Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1891)
Semi-Weekly Herald, IIAKXKY < 1HATVS I’VTl’KE. Scrofula A Letter from Hon. C.S. Dustin. tn Its Worst Form—“White E ds . H erald : Enclosed find re Swelling’’ Cured. mittance for the renewal of my sub The remarkable effect )f Hood's Sarsa parilla in the following case illustrates the Editor scription, and 1 wish to add a few w.c. uriti» power of this medicine over all blood di* remarks by way of encouragement eases. •• My »on. 7 year» old, had a white »wel E x -S enator Blair always was t • your paper anti the citizens of ling come on his right leg below the knee, Tile Pioneer rather to much on the long-haired which contracted the muscles so that his Sen Harney county. leg was drawn up at right angles. Physi TV. JBJFLOAÄrJXT. man order to amount to much as a Thera is not a doubt in my mind cians lanced the »welling, which dis politician, or when he predicted that but that Harney county lias seen charged freely, but did not help him mate the republican platform next year him Daaler in Cenerai Merchandise, < her darkest days, and is now on rially. A I considered Confirmed Cripple. B urns ....................................................................................................... H arney C o ., would declare in favor of th»; free th»; eve of a bright dawning and a I was about to take him to Cincinnati fop coinage of silver. There is just as operat on. exp«-, ting his leg would have O regon . glorious future. The past year was an to be i t < n and b-g’n giving him Hood’s Su< s.-pat ilia in order to get up hf« much probability of its containing »lull and the present year is also siren . lh. The n. dicine woke up Ids ampe a tariff reform plank. lite, and soon pieces of bone were ais- Offi i dull, but with the advent of the charg« »1 fioni t core. We continued with Hood's Hui ... rilla, as it seemed to nii.ito i. ii gnM, and the discharge “B i . essed is the public man who i next, attention will io doubt be doiii'f from the. «on* de< rea»ed, the s,veiling went th ¡eg straightened out. and in a hath no son”, might well lie drawn to the great natural resources | down, S-.v niniHha ' • hail perfect use of his leg. Ho is now ».•pu-enlly as well as ever?’ by Mr. Harrison, as well as Seer« - of your country. Joirxf l . k : Notary Public, Ra The vast amount of vacant gov ve ns wood, '»V. V ptiAY, tary Blaine, Commissioner Baum h . ernment lands, the fine grazing hill Hood's Sarsaparilla anti a host of others. and mountain lands well watered, Bold by drueerlsrs. ?1; six fortf. PreparM J (1 S ome people might infer that and no better natural hay glows onlv by C. 1 *.ooD A Co., Apothecariajfe Lowell, Mass. Harney City, Oregon bug Secretary Foster’s change of heart than is found in Harney county IOO Doses One Dcllar D. L. & N. GRACE. Proprietors, ............. While not yet in full operation. i> doing EVERY VARIETY of Job Print as to the amount of interest to be Your grain lands arcsecond to none 3 «re ing neaily und'proniptly, BURNS ADVERTISEMENTS. paid on the extended 11 per cent in the state, umi your county is This office is strictly new in every respect, both type and presses, and skill —Or ful printers await employment. bonds just after a conference with superior in some respects in natur PRACTICAL SURVEYOIL Hand some of the Wall Street clique was al resources, and in extent of terri liansj in ... your ---- orders t . a . M c K innon , L.Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements. Envtl- ' queer; but it wasn’t. Wall Street tory. As a stock country, is there H. BOYD For Letter J W. ASHFORD, Bills, Calling Cards, , Business Cards, Posters, Hand has dictated the financial policy of a state or county in the Union its Wedding Cabinets, Funeral Notices, etc., ?TS opes, Ashford & Boyd. this Government so long, that it (superior? Your farming and hay rafAll Job Material is fresh, and of best quality. Prices reasoni'8^1 PHYSICIANS »t SURGEONS, —Rt scarcely excites ,ru 'i- comment when a , lands adjacent to the foot-hills and ___________________ <d 0 B urns ................................. O regon • «><li.-,il »»retarv of « the v lreiisur.v , . that . abound , , in • the « finest v . pavs peri 1 mountains BRUSH® office in W. E Grace's Drugstore. •MID ai Visits tu x,.w \ ork t„ rect)iVf. lumch grass the world produces. the orders of his masters. With another year will certainly j DR. M.M. HORTON , UllUUDppp, come the survey if not the actual i DENTIST............. B urns O regon . Mug. Elizabeth L Harrison, wid- . building of on«- or more railroads Office at regidence. Prepared to all kind of J T T Y , <t c —D work. owofthe President’s brother, lias into and through your country, and I dental r Cr Teeth extracted without pRin by aid of gtie». just been granb«l a pmishm and | BURNS. 0R ,Je v when these railroads are located by T. V. . EMBREE, M. I). given back pay amounting to $8,- -P. W. E GRACE P roprietor , i company able to build and equip office at liis r» «it’e> < e i>.. f he e»bt ide ot Sil '°f or 329.93 I It r application had l>< eo them properlv, Harney county will vie» River, ter trilet t»elow Burn». A Large Assortment of Jkin Over Herald Office. pre' lously disallowetl upon two then have an abundance of men of Town Attoruvv, nsei ,1. N AT. HUDSON, diflerent occasions, but then that means who will rapidly develope FINE CU LERY. NOTIONS, Etc-« ATTO R N E Y - A T - L A W. was liefore her brother in-law be- her resellrees. Office; BURN’S,OR. »•arm* President, Public ollie»* is a Has just been Received. W- » Tb< n her hav lands will advance family swap in the republican --------- 3—* — ocer GEO. S. SIZEMORE, in value four hundred per cent, ami PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPC^j creed. ATTORNEY, her catth* and horses now roaming ..................... O regon . Everything guaranteed pure and of the very best c ’’’d B urns , . E x -C ongressman Grosvenor’s de over her free range, will be worth I'olive.ions. Land burine««, und lteul PATENT MEDICINES SOLD AT MARKED PRIciu«e ______ »f nial of having insulted the foreign at least twenty tiv»* per cent more Estate matter ; romntlv altendtbi to. Hian at the present time. Some born citizens of Wisconsin, in a re W. W. Cardwell, cent news paper interview, is far if vour readers may think me vis- A TTO R N E Y - A T - L A XV. FREPJCM HO’A’Jiugi iomirv, hut time will prove that 1 B urns . O r . from conviction. 1 ‘ racti es in ail the -nur s of the State CHARLES ANDERSON - -- -- - -- - ra"b am correct, and before th»* close of Also, before die I’. S. Land Otlice. -T Now that we hav«* l>v the grace 1893 Harney county will have one or L and M atters a S pecialty . This House has a wide and well knov.n name, and v.t mrln ;l ; of the Chilian insurgents, obtained more railroads in course of construc m nt of the present proprietor it is bound to go further up tr|d I TONSORIAL PARLOR, possession of the ltata Hie question tion, if not completed. JOHN ROBINSON P bop . fame and renown. No paiu.s spared to please guests. C. S. D ustin . of w hat to do with her will beconu- Everything in their line guaranteed out* of the current conundrums JVttO22LtiVO ¿And or»n< to be done satisfactorily. The people at the World ’ s Dis- . If she is confiscated slit* should lx* place in Burns you kept until Match I. 1893, wh«*n she pensary of Buffalo. N. Y., have a I®“ The onlv fiT’Good table service, and tables furnished with all can g.