burns advertisements Semi-Weekly Herald, HEI«.*!.»’» WASHINGTON VETTER. Se Scrofula W ashington , I). C. June 29, 1891. in Its Worst Form—‘‘Whitt HAS I Swelling'* Cured. N1 Mr Harrison and his cabinet The remarkable effect of Hood'. Sarsa­ parilla in the following case Illustrates the Editor have had a time to-day over the power of this medicine over all blood di» w.c. it vito K Of present and prospective condition eases. ■ ------- old, had a white awel- T he silver speculator is again 11 of the Treasury. c r. Thev have got u a •• My son, 7 yeara old, naa a wm«» .— and the Hug come on bis right leg below the knee, work, ami up goes the price of sil­ temporary brea clthlDg ’ Spell, r ... which contracted the muscles so that hia ver. Look out for the statement' deficit which existed a few days leg was drawn up at right angles. Physi­ lanced the swelling, which dia- tbr*t its enhancement in value is ago has been succeeded by a small,; cians charged freely, but did not help him mate­ due to the republican administra­ available cash balance; but soon rially. I considered him .............................. H arm « Court I B urns A Confirmed Cripple. tion, which is claiming everything I after the first of July, calls will be- O regon . I was about to take him to C nrlnnaH for ¡>er ht even the good crops ........ ■ f for cash ' , to . meet , the ; mu operation, expecting hi.i leg would have 1 of the present r • i gm to . be made I m ? taken o.T, anr........ ______ r _ | sion of the billion dollar Congress. | tite, charged from the aore, We continued with T here may be some excuse for a ! and the question is, where to get Hood's SaiMiparilJa, as it seemed to be Was! »Ing hi in so mu«*h good, and the discharge busy merchant neglecting to give i the money to pay them? The reve­ d from theaore dee reaped, t ••• swelling went down, the leg straightened out. and in a proper attention to his duties as j nues of the Government both from f'*w months be had perfect use of his leg; of th« is now apparently a* well as ever.” director in a national bank, but there customs duties and internal reve­ lie J ohn I.. u ’ kkay , Notary Public, Ra­ —. can be none for the failure of aGov-j nue are fulling off at an appalling venswood, W. Va. pen« D. L. & N. GRACE, Proprietors, .................... Harney City, Orej ernment bank Examiner, who is not rate. The extension of the $50,- Hood’s Sarsaparilla While not yet in full operation, is doing EVERY VARIETY of Job Print­ Bold t.y <1rii'.-K -s. |l;sixfor»5. Prepared supposed to have any other business i OOO.OOO 4| per cent bonds, while a only tures by C. I HOOD A co., Apothecuriaa ing neatly and'proinptly. This office is strictly new in every respect, both type and presses, and skill­ gallet to know the exact condition ofevery little help, can hardly be considered Lowell, M km . ful printers await employment. IOO Doses Ono Dcflar bank in his district, and such failure a drop in the bucket when the —1 Hand in your orders should be made punishable as a amount that will be needl’d is con­ burns advertisements For Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envel-ifflg® Ci ime. opes, Business Cards, Posters, Hand Bills, Calling Cards, W&S sidered. PRACTICAL SURVEYOR. Something has got to be cut off; Wedding Cabinets, Funeral Notices, etc., t . a . M c K innon . TiiATcheck which the administra­ that’s as certain as can be. But to tfW*All Job Material is fresh, and of best quality. Prices realm H. BOYD tion was billed to put to further decide what is what is driving the J W. ASHFORD. Ashford S, Boyd, E >glish encroachments on the administration wild. All this month PHYSICIANS »t SURGEONS, American continent as vet seems to thousands of pension certificates, B urns ................................. O regon < x st only in the columns of news all ready to be issued, have oeen Office in W E Grace’s Drugstore. fruit papers. Perhaps Blaine’s gout in­ piled up in tht Pension Otlice in or­ TOILET ARTICLES, GLASS, P U T T Y , *( e o,, me ciibt Ide ot Sil show the money on deposit with viva River, t*»: irilet below burns. Has just been Received. Over Hviaid Office M any years practice has given National banks tis “available cash’ l'uwn Attornev, J. NAT. HUDSON, C A Snow A Co., solicitors of pat­ in the Treasury, and Secretary Eos PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUND Lar'i ATTO R N E Y-A T-L A W. ents at Washington 1» unsur- ter is credited with intending, if he Oiliee: BURNS.OR. itF" Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best qualit: or ®*1 pa;>i d success in obtaining patents cati get th»1 Attorney General to give PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRICE. S. S1ZEMORE, for all classes of inventions, They an opinion that it will not be illegal, G EO -------------------------------------------------- ———- 3d in ATTORNEY, make a specialtv of rejei ted cases, to issue certificates for general cir­ f ,-» ................... O regon urns , ami have secured allowance of culation against the twenty-odd B Colite