1891 P. F. STENGER. Rosamond’s BY HARRIET PRES« OT Hl'OFFOKi). “Well, I'm glad you've waked so Haarer’s Magari early.” “Glad I’ve waked? What in the world are you talking about, I L L U S T R A T E D UrtKsEx branded Either Right ILLUSTRATED. or Thu i mp«»o «tifie OR. r k Akron?” \incrii h . by The ’dore Child, will i>e in Hu i ver’s Magazine du ring the grefl “Oh, I’ve been there myself. Not /.•> 4 of the ye«r 1.S91. >he ar’icii b - hi < ' . ' ".Z £ ’« ifoiTiia, b\ < harks biidlev Warner,-S Rail-re— «'rnut emintj, «'n in the house of Rosamond, though. be a.Hiiinued Among other notewil A \ Barns. Grant_county. oregop«. THE MEETING. traetiui s will be a novel bv CharleS ; a I know too much to fall in love will, < ruddo< k : a collection of original drafl Prom New York I edger: ALM EDA A. STENGER. W. M. 1 *1 I But Scott heurd nothing of that, a girl who spends my salary on her : Mautlet; a n »*t« b\ \Vii;i*fl C attle brande 1 • - I of course. He was far above any candies.” London by Walter Brsant. "I don’t quite understand this h Left ri le; circle- Iu theuumber and variety of illustri thing of the sort. II«1 contrived to pera aiui other article«» bu ! ie< laof lit A Split in each keep himHelf just enough on earth talk of yours about spending, Ak- !» teres:, as well ns in the unrivalled rht^ ar. Ils a ¡i.j-i S orhtfl, p.-.ii’ :- etc , H arf • to carry away the thread of an idea ron,” said Scott, presently, ‘L Combines the juice of the E’..e I sink will cou inue to multi alu ihm m if | axcelleucc forwhicii t u ol She don ’ t see any evidence of it. California, so taxa.1-.-' a««d nutm. that Rosamond rod«' in th«* park to tinguis hed with tl.e medicinal virtues <1 | :..i dark Range — Harney and Graut county Oregou morrow, at a time that would be at- wort a to-day only something HARPER’S I’ERIG.Tt A! known to be most tieneliii l to tl. - I*. <>. — Hurim. Harney county, 'w human system, forniint; the O>.« V J : !<• Per Year: t< r oilice hours that day. And what and plain, perfectly simple, an«l FECT REMEDY to act geui.y jc figure, by HARl’ETFS MAGAZINE it fitted her till her a singular coincidence it wasth.it HARPER'S WEEKLY promptly on the THE DIBA BILL! Y BILL is a HARPERS BAZAR he should meet her there next day! Georg«1, was like some wonderful HARPER’S Vol S'. I'EOBLE LAW ...........r . . Eree . How beautiful, how stately, how bronze in it.” Piotuge to nil sub «-riberil —AND T »• - Soldiers d’saRled sitiee the war are Cni.eii Suite... I'uiiailii. «.r Mexico. I poor idiot!" laughed “Oh, you pel feet she was ill that habit! Of Entitle«! Efksîiiâ'iy, i dependent widows 'flu-v-riiH.e» of the M.-«■.-:«/ine :.«•« and Parents now de court«' it would hav«- been rude Akron. "It was a Redfern gown. — *,o that - in- Niiiiiliei-' fol- June ;in«l l>e<«'iij «eudent w hose sons «lied from «.lie etieers of It cost a hundred and scv< nty-iive i '.- o - h rear. When no lime e 'pe«-iti( not to join her for a moment, the PURE Bt COD, ar.'ny-«rviee are im ludi'd. If you wid. <-i i- .io,,> v. ih begin wi ll tin Numb, i « nr« lain« speedily and sucees-fudv prose- dollars. "She has -,i half-dozen of REFRcibHINC SL. "P. groom at a disc ret't «listani'e behind; rein .