BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1891. y rol. IV—Ne 41 irla krl '«4 WPF 1111» $2.50 a Year. — Semi-Weekly Herald, The Erratic* Missouri. Thirty Hidden Skeletons. QBE AT R EDUCTION IN I RICES ! The Missouri river cut through Chicago, III., June 28.—Thirtv Doniphin Point, a few miles north skeletons were found in an old ice m ■ of Atchison, and converted several Dry Granulated Sugar, $ 9 75 per 1001b 1U«. BY house in Chicago. For several davs I have just received a full and I 0 J Missouri farms into a vast island 2.10 W. C. BYRD & SON. complete Stock of Dry Goods, numerous complaints have been The newly formed channel is get Salt,............................. «, CS P ublishers and P roprietors . made to the Health Office and tu| ting wider every hour and it is Nails,............................ 7.50 u keg. G-oeeries, Hardware. Tinware Flour,........................... 6.00 barrel Notions, etc , which I will sell the Deering street police by resi feared that the entire current will Omaha Bacon ............ 13.50 it loom at BEDROCK PRICES FOR Il'BSCRI 1'TION RATES: dents in the vicinity of Archer I change in less than fortv-eighi Coal Oil (Pearl)......... 3.00 u can CASH ONLY •ar .................................................. $3.00 11. E. T hompson , avenue and Hough place, who asser hours. This will leave a lake 8 Yours Respectfully, miles in lenyr’h in the old bed. The i _________ iontha ..................................................... Manager. A. ROBBINS ted that a nuisance of aggravating river has been rising rapidly for 2.50 (in advance) HERALD CLUB LIST ; form made life almost unendurable. ! twenty-four hours, and an overflow I ml Harper’.* Magazine.............. «’i.CO Investigations was made by both de is looked for in *he bottom land nd Harper * Weekly ......... i’.'-'O t _ iol Harper'* Bazar 5.‘J0 partments, but without locating the .iti( eleu Lv I he cut. urnbtfl Herald hud Harper’« Young People 3.75| Yesterday the mystery l«guJfci®>,"l Aldeii'f Hostile liedskius. Aldcn'B Manifold ( Cyclopedia, yclopediH. 2."" trouble. ■ ■ -__ u Eaclk Additional Each additional volu ne after Vol. 1, I, 5;> 5.» een cent«: was solved. Several boys found •e,-eip ' 1° eeuta extra uer volume, poataxe. Col. Corbin left Holbrook. Arizo HUNTINGTON, OREGON. tad | jp^-dopiv« of all the above work« can be ex near the corner a human skull and na, on the morning of June 23d, for •ntlned a: leisure in the Reading Room several thigh hones, bleached white. Kern’s Canvon, with two troops of Publisher« of periodica’« are «olicited The iads toid the first policeman the Tenth Cavalry under command I send (flubbing rates, a copy of their work tor Major McLellan. At Kern’s our Free Leading Room—defile, and bind the they met of their discovery, and he of We are now located in the New Brick Block, with plenty of room, 7 Pol latter «lose of every half volume, r"d w t j (I advertisement. notified the Health Office. Dr Canyon the force will be joined by occupying three Hours, and each lloor loaded With gOO^S. ■ 1 : COI two companies from Fort. Wingate, Ware, with several assistants, VISI olso two more pieces of artillery. IIEP.“ Will maintain our former rules: D311illg> One Price. A D\ ERTISI N( RATES: ted the scene arid made « Col. Corbin is acting under the im- . sracg ; 1 vk 2 wk 1 mo j 3 mo j 6 mo |_!Z’ thorough search than had before mediate orders of General McCook Best Ouality. |1 50 12.50 p 00 >8 <X) 111 00 115.00 A bad odor was detec- anfi "'ll go directly to the seat ol is.00 28. CO been made. 4 00 6 50 12 m 3 uo We buy Flour, Meats, Stock Salt, Barb Wire, Liverpool Salt. 40 00 24.00 «00 15.00 5.00 3 50 the disturbance. 