Semi-Weekly Herald, —The cavalcade on the 4th will. To I’Lpci Cold«, — Born, June 29th 1891 to the AH THERE ! wife of G. W. Young, a eon. be grand, gloomy and peculiar. , Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse — We are informed that Dr. Ash- the system effectually, yet gently, —150 tons of the finest quality of_ What Bargains At WEDNESDAY, JULY 1. 1891. hay for sale. Inquire at H erald * , ford and family are.on the road when costive or bilious, or when the M R. C. GLEB'S; : office. from Baker and will be here before ' blood is impure or sluggish to per- MANUFACTURER A- DEALER Officii! County Paper, I manently cure habitual constipation —Remember Til] Glaze is at the the 4th. IN At.I. KINDS OF head of the music department for — If any one makes a fortune in ' to awaken the kidneys and liver to TINWARE. the dance on the 3d. Burns during’ihe races, ve will so a healthy activity, without irritat ing or weakening them, use Syrup Tinware repaired. —Tickets for the ball to be given inform the public. —To-day she “pops" we mean the of Figs. Also Dealer in Fishing Tackle and on the night of the 3d. only $1.50. —A nugget of gold, weighing ices. Sporting Goods. Supper at all the hotels. .-TOC K BRANDS. thirty-five pounds, has been found _ Bob. and Nick Baker are in Ilanilu A Riiey, < n:tle branded V on left aide. B urns ........................... O regon — Harney county is now blessed in the gold district recently discov Horae brand ~ left aide. >■ o. Buri a. Oregon iwn. with fine weather and a prospect of ered in British Guiana. —J. Durkheimer returned last excellent grain and hay crops. J. C, Foley, rattle brand -oil right side.! Horse brand — on left shoulder. 1 tmday. Nolire. —Tex’s resort. Trank Lewis sole Williams A. Williams, t attic brand. t'Bon left , —Good wheat at N. Brown’s $1 dispenser of cocktails and fine cigars I wish the public to distinctly hip. Horse brand, 11 <>u right stifle. B, O. Riley. L er bushel. branded II on left stifle < attic brand- • “is in it” and don’t you forget it. understand that I have no connec cd Horses H on left hip. Marion Bunyard, BO Burns 21 N THE LATEST STYLE. AND A IN _ L. Bosenburg paid Diewsey a tion with the program for the Har —Good Maclune oil, $1.00 "per ¡sit this week. L KG A L A D V E KT 18 E M ENT 8. gallon, at Geer’s. Finest assort ney 4th of July celebration. —They are the “boss" I got ’em ment ever seen in Harney Co. J-l T. V. B. E mbree NOTICE. f Ralph Geer. —Messrs. Fred Oakerman and tran«* I reek. Notice is hereby given that on the 15th day of Wm. Mynatt’s Shcro. Mat ¡*'.'1. 1 appointed the following named p<i- At _ \Ve met G. W. Wilshire on the James Walters, of Silver Creek. boiiR ueputs stock 1 iiKpectoiBof Hartley conni y : Hay and gram crops are looking reet this morning John bridge, oi ( rune I reek; Harrison SeH- On Corner s< nth of Red Front Sta N were in town the first of the week. war«! of Diamomi; W M. lioga'1 of silver Creek ble in N. Brown’s building. _ W. Y. King and family arrived ' —The Saloon of which Bozv is tine especially the crops Lf F. C. F. G. Binine of Emigrant Creek; George Mor Burns last Sundav « \ proprietor and “big.Tim” behind the Fisher, E. A. Stauffer and tirant gan. of Drew scy. Thus. G. D oi ’R on , I Thompson. Stock Tmpeetorof Harney county. —Harney county’s gold mine is « bar, is the place to get the boss drink For JFfctiXit. John Barr and William King PROPOSALS F<>R Bl II DING BRIDGE: renting some excitement. or cigar. Best pmsed up to day on their way to