by Theodore Child, will be conta *' in Harper’s Magazine during the greater u' of the vear 1891. She articles on Soothert ifornia. bv Charles Dudley Warner, will J he aontinueil Among other notew*ti “ traction» will be a novel by Charles Craddock; acollection of original drawin» W. M. Thackeray, uow publiaheii for the . < time; a novel written and illustrated by . ji du Maurier; a novellette by William Howells; ami a »erics of papers of paper.- ■ London by Waller Besaut. In the number und variety of illustrate per» and other article» > subjecl»of tin teregt. as well aain the unrivalled chars«., jj its »hort stories, pooms. etc-, HAargs's' zine will cotitinue to maintain that r« excellence forw-hieb iteu •« o tinguis bed W stifle: OK. Range—tirant county, Oregon. P II,—-Riirna. Grant county. Oregon ALMEDA A. STENGER C attle branded n Left Bide; circle- A Split in r. Combine» the juice of the B.ue Figso California, so laxaliv- »>'<1 nu.tr‘2!“^; with the medicinal virtues of plant known to be most human system, forming the OM Y 1 L FECT REMEDY to act gently ye. promptly on the KIDHETS, LITER MB Cleanse the System Effectually, —AND T«’" — SO THAT - PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SL. EP, HEALT H and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. Ask youl druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. S am F bamcisco . C* c - Y ork . Lotnsvin «. Kv. N ei-h Range—Hsrnev and Grant county Oregon p. o—Burns. Harney couuty. Or._________ Per Year: HARPER’S MAGAZINE........... HARPER’S WEEKLY A THE DISABILITY BILL HARPERS BAZAR.................... 3 HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE LAW. Postage Free to all Subscribers it Soldiers disabled since the war are United States, Canada, or Mexico. Entitled Dependent widows and Parents now de- effeers of ' army service are included. If you wish your claim speedily ami successfully . i re« 4 « r \< ES fvJ TANNER, rr A KT K prose- I? 1» uted, a. i.i JAM I ..ntt.lovv F Í I1 11 t the litt pendent b «arl-k/y^aa whose atzslifl sons «Ìl4»«l died f from a Late Commissioner of Pensiona. WASHINGTON, D C. PATEN a io. PERSONAL AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO PAT ENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, etc. NO FEE UNLE-S PATENT IS SECURED. CORRESPOND ENCE SOLICITED. $3000 II o II rtm WOVEN WIRE ^fcFENCINC C.A.SNOW&CO. »»«’O»..«» 1 »9 white hand eagerly on her husband's' 613 & Gift 7th Stroot, H. V7. .,'ATn,o._ [Opposite U. S. Patent Office,] $IOO Kewurrl. SUH). arm. and begged him to see that WASHINGTON, D. C. wa v was made at once for her dear t’pHeptic Fit% Talling Sickness Hyster friend, Frank Gilroy, ics St. Vitus Dance, Nervonsness, The readers of T he H erald will A ¥ 1. A IC ! I undertake to briefly Iteiii-li any faiily intellig»-iit |.« r.-t-n of either .«ex. v I-«’« < .tn read und \«itte,ai;d who, “Who did you say, my dear?” be pleased to learn that there is at Hypochondria, Melancholia, In* |afu-r iiiMrn« tiuu.will work imiustrioualy, _ _ _ _ _ how to t arn 'Hirer I how*: n«« a her husband asked, turning toward least one dreaded disease that YTar in theirown !«•• «lilies.w h« r«-» er they live.I w ill also furnish ebrity, Sleeplessness Biz- the situation or einpl«>_vinent,ut w hi. h « <-u »-an earn that amount. No money f«»r me unh-s« •uccrsal«ii ns above. Eabilyntiil quickly her. science has been able to cure in all ziuess Brain anti Spi h-amed. I deeirr but one worker from each district «‘rcounty. I h«»e already taught mid provided with employ nu n: a large “Frank (lilrov Do you not see its stages, anti that is Catarrh. numbrr, who me making over JilCOti a «rrrearh. It s A 1-AV nal Weakness. • nd SO’.I l ull parficulnra Fit FF. Address at once. F.. <’. AI«I«FV. I’«»«r 4580. Aiiuiaslit, Muiliv her standing there on the lower Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only pos stair? She was to come down with itive cure now known to the medic ThK medicine has direct action Ralph, and they have al fraternity. Catarrh being a con the nerve centers, allaying all irritabili ties, and increasing the flow and powet another.” «titutional disease, requires a con- of nerve fluid. It is perfectly harmles.