-it ,nne of receipt of ortlt’r. tl i.a.i io- ‘ .1AMES1 AJiNER, HEALTH and STRENGTH Boiinii volumes of ILn per'- Mngaa • I ute Cuminissioner «>/ P ci - ei O i s. .and the end of that was, that Phae them. I*« sides all her state ailairs, iii ee yeurs bai-K, in neat cloth bitniij Naturally follow. Every cue is using it WAHHIKUTON, P « . v for th«' gloat social func- lie sent, by mail, post-paid, on receipt ton. driving the chariot of the sun. her arra an 1 all aie deiightr«! w-iih n. Ask your ¡ er vi-luine. <'lo:h Ca «-, for bind druggist for SYlcl’F OF FIGS. M.mu- had no such hour as that hour was ti'ins; h«-t ball dresses, lo r tea “Ki.'“....... ....... cents each- by mail, ¡«ost-p.-ti«i. facture I only by the Index to Harper's .Afagacind. Al J gOW IIS, her wi.i|'pvrs, h«.*r- —deuce 1 to Scott. <■¡«1. An ilvtii-al. an«l < la.-iind, for vq CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. You have I m 70. Inclu ive, I roin Jun«-. ISao .# Rosamond had allowed it to cs- knou s w hat-aml-all. H an F rancisco , C al . PERSONAL AND I’ROMPT • -so. one vol. S vo. Cloth, tf LUO. a year, haven ’ t Lori«: ’ Y ork . N « fourteen huudmd Remitttini-o- shoiihl be inai.ebv I’a < all«* her, too, that she was to at ! ATTENTION GIVEN TO PAT .'Imiey Order, 01 l>raft, ;o avoid « hl tend the private view of the new you, Scott? She had a earring« - ENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE Address HARPER ,t BROTIIEIU loan collection at the Metropolitan clonk come home to da v, and tIm MA I« K's, etc. York NO FEE I'NLE S PATENT th«1 next day Scott knew some uill tor the fui-litiiiig was just four- i SECURED. ( OBRE8POND- body ivlio knew soim bodv « is«* who t« « ii hundred dollars. I o be sure, Harter’s Weekly. EN( E S »LIC1TED. sh«- has that now, ami won't have I LLTSTRATE D. km w General (’« snola; he did not i X er ’ b W eekly d »? never fulled to to get it again. Rut t he t hat ’ s us- <1 STODDART à CO., waste a moment in procuring an lie hb a’•.Jouri.ut of < ivihzniL h .( m » u i h'a <«?) b Ki t re>md G13 ór 616 Zth Street, IT. W. < « . dp done Aia I<s I*'orw. admission. How the work in the us« «1 to that—there’s always home bsil'iliiit b <>i t Etitfint eb ai-- h ! Bf.VjOx, I.nf. Co., W18 . ly ; . b8. (Oppo-iie U. S. Patent Office,) Yes. 0 rd of artipiie aud literary ext« insurance oilice was don«' that «lav, t dug new in tile same line. Rev. J. C. Beig* it \<-u. m f. r the fol**A*ing. veR untouf hed no ¡«tip« itunt ] In WASHINGTON, D. C. 1 Money, v bo wa -v.if- c ;. t . tr-’t'i Vitus j > pri.ptt Fh nt <• pre sei <8 h iteotue goodness knows: Scott Surrey knew I v Jove! I ni glad you've waked * i-ones ’ti. ce iu i h worst form h.-r tb«'»ui 1‘ ye vs. vat i ot l.\ and iniereeiin«, of the n fr» Alvd by a. vorel piiyr <*innM i ‘ *t.; eif* ct I ci8« ns «ud a« Lei’. en;en r of t»u up! ” ** « » .A ' ' Î liim ’ crt kef«. I r ’ efly nothii it about it He only knew f ”' .. my... •!. «..•«■ rot., her L’wo I”,tiles of Lu .»er K t-uio’s Nerve ionio 1 'Uppieii t 'i«> will be eonlii: ff ï• h" < *«n ««.<«1 nml wrili. «I who, *ured hi.u. . hey viiilbe !i erar'. fi uutitic, h "I haven't waked, Akron, ” said that tlier«' were all the cold white ■ lat> ;• . -U..« m,v»i'l X. «À Hnhistii<iU»ly, ca . ' riti< ai, it p. Ria hit u 1. or t X, ■ i. . . . • r,. ’i « i.»; i lioHrrKtt • < »nt it ma v < eir ai d. aud w ill (j L».aiit:"' .i r •■« •I" « II«-«* i willnisofttrnl^b forms glowing with their immortal Scott, h-iiiiing over the table more P ake . c irv. I Ca h. Juu«, L- ho . Kvne l e htariy < ci: mendaut n| II- 1 X , . H ..