Bess Trefoil’s Reward he «aid. “Flora told me—” Cousin Thankful wagged her head of stiff gray curls: BY AMY RANDOLPH. ‘‘You can’t put no dependence in what Flcra Trefoil says,” declared CHAPTER II. she “She’s allays tryin’ to put “ didn ’ t HE ASK WHERE I WAS?” other people in the background. 1 jest wish you could ’a’ seen Bess From New York Le lger: “Bess has made up her mind not 'cryin’over her work,’arter you’d to come,” said she in answer to all gone away and left her last y< u ig Cotesworth’.* eager inquiry. night!” “Do you think,” said Cotesworth “She had a chance to do a little ex­ tra sewing for extra pay. and tit ar seizing his monstrous nippers as if Combine» the juice of the Blue Figs of Bess is dreadfully fond ot money with fatal intent, “she would Be at California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants for one so y< ung. Quite a miser, home if I were to call to-night?” known to be most beneficial to the Cousin Thankful looked wondei- you know.” And Flora’s laugh human system, forming the ONEY PER­ FECT REMEDY to act gently yet rang out sweet and clear, above the ously sage. promptly on the -J “Ef I was you, Charlie,” said she, jingle of the sleigh-bells. It was Im g | ast midnight when “I’d go to the dressmakers place —AND Tv* — the gay party return-d. but B-ss aud sort o’ calculate to walk home Cleanse the Sy» Effectually, still sat rewing at the machine. with her. <">r else, like’s not. you —• SO THAT - will find yourself caught in some of She listened, with a pale, set face, PURE BLOOD, to Flora’s exagg. rated description Flora’s tricks ami traps, 1 hain’t REFRESHING SL. EP, HEALTH and STRENGTH of the “delightful time they had no confidence in Flora.” Naturally follow. Everv one is using it Mr. Cothsworth availed himself hail.” and all are delighted with it. Ask yout “I’d nelp you. Bess, if I wasn’t of the old woman's hint, When druggist for SYRUP OF ILGS. Manu­ factured only l>y the so awfully tired,” said Flora, with bess Trefoil came out of Madame Enrico ’ s little side-door that even ­ CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. yawn. “Are you nearly through?” S an F rancisco , C al . ing. into the dark street, where the Bess smiled. l»in*.c*. Her face shone radiant under the “Was he? Didn’t he ask where FOR SALE &Y row of theatre-lamps which they I was?” NEW HOME SEWING MA­ Flora shook her head. Where ! were just passing. CHINE CO., 725 Market St., San Francisco. Cal was the use. she thought, of eneour i “Really?” (It seemed such a sillv thing to Paicfic Department. aging Bess t<> think too much of the handsome young steam-titter, I say, but what else was there for whom she. Flora, had fuljv deter­ her?) They were in a dark place now; he drew her arm in his. mined to make her own prey? “We can walk better under one “I'm so tired of this everlasting dressmaking,” said Flora to her­ umbrella—so,” lie said. “I wonder, * xF.hiCY .tor self. “And Charles Cotesworth j Boss, what vou would say if*1 were would be a husband for any girl to to ask vou to walk through all the years of life at my side.” be proud of ” “I think,” niurnrired Bess, “I tnf Information nnut on my my clothes, v when t > gt. »:p alone, or to put with moths. She set up all night kin i Providence . that Flora ought to JOHN WEDDERBURN, Manager, using miraculous and to the aston­ tils F Street, Northwest Washing­ ishment all effect, the guests at the hotel, have done, but she somehow con­ in a fe w days,I sm happy to state, ton, D. I'. trived to pu.-h it off on to Bess- Will prattle« »n ’vr that 1 was a n«.w man I will^t’ Court cf the recx-mmend the lea to all afflicted t'uiird st» «-* b«- »air» .» »tins. th»> several Flora allays was a selfi-di erwtur*— four as 1 UMb*e been. »of 'he I »1st rn . '■•-• ■rararvwa^L artuattv •ir« ! jm bees. of sarcrtbee t*ras¿ K-.a •h igh rid«- awful l ad! But she EM'S, UAVEAIS, TRADE I. . ua.r, ETtHCSXXl IX t \tr>\ I T. ; HüGENUULLY. Ipr km ■wed ef she I al lite place at M ARKS, etc. NO H E UNLE S PATENT Madame \\'wh.'r name's, there IS SECURED. < ORRESl’OND- wouldn’t I e no rent pant m»r cloths EN’CE S »LlCU i'D. bought f >r Mr». Trefoil!" STODOAilT à CO., Charles Co(«-»w«»rth straight. ntr it VIM «',J “She really wanted to go then.’" U A. HIM: r<»N. I» C. KIDNEYS, LIVER IND DOWELS E xaminer B ureau O f 1891, TF>ayette JN"ursery, Of Pavette Idaho. HARDY TREES SPECIALTY. Haatjer’s Masazii illustrate nl ILLUSTRATEI». 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