the Settled p'.ipcsH’B will he received by the Blacksmith shop, with tools. — Iven Moore, of Harney, hath —When a man is very smart it county seat. Both of these gentle ('oui.ty Clerk f«»i* building a bridge tier. sh sii- location in Burns. Impure of N. River, on what is known its the Embree Lken unto himself abetter-half. is said of him that he is “wide.” men will, in a few days, leave for vivs Koud. Harney count). Oregon, said bridge to Brown. be a mi ! B.tiHOnl bridge with guard rails and —J. C Parker Esq., has treated Broady is "wide” but how about the Poulouse. They are rather down approach« a. \11 pr«-p« sals to be •«ccompHuit'd i h plat s at u apecilit u ions. Said prop« sals is dwelling to a nice front porch. smartness. (aearted, because the Crane Creek u will i.e «.peiteti b\ the County Court, on —New Stock of Glass, Piittv.' ’■Daisy” left them in the lurch Wednesday. July H. 1MH. The ( onit reserving : —On Friday night, 3d*of July, CHEAT NOVELTIE-S the right to reject any and all bios ancing will be in order at the town "aints, Oils. Brushes, etc., at Geer’s. By order of the Cuuuty Court. Swamp ( reek Items. W I, G race , Clerk. CHINA & JAPAN all. I No charge for cutting glass if von buy of me. J-l (-Our first class painter Lloyd Culp The Whittier Bros, are through piNAL PROOF: GOODS AT —If the outside world do not I e shearing. s embellishing the front of tile I- S L and O ffici , at Burns, Oregon, May 12. 1S91. lieve that Burns is “ in it ” just come T erai . d office. Notit e is hereby given that the f «>1 lowing- The Whittier Bros’, "bouncer,” named settler has filed notice of his intention — Pussv Stansell presented our and notice the improvements going Willi'* Giav, got on the war path, a to make final pr«i«>f in support of his « laim, and on all the time. ha: s»i id proof will H-uui-te before ih • Reg Rier n ANDKFID’H 11 I* (»F FINFSTMI 1< i’HFAP Marshall, W. \\ . Johnson, with a few days since, and invited three of t and Receive! al Hurt.a. Oregon, on July 3. bsyl, —Thirty head lilver police star. — 1 ncim of choice milk cows the shearers out of the sheep pen. viz ’ . V TK '» *)eU A PACKAGE; AS MANY FIRE Iticliurd N. Mlllcr, — Mrs. M. A. Frv was called to ,.V‘ *,\‘ . Waltm, of Red but the Lots receiving the chal ltd. No 111. for the N>,of NWqr <ec. 2». sE«|r (RACKl R s AH \ SMALL IIOY CAN CARRY 6Eqr. Sec. IV, NEqt of NEqr. <ec l>0, 1 p -1 >. Silver Creek last Sunday, to visit Bluff. Calif., died suddenly from lenge were :o wise to accent. They of R. ‘.7 K. | eating green corn. He uawea the foil«»wine witucaaes to rove FOllVrti. ALL OTHER THINGS AT SAMI. were not in the humor to face the Hrs. Robert Williams. hi* c . hh W i U o U s residence upon aud eultivaii.»n i RATE. —The insurgents of Chili bn yr- hammer of death, swung on the of said land, viz: Ira <). Bardwell, R. J W1L j —Rails on the Sumpter valley lian a, J. A. Williams and W. N. Hogan all of i A NEW STOt'i: OF GOODS railroad are being laid at the rate sent representatives to th«- United axletree of the world. ki.e.t, Oregon. J. Hi ntivto . v Register States praying for recognition by Janus Newcomen received a ON THE ROAD if ten miles per day.—News. I our government as belligerents. frightful sear»- from an illegal U. S. F inal proof ; —Fresh lemons, candies, nuts, — Persons indebted to Martin detective and left for Diamond on LAND OFFICE AT Bl KNS, OREGON, MAY Fruit glares and a variety of cake ; Byerly for meat, are requested to :F long tro'. 