To Dispel Colds, —Born—On the 20th inst, to the I —“C an the character be read . AH THERE ! wife of John Jone«, a bov. from the handwriting?” Most as Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse SATURDAY, JUNE 27,lS'.U. What Bargains At —A. Robbin’s new store will be suredly it can. Everyone can re the system effectually, yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the completed in a few days. member being influenced favorably blood is impure or sluggish to per-; I R. C. GEER’S; : 8 LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY —Don’t go hungry for tobacco, vi MANUFACTURER * DEALER or unfavorably the penmanship g NEWS! APER IN THIS COUNTY. v.vv.v.vv., bv ... ......... nianeni,y cure naoiiuai consupauon manent! v cure habitual constipation and fruit, call on Harry Thomp IN ALL KINDS OF of some unknown person, and has to awaken the kidneys and liver to t son. a healthy activity, without irritat TINWARE. Official County Paper, —Shoes did you say? Why yes been astonished to find how true the | ing or weakening them, use Syrup Tinware repaired. Lunaburg & Fry keeps the best in conclusions were; and some of the i of Figs. Also Dealer in Fishing Tackle and world’s foremost thinkers have i the market. Local News. Sporting Goods. X maintained that the handwriting STOCK BRANDS. I —-------------------------- —The wet cold weather is injur furnishes a more exact key to the j Hardin <fc Rilev, cattle branded Von left aide. B urns .................................. O regon . ne —Good wheat at N. Brown’s 11 ing the grain crops in some sections character than the head, face, or Uoiae brand T leftside, r o. Burna, Oregon I of the country. r bushel. form. Character-reading from hand J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on right aide.' —Remember Sing on the 4th he —Remember N. Brown's ready writing is a fascinating 8’t dv; and Horae brand — on left shoulder. s a full sto?k of fire crackers. made clothing, he will have a full! if you wish to learn all about it you Williams A Williams, cattle brand, CB on left —Remember boys, when in town supply before the 4th. must read the excellent and pro hip. Horse braud, 11 on right «title. P, O. Riley. IN THE LATEST STYLE. AND A call on John Robinson, the bar I —T’ne City Drug Store is expect-1 fusely illustrated article, “How to r. 1, EG A I* A D V E RT 1S E M E NT8. Read Character bv Handwriting. ” ing quite an addition of Drugs, can by I’rof. Nelson Thorpe, published —150 tons of the finest quality of dies and notions before the 4th. NOTICE. in the July number of Demorest’s ■“•y for (sale. Inquire at H erald — Brenton & Daily have every- ( Family Magazine, and you will be Notice is hereby given that on the 15th »lay of I At Wm. Mynatt’s Shor. ice. May 1K91. I appointed the following named pet- thing in first class condition in and still more interested in the subject soiiBdeputs stock Inspectors of Harney comity: , —On Friday night, 3d of July, around the White Front stable. John Bridge, of Crane Creek; Harrison Tea-j On Corner s< uth of Red Front Sta In the same number is a splendid ward of Diamond; W M. Hoga** of Silver deck ncing will be in order at the town ble in N. Brown’s building. F. G. Blume of Emigrant Creek; George Mor-1 —If vou want a reaper go to Cal. article on "Chili,” which is partic- gan. of Drewsey. )rqll- Tims. G. H udson , | ularv apropos at present; “Foes stock Tnapeetor of liarnev county. ini—Some of the finest flowers ever Geer, if vou want a mower go to Cal. Atleid: Plants Poisonous to the Geer, if von want a rake the same; ought into Harney county at the PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING BRIDGE; ! man will supply you, and in fact Stomach” is quite as seasonable, Sealed proposals Best, 111 illinery store. will be received by the Blacksmith' shop, with tools. and anyone can recognize the plants County Clerk for building a bridge aen-ss Sil- i location in Burns. anything in the hardware line at Inquire of N. —Doi you know our stores are River, on what is known as the Embrce ! from the accurate illustrations; in vies bedrock prices. Road, Harney county. Oregon, said bridge to Brown. led to overflowing with dry goods, “Summer Outdoor Gaines: Lawn be a substantial bridge with guard rails and —Stockmen can now g» t honest Tennis, Badminton. Colors,” they approaches. All prop« sals to be accompanied i ^oceries etc? wit h plans aid specifications, said proposals! di—When you come to town, put weights bv shipping or selling stock ! are so clearly described and illus-J will he opened l»\ the County Court, on 1 Wedmsday, July x, 1S91. The Court reserving ; GREAT NOVELTIES > withjyoer old friend, Tom Gian- at Huntington. The O. C. Co. hav- j (rated that the veriest novice can ■ the right to reject any ami all bids ing just completed oneof Fairbanks | SOini, atFthe Burns Hotel learn how to play them with out) By order of the County W (Hurt. E. G rack , Clerk. CHINA & ¿JTAPAN —We are very sorry to hear that , I Stock Scales, and arranged a large: other instruction; and theamatuerl priNAL PROOF: “ir friend, Al. Jones, had his crop corral for the purpose. Certified ’ china-painter may rival the profes GOODS AT weights given. 