« People submitted to be pushed a' .«titutional treatment. Hall’s Ca and leaves no unpleasant effects. Valuable Book on Nervous little aside when they understood tarrli Cure is taken internally, act L | J L L A WIRE R0PE SELVAGE Disease« «ent free to any address, WIRE r f and poor patient» can also obtain it was at Lady Blanche's request,] ing directly upon the blood and f ] M IIL r I m this medicine free of charge. This remedy ha» l>een prepared by the Reverend and Sir Hugh went himself and' iniicotis surfaces of the system ’astor Koenig, of Fort Wavne, Ind., since UT^ and s now prepared under his direction by the brought back Miss Gilrov on his thereby destroying the foundation KOENiC MED. CO., Chicago, III. arm, looking very modest and fright of the disease, and giving the patien* Sold by Druggists at SI per Bottle. 6 for S3, «■tied, but ten times more beautiful strength by building up the con E>arge Size» • 1.75. 6 Bot tics for 99. than ever. stitution ami assisting nature i Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroad; “My dear Frank,” said Lady doing its work. The proprietor« 1^ ■ ■ ■■ 4D “AMAKESIS " gtrex Irvtnnt •or PRICES INDUCED. Sold by deniers. FREIGHT TAIL Sa ■ B ain-lH-f iiik I is mi intallilno rtcMI LIEN’S I’Ol L.TRY NETTING. New thin» Blanche, without lowering her voice, have so much faith in its curativ« Il I I ■ W Cur* fhr Pile*. l‘rie.-?l Hy So sasrgins:! No bagging’ Extra Heavy Selva«’ .’be McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co., Chicago, DI w ■ I Bi l»riiirgi«Ts<>r rami. Simpl.-« SS a «afre«. A'Mn-ss" AMKt>l«.” did not Ralph succeed in finding powers, t h at t hev offer One II u ml ret’ I 1 I Ba ■■ aw Box 241t>, hew \ oi k City You, or have you snuoed him?” Dollars for anv case that tt fails to “He eiime with me as far as the , curt*. Send for list of testimonials head oj the stairs, and was sudden Address, F. J. C heney «tCo.. ly called away. Rachel beckoned Foletlo, O. to him, she added, sinking her Sold by Druggists, Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate l ee«. voice almost to a low whisper, “and Our Odice •« Opposite U. S. Patent Office, 1 told him I didn't mind coming and we can secure patent in less time than those f rtiHBO O0 « «ear is bring made by .lohn R remote from Washington. Go«.tl« In, I rvy ,N A ..at «»«»ik t«-r ua. lUatle Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip down alone. I should have waited you mat n<i make as mu« h, but v»e <a tion. We advise, if patentable or not. free of track y.»uqui« kly hour laraia fVumlii * IO a • ’*» the atiirr, and Inore a» y ou , charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. tor him though, if you had ou. I*..th •<*«■•, ail agr«. lu an.« part « A P imnhlet. ‘‘How to Obtain Patent«.’’ with > i^TTAerVAwrS: Amrrka. «ou «au r«*iuiu« tur al lióme, gi« names ofactaa) clients in your State, county, or asked Sir Hugh to come forme. ¿.TwnpiAtsp iug ali ><-ur iiuM*,«-r »1 are moments oui« t town, sent free. Address. tl«e «a < « k A H i» ni v Girat )-ay MM f. «21 'WeeOWaRK1 ever« w««ikrr Ue »tait fi»mUhit> Every particle of color hail v m.iylblM l «»Il l. SI lïl-ll» Iran... ŒLOW^W |-A Ut II I I A l,s «UH A.|.!r... ,« . isheil from I.adv Blanche's exqui MIVM>V a «O,, I OUI LAX«. «AlXa. i Opposite Patent Office. Washington. 