«I ' I I. .. . . ,i . I • • ■ ■ I... . :. « an. ■« m « - , «al.«.«*- I-*-, y ami quicklv ill for «'iRht<*eu inontHe -.Lb weak- ii di Mow eii« n paB' ¡KEiies hv thO beauty, ami here was this girl earnestly. "Ifyoii mean ‘change' it’ I 6S had a ’ d ‘»PT! terrible mt «« worker •’ m •;.«.!« ni*« i t <r<« m»tv. I e ptii/tif’. Ae a family journnl. H bervt «i.. v reu I corn -•it • pi ■ '«1 «vili «li ( I «nient a fii'i-H will, as hereiefvrr, be edited i • i. t ¥• mounting the staircase, more beau by waking, 1 never shall wake. n* ace*l Inhin . »«« ir in* • l"c. Pwitpr houniK’n i .it i. ■ - >■' i » I ’. A «!. s nt one ' ; hi <! f r :he quu'itiee that mas No ve lo.ite . a-.d 1 c.’iri» i r y f< r I'nstor Koe II*!.", Äatalc»« When 1 uni «had the wild tire wi.l \ ¡Bitur to every home. tiful than themselves, almost as ai, as i think I c «» ti «*J not baro li' d without ih.H me.Iicii.e. Th»* i «soph- hero h< •. seen the : s n ! PER YEAR: run Lack through mv very ashes it w hite, hot moving, hr« athing, glow tfo.nl whioh I derived from it, und lev. Gal- i HA I? HER WEEKLY............................... J Uf in recount.« »»« w i so highly tucó it Is uov ing. pronouncing his name with a she comes near. Only sl«<’ will ’ER.- MAGAZINE 51 Xi ilARI gctdng \jry pulir. JAR PER’S BAZAR............................... J sweet surpri.-«', and letting the wax never know—she will never care—’’ JULIA AGN’EH BYRNE. II \RLEirs YOI 1’F‘d LE I’oarag.o Free to all FubRoribvts in the I "Is it as lad as that? What A Valuable Book on Nerxous ¿S3 b «« en lids fall over th«' violet eyes, till «tatlfl ' H'.»i«hi. . r Mex:« • JJjL DiMJasO'» sent free ’o any address, 1 1 S a d poor patients can also obtain tutnc ROPE SriV/GE. Fhe K •»dimes of ihe Weeklv will be.rt the long lashes swept the cheeks, makes von think she won't care?” Zrm. ------------------- I b U w S m this nieciieine free of charge. he first Xuniber for Januarv of eaiv This remedy ha« been prepared by the Reverend i hen no time is n entii.ned, s’lbflt rip’i» rid«* 1 iana would have “ A ami calle«! up a ghost of color there. °a-,or k' tTlig. of Fori Wavie, Ind., sin . 18',: and -eyin with the Number current ai «itud .buow prepared under his direct! • « bv the ceipt of order. s formal recognition of me They paused on their way to the mad - Imiiiitl VulnmvR of Harper’s Weeklv KOENIG MED. CO., Chicago, 111. veaiB hat k, in n«nt cloili i.-iuding, wiil piettircs, and lea lie« I over one of the than I »' mail J . f »t ie paid. • r bv express, free Sold by I>rug:gistM at SI per BotH*. 6 for $3 pens. pr.>\ • he freight Goes i1Ol ex« shoulder! I'lises containing th«' m naments that "t th 1 Ah! I lie « r.iMXC Si/o. >*1.75. 6 llottle«. for '• I. pcr\..hime) for|7.tK' n volume. We don't < L>*h ( »ts -8 f«»r each Volume. BUittUi «1«« k«-d sonii' fine beauty of a day Distant, stately, co« - um’iiiK will bt pent by mail pcBt-paid, k/^CKHOWLEOUO T3E f.^ti presume up«m n sligh eipi of thousands of years In for»'. w lawns. (hrdcnt.Far;: i, Ranches and P;. Ire ds Remitt-aiif e6 should be made by P< st . ii ! N « s, I k n.i'v .'RICES ib.DVCED. S« ' l Ly Ge tier... Fi». I< HTF.CD •!> . e • Order oi 1 >raft, to avoid chance oil "(>h," said Po'.-tmond, “ehe is in •ic.ni.! » vs i vi U ,:f >• rn\u New huh . ■»«I -!« F8 «1 \ JU’ER .V I’ »1 > r < ER'4. New 1 it looks Imd for you. <o r lukrmtr! No b; Extra Heavy Ävlvu.