4-24. Burns, Oregon, May 12, sional by following the directions U S L and O ffice , at 1891. jstroyed by crickets. Notice is hereby given that the foil«.wing- —Some boys of this town—and given in “The Use of Matt Colors.” named ...—Remember Till Glaze is at the settler has tiled notice of his intention Besides, there are stories and poems, to make tiTiai proof in support of his < ¡aim, and they are spotted — have been doing U ad of the music department for that said proof w ill be mane before the Reg k er HAN DK EUCH I EES, OF El XI STSI I.K.t’H EA I’ m'schief at the school house and and over 200 illustrations, including mid Receiver at Burns. Oregon, on July . . iS9i, 11 ue dance on the 3d. TEA, «Oct* A PACKAGE! AS MANY FIRE ground, and also to some private a superb water color, a French cos viz:. , —Tom Maupin has invented a Ilirhai'il N. Miller. tume study under the Empire, and houses shooting hcles through win lid. No 11 1, for the N ‘ 2 of NVVqr. Sec. 29, SEqr iperior style of vehicle, which he CRACKERS AH A.SMALL JlOY CAN CARRY sEqr. Sec. 19, NEqr of N Eqr. Sec 30, Tp 21 S, dow-glass, and otherwise damaging the numerous departments are full of PI aims to be the “boss.” R. 27 E. FoR'.Äct*. ALL UTHLR THINGS AT SAME uames the follow ing witnesses to prove property. If it is not immediately t > overflowing with valuable matter. his He cuiiiinuuiis residence upon and < ultivati«»n i RATE. —Tickets for the ball to be given stopped, steps will be taken to pun Briefly, this number fully maintains of said land, viz: Ira O. Bardwell, IL J Wil i i the night of the 3d, only $1.50. ish the offenders. a, J. A. Williams and W. N. Hogan all of I the justlv earned prestige of being lian NEW STOCK OF HOODS Riley, Oregon. J. B. HrNTlKTuF Register. I A upper at all the hotels. tlwi Model Family Magazine, and ON THE ROAD — There will be just four days —Gents and boys straw hats. A it is published for $2 per year by j F inal proof : racing on the Burns race track, the !• mited supply, but fine quality, to i 1st 2d, 3d and 4th of July. 1st day W’. Jennings Demorest, 15 East 14th LAND OFFICE AT HU H NS. OR EGON, MAY a had at the Millinery store. St., New York. 22, 1W.I1. 6('0 yards free for all Harney coun Notice is hereby given that the following- —It is thought that paying gold ty horses, purse »175; 2d dav, J2 WHAT 1»O YOU THINK! named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his < luim and TKt>ines have been found in this coun- mile dash free for all. purse $100; Nails only cost you $7 75 per 100 that said nrooi will be made before the Regis o on Prater and Soldier creek. ler and Ret eiver, at Burns, Oregon, oil July 3d day, $ mile dash, liarnev coun lbs at Geers and everything else in 1MV1, Viz: oy («anrge W. Verdot, ' —Tex's resort, Frank Lewis side ty saddle horses, purse »$50; 4th day | the same proportion. I have as I’rv ds No. :UiO2 G ? % ispens-er of cocktails and fine cigars i $ mile and repeat free for all Har good sel’eted stock as you will find R ; 2 E W M. for the SWqr. bee. 10, Tp. 25 S, PT a 20 names the following witnesses to prove ney county horses, purse $100. is in it” and don’t you forget it. | in any rail road town in Eastern his He cunt i i nous resident e upon and t uIt i vat ion CD O of, Haiti land, viz 1 Robert ivers. Frederick Ril- Oregon and am bound to sell it ofl'. leibusch. August F. Rilterbus« it ami Julius A. •Ü —Milo Cushing's and Bob. Ivor’s 0D 9 Have Twenty nine Children- □ (D » Call and see me and 1 will astonish Ritti rbusch, all of Burns. Oregon. ■Teams came in yesterday loaded & (/) £2. J. B. H untington , Register. Robert Paekark and wife, living you with low prices if you bring ’ vith gt ods for \V. E. Grace and Cal. n I rwin S. G eer . on a farm near New Hartford, Io., the cash. ’Hirieer. Notice to <’reditorN. x C3 Manager. In the matter of Swarts Si Millet, Insolvent o —The French Hotel under the are the parents of twenty-nine living 3 Debtors. o To whom it