1891. trimmings at the Post Office Store. No’iee is berebv given that the following « I come and settle up immediately named svitler ht.s filed notice of ins inteniioii U HA I (><» YOU I HIN ’ K! —Senator J. E. McDonald, of In I No “josh” about this, he means if. O t«» make tit al pro« i in support of his claim and sani nroot will be maue before the Regis ; diana, died at his residence in In ' Nails only cost you $7 75 per 100 thu- O ter ami Receiver, ab Burna, Oregon, on July 2, dianapolis on the n.ght of June the i —Mr. Fry returned Monday after !t>s at Geers and everything else in lsid, viz: 73 V. Verdot. noon, from a trip to Susanville the same proportion. I have as Preda No. George o first. for the SWqr See. 10, Tp, 25 8« . i \ >». Í —J. B. Huntington who has been 1 < 'ali'brnia. Ilis daughter, a resi I good sei cted stock as von will find b He names »he Adlowiug witnesses to p ovc fj R- hia < .»tifii lions reshìeuf c up«>n and < uh I \ at ion CD 5S for some time visiting Baker City.; dent of that place, came in with in any rail road town in Eastern of, £ suiti lami, viz* Robert ivers, Fntderi k Rit £J j him. ¡Oregon and am bound to s-11 it off. 73 te« I uscii. August F. Rilterbus' h ami Julius A. and other places returned last Mon-' □ e Ki it.-i us« h, all <-f Burns. — Have you seen those lovely ('••ill ai:d see me and I will astonish day. y. Q. J. B. H untington , Register trimmed hats at the Millinery ft you with low prices if you bring —A woman in Indianapolis has Xolirr to Creditors. I rwin S. G eer . j oieoned four husbands and is tin-; Store? Not vet; but intend to get i 1 the cash. Ju the mailer of Swar's *<• Millet, Insolvent one as soon as possible, "before thev M anager. <b r arrest for poisoning her mother 1 Debtors. are all sold. To whom it may concern: The undersizned and sister. Sleajetl. bcreLv gi vwi lU/tice that oil the *.Ld «isy of Ms«*, — Every thing in the hardware «> l. Swur-s «V Miller, ii solvent debtois, «>f liar —The Mix gang, l»efore the Bek- ) rev ( «»mity. Slate of Oregon, made, executed From Burns, on or about the 20th and ine. received at Gec-r ’ s last week r nmiittv cr nJ inrv f«»r fiircr^rv de ivered to the undersigned their < ertain < r county grand jury for forgery, of Mav. on dark hav horse, branded (iced of assignment, <*unieying all their pr. p- run the ••gauntlet” without receiv Granite ware. Machine oil, Meehan on left uhonldrr vrti . real and personal in trust, for the weight 1.400, t be» vfif both i s tools, Mowing machines, all of their creditors. Now. therefore, all in’ a scratch. such < redi!« rs and others Interested in said kinds of harvesting tools, cheaper shod with team shoes, right hind ¡estate are hereby notified to present their —The county seat contest of our than dirt, for cash. ankle crooks out. Hi kind- high, ‘ claims and demands agait s’ sai l <s aie. prop orr verified, required, ar the office of county will he tried in Portland in 8 or 9 years old and very gentle. the Hinicndtft ns t*d. by in law l aker < By, Orepo’i. wi h — Gentlemen who wish toj >in the the court of Judge Shattuck be Any one giving information of in three months from the public atiun hereof Cavalcade on the 4th are requested Da ed June 19. 1- 9i. tween this time and July 6. C. W J amf .«, Assignee. Xto leave tl ler r aims with W \V whereabouts will be liberally re warded. M.N. P eg T.'. ey , — John Martin just lett.rncl Cardwell or A. W. Gowan when they . i. i i - ., ........ .. OF FOR' LOSURE AND Biifns, Ore. SHERIFF'S NOTICE ORDE R OF SALE from I < rtland, reports George Mc- w-|| jæ riven futher information . r ar .v ». ■. > « x 1 A . . I - . ■.. 1 . . — ...... _ _ - — * Know «¡1 inon bv tL< fc prvfeiCR, Th««’ ptirzu Gowan and family who are now res and instructions. By order of the SriZAYED, am to m decree »J the Circuit«Oiirt of the »tote idents of Portland, well and doing Committee. «4 Oregon, t^r Harney county, made and en Strayed from Burns, Harney tere«i «»n t he VJd <i®v of Mat. A. 1». 1MB. In h zuit well u herein Jvbanua < . Crump wwa p’aintffr wnd —Stockmen can now g< t honest county, Oregon, on cr about the Frank M J«»r«l >«« and Tillie Jordon, hia wife, —The Bradstreet Mercantile weights bv shipping or selling stock 21st of May, fix head of horses and and Frank Broa’ Implement < u., were dciend- for Five hundred aud aevenD aTven and Agency reports twenty-two failures at Huntington. The O. C. Co. hav one colt, belonging to the under an't P-1 ho dollars and interest frum I he Mid Z?d dav m the Pacific Coast states and tei- ing just completed oneof Fairbanks of Mav. A. D. »OI. at 10 jwr ceir p«-ran num and Fifty-aeven <&7)d«>l!nrs attorne wit ••sand s ritories for the past week, as com Stock Scales, and arranged a large signed. ursementaof Uieac ion tbxe ! ntthir y- Inscription and brands as fol and dis? «nd^s-10(rb7 *m-lUU;d<»ilara and for the lore pared with ten for the previous week corral for the purpose. Certified lows: One bay horse, about 16| aeven rh sure of a cenain real mur-gatte ««f date the « and nine for the corresponding week weights given. h day of November, A D lX'.-O, an«« ina«le bv 4-24. hands high, branded on left shoulder 5t said defedants. Frank M. Jnrd.m and THlie of 1890 wile, to the said Johanna i ’ C'rtimp ' —A sensational story is current C\: one bay horse 14.1 bands high, J«>rdun. ’he his Fast half «4 the Northwest quarter t —One David Bingham, a consta in the newspapers, that a roval with large saddle marks on both upon and theWtst half of the Northeast q«;ar'er of section >i« ’ een in Township T>*«•nty-iivc ble. of Huntington, has been indict- messenger, bearing dispathes from sides, branded on the left shoulder t*/») a<»nih Range <l*») fbirty-twoand a half'i k' G Rj e I l»v the grand jury of Baker coun the Czarwitz, at Tokio. Japan, to C; one brown horse branded C U Nl. c.inUininx lw» ar rrs all b Ina and freine ii Harn**v <otinty. Oregon, And dirertlna me to ty for allowing a prisoner to escape. his father, the Czar of Russia, had ion left shoulder, 4 years old; one * sell said lands to patisfy Sahl decree as may be. Now. therefore. I will offer and sell the said The Huntington Herald says that disappeared in Denver, and tears bald-face bay mare, four white feet lands, to-u it: the jieople of that sectiou think are entertained that he has been > branded C,\ on left shoulder; one The K* ,«»f the NW’< and the W’, of th«* N F’, of Ser Ifi Tp25 s. R 82’, E W M. containing 1 <; j David “N. G.” bay mare, star in forehead, branded a< res lying and lielngin Harner countv Oregon, i murdered by nihilists. w ith all. and singular, the tenements, j — The most thrilling stories come C \ on left shoulSer: one sorrel »oecher he edi'anieiiik.appur.enanr «•F.’tier» unto bel. tut i days ■ four — There will be just or iit auy tnanner anper:aining to raid I from Algeria of the ravages of the horse about 14 or 14| hands high, ioji. lands, and all 1 be right, title. Inter« st an«l es bteusts. In many districts not a racing on the Hurns race track, the blazed face, all four feet white. «ate frail his»*s. p. •e-Mioa. riaht of p>»tt*fslon and the property of thesaid Frank M Jordon1 L -prig remains on a farm and the 1st 2d. 3d and 4th of July, 1st day and liilie Jordon, his wife, and Frank Bn s’ 600 yards free for all Harney coun Implement < u .in and to *aid lands and ad branded CA on left shoulder and »•a« 'nhabitants are in a famishing con h and every part and parcel thereof wbi< h dition. *1 heir only resort for food ty horses, ptir-e $75; 2d day, } yearling colt branded C.