-c, dust now, ami here ar,' her neck "Yes,” said Scott, darkly. Th? Mt .'»uilen Woven Wir* J-'erxo Co., Chicago, 11L Bin laces, her bracelets still, "la I in • si'«*. I'.v the L'«nl. Scott. When I " I I L L F ST R A T H D . I thought vou had some sense! She am dea«l—” ¿Ai 1 K H a REE*: k B azar in ■» j.oirna for ihe I "i\i:«ii t he bt ch' inform:» «on ’..¡th rej What profanity! 11«-shu«hl< r«'«’. told \ i«u—she allowed you to know, he !' f . i h mimer. i f filvatratim fl 'didn’t t-he?—vou gutlu'red from her i e i«»! p n »8. mki p:i tern sheet supplcmei^ Ihit then, witnt alrsurdity! t'ouhi i< in irks —that she was going to Si X 1 t :/KTTACr indihpvDbi.ide alike to the home drchs fill tins pulsing lite and light and l.uke-in-the-Fields <>n Sunday, and Uì\ ?i •< tilt pr.-hf-hi i.til muGiF’e. No exper I * s FTHtre i in miikinix i s ariifltic nrtrat ': t ;V.oe DWGRX? i iI k - hi-hest order. B b clever shori Ffa| warmth turn to dust? Let the to sit foi ‘ -r portmit nt Jamie's Cavern-. and Trafc Marks obtained. and all Pat par er p a • k . uiiti Ihoip iuful t kmh k Riit.flr ent bu rine*3 cui for Modi ra fl I ees. «lucetis of t yprus di,' mid turn t«» stmlio on Monday, mid to hear th« ' WtteweserôwsïiW.r/cici'Ar-.èt..,';-- ae ce ■ • ■ b aflt page 1 b fahnoufl at Our 0 h e is Onno$»4e U. S. Pi'ten* Office, ■f v. if and humor. In iiM weeklv iseiieafl \ hica . o . H VH 10 «« SCHARE. N V »*.'•' 'ymphonie p.«ein on Tu«'sd.-iv. Ami and ue »‘an "’cure patent in less time than those «lust—Rosamoml was aliv«'. hi; u is in- .m etl u hit h in of iutercBi to Ait re»n >te from v. hiiisbm. L re it i- T mr- lay,and vou haven’t i “‘’roRTAirBr — bvii'i ’ i .« m U'1. ct : iv , imr or photo., with ¿«’«crip I'uriu,’ i 1 Kam b B. Ormsltee uill write a other hour ot enchantment, ile I« « ii to St Luke’s, or—am I right? t.. • i«i' if paîeDTable or not. free of of artirk s on “The House Comfortable." J NEW HOME SEWING MA tit ch . je. Our f • not dut till patent i- ¿erured. '■•» in « uni) treat of “Sank ary Living. ” an had no more conception of w hat the Is that it?” oin^ A F n'D*-!•-'♦. -H<’W to Obtain Patents.’'with in < rt s' ing suc< t-FRion of papers on CHINE CO.. 7'25 Market St.. \it an 1 JliRtorv.” Buperblx iI»UF rntrd. v.i P stdvs «»»'•uHual clients in your State, county, or T • tv <’< ntinned j pictures nere about than if he had San I luncisco. Cal hi. nif.he«! by Theoduie child. The serial f town, sent free. Address. will i v •>> W aller Bva&ni und I Lomas Hard, I’aietic Department. been blind: they were about Rosa HARPER’S PERIODICALS —x ■■ Ä’* kN <KI's|S*’givi‘si»>?nnt mood; that waa enough. Withall ft) ■ ■ Hil l is im itifallihie Opposite Patent Offica. Washu-.atun. D. C. Per Year I ■ Currfbi I’ll»“». I,ri»-c«i. their color amt splendor they were EH HARPER'S BAZAB iV* K ■ R* Prth gist*«»rmml. J* iiui k•« Il B^ A«M d ’ ss *’A5 U« I HAKlEit’i MAUAZINE •nnr* I.»»'? e. n made at. simply the hangings on the walls H B l ■■ HARPER» WEEKLY ‘ -4Id, Now York oty. I»-. Anna F. «•', AuMiu. HARPER'- YOl'N«; PEOPLE <». 