may concern: The undersigned 3- n nanag ement of the present propri- children. The oldest, a man 49 Strayed. hereby gives notice that <»n the 23d tiny of May, diii-tor, »has. Anderson, is having a years old. is married and lives on a ]S9l, -war’s *v Miller, insolvent debtors, of liar x Fi om Burns, on or about the 20th nev < ouuty, Mate of Oregon, made, executed SO farm adjoining the parental home c toiiig rttn. U and delivered to the untie!signed their certain ex stead. The other twenty-eight are of May, on dark bay horse, branded deed of assignment, con \ eying ail their prop w —H enry Caldwell has moved the ¡still single and liveat home. Only on left shoulder weight 1,400, erty. both rtal and personal in trust, for the a T3 benefit of their creditors. Now. therefore, all W buildings from the old Miller place! ! one of the family is a girl. The I shod with team shoes, right hind such creditors and others interest»* in hi d □r o the ranch once claimed by Chas first child was born single; the I ankle crooks out, 16 hands high, estate are hereby notified to present their claims and <lemunds against said » state, prop o aftlunthi-r. verified, as by law required, at the office .»f next five births produced triplets. 8 or 9 years old and very gentle. crly o the undersigned, in Baker ( ity, Oregon, with w —The Saloon of which Bozy is ; The others were sets of twins. The ! Any one giving information of in three months from the publication hereof proprietor and “big Jim” behind t he youngest child is 16 years old. whereabouts will be liberally re Dated June 19. D91. (’. W J am Rs, Assignee, •z 7» x bar, is t he place to get the boss drink Packard and his wife are healthy warded. M. N. F eotley , E. OE FORCLOSl’RE AND or cigar. Burns, Ore. SHERIFF'S NOTH c • and are enjoying a green old age in | ORDER OF SALE. 8 Know al) men by the»e present», That pursu —The dead lock in the wool ’ the midst of their numerous family. I STRAYED, o Q ant to a decree of the Circuit < ‘olirt of the Mate market still exists. The sellers re —Republic. o of Oregon, for Harney county, made and en *Z Strayed from Burns, Harney tered <»n the22d day of May, A. D. 1x91. in a suit fusing to take the prices offered by v herein Johanna c. Crump waa plaintiff* «nd □ lie Debtor’* Option. county, Oregon, on cr about the Frank M. Jordon and Tillie Jordon, his wife, the buyers. Frank Bros’ Implement Co., were defend Q: You fay that liotli gold aud silver arc the 21st of May, six head of horses and anti ants. fur Five hundred ami seventy seven and —Persons indebted to Martin lawful mouey of thia country? one colt, belonging to the under lo-liM) dollars ami interest from the sni<l 22d day of May, A. D. •wi, at 10 per cent p< r annum and Byerly for meat, are requested to A: Yes. signed. Fift\ seven (57)do)lars attorne* s tees ami <••»’* comejnnd settle up immediately. Q: They «re both legal tender for all debts, disbursements of i he action taxed at thirty Description and Brands as fol and then? seven and 88-100(37‘»g-100)<|ol Jars and for the foie No “jesh” about this, he means it. A: They sre lows: One bay horse, about 16$ closure of a certain real inur^axc of date the »lay of November, A D 1 m *.» o , ami mad»* by hands high, branded on left shoulder 5th S —The grandest display of thor- Q: Can a man pay all of a debt In silver? said defedanta. Frank M. Jordon ami Tillie A: He can hia wife, to thesald Johanna <' Crump C.\; one bay horse 14$ hands high, Jordon, w ough-N red race horses will be on Q: upon the Fast half of the Northwest »quarter he pay all in gold? c with large saddle marks on both and the West half »if the Northeast <|iiarter of lwthe. Burns race track the 1st, 2d, 3d A: Can He ean section Sixteen (10) in Township Twent) five sides, branded on the left shoulder and 4th of July, that has ever been Q: Can he pay half in silver and half in gold? (25) south Range thirty twoaml a half (B2'2) E containing IMt a< res. all lying ami being A: Yes—or he can pay any part in silver and C; one brown horse branded C < \V ii M. in this town. Harney county, Oregon, and directing me to the rest in gold, or any part tn gold and the on left shoulder, 4 years old; one sell said lands to satisfy sahi decree as may I m *. I “* —Everybody! Come to Burns rest in silver. therefore, I will offer ami sell the said bald-face bay mare, four white feet N*»w. to-u It: to see the races and enjoy the 4th. q. Has a creditor any right to say which branded C,\ on left shoulder; one lamia, fi T3. The EL-of the NW',' ami th»* W’2 of the NF.’ a money he will have? of Xe»- 16 Tp25 R 32’o EW M, containing 160 No pa ins will be spared by the good A: No; the option is always with the debtor bay mare, star in forehead, branded Ij ing am) I »ring in Hames county < >regon, vitisens to make everything lively, It Is as if a farm tenant should contract to pay C.