Semi-Weekly Herald, WEDNESDAY, JULY S. 1S91, CIRCULATION OE ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. HAS LARGEST Oficial County Paper. Local News. —What is “baccarat?” —County and Commissioner’s Court this week. —(food wheat at N. Brown's $1 per bushel. -W asco won the ) mile and re- peatrace on Saturday. —On or near what stream was • Washington hurried? —A.C. Worthington is now “boss’ of tie Diamond mail route. —The Burns Brass Band dis­ pensed excellent music on the 4th. —Scroll and black Vignette pic­ tures taken at Canaday’s Photo., skill- i gallery. . —A hay crop to be cut and put I —The eulogium on the Burns ! Notice in hereby notice given that on the 15th day of AH THEREi up on the shares: Call at the H er ­ celebration, was received too late to Mav 1x91,1 ap|h>iute i the following named per­ sona dvvutx > uk k lnapectuiaof Harney county: appear in this issue. ald ollice for particulars. What Bargains At John Bridge, uf Crane ( reek; Harrison tea­ ward of Diamond; \\ M. Hoga“ of xii\er Creek — Every thing in the hardware —Is Brooklyn on the right hand, R. C. GEEH’S; : F. G. Blume of Emigrant Creek; George MVr or left, coming into the harbor on line, received at Geer’s last week. gan, uf Dre wavy. MANUFACTURER & DEALER Thus. G. D odson , ocean steamers, at New York City? Granite ware, Machine oil, Meehan Stock Inapector of Harney county, i IN ALL KINDS OF ies tools, MowiAg machines, all —George Moore and family re­ TINWARE. PROPOSAL FuR Bt’II DING BRIDGE turned last Wednesday from a visit kinds of harvesting tools, cheaper Scaled p'oitosals will be received by the; Tinware repaired. than dirt, for cash. to his father’s Ilis sister Miss. Eva County clerk fur building a bridge a< roes Sil- 1 vies River, un what is known as the Einbree —At the Bellevue Hospital. New i Road, Harney county. Oregon, said bridge lol Also Dealer in Fishing Tackle anr it. —“Who is this gentleman with To whom it may concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice that on the .Ddday of Ma\. To lHspel Colds, the red sash?” 1891, Swarts a - Miller, ii solvent debtors, uf Hsr nev County, State uf Oregon, made, executed That is oi el of the marshals of Headaches ami Fevers, to cleanse and delivered to the undersigned their certain the day.” 1 the • svsteni effectually, — . .. deed of assignment, cun\ ey mg all their prop vet gentlv, erty, Wm. Mynatt’s Shot]. rt al ami personal in trust, for the At “Who is the other one rushing i when costive or bilious, or when the 1 benefit both uf their creditors. Now, therefore, a l back and forth keeping us all in ; blood is impure or sluggish to per­ such creditt is and others interested in said On (’orner st nth of Red Front Sta­ estate are hereby notified to present their line?” ble in N. Brown’s building. and demands ngaiusi saiu ch ate, prop I manently cure habitual constipation claims verified, as by law required, at the office of ! “Oh, that is another marshal, i to awaken the kidneys and liver to eriy I he undersigned, in Baker City, Oregon, wi h ! our deputy sheriff ” a healthy activity, without irritat- I in liner months from the public ation hereof "Well, well! Grant’s overcoat ing or weakening them, use Syrup I Dated June 19. 1 91. C. VV. J ames , Assignee. Blacksmith shop, with tools. Best wouldn’t make him a vest, would of Figs. NOTICE. it?” location in Burns. Inquire of N. Wil l 1 ln> vol i MINK! Is hereby given that oil the 15 dav of July • Brown. “Who are those ladies riding ill • 1891, ai t he hour of 10 o’clock A m . of said day, , the rear of (he procession?” | the undersigned will sell at the rorra’s oil Nails only cost voi $7 Toper 100 j xwor s ami Mil er, at their residence in Barton ¡ ’ I "Those are the horribles.” ths at Geers and everything else in I I l ake val.ev, Harney county, Oregon, to the ¡ highest biddt r, for < ash in hand, ail the fol- —Frank Cummins, a boy 12 or II the same proportion. I have as : lowing GREAT NOVELTIES des* rihed persona! prupern, and c hat ¡ lels, ami and all the right, titiemol interest, M 14 years old, was accidentally shot i Rood sei cted stock as you will find j Swons and Glenn W. Miller, copartners as! CHINA & JAPAN by Johnny Smith who is about the in any rail road town in Eastern I Swur.s Miller, n firm residents of Burton ' Lake valley. Harney county, Oregon, had on i same age. The boys were at a sheep Oregon and am bound to sell it oil'. ! the -3d liny of uctober, lX’.ifi, and have since had ¡ GOODS AT now have therein or thereto,to wit: camp, situated in the Diamond val­ Call and see me and I will astonish I ! ui One hundred and three head of ¿horses, con ley country, and while handling a you with low prices if you bring sisiiugof males, colts, geldings and s alii, ns, ' Sing's;, 5 milch comb . 