*t baths. ■" 'Wee could be used to take the adminis stock taking time one«* a year and ...- .-Ji e s; what <io you think they do? Count tration on its trip up salt river ■—’ N. B R 0 W 17, the number of Lotties that’ve been j Buns-Canyon Stage Line. ip«j Stu Charles Tupper thinks the returned by the men and women R E A L ES' t T t VT a G E N T I. J ewitt , P roprietor . °fU \Xl> SEÎ I.TOWN PROPERTY. October eomerenee will result in who sav that Dr. Pierce’s Golden KFA1 BUY l eave« Burnson .Moiniais. wedneedaj«. and Frida,«. ESTATE IN THE cot STRY II \NDI.EH niiti tlie Ontario, Prineville, and Lakeview «-.agi«, at Burre»| ON coM Mtssl« >N trade rt eiprecity between the I'nit- Medical Discoverv or Dr. Pierce’s £^jp“t unnect» t «»RRESPONDENI E SOI ICITED lion« fur paafenger«. ed States and Canada, Th»* geii- Favorit«* Prescription didn’t do OFFICE A T N B RO W VS 8 1’0 R E. JflVe Burns,.................................Oregon. tlein in is over eontiden*, Mr. Bar what they said it would do. ’ HlSi Ami how many do you think risen has one more than on»* IM'fi • W- N, Jorgenson sion shown that lie was oppo«»*»I to they have to count? One in ten? Canadian reciprocity, ami if he Mot one in five hundred! • < 1 E. M<-KINNEY. ----- han Here are two r«*m»<iit's—on«* the doesn’t want it Mr Blain»* will be for "Gohlen M»*«lie:»l Discovery. ’ ’ Everything in our line of the Best. Liquors—Whr °n unable to arrange for it. . . ’ <‘8V regulating and invigorating the Wines, Fam v Drinks, etc., Cigars, etc., always I E x -C zar Reed is in Paris observ liver and purifying the l>lc«xi; the you call on ■Mack.’’at Drewsey. Harney otlu*r the hop«* of weeklv wonian- ing bow the French Chamber of Deputies manage« its business, I uhm I; they've Lien s< Id for year«, Watches: f!»• probable wants ti» introduce his solil bv the millio i bottli*s; sold un- I have Watch Movements of nil entirely original farce entiled the tier a positive guarante*. and n»«t “ It the leading American ami foreign »»min live hundred can sayi ‘ ‘The Phantom Quorum," to J«»hn- makers, from ordinary to best And was not th»* medicine tor me! ’ ’ nie Crn)>eau, aa th«' Americans quality as time k»*epen», and all in v«»u have »lecided never to allow its pro —is there anv reason whv JNO. W SAYER giHxl running ord« r and warranted. should I h * the one? Ami suppos- duetion in this eountrv again. Call and s«*e me. Always at mv ing vou are, what do you lose? Ab- p»»st. in N Brown’s building. M VNY years practiet* has given solutely nothing! —Are th« C. A Snow ,V Co solicitors of pat- best Surely th»* tnilleiiium is coming, I . fl 1 1 I w rut rttr »'ills at Washington D C„ nnsur- since Mr Harrison has actually Panivi F. Heal pass« d success in obtaining patent« put tw<* «lemiH'rats on the t*ench of f»r all classes of invention*, They the court of private land claims make a spccittllv of reje< te»i eases, The following are tin* justices of and have aeenred allowance of the new court: J. R R»*««i.of Iowa; All kin-»« uf warfare lumber thorcnehly aetarm^i for REDi’CED PRICE. many patent« that have been pre- \\ L Stone, «f Colorado II C Sluss. »>f Kansas T C Faller, of vmn«lv reject»<1 Their a«l vrrtise North Carolina; ami W. W Mur- u ment in another column will he of rv, of Tenn, The first named be- interest to inventor«, patente«*s. ing Chief Justice M G Remolds 4 UU.I I I 1 * ■ 1 I 11 I ’ nannfacturer* and all who I are to of Missouri ami I. W Colbv.Jof for rata’.'gue H Mar« r I’.niel F. , X ■ br .»«k t- t h> I 8 ntto'iievs N. w aahington. New Jenejr do w ith patents b Vri KOAY, JUNE JO, 1MH. O ffice I Il 14V “VIU, ---------------- the D rewsey S aloon J ì <_/ -P h