1»... n. Tciedn. Ohio i«f heaven; ami he dosed the «loor F- static Free to all Bubscriberfl in the <*# '!4£ F '' r,,f Oth« r« ar* d« iuir Mwell. Why "" %»• t »■■n? Sotif « urn over *¿00.00 a StaD a, ( ana«la, or Mexico. Lnopth. A . •' • u ork and liv • of the brougham nt t last, when ■ h«r PENSION. POS TAL. I. \ND and (at h»»r.»e. wh-n «■ r u are. Even be- The v.tlnrneR of the Bazar begin wi;h tl* INDIAN DEPREDATION irnn*r« are etndlr cu-nirg from ft 3 to maid was waiting L ami li fleti his number for .January of each yt ar. Wiitil # l<’ad«y. AH agr*. V. rahow you h« w •nd start y«»u. t a:i work in »pare time ¡B iiniv is mentioned, aui b *rip!l.«ii vill t CLAIMS. hat, and walked holm 1 with hi» or all th*-tit:««- big mon«■» ror work wi’h i he Number current ut the time of dj " er* Fai'ure unknown a in on f them. Of ..’•«;«• . N I W and wonderful Particulars free, head still in th«' «‘ ¡omis. I ihHiuti vohimtB «»f Harper’s Bazar fort i ’* •t ’ rtlutul, Maine .‘■ear ii. ;iet>' c!«*!h i biin w Ji be R ‘¡ll «V LAW OI I l<’EK <’F Scott di«l not sc« «■ Ro» « nioml now p< k r.zc paid* <»r ‘>v express, free <>f «• ' I* A : formation m provi-le.i the freight .»or ex< ee*i one 1 >tr» -t «if 'hv lx»,**: oWmg H for three or four <L a \ K. There W .1 S »» . »tu Co* <•», < avenía. Trade, •i? per volume) .or |7 a -Vohin e. Marks. Cup* k L: s . *r».¿ /i • ■ •« < gsa ' s r’o each volunic suitab’e a stress of work at 1 the « >th«'<- ; ami IJ MUNN A CO •■is . • sentby mau peRi ai'i on r< ■ e'ff H» I Hr un «ini I 11 ea< h. the l>est men wei ■r«* k«*|pt a t their Sew Y ark. Leminat)-eii should be ntach bv ,, pt ''• i ev < •! |. r 41i Draft, to av.»'d chan< e otjj tlerks unt’l it was t< •> late mi «hour \ n\l.l’Kk A BKoTilt to attempt any thing els«* And the Xe\. ft;>«pt is are not tu<-«>py any ■ »«• rxpElt ri|E PIRECTIQN’ OF fib of the a!»ove a-1 ver. iar nut? IPS wtthoflr tirat thing that brought hint to his up- vg order ul HARPER. <. bR<»THKW fN» ? ? X ? W R HEARST. (E.litoraml Pro- s< ns« s was, when meeting I» r. he r y rt nnefor Sm Er tt'.-is.-o Exttmii • r 1 received formal ami lo*'tv m k now l* JOHN WEDDERRURN. Manager. c t J >1 L Ea if’ « * j n í. » 1 a *r «slgcmeiit as »he pa-»«-'l on. and dis E. Street, laa Wo III sc iX THE 1*0111.0. nothing mor. Ami m hf had ton. 1* I . do not e?.«-:, s. ax ca -Ari Ort .in » -r» un»iirT»—r 1. acte-it* |.i a«*«tcv In -npivirr Coiir* * f he COJ»ST!PATE. . ’ .nr « wo t «.« c* « it otb«r brand s< mounted like 1’haetnti, lie fell like I niU IleA »' s e», ’ hr • ’ * Maina, «he artera» c. <■. . -, l.f I I HI «ili I I' 1 •ir • • f h« IM m H ■'nm ‘ la. before • • »•• S oh C jioo ? S« m H*»?« c »», M. 1 br-».V & (O« Phaeton; ami «tu n he o) 1 XStf fiïl- I.FKSOESERAIJ.T^/ ■> his i't» of hr Fit u’t « e I»« p • cad •-! tmrth m «riM s .*• n , nythre «mJ Price® Ls&ia- «tiaa«t C -'.«up«..¿a. eves after the crash, lie S on» an<l Patents. We obtain I* here -0 ANNUAL Indian lh*pn dation Claims am) he was. W^**«*«— i»»”- r 1ù9t 1 ì* m. free • I A»OM * - ■ ■ ilev.r t *2. r- • • *- * ■• «“■' 5 ’■'There was a man of the n«»rtl» rlaaaraa of !.»n 1 Claims. Mini« ig, 1 u*u • ’ Jr i b *ticr than ever. Pre «'intimi and llno.ieol eas«- Kircrv i*r< n count re«- ■ V» »•S • Sw4 Pro» •cub'd la'foT tiie General lami d • r it- Addrcifl In love with ala«lvot htgh<lvgree »■ F Tome. «»ilice, Ikpirtment of the Int F Ê RY á CO. >•41 "•ííJL'i'G-' .'L' ”rJ T” r’iCF. sang Akron, when he »aw Ins face and th«' S preme Court. ■ «•« r^d CHAPTER 1. S^on^ions, KIDNEYS, LIVER AND DOXLL? Cl8anSDt!i8djJ8!:'L.X hi h h it 10VEN ‘^©FENCING s ^'GHK C.A»SJ1OW&OO. i hx EXAMINE BUREAU 0? Cl AXL 3REÄS\ " Cfl- •-dll -., . ó s, ic s. la