1 yearling heifer, .\> ! I rwin S. G eer . I ■ 4 head pistol, which they supposed not to the cash. uf rams, one <»:i4 Mitchell wagon, one 3*2 { Mhchell wagon, two buggies, ¿I seis of team Manager. , bar. ess. one set of buggy harness, one mower, II AN DK E R<' Hl EES, OF Fl NESTH11.K. (' H E A P lie loaded, it went off in the hands of Johnny Smith, the ball taking i and one hay rake. Ni rayiMl. All of said property being now in the possvs-T TEA, -Khls A PACKAGE; AS MANY FIRE effect in the upper lip, just to the si .u of \V M Kingsley, agent of the ui.uer-I From Burns, on or about the 20th signed, in said Batluii cake valley, and said CRACKERS AS A SMALL HOY CAN CARRY left of the nose, of Frank Cummins. sale behig under ano by virtue of an assign of Mav, on dark bay horse, branded The I all passed through into the I ment to me, mude by said swoilsK’ Miller, for FORJ x I b . ALL OTHER THINGS AT SAME weight 1,400. the benefit of their creditois. and of dale May RATE. mouth carrying with it several on left shoulder , l'.'J. upon which said there are of record in Harccy county, Oregon, and as liens upon said teeth. The wounded boy was shod with team shoes, right hind | pr. pert\ tin se'ch ittie mortgages, to w ii : brought to Burns on the 6th inst., ankle crooks out, 16 hands high, The first, given by said bworis K Miller to A NEW STOCK OF GOODS ON THE ROAD. 8 or 9 years old and very gentle. ! J. Durkheimer *\¿ Co., on the küth dav of Octo­ by bis mother and Mr. Press Smith, ber, 18.i arid filefi in the ufliee of ihe County Any one giving information of I Clerk of Harney comity, on October L4d 189J for that the wound might be examined Him of $1,1 • 4 with interest from dale al by a physician, who pronounced it whereabouts will be liberally re­ the ten ner cent per annum, upon which sain warded. M. N. F egti . ey , mortgage there is only a small balance . pleased over the little puff given I , for the sum of 0ÜQ, and interest thereon ai his race horse, instigated by Carl I Strayed from Burns, Ilarnev 1 ten percent per annum from dale. third, given by said 8w.,r s A Miller, to Cecil and published in the H erald . ! county, Oregon, on er about the to The lleni'v Williams, on Ihe..Hh day of No\em ami tiled in the office of the County especially the reference made 21st of May, six head of horses and her, 1X90, of said Harney county, December lllh, the match race ran bv the horse one colt, belonging to the under­ • clerk for.Ihe sum of |X3X 00, with interest thereon i ai -cupcr cent per annum from date. atid ram. The horse was so ven- signed. rim after the payment of all <« sts ami ex incurred in gathering aid selling saiu much delighted, because of his p-d Description and brands as fol­ peu>es hoist s. the pro< ee«ls of sin Ii sale w ill be, by me igree. that immdiately after pass­ lows: One bay horse, about 16.) app ied in paying and siibU-iyilig said mort­ ill their ordei as they,appear of record in ing under the wire, in the saddle hands high, branded on left shoulder gages said Harney »'uunly, r. >-w n ist The balance due J Durkheimer A Co, norse race, Friday afternoon, he i (’A! one l ay horse 14) hands high, upon tried to jump over four wagons with large saddle marks on both t s-. their note, mortgage, princ ipal and inter kd. The balance, if any there be, will be ap standing abreast, landing the halt ' sides, branded on the left shoulder plied in siitisf- ing the Dr. B. E. Miller niiir-giige ( <>t himself in the bed ot tin* first i C; one brown horse branded C prim ipai atm interest. : d. Tile balanc e if any there be, will be ap 1 wagon, with his hind legs between i on left shoulder. 