To Dispel folds. —Mrs. J. M. Parker met with an accident c »tiling to town in a cait Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse 1 yesterday, the horse b came T ight the system effectually, yet gently, I SATURDAY, Jl’NE JO, 1891. ened at a little boy jumping into the when costive or bilious, or when the cart suddenly, and ran away. Mrs blood is impure or sluggish to per o., • LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY Parker was thrown from the cart manently cure habitual constipation NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. GRAND CELEBRATION, JULY 4» 1891. but fortunately only received a few to awaken the kidneys and liver to bruises, from which we hope she will . a healthy activity, without irritat ing or weakening them, use Syrup Official County Paper. speedily recover. —There will be just four days of Figs. ! -'"ft - 1 —-------------- - —= racing on the Burns race track, the PROGRAMME: WLocal News. 1st 2d, 3d and 4th of July. 1st day STOCK BRANDS. Hardin A Riley, cattle branded Von left «ide. SAI UTE OF 45 GUNS AT SUNRISE. GW yards free for all Harney coun Horae brand r left aide, r. o. Burns. Oregon ——Hurrah! Hurrah!! ty horses, purse $75; 2d dav, $ Music ... bv Burns Brass Band. —Burns will celebrate'!! mile dash free for all, purse $100; J. (’, Foley, cattle brand = on right side. President of the Dav......................... Harrison Kelley. Horae brand — on left shoulder. 3d day, ) mile dash, Harney coun —See program on this page. Williams A Williams, cattle brand. t'H on left \ ice-Presidents: M. H. Drake, P. F. Stenger, A. \\. \\ aters, Henrv ty saddle horses, purse $50; 4th day —Gaud wheal at N. Brown’s $1 hip. Horse brand, |1 on right stifle. I’, o. Riley. Chambers, Harry Thompson, Peter Clemens, J. ... Garret, IVI >iiU ! mile and repeat free for all Har Ed Hanley, jgof bushel. ney county horses, purse $100. II. C. I.evei s. Peter French, Chas W. Jones, M. Fitzgerald, G. W. t- —Pussy St in?e.1 was in our to« n LEQAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Wilshire, Mervin Sworts, Glenn Miller, Louis Racine and Wm. Miller. 9 week. —Nick Baker came into town yesterday af I- notice . Grand Marshal............................................. J C (»arret. —On Friday night, 3d of July, ternoon. Notice is hereby given that on the loth dav of ncing will be in order at the town —L. B< senburg and Tom Morrison are break Mav 1»9I, I appointed the following uanied per ' Aiils: W. E. Grace, Lee Caldwell, Ed Joy, A. W. Gowan, J. C. Wooley, sons deputy stock I iispei-toi»of Hartlev county ing horses to the harness, this week. II. John Bridge, of crane Creek; Harrison Sea ! M. R. Biggs. Miller, of the L-F Stock Association, ward of hlanoiid; W M. Ilomv <>t SilverVieek —Tn this issue we publish a very is — in Henry ............... at 10 A M. F. G. Blume of Emigrant Creek; George .Mor I;‘ra(le;..................................................... Burrs in company with C. W. Jones. rds, ’ eresting letter from Hon. 0. S. gall, of llrewsey. Tiles. G. D oiiho N, Procession as follows: Grand Marshal ami Aids, Band, Liberty Car, —Please»' ail and settle your meat bill at the stin Sto< k li sreetorof Harney county. Buri s Butcher ¿hup. Mania Byerley, proprie President of the Day, Vice-Presidents, Orator, Reader of Declaration of ^"'—Remember Till Glaze is at the tor. PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING BRIDGE: id of the music department for —L. W. Adams, a drummer for several busi Sealed p-oi>< sa's will be received by the independence, Citizens in carriages, Citizens on horse-back. ness houses in Portland, is in our town this County cleik for bniltiine n bridge across Sil Procession to form in front of Land Otlice, march down Main to Jcff- i on the 3d. vies River, on what Is known ns the l.mbree week Hartley county. Oregon, stud bridge to erson, up Jefferson to Second to picnic grounds. ^v-i«*-Tickets for the ball to be given : —Dr. Asli/ord 'eft Burns for Baker Cit”, the Road. he a substantial bridge with guard rails and All p-. p< »*!• to lie sci ompanied I the right of the 3d. only $1.50.! morning of 17ili ii 6i. lie expects to be absent approach«-». Rev. M D Wilson. wiih )>lanB anil spe< itlcalionB. Said prop».sals Prayer by Chaplain ................... o upper at all the hotels. wiil he opened bv the (’ounty Court. o:> Music............................................. .... for two or three w eeks Wedn» s lay, July 8, 1891. The Court reserving Band. &c.—Doug. Bakerand family of Sil-' —Teams left here this morning for the saw the right to reject any and all bids Oration (by Orator of the Day) I J. B. Huntington. Court. r Cre< k were the guests of Mrs.! mill of the ii. L. V. Compauy, to load lumber By order of the County W E. G race , Clerk. M usig....... ......... .............................. for Robbins’ store building. Glee Club. pile Whiting Thursday night. —Mr. Chilton, of Texas, will he the youngest P»iNAL PROOF; Reading Declaration of Independence, J. C. Parker. ’ —Pe rsons disiring to see the | man in the U. 8. Senate, lie is but thirty-six. U S I.on O ffice , at Burns, Oregon, May 1'.’, Music................................................... lotogfaphs of four of the finest Mr. Merrill, at the age of 81, is the oldest. Band. urn. Notice is hereby given that the following- iking men of Burns call on Jor- —Dr. Boyd will attend to the sick while Dr. named settler Ims tiled notice of intention Ashford is absent. Dr. B. is now in Burns, but to Iiiiikc final proof in support of his claim, and nsen : .BASKET DINNER.: will leave io morrow morning, fur Drewsey, in that said proof will l-emadi before th ■ Reg » er and Receiver at Burns. Oregon, on July 3. 1891. itc —Received al the dry goods and ! company wilh I. E. McKinney. viz:, ocery store of A. Robbins, vester- nichiital N. Miller. Evening exercises consisting of Footraces, Tournament Riding, IIil.No li t. for the N1, of NWqr See. 29. SFqr ty morning, more goods mostly Crane Crock. ofslqr See. 19, NEqrof NEqr. .“ec. 30, Tp 21 S. Climbing Greased Pole, Sack Races, etc. oceries. R. 27 E. lie mimes the following witnesses to prove We are having fine growimg showers. —Th'-Saloon of Lou P.o enburg his continuous residence upon and cultiva'ion « of said land, viz ira O. Hard .veil. R. J Mil , well patronized, and why? Be- Ben Brown was over from Burns. itan», J. A. Williams and W. N. Hogan till oi J. B. H i ntiv T o X Register. lUHe his liquors ami cigars are of (). W. Porter and family have gone to On Ri'ey, Oregon tario. ae best brands. Barr, M. King and O M oeb have gone to I F inal proof : Portland Boot & Shoe Store. ” — T. A. McKinnon Fold to Bill the J. county scat. I. ANI» OFFR E AT BURNS, OREGON, MAY rtY'oods. one car load of gra. shoppers On the morning of the 9th we had a heavy LUNABURG& FRY, P roprietors , B urns , O r - kgon . 