\ on left | the< th»*rwin or thereto fca*i «»n the ■» h dav oi A 1» 1*!*). for cash to the hizbest i- the locusts themselves, of which mile dash free for all. purse 1100; shoulder, and, when turned out November. bidder, a: public auction ar the Court Hunre in the t««wn of I.urns, Harney county, or vast quantities are being consume«]. 3d day. | mile dash. Harney coun ha<l on a halter muzzle. A liberal d«M>r egon. commencing on Monday, the Jgh < a* ««f ty saddle horses,purse$50; 4th day A DJHkl. at two u’chxk. m . of Midd day — The residence of A. Hemlx-ee.y.' mile and repeat free for all Har- reward will be paid by the under Juiv, any overplus there may lie, aftec M/iafying signed for their return to Burns, or and live miles northeast of Burns, was nev - said decree of g»77.1O snd interest therwn ami county horses, purse ♦l<t0. a fee. mentioned therein and ! information given whereby they theF>7.00attorne destroyed by fire last Saturday the «oats and «tjfhnraementa of giT.’** and a« may be recovered. _ Eagle: Last Sundav. at the rruing cua a »nd egpensea of sale, will tie ap evening about dark. The fire —„ plied. ar« ording to »he ten«»r of amid de« rre t-» C harles A nderson . '•aught in the kitchen from a lamp, bride’s parent*, near M<>nument, Or- (he pa> a»rnt <»f the «»errre of frank Bros* Im pk-inrnt ( «»..therein rnrn:ione«J of and while the family were out somediB- egon, occurred the marriage of Hon X and infrreat thereon fr«»m said *J3d dav of Mav, For oter Fifty Year«. C S. Ihistin an«l Mrs Soaie Gear A 1» lekl »«ml <0 at ornry fee mrnthmed tince from the bouse milking. On | I k O v > *»n WMX-Tsisn R kk < i » t . —Mr* therein and accruing r«ts And anv o\er plus remaiwing after aatiafving •tis- •veriug the fire Mrs. Hembree hart. The happy couple took their W inKbrw ’« Rtwitbtnir «trnp bMiwnwel f..r fifty > e«rw bv ■<illi->l>*<>f m.eberv for their the t wo derre»-« above mentioned, to i* paid I ■it'd her two small boys—the only departure, shortly after the wel oter uHhrt erkofthia ouifU. an Meet t*« f hr < mer . rhildreo • iwklnr. with ae tert Frank M. Jordon and Tilde J«#rd<»i». his «* He, | ones at h aue—ran immediately to ding. for Portland, where n portion It a»rfh«a tl.a rhiiM.• >Cer« he nmt al «»» of af’rr d«Hiurtir.g ail legal r« a a and rx|wnara • I paiu, ftirw al-.d tt.lie. ,n<i » 'he b> r em the house and succeeded in saving < f their honey-moon will be passed cdt for Dl*rrh«rw 1» pte«,«nt to 'he .ter then accrued or whl< h may •rrrue in wit neat wherwrf. I have hereunto set my . DttiKKiW» In «very part t>f (ha ».»rid a part of the Is-ddingand furniture, The Eagle joins their many friends — sold be bend thia 19th day of June. A Dl^l. - irr ----- - |'i.i q . « In. ■ A. A. < owiwu. in wishing them a long and happy ' "he Iocs is atout 1750, insurance, Ba rare .tel attk for M-» Wteatew'. hberiff Harney County, oregwa. Svotbinf ryrnp. 4< M• life. [Amen, so be it. E d . J . and tphe au other kind. I •'H air C ut SMOOTH SHAVE. a. & i t - 1M 0 r c -i O X m (0 o u 1