4 years old; one plie. i i; satisfving Hie Henry Williams nioii gage, and interest the spokes of the wheel and his'bald-face bay mare, four white feet >ai keep him out of mis L SHERIFF’S NOTICE OF F<>R(’LO8URE AND chief—and squandered four-bits on i branded ('A on left shoulder mid ORDER OF SALE. all men by these* presents, That pursu , a billiard game. The only thing yearling colt branded (\\ on left a nt Know to a decree of the Cirruil c ourr of the "late that occurred to mar the happiness shoulder, and, when turned out. of Oregon, for Harney c-ounty, made and en ; tered on thektd day of May .A. D. lx’.H, in a suit of Hogan, was. Carl struck him for i had on a halter muzzle. A liberal w herein Johanna C. crump was plaintlfl and Frank M Jordon ami Tillie Jordon,, his wife, two-bits to help pay his loss. reward will lie paid by the under­ ami Frank Bros’. Implement Co., were defend­ signed for their return to Burns, or ants, for Five huudred and seventy seven and 1 -lira utid interest from the said 22(1 X91t at lo per < en' per annum and Fifty seven (57;doliais atturne sfetsand <« sh I may be rjeovered. Of Burns Jockey Club Races: ami disbutsemetits of thenc ion taxed at thlr.y C harles A nderson . seven amt 98-100(37 '»X- jo V j I u II hih and for the* foie I ris. Monev Collected —Burns had representatives from every precinct and neighbordood in n vel­ the county, on t he 4th. arás, —The saddle horse race on Fri­ day, was won by a sourel horse, en­ •asoia tered by George Hagey. —Tex’s resort, Frank Lewis sole dispenser of cocktails and fine cigars 1 “is in it” and don’t you forget it. f —Fresh lemons, candies, nuts, fruit! glares and a variety of cake c c. trilh’iiiinge at the Post Office Store. > —Capt. Kelley lias had erected J REG on his premises a wind mill with a tank of the capacity of 1500 gallon. —Good Machine oil, !|1CO per gallon, at Geer’s. Finest assort­ C. ment I b ver seen in Harney Co. J-l —The Saloon of which Bozv is proprietor and “big.Jim” behind the 11 bar, is the place to^et the boss drink ualiti or «««“'•• 5. —Married—On the evening of ■ ”d inst hv .Judge Tarker at the i~K~J French Hotel, II. Hewitt, and Miss L.1 F ord. Lily oruiM —New Stock of Glass, Putty. i rinit - Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc., at Geer’s, No cHarge for cutting glass if voti *adde buy of me. J-l ---Persons indebted to Martin Byerly for meat, are requested to come bud settle up immediately. No‘ josh ’about this, be means it. et alfa —H ave you seen those lovely trimmed hats at the Millinery Store? Not vet; but intend to get one as soon as possible, before they are all sold. TOK. —Cbunty court, Tuesday, the 7th inst., J Durkheimer vs. A. J. Wil- plicate sin, civil action to recover money on account. .Jury found verdict In favor plaintiff for $46.50 costs and disbursements. —Stockmen can now get honest weights bv shipping or selling stock at Huntington. The O. C. Co. hav­ <1 sr r<* ing just completed one of Fairbanks Stock Beales, and arranged a large corral Mor the purpose. Certified weights given. 4-24. closure of a certain real mor gage of date the •so. 75. Entrance fee. ist Day's Race, 5th day of Nhivember, A D 1X90, mid mam* by | For Over Year«. Rye Smyth of Happy Valley' Balance. Hefedams. Frank M. Jordon and Tillie i |.3x. I A n O ld am » W fll -T kied R emedy .— Mrs said Jordon, his wife*. Io t he said Johanna < (rump has a crop of peaches this year. .d Day’s Races, 100. 30. Winslow's .'uuihhig has been used for upon ilie Fast half of the Northwest quarter over fifty tears hv million*«»f mothers fur their ami the We s. ha>f of the North« ns quarter of Present indications are that they Balance. 138. children while teething, with perfect auccesa 50. 20. it a »othvs the child, softeus ihe gums. alia * section sixteen (IX) in Township Tw«»nty-flve kibtm Nvill make as fine a peach es grows ■>4 Day's Race, i (.5* south Range thirty-twoatid a half C '-’ J E h ' i pain, i nit's wind colic. and is the beat rem­ W M. containing lt»u r< s. all Ding and being XX. and*’” Kye further states his Balance edy for Diarrhea*». In pleasant to the taste Hr llariu'v county, Oregon, and direc ting me to 70 30. 