52, 1891. £/J*ught, in Barren Valley. Woods frost, doing a little damage to garden sluff Notice la hereby given that the following ' named ae: t ier lina fl led notice of Ilia intention pants them for his Livery stable. Win. Tris h and Ed. Stauffer have just ar to make t: a proof in aupp. rt f hi« i 'nini u ni “P jStock BootH and Shoes, of the verv best quality, jiiBt received ; that »aid trroof will be made before the Regia —There is an orange tree in Louis- rived with a b^nd of cattle Cheapest Place in Town for Cash, ler and Keieiver. at Buri.», Oregon, on July 2. ¿ertna fifteen feet in circumference Mr. Stauffer, father of E. A. and Frank Stauf 1:-9I, viz; tieni gc AV. ' erri, t, jud fifty feethigh. The cropon this fer, has returned tohishome, in California A’ b >. CuRtom work and Repairing neatly done. I Preda No. 2(9-2 f. r the S«qr See. 10. Tp. ■ ' Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, of Fort Bidwell, have R. E W M. 1 ^ree this year is expected to reach He name» <he following witvease» to prov« been visiting their son, (’. R. Peterson. B. I hia i enti' il U» reai. e r e up. n nn.l < ulthntion 0,000 oranges. John Temple, of Crane Creek Gap, has sold of, »aid land, viz' Robert I ve-». !• rederir k Kit —The most popular shapes in out an 1 moved bar k to his old home in Linn ieri.usi li. Auge» E. Klilerbli» li and Juiiu» A. Ki.lerbuàeh. a.l of Burna. Oreg .'i. onnets of the season are the spider, c< unty. J. B. Il 1 NTlNiiTf N. Register. URNS 3BUTCHER SHOP. omet and bouquet. Mrs. E. S. The grain crop of (’ R. Peters >n and F. Eis MARTIN BYERLEY Proprietor. to <'r.-»Ul»'r“. •9 r,»week is expecting a full stock of ter is very fine. It stands, at this time, waist high to a grown person. D aisy . In the mailer uf bwart» A Millei, Insolvent ^he same, next week. Debtor». , T iv.lioni it rosy coi.certi: The undersigi ed —The citizens ticket, for mjni- hereby gli es m Ii< e that on tile . ; d <la> of Mav. Cash! Cash!! Cash!!! !H«l.swari»A Miller. 1 a ivent debtor», of liar g ipal otlicers in the, row uig city ot C< >i' tv. “'"'e of Oregon, mad«, executed I am prepared to advance money l.ev ’ortland, was elect« d by a large ma- «nd de iverc I io the m.d raignc t their r er’aln on wool to responsible parties. I, dee I < f aaaignment, conveying rnlthelr prop f|UO!ity. Mason for mayor was elec- ertv. l oth r< il' ami pera na in truat, for the also have wool sacks, twine, sul le .'fit ,,f their < ri ditola. Now, therefore, al "’llor»ed bv 3,000 majority. aiicb < r< .B. 1» ar.d o li "« interrateli in » hì <I —-Jot Rector of Crow Camp will phur and salt, cheap, CaB and see eataie are hereb-. notified to present their claim« a I ¿eriam'a »gain»' »aid ea ate. prop ^,iave consideral le fruit this year, me and I will tell you the rest. Full weight given. Good beef or the block. Mutton, pork, < r'v verified, as bv lao- lequired, nt the office of C al , G eer . the nnderslgi ed. In Baker cltv, Oregon, wi Ii lonsiiting of apples, pears, plums 4-21 venison and game, when on the maket. in three non.the from the publication hereof itc.;|Who was it said fruit would I Dated June i9. 