50 00 ted from Schineman’s old iee house 32.00 (i.00 10 00 20.00 4 50 Canned Goods, and Coal Oil in CAR LOADS. Our Puices are LOW. It is stated by Lieutenant Brit 46.00 54.00 . 6 œ 9.00 15.00 2600 80.00 120 00 on the corner. The searchers ripped 12 • M) 16 (X) 2« 00 4M 00 that seventy or more of the hos'iles (K) :o 00 40.00 GO. 00 110.00 143.00 up a part of the floor and were hor a~e in the Orihle village of stone rifled to find rows of skeletons, to buildings situated on an elevation CORRESPONDENCE SOLI('ITED. JOB WORK some of which shreds of flesh still some thirty miles from Kern’s Can Prprietors Huntington Warehouse. ' description executed with neatness elung. Who placed them there is yon ami are very defiant. at « h, al reasonable rates. It is said to bo Colonel Corbin’s Posters, Pamphlets not known, and the authorities will purpose to arrest the ring leadeis Letter Heads, l ili Beads. a. Note Heat's, ( ards. Tit Kc1s, make every effort to find the guilty and medicine men and remove them IB. Invitations. Dodgers, Etc. persons. The theory advanced by from their tribes for a time at least. is kept regularly on f’c for re the health officers is that some at-1 1 mil This be hopes to do without serious In the Geo. 1’. Kewell Newspaper Ad tach of a medical college brought trouble. The country is very dry, Bureau, 10 Spruce at.. New York. the subjects there to bleach. The there having been little or no rain MRS. THOMAS GIANNINI, Proprietor bones \ycre allowed to remain in the in the country since March, so the I OFFICIAL DIRECTORY building until the matter can be movement of troGjm is a diilicult THIS IR THE MOST POPULAR HOTEL IN TOWN, PECAI SE IT TH THE BEST CONDUCTED. more fully investigated—Republic problem u th. .r““- EVERY THING Is NEAT AN D COM PORTA RLE ITS PATRON’S WANTS ARRCAREFULLY i rtl ■I QUOTE YOTJ FVBLISHE ; D E V ER Y W E DN ES D A Y SATURDAY. A AND N WHOLESALE ! RETAIL ! ! CO. c o. G eneral M erchandise b SEND FOR QUOTATIONS ! ! BURNS CONSIDERED AND TABLES FURNISHED WITH EVERY THING THE MARKI T AFFORDS, national : 1 befit if farli residen i cripti«« ire-FÄe ident at iliwj lUiNHOy of state MlélHMFy of Treasury of Interior ewy Benjamin Har riBO Levi P. Morton JamesG. iilaine (. harks Foster. JoiinW. Noble Redbeld Proctor _ __ M, frwsecretafy of Navy Benjamin F. . J.I -race. Li 1 1 Ku«k Jeremiah M lotei'SeculMj of Agriculture. Win H. ” " Attorney General H tnitiftetmasti r General . ..John Wan^make t p<id. 3TATE— OKLI.ON : J. N. Dolph J. H Mitchan ¡man R. “ . Binger Hermelin lt.Sylve.ivr ,-lvegter Pennoyer Pennover f of State R Geo. W. AV. McBride R Phil. MelBchan. bile Instruction R J. B. MeElroi niter R Frank liakei K > R S. «lean. Judge« K ,■ Wm. P. Lord R > W. W. Thai er Rheubin S. Strahm SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: ii'lge D M. D. ('LIFFOKIi riet Alt.., ney .1» CHAS. F. H ydk I>il>t-Rnple«elitilti\ e (It). 1>. S. D ustin VB tor (I>) iiENHY llLAI KMAN at-, illM ¡ est ta 4 COUNTY—HARNEY: wnt« nty Judge W«. M1I.LEE (D). •tabi«, (D) AV. E. G rack mg." restaurer ......... (D) T. _________________ II. R obert » a -W«M HTOur (D) T. A. M c K innon ated. iff • (D) A. A. CO..ING : aerili ■ .(!