\ on left shoulder; one sorrel acres toget her u ith all, ami singular, the tenements, hereditament ».appurtenances,thereunto belong comic:table and enjoyable. his rent in ICO bushels of wheat, or ’.iX) bushels horse about 14 or 14$ hands high, i Ing. or in any manner appertaining to said of corn. The option is with him; if wheat is laxids. and ail the right, title, interest ami « s —J io Lamb, his father and Rev. the cheaper, he pay a in wheat: if corn is .abun blazed face, all four feet white, tate franchises, possession, right »»f pohsession ami the property of the said Frank M. Jordon M. 1) Wilson, cf the Drewsey coun- dant, he pays in corn: and the landlord is L ami Tillie Jordon, his wife, ami Frack Hr« s' T'" try, iv re in town several days this bound to take w hichever is «offered him If branded CA on left shoulder and Implement Co .in and to said lands an»l all ami every part and parcel thereof whir h week Rev. Wilson proved up on for several year* in *ucce*aioti. the wheat crop yearling colt branded C \ on left «•ach they therein or thereto Lad on the .»th »lay of be abort, and wheat high, and the cotn November, A D 1*.*'. for rash to th»* hivhest I his land, the other two gentlemen «honld shoulder, and, when turned out, bidder, at public amtion at the Court House crop abundant, would it not be very unjust to were his witnesses. A liberal door in the town of Burns. Harney county, or the tenant for hi* landlord to disregard hi* con had on a halter muzzle. < ommencing on Mon »lay, ’he 2Dth »!a» of and ci act hi* rent in wheat- reward will be paid by the under egon. July, A I>lx9i. at two o'rkx k. r M, of snbl »lay —During the last week our town tract. and any overplus there msy tx*. after satisfying It certainly would. signed for their return to Burns, or sai»l decree or f:'>77.10 tnrl interest thereon ami basic n visited by a good many Suppose the State should take the landlord’* |.»7.00»ttorne*s fee. mentioned therein and vaoquoros. We are always ready •ide and pass* law prohibiting rent to lie paid information given whereby they the th** '•»«’» ami disbursements of snd ar-1 may be recovered. »ruing cos:» rik I ex penscs of sale, will tx* sp in corn and requiring it paid only In wheat — to ijrlcome them because they are plied, according tu the tenor of sai»i decree, to C iiarlks A nderson . would not that l>e an unfair and oppressive dis the payment of the decree of Frank Bros* irn generally good fellows and because erimlration agaioat the tenant? ph-nw iit co.,therein mentioned «»f |326 >2 and they always have money and spend II would and interest thereon from aani 22d «lay of May, For O ut Flfly Yenr** A I’ Wi and $.'•'» <0 attorney fee mentioned it I Well congres* h«» inflicted a wrong very sim A m O lo amd Wiix-Taitn R kwkdt .—Mrs therein ami a» » ruing costa ilar to this on debtors snd debtor section* of the WiMl.m’1 toothing Hjrrup has been used for Ami any over plus remaining after satisfying -It M Dunn, once a resident Union In «impending the free coinage of over fifty years by miliionsof mothers for their the two d«*erees. above mentioned, to be paid while feething. wl»h perfect sue« ess ‘ to the < lerk of this c«»iii»fv. subject to the order of Si ver Creek, now of Benton coun- •ilver it i. • long step towarna one metalism children It • M»fh»-ii the child, softens fbe gums, allays *»f Frank M. Jordon andTiLie/ordon, feta wife, after dr»!urting all legal c> a a ami expenses tyrwa- in Burns this week. Mr. or *n eaciualv, gold ■istem, in which the debt a'l pain. < tires wiud <oli<*. and is the lx*at rein then are rued or which may accrue sect ion* will lose their ancient option of ed* for Diarrhe*ea. Is pleasant to the taste Duan was living on Silver Creek at or In witness whereof, I hair hereunto set my Sold by Druggist* in every part of the world. paying In either of th« two metals, snd be cents a bidlie. lit value is in< al< u bend tins 19th »lay of June, A D IWl. the of the last Indian war. and forced to psy in one snd ths, the desrest.--Gris Twenty-five A. A. CewiMO, l»blv Be sure and ask for Mr» Winslow*» hberlfT Harney < uur.ty, Oregon. | waun heavy looser. ftoothing Syrup. and take no other kind. *.»m’S*’Ue.»pie’s Dollar." Semi-Weekly Herald, HAIR CUT SMOOTH SHAVE. F’orFJent. -ZiLli. Sing's; 5? o cn c -4 O T m æ T