Jot)«. Land loriite^s, and Rea CHARLES ANDERSON - - -- - pKoru many patents that have been pre­ million dollars of the the fractional Estate militer i >roiii|»tl\ aitende«! h». viottslv rejected. Their advertise- silver now in the Treasury. It is IL,.,,-v i.... a wide and well known name, and under the rint* W. W. Cardwell, This House has a A ment in another column will be of looks at this time very much as il A T T 0 R N E Y - A T - L A W. mat nt of the present proprietor it is bound to go further up the ladde interest to inventors, patentees, the Democratic House of Represent-1 B urns , O r . No pains spared to please guests. Sure tot •' Practi-es in nil the court« of the State. fame and renown. nanufacturers and all who have to atives will find it necessary to in­ Also. Rye» Ix’fore the U. S. Land Office. do with patents. com» L and M atters a S pecialty . vestigate some of the contemplated No ‘ financial juggling, and as if then TON SORI AL PARLOR, ¡ood table service, and tables furnished with all market aft T he news which comes from Eu­ was going to be serious trouble, per­ _’ ________________________ _ — IO UN KO BIN SON P ro »*. rope of the formation of a central haps imptachment for somebody. Everything in their line guaranteed European custom league, bv Ger­ So many of the candidates foi to be done satisfactorily. Burns I^hotgranh CSrallerv, many, Austria, Hungary, Italy amt Speaker of the House have been in *SF“The onlv place in Burns you \V. II. CANADAY,.................................................. P roprietor . can g.*t baths. Switzerland, the principal object ot town this week that every body was wl i di will be to retaliate upon the saving: "Well, the next Speaker ot inat. --------- :----------0----- 0 . :--------- • in, Uoit«’«l States for the McKinley the House is in town.” The sen- i N. BROW N, Nothing but first class pictures leaves this Gallery. Duplicit" ont ai taritf law, canimt le surprising to t nee was originated by a bright 1 R E A L f Î s ’ t T t ’A G E N T furnished at reduced rates. g»F“Give me a call. favo' close observers of the science of newspaper man when McNillin Ut y i \ e UK 1 r >w N PR« iPFRTY disbi IN THE COUNTRY II INDI.El political economy. Nations are joined Mills, Springer, by num, | REAI. EST ITE nN c >M M IssfnN CORRESPONDEN» E SOLICITED Buns-Canyon Stage Line, “ like individuals; if vou injure one Wilson and several others already O F FIC E AT N. BRO W N ’S S 1’0 R E. I. J ewitt , P hoprietor . $ he will not rest until the injury here. Burns, ................................. Oregon. Leavei Buri» on Mondava. W'edneadava, atei Frida» a. at <> a. in iaM.il Ims been repaid with interest. The Col. Root. C. Ingersoll and Mr. I^r-i'ounccta »irti thè Untarlo, Prineville. and I akeview stage a, at Burnii. Goixi ar M W- N. Jorgensen tloua tur paaaengera. loss of trade of these fiv»* countries J. W. Mackay, known to fame as corre would Im little short of a calamity on»* cf th«* Bonanza Kings, were --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -—- Weig to the United Blates, and the peo- eloM'tetl with Mr. Harrison for near pl«- of this country should see that two hours one day this week, ami has 1 a change is made in our taritf laws I there is reason for Relieving that Pre® l>< fore irreparable damag«* is »lone the subject under tliscussimi was I E. McKINNEY, ----- P roi - uibtm w'1* to our Euro|>ean trade, the bulk ot silver. It is somewhat puzzling Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whiskies, Brandi« whv these gentlemen should hav» which is in agricultural products. attempted to surround their visit to Wines, Fancy Drinks, etc.. Cigars, etc., always on hand when and. Watches: W ashington with bo much mystery vou call on “Mack.” at Drewsey, Harne'v county, Or. ;t M en who growlingly dote out a At the hotel where they stopja'd th« I hav»* n small but select assort _________ _ out.’ five or ten dollar bill once in a great name of neither of them ap|wareii meat of Diamond jewelry, both dia­ the register. Such a precaution monds alone and with rubies, p’lirls. while to tlvdr wives to Imv necessa- .on ' waa absurd when Ixith them art­ garnets, etc . all in fine gold, Fin­ Com ry articles of clothing, should think well known to every newspaper ger rings, necklaces, bracelets, etc., gopb of the feeiinus of Uncle Sam, who man of any prominance in Wash­ for the ladies, and studs, cluster hiiu and scarf pins, etc,, f»>r gents, with was, by a recent court decision,pre­ ington. PneritDT"* cell* JNO. W SAYER "Lige" Halford, the President's diamonds and other stones. sented with a bill of 120,000,000 for ss Call and set* me. Always at my bat trimmings alone. The deci­ private secretary, is now regarded as a |x>litical lx»ss The Commis­ |x»st. in N Brown’s building. MM sion was made on a construction of sioner« of tht* District of Aolumbia. a ho BEATrrSOBGANSSS a sections of the tariff law that ex | one democrat, one republican ami Mr. isted between 1883 and 1890, and one Armv officer, who is aup'Mwetl Mr. f»»r< »»alome A«1