1 91. WII AT t»<» YOU THINK! <■ W J am «.», Aaaignee. H*t glow in Ha n-y county? OF F«>R< LOSl'llK AND Nails only cost you $7 75 per 100 SHERIFF'S NOTICE ; \ —Tex's Resort receives its full ORDER OF SALE. __ ihaie of custom. Frank Lewis tbs at Geers and everything else in Know «1 in«*'« >»v theie pri-sen-», Th»' ptir»'i Burns SPhotgmh C^-allerv, (lit to »(lv. e . f 11.e Cir< nitCoiirt of the .-I hi -- »roorietor. The gentlemanly cour- the same proportion. I have as of Oregon, for ilnrnei «ounl.i, mail« »n<1 ci. I Rood seltcted stock as you will find l«r«Kiontli<''.2d dav of Ma». A. I'. »Milt ’’ “ c«y ol the bar-tenders and W. IL CANADAY,.................................................. P roprietor . rain Johnnna « . Crump wr>» pli.i .tiff »nd in any rail road town in Eastern wh» kys juality of liquors and cigars Frank M J. tilon and Tin n j.irdon. Id» wife, o---- o I Oregon and atu bound to s«ll it off. and Frank Bro»’. Implament Co . \n r»..cfend- .. ,'ount for it. n: a. for I'iv•• hundred »nd »event» »even anil Call and see me and I will astonish .lollu-« »nd ill«« r. »t fro' i the «»i —d <iai Nothing I ut first clnKH pictures leaven thin Gallery. Duplicate« —State Superintendent of In- of Mav, A, i’. *“■ i, at 10 per < vn per annum nod —^, E. B. McElroy, is not you with low prices if von bring Fifty »even 7 del ai» »ttori e » 1«« » ami '■•»», furnished at reduced rates. US^“Givc me a call. »nd dlaLut»e:uen’a ..f i h ■ « c <>n tnx-1 nt thfr » I rwin S. G eer . ^'Xp(<t' •xpect d U to live. His physicians the cash. »even and .«“-100 ..7'«» 100'to laraand forthe o e M mager. c . »lira of n n renl tnor »a»e • ! «1» e the UJ,have di-cid. d that a blood vessi 1 Mt day of NovemlHT. A 1‘ l-'.-l«. »nd made bv i »aid .lefeuHui». Frank 'I. Jordon and Tlllii burstid at the base of his brain. GREAT NOVELTIES STU AVEU, Jordon, hi» v. ife, to the »“Id Johannn < ( rump For Jtrlt/TXlL He is in an unconscious condition.! the Fail half il«e Nortli.vii: quarter Straved from Burns, Harney and the W. n ha i of the North«-»», of Blacksmith shop, with tools. 'lest CtHINA & JAPAN —f» xtv three head of mares and comity. Oregon, on er about the I aection Hix een I«) in Tout.»hip T -eutv-five location in Burns. Inquire of N. Itr.iiK« thirty-twoau.l u ball c.k«») E geldens belonging to Steph lens Bros 21st of May, six head <>f horses and ’ I 1 vv -St M. »onili rontainii'K l«.o a' reg. all i vitix and l.elnx Brown. GOODS AT 'n Harner county, Oregon, ai d directing me'o were ^old at sheriff sale last Tues one colt, belonging to the under »ell aaid Ian» ’«» Io »« «•!.' »»i'i decree »» ma» !•<-. day. l’he average price was $24 signed. N «w. therefore. I will offer and «ell the »»i«l ZYli Sing's; land«, to-wI’: up a head, One Clydesdale Stallion Description and brands as fbl-j The F.'.of tne NW, an«l Ike W', of the NE>, HANDKERCHIEFS, OF FINEST “ILK, CH FAI se< 1» Tp 20 s. K EW M, Contaiiiing U.n bougl it bj Judge Miller told for lows: One bay horse, about 16| of a< rce '»tng and 1.» I ng in Haree. count v i >reg»n. $280. i.i -e her with all. and »Inktilar, the tenements TEA. exit A PA< KAUE; AH MANY Fl HF hands high, branded on l«-ft shoulder he <■ li'amen a.appur’enan« e».thermnlo «-eloiig & - IN THE LATEST STYLE. AND A in any manner appertaining to »ahi [We hear through a reliable C.\; one bay horse 14 A hands high, It««. <«r and CRAI KER“ AH A SMALL BOV CAN I \KKY all the right, title. Inter» at n ««I « » «»»urc* e that several voting students with large saddle marks on both I lav-:» l»te fren hiwes, p »». «»Ion. right of poi-»« s»l«m foRJioi. ALL OTHER THINGHAT MMX th« pr > jh r»> of flit-»ui 1 Frank M J«.rd.