>). W. E. Al.BKKSON ubi H Iperinteudeut iK) CH as . N k a ell giector T hus . G. D odson ICAl « latera (D) 1 /p, Ç "«• A>-TNOW Lytle Howard. ..J. B. H untington ..H akkibon K f . llkv » th« witkt 1 . CHURCH W I’VE METHODS,that and Control orders of In the Uso of CURA. wo Alone own BRENTON A- BAILEY, Proprietors. I MJ loner« loner. EKPERENŒ YEARS DIREI TORY. ar Wl «b----------- EN o Who have weak cri/ff.. DEVELOPED, ct diseased organs, who are suuei- ing from rMtoitscFYOurii Excesses, cr o£ uarar.tco to » MEN • WIT«;;! VThoarc HE.woustm'l In- ROME Ejaurv»,, 1 pç-£//r, the scorn of their ùJows and tlio con- tempt oî friends and con rainions, leads us to rCR A LIMITED TIMEERi-c- all patients. uu method ana r. aliord a STOPED, TiXj A. FOR YOU AND YOURS. Don’t brood over your conaitlon, r.'r Thou-ands of tbo Wor'-t Cat: J L j y.i TREATMENT, asset fortbtp our V'ONDEflFl'L BOOK, wltlc send sealed, poet paid, FREE, foralimited time, ^¿7 IT TO-DAY. Remember, no one clso has the methods, appliances and experi ence that wo employ, and we claim th- ricertr of unitor , success . E rie U chcal C o .. CT [.. aqara C t .. B uffalo , N. Y. 2,009 Reference flame this psper when you write Mexican The Proprietors of the Red Front and White Front Livery Sta bles assures the public that they are prepared to accommodate in every way in their line of business. jf^'llav ami grain constantly on hands, ami careful hands. Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Job Wagon it. connection. We wish to inform the pub- Shop lie that we have again open- the patronage. ed at the old stand and upplied with good meats BMlBM ETIIolU-r EPISCOPAL CHURCH M.D. WIL8ON Paster. ill be preaching by the pastor in each _ follow a, until further notice- ie ol •«■«««• '• ibatti—l.uri.a-at 11 a in, and « iX) p m Lxlh —laialKl School Hoii«e— at 11 a m —llarney—at 7 :H0 p m. i>ath — Burnt.— it 11 a in, and 4:30 pm tbath—Harney—al 11 a in. and 7.¿Op in The m S’ h ' Liniment SOCIETIES NEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. O O F. at odd Fallow. Hall, every Saturday F. M JoRDON, N. G. oRTow, Trca. I ARNEY POS T NO. «X, G. A. R. every 1st and* 3d Wednesday of each ai <ñld Sel Iowa' Halt. All Comrade, .landing invited. M. M. BR1ERLY, P. C. N kwbll . Ad'j'l. Meh LA-1. U. S. MAILS. •I'RND— valk : and departa dally, Sundays exceptad. ara»»— c an vos citv : Mondata Ue<lne»iata. Friday»,r.pa.i • I bn rada) a « Saturdays M.45*. \ Cure for the Ailments of Man and Bea:t. A long-tested pain reliever. Its use is almost universal by the Housewife, the Farmer, the Stock Raiser, and by every one requiring an effective liniment No other application compares with it in efficacy. This well-known remedy has stood the test of years, almost generations. No medicine chest is complete without a bottle of M ustang L iniment . Occasions arise for its use almost every day. All druggists and dealers have it Incorporated NORTHWESTERN MAIL AND TRANSPORTATION Company. C. C. McCoy, General Manager, ------------ ().;.()------------- Stages leave Burns. Ore«on, daily for Harney, Drewsev, Beulah, Westfall and Vale, where Close Connection is Made with the railroad. Good fresh horses, careful drivers, new vehielea, KATES OF FARE FROM BURNS TO ONTARIO Burns. I«» Ontario *• •• Grove City. •• •• Beulah •• Pinet’ieek |10 <M> ! M ♦’» w 1 2 I AND INTERVENING Burna to Vale •• •• West Fall “ lirewaey “ H.rney POINTS • 7.5. « <* L00 Baggage. 3U!b<< to each Passenger. Frieght and Passenger« must *»e way-billed. Passenger fare paid in advance. N eri A cki . es , J. M. V aughn H arry F i . oyd , Division Agent. Burna Age»» Gen. Sup’t.