0. C. ¿«ICA.«, n union SÇUAfit. H. Y site face. It was no longer a sum *TL*“ FOR SALE BV mer rose, hut n lily touched by the PENSION. POSTAL. LAND and NEW HOME 8EWING MA frost. • INDIAN DEPREDATION CHINE CO., 72.'» Market St.. I “I wonder, Mias Gilroy, if you San Francisco. Cal CLAIMS. l’aicfic Department. will ever put any faith in us, since Kitlph has failed in proper atten LAW OFFICES OF tion thia tiratnight of your arrival?” “Oh, Sir Hugh, do not suppose I am so easily hurt. I came here for the sake of emo ing myself, and I •houhi be «sham« d if such a little VNDRR THE DIRECTION OF thing could put me out.” THE ONLY TRUE “But, mv dear Lady Blanche, \V R HEARST. (Editor and Pro what could Rachel have wanted prietor San Francisco Examiner.) Ralph for?” asked Sir Hugh, a JOHN WEDDKRBURN, M anagen obtnin r*rents, Caveats, Trade puxxled look crossing his face. t»!S F. Street, Northwest Washing “Oh, for any «me of a thousand ton, I>. Mill pra, tree tn «bn «nprvme Court et the things!” laught-d Mis.« Gilroy, mer I'nitrd Will tb« BT dr 4 i mrala’afha »>«-.■*, the < < nrtClaim«, ihr several Llv*r and «Marya and SretDr* tha l,.ur>»ot th« District «if Colnmt't«. before Com- Hr«!th M»d Vty«r*rVr«Hh Iiyspstpsi^ rily interrupting him. “Domestic mltlte »t « onsn-ea. and th« Eze<uiive l»epTs. Hank of AppMito, la<iigWMftoa. L ck ot Ktrwngth gn.l lirwd machinery does not alwavs work We obtain Pensions and Patents, Fr* ing absolu to lye trod.R«>ar% ■luaciOR and nRrvwi rre-ira smoothly, and you would not sure fndian Depredation Claims and all a-w form. Fnlivwn«th* «rood nd sup ».baa Bra n Power. ly desire anything to go wrong this classes.« of Land Claims, Mining. = a KM «ample rta I A |j I I ETC la paru jar to their «ri w II ’t.nj Dl HARTIR S fFOW night of all the nights in your life. Preemtion and Homestead cases TOMC a Mfp aud eoMr c rw Uirrw a Hear, h-ab Uy eompiaaiow rr*jwaut attampee at ctwr'a’fuh Sir Hugh?” »«id to tba popalarity of tha original Prosecuted l»efore the General land REST IM TH« WORLD. bo RO« etiar -went he HWUL e»4 Bt«T. tuw*V ’ «qualu*««era awurpaased. «cZuatty /Or. MAWTIW « MTTLK LIVE* PllLtk “You are right—quite right,’’ he office. Department of the Interior Mt:««!«« i*o b> -sea of aay otbor brand. No« ■ Cura (VnettpMioa. L itot Co*p aint and S-rkl ■ Rea’er he Staple l«oea and l»rwaaa Book 1 bybMt. trsrrniickxi imk . returned, his face lighting up again. and the Supreme Court. Emailed oa re r rt o'two r«ata In poet ura F I FOHSAL« BT ntA.HWOFXtaALLT. fyr « ch ». «~ HARBER’S PERIOi’ICS STODDART & CP., [To be Cintlnued.j Magazins ILLUSTRATED __ ILLUSTRATED. „.WTA.M. E xaminer B ureau O f The volumes of tire Magazine begin the Numbers for June and Deeerub eac h year. When no time is speciiief He scripdons will begin with the Number’ll Un He rent at time of receipt of order. ,-r^™ Bound volumes ot Harper’s Magazin He three years ba<-K, in neat cloth binding Hei ■ be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt per volume. Cloih Cases, for bindii >t-paul. /J cents each—by mail, post-paid Index to Harper's Map gazine. Al phi _ i ti z>< 1 1 , i r Y ’ ni- vL¿í cal, •al. Analytical, ami and Cla<sineu, (Taoitied, for ¡or Voli vo B . I x_ __ i. 1..«« iok A l to U R to -n 70, ! inclusive, from June, 1850 1885, one vol. 8 vo. Cloth, $4.00 Remittances should be made by I1 Money Order, or Draft, to avoid c loss. Address HARPER & BROTHER« York. « Harper’s Weekly, j w I L L T S T R A T E D. Or. MARTI HCDlCIMC QC UUnU a » Ï. ■ nw year : HARPER WEEKLY................. HARPER’S MAGAZINE HARPER'S BAZAR................. HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE —— poiitagi- Free to all subscribers in th« States. < anada, or Mexico. 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