>ti bring anxious to pass an exaniina- sides, branded on the left shoulder I an.l and Tillie lordon. h » wife. an«l Fra: k Bn.s' KATE. 5- tion t for * teachers certificate, ami 0: one brown horse branded C| ' eei Imp etnetit ''■• .in ami to sabt land» and all e and every pert and parcel thereof v. hl< n feaii» Ig the results before the Uoun- on l«-ft shoulder, 4 years old; one they therein or thereto ha«l on the 5'h «lav of Ar Wm. My nail’s Shou. A NEW STOCK OF GOODS I lot* Noveml«er. A 1» l».«t». for < ash to the highest ON THE ROAD ty Examining Board, one of the hald face bay mar«', four white feet Md»'er, at ptibit- am tio i at the Court House On Corner st utli of Red Front Sta -on left shoulder; one door in ’be 'own of Burna. Harney county. Or I oard lieing tiieir teacher, she also branded ble in N. Brown’s building. I egon. rvMIr encing on M»>i «lay, 'he *.<» h <*a* of bared the result of an examination bay mare, star in forehead, branded - - - - julv. A 1>V»»1. at two o'clo« k. r w. of aaid dav ■■ \ (>n j ],.(■( «me sorrel . ai.«l a« y .«»erv'na 'he-e tn»y t-e. af er •«, is.'» Ing left nhouldcr: shoulder; <............... AH THERE! of her pupils, and she indue» <1 the (.' '.A ... . , .. , 'ad ■!«•' «<•» S77.10 «. d Intenst then-on an.l borse :««'<'Ut 14 or llj tlfluns Illgri. , he ‘Oatt -rue- s fee. mentioned therein and r- ' Ki rayed. Wcxt Birgains At f. t wbit. • a H f of qia Fli< i s. i nd exam- From Burns, on or about the 20tb | I «i_.t t<> fhetetiuriif Mirfrfprrpe. t.i -Jle.i •«-. »»r iin« «e thè t«n<>» <>f «ai»! «terree. t.i ; R. C. GEER'S; !■=> : ined the eamlidates herself, and fhe («vmen of thè «terree <>fFr«<uk Uro»' :m of May, on dark bay horse, branded nl • • .»herein in»-:"lone-I «>f J r. ri ■> d MANI F.M TI RER A DEALER gave some half dozen Permits to branded ( A on left shoulder and plem. i Intere«» «h«re.m from »ai- .-<1 da» of May, on left shoulder ~ , weight 1,4<MJ, IN ALL KINDS OF teach school in the counts. and also yearling colt branded C.\ on left *n A I» 1W1 ani FA 0 «t’orney tee uietitlo: • d shod with team shoes, right hind and »ccrutng ceri» has priwured H*h<*uls for th» in. < fur siioul'ler. and, when turned out.* tkrreln TINWARE. And nny over p.u» temainlnr after »atiar» fez ankle crooks out, 16 hands high, advi« e to the young teachers would had on a halter muzzle A liberal thè two dee ree, alHjve meut «■« e I. to le palli M or 9 years oid and very gentle. Tinware repaired. file c’erk ut ih;» cirart». ani h^t lo ih«- <«r«l«r be, if ;hey expect to get paid fur reward will be paid by the under-1 tu •»f Frank M Jordon tndTli ieJ-«rton. b:»«ife. Any one giving information of Also Dealer in Fishing Ta» k.e and after dedueiitic all legai «■■ » • *"d expenaea t heir Fervici s. to go before the _ Ex- sign» <l for their return to Burns, or; tlten eeetued or whlr h ma» ae< ruo whereal/outH will be litterally re Sporting G imh I h . information gh<n whereby they amir . In «Itsrw » hereof. I bava bere unto set my ' ‘"'I ! ! ' warded. M.N. F FGTLF.Y, ’ nnorndthi« l-lh • ay of JuM, A II IWI. O rkgon . lit« certificate in the regular and may be r covered. __ nosi A A. Co« ino, init«;r Burns, Ore. B urns CHARLES .\NDFRSON u T^ «t. Mtertffllaney < <»un«y. O««««»». I n rnp. r manner. Semi-Weekly Herald, 1891 B urns , H arney county , O regon . HAIR CUT SMOOTH SHAVE.