4th Day's Race Sold by Druggie a in every part of the world. sell said lands Io satisfy said dec ree as may be. i desire to have his friends from Burns Twenty -five cent* a N»tt1e. its va’ue s Irn ah n- Now. therefore, i will o IT ct and sell the said I 18. »■. lable. Le Hire ami aak for .Mra Winslow's Fiilnit trac k. 1P’ and Hainey Valley when in his vi- Balance : la• >«Is. tu-w it: Posters, ’ x 13. Taken from pool b Soothing Svrup, am! take no other kind. The EL,of th»* NW’j and the W’v of the NE’4 I cinity to vis’t him. he says “the of Ser 16 Tp25 s, R . 2’- E W M, < «»ritaining l«s | Total. 31. 31. Tol al. — latchfist ring is always hanging a< res Iving and twhig in If ar net county Oregon. ! nto < k brands . tor J BOSENBERG. President. Hardin à Riley, rati o branded Von left side. togeiher with all,and singular, the tenements, I out.” W m . II G as «, Seretary. Horse brand "7 left p. o. Burna. Oregon hereditameii’s.appurienatK rajhert»nnto belong | ! ing. or In any manner appertaining to snio I -Iloe Cameron, says the Grant Iain's, ami all ihe right, title, iiitercst and cs HUHNS HAD ANOTHER E IRE. J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on right aide. ' fate fran hises, p.isaea»lon, right of purs» salon County News, has been catching Horae brand -on left shoulder. ! and the property uf i he said Frank M. Jonioi ( The residence of W W. Cardwell Williams & Williams, rattle brand (’Bon left and THHe Jur«i«»n, his wife, and Frat k hr. s’I gophers ‘in a horn.” some one told Implement(N> ,it> ami to said lands and all t him that a cow's horn was an ex- was distroyd by fire on the night of hip. Horse braud, |i on right stifle. P. o. Riley. i ea»-h and every part mid parcel thereof whl« h rsTot cellent trap to catch gophers. They 3d inst or rather the morning of the Horses brat ded )-( on ’“ft stifle. Cattle brand ’ they therein or thereto Lad on ihe 5«h Kiir« a | N«»\emler, A D I*-»*’, for cash to the higbes' enterat the big end and squeeze 4th the fire being first seen about bidder, at public auction at the Court House »lo«»r in the l«»wn uf l umi, Harney < . iinty. <»r them* lives to death trying to get three o’clock A M. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 ea«»n, commei»» ing on Monday, the‘¿nth »la* of ' Mr. and Mrs. Cardwell left the ! July, A D1X9I. st two o’rhn k. r m . of said day ' thrtMh Doc accordingly baited and ai.y «»verplus here may »»♦*. afirr aadsfy Ing : a horB, with a tempting morsel, for house atxmt 9 P. M. to attend a F inal proof : said decree of $577.10 Slid Interest thereon and j $»7.nuattorne> s fee. mentioned therein mid j Mr. Gopher, and savs he caught dance given at the town hall, neither LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON, JULY ! i the the < oats and ursenient8 of $87.9x and n< ! Mr. G. •’in a horn. - ” - < nihig c « js s an«i <*x|»enM-s of sale, will lie ap-j He - is now of them can account for the origin 8. IWl. Notice is hereby given that th«* follow I ng- ' plied. ar<-ording to the tenor of said decree, t - 1 for the fellow who advised of the fire, there was no tire made named the payment «»f the decree «»f Frank Bros’ Im , settlei !••• filed notice of his intention i. Doc. is well known in in the cook stove after the noon • (r. ■ pf . t i r .support of his »-laim a •. : plemeiit ('»»..thereiu mcfiilnued «»f fHuksu »n«i i and interest thereon from said Xtd »lay of Mav. mu «1 uro«»t will be mule before the Kegia- 5 c 0 at'orney fee mentioned! lOtv. having ben assessor meal, the family eating a lunch for Uiai ter and Ketciver, al Burns, Oregon, ou August \ D l-Vi and t therein and a< <-ruing «»«ts before! ¡rant was divided, and we supper. Every thing they possessed la DWI, virWilliam l>. Buchanan. And any ever plus remaining after satisfy Ing ' d,r are flare that »e would only ex- in the way of furniture and clothing Pre. DS. No. ik/A fur the wf W*4 of >, the two de«Tc«*s above menli«»ne«l. to Le paid! < to the clerk of this rout k , subject to the or »•» | ». R «2, E W M presa the feelings of his many —except what they were wearing— Tp He X nam»*s :he following wfttu-wes to prove ' *»f Frank M. Jord«»n and Tillie J»Ti> i F H air C ut